• l’année dernière


00:00 [Musique]
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00:13 [Musique]
00:41 When the breakout party broke out, they'd all try to break out.
00:45 Oh no, it's that Weisenheimer's self-styled super sleuth, Lieutenant Motley!
00:53 Hey, what are you scribbling?
01:04 - I scribble...clues. - Clues? Let me see.
01:08 You heard me, Lieutenant. That's an order.
01:11 I don't see any clues.
01:15 You bring in Breakout Barney in 24 hours, or turn in your badge!
01:24 South of the border, down Mexico way...
01:29 Time for a prison break, lunch break.
01:37 A little humor there.
01:39 A bigger burger with everything, sir.
01:45 Swirl, sweetheart. But you forgot the ketchup.
01:49 Thanks, waitress.
01:53 Lieutenant Motley!
01:57 Well, it's gonna take more than a canine copper to take me in, so go take a spin!
02:05 While I take a spin south to the border!
02:08 Pressure, pressure, pressure.
02:14 Five miles to the border, and five miles away from Merriment, Mariachi Cheese and Mumbly.
02:22 What? You again?
02:28 Yup. Give up.
02:30 Me give up?
02:32 Ha! I'm getting out of here in my secret escape device!
02:37 See you around, Lieutenant. About 5,000 feet up!
02:43 Ah! There's the border now!
02:49 Yeah! I'd like to see Mumbly's face now!
02:55 Oh no! Why'd I have to say that?
03:01 Enjoy your life, Mumbly, but when we land, I'll be in Mexico!
03:06 Pretty tricky, Mumbly, but not as tricky as breakout Bonnie!
03:16 Pressure, pressure, pressure.
03:22 Yahoo! Mexico, here I come!
03:29 Border up ahead. Oh boy, I can smell those refried beans!
03:35 The Rio Grande. That means Mexico's on the other side!
03:41 I've got it made now. Once across this little puddle, it's Señorita's, Sunshine and Cha-Cha-Cha!
03:56 Yahoo! I made it! Now to head for town to celebrate!
04:01 Wow! How's that for luck? Hey, taxi! Over here!
04:07 Take me to town and don't spare the El Horsey power, amigo!
04:14 Oh boy, oh boy! That must be Mexico City!
04:21 Except it don't look like Mexico City. In fact, this don't look like Mexico!
04:27 Very peculiar. Hey, amigo, are you sure you know where you're going?
04:33 -Sai, sai. -Sai, sai?
04:36 -Si. -Oh no!
04:41 Oh!
04:43 Bienvenue à bord, vol 107 pour la ville de Mexico.
04:55 Oui, c'est mieux. Je pourrais bien éviter la classe de voix.
05:00 Hey, stewardess! Un petit favori de la femme.
05:04 Impossible!
05:10 Yeah!
05:12 This will keep mumbling out while I land this plane and head for the border!
05:34 Oh boy! Made it! Except we're going the wrong way!
05:40 The border's back that way and only one block! Yahoo!
05:46 Oui! One block and I'm free!
05:51 Music! I must be in Mexico now! Yahoo!
05:58 Musica! Señoritas! Reholas! And best of all, no mumbling!
06:06 -Over here, señorita! -Si, señor!
06:11 -Give me the best you got. I'm celebrating! -Oh, si, señor!
06:16 And to think, el Dumbo detective thought he could bring in Breakout Bonnie!
06:24 -Enjoy your celebration, señor! -I sure will!
06:28 No! No! No! I can't take it no more!
06:37 I'm gonna go where mumbling will never find me! A place of peace and solitude!
06:44 A place where I'll never have to see that flamantic detective again!
06:48 Let me in! Let me in!
06:53 Oh non! That length! That face! Mumbly!
06:59 You failed, Mumbly! You'll never bring in Breakout Bonnie because Breakout Bonnie is gonna break in!
07:11 -Safe at last! -Breakout Bonnie? You'll get another ten years for breaking out!
07:21 Make it twenty, warden! As long as I never have to face that Mumbly again!
07:27 *Rire*
07:29 *Cris*
