• last year
(Adnkronos) - UniCredit ha inaugurato a Torino il terzo anno accademico della UniCredit University Italy, confermando gli ingenti investimenti del Gruppo bancario europeo nell'education.

Nata nel 2022 come progetto pilota in Italia, la University è stata successivamente estesa e sviluppata a beneficio di tutti i dipendenti nei 13 Paesi del Gruppo, consentendo loro un approccio su misura all'apprendimento e allo sviluppo di competenze professionali per ciascun'area di business e funzione aziendale.


00:00Unicredit has inaugurated in Turin the third academic year of Unicredit University Italy,
00:11confirming the urgent investments of the European Banking Group in education.
00:15Born in 2022 as a pilot project in Italy, the University was subsequently extended and developed
00:21to the benefit of all employees in the 13 countries of the Group, allowing them a tailor-made approach
00:26to learning and development of professional skills for each area of business and corporate function.
00:32In addition to Unicredit University, education is also delivered through the Banking Academy and Unicredit Foundation
00:39to allow the development of the communities in which the Group operates,
00:42providing instruction to the services of the main stakeholders, in particular employees and customers.
00:48We like to call the University the gym where we train our talents.
00:52We believe that each person has a talent and a talent must be trained, continuously trained.
00:56We deal with employee education, we do it with the Banking Academy, with the customers
01:01and we do it with the third sector, with the Foundation, therefore Education for All.
01:05An integrated education that starts from the skills but cannot dispense with the soft skills
01:12that put together really create a good manager.
01:16There cannot be only financial education without education for the person.
01:21We accompany all our colleagues in upskilling and reskilling towards those new skills
01:27that will be useful for us to do our job well in the future.
01:31Starting with insurance, embracing digital and above all all our ESG themes
01:37in which we will have to accompany our customers with transition plans suitable for the concept of sustainability.
01:45In the last year, Unicredit University has delivered more than 2 million hours of training in Italy
01:51with more than 4,500 virtual classrooms for 22,000 employees.
01:56And this thanks to an innovative system of Group Digital Learning
02:00that guarantees access to more than 70,000 training contents.
02:03I hope that year after year we will improve the content that is already high
02:07and this will allow us to offer to our people and to our customers
02:14and also more generally to the communities where we are
02:18something that goes beyond the bank but touches the institution
02:23which is then the point, the thread of connection above all.
