When everything appears unsure and uncertain || Acharya Prashant

  • 5 months ago

Video Information: 13.09.2022, Chanakya University, Bangalore

~ How do one deal with trust issues?
~ How to make good friends?
~ What to do when friends backstab?
~ How to not be betrayed by others?
~ What are the worth of your gossips?
~ What are your friends like?

Music Credits: Milind Date

#acharyaprashant #friends #relationship #trust #trustworthy
00:00 Acharya Prashant has taken on the solemn project of bringing the essence of Vedanta to the
00:10 world today.
00:11 Acharya Prashant's movement has touched lives of millions of individuals.
00:16 So it's indeed an honor for us to have you with us, Acharya Prashantji.
00:27 So the thing is, we have already decided to go on a path of whatever we want to achieve
00:34 and I'm sure of it that okay, I like this, I'm interested in it.
00:38 And suddenly, due to some of the other reasons, I feel, am I on the right path?
00:44 I'm unsure of what I have decided.
00:47 So how to be sure of what we are doing?
00:51 Test it.
00:52 There is no other way.
00:53 See life is a different thing for each of us.
01:02 Life as I see it, as I experiment it, where I stand and the path I'm taking will never
01:10 be the same as the path you are taking or somebody else is taking or somebody in the
01:15 past has taken.
01:16 How then do you know whether your path is the right one for you?
01:22 You'll have to apply all your intelligence.
01:24 The intention must be to inquire, test, experiment, not just have blind belief.
01:33 Something appears right.
01:36 Why be too eager to just accept it as right?
01:44 If the thing is indeed right, it will prove itself to be right.
01:48 So wait for it to prove itself.
01:51 And how will the proof come?
01:54 How will the proof come?
01:55 Experiencing it.
01:56 In maths, when are you allowed to write hence proved?
02:01 Solving it.
02:02 And without solving it, if just below the question you write hence proved, what do you
02:09 get?
02:12 Zero.
02:16 So hence proved are two very nice words to read, but only after doing the requisite hard
02:22 work.
02:23 We are not that honest always in life.
02:28 In mathematics, we cannot afford to be dishonest.
02:30 We'll not clear the exam.
02:33 What is it that we do when faced with questions in life without even understanding the problem?
02:39 We write hence proved.
02:41 Now, if you do that, life will reward you with a big zero.
02:51 Never be in a hurry to draw a conclusion.
02:55 Never be in a hurry to settle a matter.
02:59 Let things remain open.
03:01 Have the courage and the patience to live with uncertainty.
03:07 Somebody will ask you, so what have you thought about it?
03:09 Just say, I am still thinking.
03:13 When you are still thinking, then you have the scope to experiment.
03:18 And still thinking does not mean you are sleeping over the matter.
03:21 It means you are actively testing.
03:24 And you must take risks to test.
03:27 Testing won't happen on its own.
03:29 You will have to ask uncomfortable questions.
03:34 You will have to get into unprecedented situations.
03:37 That's what testing is about.
03:40 And testing always involves a degree of risk and requires, therefore, courage.
03:44 You have to display that courage.
03:48 As a young person, your biggest enemy is false belief, shallow conclusions, baseless confidence.
04:00 Avoid that.
04:05 Confidence does not lie in knowing everything in advance and being full and sure.
04:13 The mark of courage is the willingness to live with uncertainty.
04:20 I do not know what would happen tomorrow and I am okay with it.
04:26 Is everything settled for me?
04:27 Not at all.
04:28 Do I know in advance about my future?
04:30 Not at all.
04:33 Is everything sorted in life?
04:35 Well, no.
04:37 How do you still appear so cool?
04:39 I am cool.
04:41 I am cool.
04:43 I am cool.
04:47 It's all very uncertain and does not baffle me up.
04:53 Are you getting it?
04:56 Yes.
04:57 There is no great worth in artificially freezing on a future.
05:06 Everything is settled.
05:08 Next five years, this is the program for me.
05:12 That sounds comfortable, offers a shallow kind of security, but does not really help.
05:21 Far better it is to acknowledge the inherent uncertainty in life and keep knowing things
05:28 as they are.
05:30 And things just won't reveal their true nature on their own.
05:34 You will have to ask questions.
05:36 The thing about life is, it is responsive.
05:40 If you really ask good and honest questions, more often than not, you will get answers.
05:48 So you got up and asked a question.
05:50 So you got an answer.
05:51 How about the several others who never got up?
05:56 They won't get their answers.
05:59 And bravery lies in getting up even if the last answer hurt you as it did.
06:05 Right?
06:06 No, this is great.
06:09 You did not like the answer life gave you last time.
06:13 And you still get up and ask another question.
06:17 Wonderful.
06:19 You got hurt the last time, but that hurt is far better than remaining seated and hidden
06:26 and not even getting up to raise a query.
06:31 I ask all of you, what is better to get hurt or never enter the field to play?
06:41 It's better to get hurt, right?
06:44 So get up and learn to play.
06:46 Chances are 99% chances you will get hurt.
06:55 That hurt is an auspicious thing.
06:58 Bleed a little.
07:02 Get a few bones broken internally.
07:05 We don't want to get into a brawl and really get these bones broken.
07:14 But enter the arena, jump into the pool, walk into the ring, throw in your hat and say I
07:24 am, I am, I exist, I want to participate, I am available to participate.
07:30 Don't run away, don't hide your face, you are young.
07:38 I know very little about this lady, but this thing I find very commendable.
07:45 The last question she asked, she expected some sensitivity or even sympathy from me.
07:51 My answer was brutal.
07:54 She indeed did get hurt, right?
07:58 And she still gather herself up and gets up and ask the next one.
08:01 And there was no certainty.
08:05 Here I am the one who commands the mic.
08:09 I have the position of authority.
08:11 And I can say anything very insensitive, very abrasive to her.
08:18 She knows that and still she has chosen to get up and ask.
08:23 That's how life must be for a young person.
08:27 Learn risks, invite trouble, not for all the flimsy reasons, for the right reasons.
08:36 Huh?
08:37 Getting it?
08:40 Getting it?
08:43 Yes, sir.
08:46 Thank you, sir.
08:47 Thank you.
