00:00 *musique de l'épisode "The Bandit"*
00:21 "Halt !"
00:22 "Y a eu le bandit ?"
00:24 *bruit de voiture*
00:26 *bruit de coup*
00:28 "So..."
00:30 *bruit de coup*
00:32 "Sunday drivers !"
00:34 *bruit de coup*
00:36 "This is a hold up !"
00:38 "Snarl Del Conejo !"
00:40 "Oh ! D-d-d-dear, who can save us now ?"
00:44 "Have no fear, citizens !"
00:46 "It is I, the Masked Avenger !"
00:50 "Oh no ! Oh no ! Not the... uh... Masked Avenger ! No !"
00:55 *cri de peur*
00:57 "Thank you, Mr. Avenger !"
01:00 "No need for thanks, citizens !"
01:02 "Masked Avenger, away !"
01:06 *cri de peur*
01:10 "Uh... Read me another Masked Offender story, Christopher Robin, please ! Oh, please !"
01:16 "Uh... Tomorrow, Tigger !"
01:18 "Oh, I'd love to be just like that Masked Offender !"
01:21 "What a guy ! What a hero ! Just like a Tigger !"
01:24 "On a karna he's the only one !"
01:27 "Very odd ! My own door won't let me in !"
01:39 "Who is it ?"
01:41 "It's me, Piglet !"
01:45 "Yeah ? What do you want ?"
01:47 "I... I live here !"
01:52 "Oh yeah ! Then you're just the Piglet I was looking for !"
01:56 "Yo !"
01:58 "Say, got any thread ?"
02:01 "Uh... Yes, over there !"
02:04 "Feathers ?"
02:05 "Yes, Tigger. But if you don't mind my asking..."
02:09 "Hey, can I borrow this ?"
02:13 "Oh no !"
02:15 "Thought they were all gonna crash, didn't ya ?"
02:21 "Um... Who is it ?"
02:23 "Ta-da !"
02:25 "Who are you ?"
02:28 "Why, I'm the Protector of the Forest !"
02:30 "Champion of the underdog !"
02:32 "And not a household pet ! Fouche !"
02:34 "I wrestle bulls ! I hawk ! I heff a lump !"
02:38 "I am... The Masked Offender !"
02:41 "And you, Seraphine, have the honor of being my faithful flykick !"
02:46 "Who are you ?"
02:48 "You do the really important flykick-y stuff !"
02:51 "Like, uh... Carrying my hero suit !"
02:54 "Oh, thank you !"
02:56 "But you must promise never to reveal my true identity !"
03:01 "But I don't know your true identity !"
03:05 "Why, he-he-he-he-he !"
03:07 "It's me, Tigger !"
03:09 "He-he-he-he-he !"
03:11 "Oh..."
03:13 "Masked Offender, away !"
03:15 "Oh, no !"
03:17 "Masked Offender, away !"
03:19 "Ha ha ha ha !"
03:25 "I forgot my hat !"
03:27 "Now, you never know where evil lurches !"
03:32 "You gotta keep your eyes peeled !"
03:34 "Look, faithful flykick !"
03:37 "An evildoer's sneaking up on Bunny Boy !"
03:40 "Quick ! A hero suit !"
03:42 "Yay !"
03:44 "Have no fear, seraphine !"
03:46 "Masked Offender, to the rescue !"
03:49 "What are you doing ?"
03:54 "No, no !"
03:56 "My scarecrow !"
03:58 "No need for thanks, seraphine !"
04:00 "Masked Offender, away !"
04:02 "But... But... The crows !"
04:06 "They leave everything in my... In my... My garden !"
04:11 "Look, faithful flykick !"
04:14 "Gopher's roof is full of holes !"
04:16 "Do you know what this means ?"
04:18 "Well, uh... Masked Offender, I'm not sure it means anything."
04:22 "Why, when it rains, he'll be flooded, he'll be mudded !"
04:25 "We gotta save him ! Quick ! The hero suit !"
04:29 "Masked Offender, to the rescue !"
04:32 "Hey ! What's going on here, honey ?"
04:43 "No need for thanks, seraphine !"
04:45 "Masked Offender, away !"
04:47 "Who's thanking you, you big... ?"
04:50 "But, Masked Offender, there's nothing here to... Nothing to rescue."
05:01 "Nothing to rescue ? Then what's that ?"
05:05 "Owl's house."
05:06 "Exactically ! Obviously, this tree grew up under it when Owl was looking."
05:11 "He's in terrible danger ! Why, if he sleepwalks, he might fall and bend his beak !"
05:16 "Excuse me, Owl, but were you planning on moving ?"
05:22 "No, Pooh."
05:24 "Then why are we..."
05:26 "Masked Offender, away !"
05:34 "And then, on top of that, he fed my garden to the crows !"
05:40 "He destroyed my home !"
05:42 "Yeah, mine too !"
05:44 "We've got to stop this Masked Offender ! What do you think, Pooh ?"
05:49 "Well, we..."
05:50 "I have it ! We'll give him a taste of his own medicine !"
05:54 "I second the motion !"
05:56 "Yeah, I third and fourth it !"
06:00 "Oh, dear, I must find Tigger !"
06:03 "A little more on his head."
06:07 "More glue ?"
06:08 "And molasses too ! Wait till the Masked Offender sees this !"
06:13 "Oh, help me, Masked Offender !"
06:17 "A therapist needs me !"
06:19 "Masked Offender, to the rescue !"
06:22 "Masked Offender, don't go !"
06:25 "Ta-da !"
06:29 "Oh, it's horrible ! It's... it's..."
06:33 "Oh, you don't say ! Yeah..."
06:36 "It's as big as a... a... a... a..."
06:39 "Really ? That is terrible !"
06:42 "Oh, it's a... it's a... Watchamadingo !"
06:46 "A Watchamadingo, huh ?"
06:48 "It's back there !"
06:50 "We're supposed to be running from it, you see."
06:55 "He's so scared, he's speechless !"
06:59 "Have no fear, citizens ! The Masked Offender, to the rescue !"
07:06 "Yuck ! Scaraface, only a mother Watchamadingo could love !"
07:10 "So you're the bully's been bullying my friend, eh ?"
07:13 "All right, put up your dukes ! Put up your dukes !"
07:17 "Okay, I warned you !"
07:20 "Masked Offender, away !"
07:24 "Wait ! Yes, yes !"
07:29 "Hey, let me go, let me go !"
07:32 "Let me go, let me go !"
07:35 "Oh, Masked Offender, you saved us !"
07:42 "Oh, d... d... d... dear, I'm too late !"
07:51 "Are you all right ?"
08:00 "Tigger, you're the Masked Offender ?"
08:04 "Not anymore."
08:07 "I guess you were right, Piglet."
08:10 "Nobody wants a Masked Offender."
08:14 "Poor Tigger !"
08:16 "Poor Tigger ? Well, even if we didn't know it was him, he still ruined my garden !"
08:25 "This... glue seems to be getting... gluey-er."
08:32 "Help, somebody ! Help !"
08:50 "Piglet, we're stuck !"
08:53 "Tigger ! Tigger, come quickly ! The others are in danger !"
08:58 "It's a job for the Masked Offender !"
09:01 "Sorry, pal. Nothin' doin'."
09:04 "But... but they need you !"
09:06 "If anybody needs me, which I doubt, I'll be in here for the rest of my life. It's not long."
09:14 "Well, there are friends and I'm going to help."
09:19 "P... Piglet, away !"
09:23 "Piglet, away ?"
09:26 "Masked Offender, away !"
09:36 "Mist !"
09:49 "Well, what do you know ? Watch 'em, O'Dingles. Bounce !"
09:55 "There you go, Owl ! Good as new !"
10:09 "You still have to fix my garden ?"
10:11 "Oh, yeah. You know, it was a lot less work when I was the Masked Offender."
10:17 "Maybe I should stop being a Tigger and go full-time being a hero."
10:21 "Oh, Tigger, remember what happened last time."
10:24 "Yeah, you're right, Piglet. I guess I'll keep the hero suit and mothballs for a while."
10:31 "But then again, you never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
10:38 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
10:46 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
10:52 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
10:58 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:04 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:10 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:14 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:19 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:24 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:29 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:34 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:39 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:43 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:47 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:51 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:55 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
11:59 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
12:03 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
12:07 "Oh, yeah. You never know when there'll be a call for... the Masked Offender !"
12:11 "Hey, Piglet ! Better get home, too !"
12:13 "Don't wanna be out here with the lights out !"
12:15 "The woods is full of bumpities and spookables !"
12:19 "Spookables ? Oh, dear !"
12:22 "Oh, d-d-d-d-deary dear !"
12:24 "What was that ?"
12:40 "Either the moon's got termites... or it's them spookables !"
12:45 "I'd better investigate !"
12:47 "Oh, dear ! I don't like it when the night... squeezes me !"
12:57 "Oh, dear ! I don't like it when the night... squeezes me !"
13:01 "Oh, dear ! I don't like it when the night... squeezes me !"
13:05 "Oh, dear ! I don't like it when the night... squeezes me !"
13:09 "Squeaks !"
13:11 "There ! What I can't hear can't hurt me !"
13:20 "Oh ! N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no !"
13:26 "Shh ! Oh, much better ! Now I can't see or hear it !"
13:31 "B-b-b-b-but what if it can see and hear me ?"
13:37 "Help ! Ooooooh !"
13:40 "Oh, dear ! I have to get to Pooh's house. He'll know what to do !"
13:46 "Waaaaaah !"
13:48 "Poooh !"
13:53 "Hmm... Something mighty strange going on around here !"
13:58 "Waaaaaah !"
14:06 [musique]
14:22 - Oh ! Un fantôme !
14:24 - Où ? Où ?
14:25 [cri]
14:36 - Gasp ! Un Spookable !
14:38 - No bumpity's gonna get the drop on me !
14:41 [cri]
14:42 - Hey Eeyore ! What you doing out here acting all scary like ?
14:48 - Learning to swing. Don't get a chance during the day.
14:53 - Oh ! The poor guy !
14:56 - Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Well don't worry ! I'll learn you to swing like a nightingale !
15:01 - I can hardly wait.
15:04 - What I wanna know is how we're supposed to catch a ghost.
15:09 - Surprise !
15:11 - Why thank you, Robert !
15:14 - Is it my birthday again so soon ?
15:18 - No ! No ! No ! We have to catch the ghost by surprise !
15:23 - I'll surprise him with this !
15:29 - Oh ! I say ! I do hate to bring this up, but before we confront the apparition, we do have to find him, don't we ?
15:41 - That's right ! Unless he finds us first !
15:46 [musique]
15:53 [bruit de bouche]
15:54 - Since you're having trouble holding on to the swing, this glue will hold the swing on to you !
15:59 [cri]
16:00 [musique]
16:09 - I got a sticky feeling about this.
16:13 - One, two, three, sho !
16:18 - Yeaaaaaah !
16:21 - Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
16:23 - Works on this end.
16:25 - Ah ha ! Hey, Eeyore ! I know what the problem is !
16:29 - Glad somebody does.
16:32 - It's not your swinging, it's your landings ! Ha ! Them I can fix !
16:37 [bruit de bouche]
16:43 - Je devrais être courageux, au moins assez courageux pour voir quelque chose à côté de mes pieds.
16:48 - Mais supposons que j'ai vu quelque chose à côté de mes pieds.
16:53 - Pouuuuuu !
16:57 - As-tu entendu ça ?
16:59 - C'est le ghost !
17:02 - C'est maintenant ton chance de le surprendre, Robert.
17:06 - Peut-être qu'il faudrait juste l'écrire en un lettre ?
17:12 - J'ai quelque chose de spécial pour le faire.
17:17 - Suivez-moi !
17:19 [musique]
17:22 - Mon Dieu, c'est certainement sombre ici.
17:28 [musique]
17:36 - Excuse-moi.
17:38 - C'est pas mal.
17:40 - Merci.
17:41 - C'est un ghost !
17:43 [bruit de chute]
17:45 - Pouuuuuu !
17:48 [bruit de chute]
17:52 - C'est un ghost !
17:54 - Où ? Où ?
17:55 - Ouais !
17:57 - Oh !
17:59 - Yaaaaa !
18:02 [bruit de chute]
18:05 - Poubert ?
18:07 - Oh, salut Piglet !
18:09 - Qu'est-ce que tu faisais en t'envoyant dans ce ghost ?
18:15 - Eh bien, tu vois, il y avait...
18:19 - Je savais qu'il n'y avait pas de ghosts tout le temps.
18:24 - Oh, mais il y a un ghost, Rabbit. J'ai... j'ai entendu.
18:28 - Oui, Piglet. Et nous avons entendu aussi.
18:32 - Ha ! Ghosts !
18:35 - Oh, là, c'est !
18:37 - Eh bien, on va en faire une enquête.
18:42 - Hum, tu sais ce que tu dois avoir ?
18:45 - Mon déchets examiné.
18:48 - Non ! Un protége-pied-de-sang !
18:51 - Magnifique.
18:54 - Là ! Maintenant, tu sais de quelle direction tu dois aller.
18:57 - Tenez le devant !
19:00 - Prêt ?
19:02 - Non, mais vas-y.
19:05 - Charge !
19:08 [bruit de chute]
19:11 [bruit de chute]
19:14 - Allez, tes chatons !
19:17 - Rien ici, mais...
19:20 [bruit de chute]
19:23 - Ghost !
19:26 - Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
19:29 - Ah ! Ha ! Ha !
19:32 - Hi, ya, Boo Boy ! Ha ! Ha !
19:35 - What are you guys doing out in the darkity-dark ?
19:38 - That's no ghost.
19:41 - That's Tigger.
19:44 - Then what's that ?
19:47 - I don't know.
19:50 - Help !
19:53 - Must have been the wrong chord.
20:01 - Oh, dear !
20:04 - Ghost !
20:15 - Hey, qu'est-ce qui vous prend ?
20:18 - Regarde !
20:20 - Quoi ? Ça ? Ha ! C'est uniquement Eeyore.
20:24 - Surprise, surprise.
20:27 - Oh, mon Dieu, c'est Eeyore.
20:30 - C'est Eeyore.
20:33 - Je dis incroyable.
20:36 - Oh, c'est vrai.
20:39 - Bien, mais qu'est-ce qui se passe avec mon fantôme ?
20:42 - Non, pas de fantôme.
20:45 - C'est juste un chien qui s'éloigne de son parachute.
20:48 - S'éloigne de son parachute ?
20:51 - Hey, Eeyore, tu s'éloignes.
20:54 - Hurray pour moi.
20:57 - Oui, il est sorti de la nuit pour s'entraîner.
21:00 - Et je suis son coach.
21:03 - Donc, il n'y avait pas de fantôme tout le temps ?
21:09 - Non, il n'y avait pas d'Eeyore.
21:12 - Et il est un fantôme amiable.
21:15 - Oh, mon Dieu, regarde.
21:18 - Oh, je vois. Ça semble bien.
21:21 - Ouais. Attendez un instant, petit chien.
21:24 - Je veux tourner.
21:27 - Moi, en suivant. Moi, en suivant.
21:30 - Hé, comment ça va ?
21:33 - Oh...
21:36 (crissement de pneus)
21:39 - J'espère qu'on ne va pas devoir faire ça
21:42 chaque fois qu'il veut tourner.
21:46 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
21:49 ...
21:52 *musique*