• il y a 6 mois


00:00 "Very, very small."
00:02 "I'm Ben Elf."
00:04 "And I'm Princess Holly."
00:07 "Come on, let's play."
00:11 "Wait for us."
00:12 "Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom."
00:20 "Today's adventure starts at the little castle."
00:28 "Granny and Grandpapa."
00:31 "What on earth is that?"
00:33 "Hello everyone."
00:35 "Wow, a talking card."
00:37 "Uh, who sent you?"
00:39 "Granny Thistle."
00:41 "My mother."
00:42 "And I am here to invite you all to a magical party."
00:46 "Party, party."
00:48 "To get to the party, you'll need to catch the magic bus."
00:53 "Oh dear, I'm always a bit worried when we go there."
00:57 "Granny's house is so full of magic."
01:00 "But don't you fairies like magic?"
01:02 "Yes, but Granny and Grandpapa like dangerous magic."
01:06 "So their house isn't very child-friendly."
01:09 "That's one way of putting it."
01:11 "Hello."
01:15 "Ah, magic in the elf tree."
01:18 "You're invited to a magical party."
01:22 "Me? There must be some mistake."
01:25 "You are the wise old elf?"
01:27 "Yes."
01:28 "You're invited to Granny Thistle's party."
01:31 "You'll need to catch the magic bus."
01:34 "Oh dear."
01:36 "This magic bus is very late."
01:40 "Oh, hello wise old elf."
01:42 "Are you coming to Granny's party?"
01:44 "Uh, yes, I seem to have been invited."
01:47 "I was at college with your Granny and Grandpapa a long, long time ago."
01:54 "Typical, you wait ages for a magic bus."
01:57 "Then three come at once."
01:59 "All aboard!"
02:00 "I don't like this, there's no driver."
02:04 "I don't need a driver, I'm a magic bus."
02:07 "All set, going up."
02:10 "I really don't like this."
02:14 "Next stop, Granny and Grandpapa's."
02:19 "When we get to Granny and Grandpapa's, don't touch anything that looks magical."
02:26 "Yes, Mummy."
02:27 "Remember, Granny's magic can be a bit strong."
02:30 "Yes, Daddy."
02:31 "What about Grandpapa Thistle?"
02:33 "Grandpapa Thistle? Oh, he's completely bonkers."
02:37 "Whatever you do, don't ask him about his hobbies."
02:41 "Grandpapa, Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa."
02:43 "Last stop, Granny and Grandpapa's."
02:47 "Everybody up!"
02:49 "Wow, a castle in the clouds!"
02:53 "Let's ring the bell."
02:57 "No Ben, don't touch it. Don't touch anything."
03:01 "I'll ring the bell."
03:02 "Oh, it seems to be an ordinary bell this time."
03:07 "Usually something jumps."
03:09 "I am Surprisa the Spider."
03:13 "Hello, Mother."
03:14 "Oh, you guessed it was me."
03:17 "Hello, Granny."
03:18 "Darlings, darlings, darlings."
03:21 "Hello, Granny Thistle."
03:23 "Hello, Ben. Welcome to my party. Ah, Cedric."
03:28 "Hello, Millicent."
03:29 "Come along inside, darlings. We're going to have such fun."
03:33 "You've got a rainbow inside your house."
03:40 "Yes, rainbows are so much better than stairs, unless the weather changes."
03:46 "Oh dear, looks like a storm is brewing."
03:50 "Maybe you should think about getting some ordinary stairs one day, Mother."
03:55 "Ordinary stairs? What would be the fun in that?"
03:58 "Or like a fairy cake."
04:04 "Mmm, these cakes are amazing."
04:09 "Mmm, yum yum yum, delicious."
04:12 "Of course, they are magical fairy cakes."
04:17 "Mummy, why can't we have magic cakes like this?"
04:20 "We don't need to do everything by magic, darling."
04:24 "Honestly, it's as if your parents think the magic will run out if they use it too much."
04:29 "Cedric, you're not eating. Will you have a fairy cake?"
04:33 "Well, all right."
04:37 "Oh, I'm flying! Put me down!"
04:41 "Oh well, if you insist."
04:43 "Magic always leads to trouble."
04:48 "But you used to love magic."
04:51 "That was a long time ago. Thank goodness none of you could see me then."
04:56 "Oh, I think I've got some old pictures somewhere."
04:59 "Why not help? Did you like magic?"
05:06 "In those days, I wasn't the wise old elf. I was a foolish young elf."
05:12 "We had such fun. You simply adore magic."
05:16 "Yes, but that was before the incident of the monkey kittens."
05:21 "The monkey kittens? What happened?"
05:24 "I think I've got a picture of that too."
05:26 "No!"
05:27 "Oh well, another time. Now for the party games!"
05:31 "Hooray!"
05:33 "We still have to finish Hide and Seek from last time."
05:36 "We never found Grand-Papa. He's been hiding for a year."
05:40 "Hiding? For a whole year?"
05:43 "Yes, he does take the game very seriously."
05:46 "We'll find him!"
05:48 "Leave it to us!"
05:50 "Grand-Papa, where are you?"
05:54 "What's that?"
05:56 "It's a shoe tree!"
05:58 "Wow!"
06:00 "Grand-Papa, thistle!"
06:02 "Grand-Papa!"
06:04 "Ooh, fish swimming through the air!"
06:07 "Cool!"
06:08 "Awesome!"
06:09 "Hee hee hee!"
06:11 "Grand-Papa-Papa-Papa!"
06:13 "Grand-Papa-Papa-Papa-Papa-Papa-Papa!"
06:15 "Bless me, it's the twins! You found me at last!"
06:19 "Grand-Papa!"
06:21 "And Holly, my dear! Did I win the game?"
06:24 "Oh, Dad, have you really been hiding there all year?"
06:28 "It's worth playing, it's worth playing right."
06:31 "Hello, Victor."
06:33 "Cedric, old bean!"
06:35 "This is my best friend, Ben!"
06:37 "Delighted to meet you, Ben!"
06:39 "Don't ask him about his hobbies!"
06:41 "What's that? Hobbies? You want to hear about my hobbies?"
06:45 "Uh, well..."
06:46 "Did you know I've been doing some inventing?"
06:49 "Yes! Last year, you showed us your jammed trousers!"
06:52 "Did I? What about my custard shoes?"
06:55 "Those, too!"
06:56 "I've taken up lots of new hobbies, like woodwork."
06:59 "Sounds quite harmless."
07:01 "Here's a wooden chair I made."
07:03 "It looks surprisingly like an ordinary chair!"
07:06 "Yes, but then I asked myself, why should a chair have legs and not be able to walk?"
07:12 "Here, boy!"
07:14 "It can walk!"
07:16 "Yes, indeed!"
07:18 "Oh! It doesn't like being sat on!"
07:21 "No, that's the problem with walking chairs."
07:25 "And also, I've been doing some gardening."
07:28 "Gardening? That sounds relatively safe!"
07:31 "I asked myself, why should a tulip have leaves?"
07:35 "Why not hands? Or even feet?"
07:38 "And I gave it a brain!"
07:40 "Master!"
07:41 "And a voice!"
07:42 "Master!"
07:44 "What do you think of my gardening, Cedric?"
07:46 "This isn't gardening! This is an abomination!"
07:50 "Daddy, what's an abomination?"
07:52 "That tulip!"
07:54 "I do like my hobbies."
07:56 "Frogs!"
07:57 "I asked myself, why should a frog have just two eyes?"
08:01 "Why not ten? Or twenty-three?"
08:04 "Oh, that's enough, dear!"
08:06 "We don't care about your silly old hobbies!"
08:08 "Yes, I'm forgetting myself."
08:11 "It's your party, darling."
08:13 "And I've arranged a fantastic surprise!"
08:16 "What's the surprise?"
08:18 "I dread to think."
08:19 "To the top of the tower!"
08:23 "Granny Thistle loves looking at the stars."
08:26 "Oh, yes! Stars are very pretty!"
08:29 "So I asked myself, why do we have to look at the stars from down here?"
08:34 "Why not up there in the sky?"
08:37 "Wow! The tower's turned into a rocket!"
08:47 "Aren't the stars beautiful, Granny?"
08:50 "They certainly are, darling!"
08:52 "Very nice!"
08:53 "Uh, Dad, how do you land this thing?"
08:56 "No idea, son."
08:58 "This is magic!"
08:59 "I don't have to know what I'm doing."
09:01 "I may not know much about magic, but I do know how to land a rocket."
09:06 "Look! We're back home!"
09:12 "And we survived the party!"
09:14 "Thank you for landing the rocket, Cedric."
09:17 "My pleasure, Millicent."
09:20 "Bye, everyone!"
09:22 "Goodbye!"
09:23 "Where to now? Home?"
09:25 "No, let's head to the sun and see what it's made of."
09:29 "Groovy!"
09:31 [Générique de fin]
09:35 [Générique de fin]
09:39 [Générique de fin]
09:43 [Générique de fin]
09:46 *Musique de fin*
