Are You Afraid Of The Dark Season 2 Episode 9 The Tale Of The Full Moon

  • 5 months ago
Are You Afraid Of The Dark Season 2 Episode 9 The Tale Of The Full Moon
00:00 [music]
00:29 Tonight's a special night.
00:31 It was a year ago tonight that David brought Frank into our circle
00:36 so he could tell the tale that made him a member of the Midnight Society.
00:42 The tale of the Phantom Cow.
00:45 Who makes the name Doctor?
00:48 With a vvvvvvvv. It's been our tradition that on an anniversary it's that person's turn to tell us a scary tale.
00:59 You have one Frank?
01:01 Oh yeah, I've got one.
01:03 Then take it away.
01:06 I've got the perfect story for a night like this.
01:12 Full moon.
01:15 Exactly.
01:18 Eerie things happen when the moon is full.
01:22 People always act a little bit different.
01:26 A little strange.
01:30 But to anybody who's ever told a tale of terror,
01:34 there's one special thing that always happens when the full moon rises.
01:44 And that's what my story's about.
01:47 Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society,
01:53 I call this story...
01:58 The Tale of the Full Moon.
02:02 (music)
02:18 Jit and Huey were pet detectives.
02:21 You know, they'd find missing dogs, runaway parakeets, that kind.
02:25 They'd just been hired by Mrs. Neville to find their lost cat Misty.
02:29 Seemed like an open and shut case at first.
02:35 Catnip mouse.
02:37 Catnip mouse, check.
02:40 Why did you charge Mrs. Neville $20?
02:43 Our rate for missing cats is only $5.
02:46 Yeah, but the puppies at the pet shop are $20 a piece.
02:50 Squeezy rubber hammocker.
02:52 Squeezy rubber hammocker, check.
02:54 But your mom said you can't have a dog.
02:56 She'll change her mind when she sees this.
03:00 Where's that super whistle?
03:02 The one only dogs can hear.
03:04 She should be here someplace.
03:06 But what if she doesn't?
03:08 She has to.
03:09 I'm tired of playing fetch with you.
03:11 Me too.
03:13 Splinters hurt my tongue.
03:15 It's practically a law.
03:17 I'm a boy, and a boy's supposed to have a dog.
03:21 As soon as we find Misty, I'm going to buy one.
03:27 What's wrong?
03:30 Found the whistle.
03:33 [whistle]
03:35 [dog whining]
03:43 Here, Misty.
03:45 Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
03:47 Here, Misty.
03:51 Here, Misty.
03:53 Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
03:55 [music]
04:00 Misty.
04:06 Here, Misty.
04:09 Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
04:13 Misty.
04:16 Kitty.
04:18 Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
04:20 [whistle]
04:22 Misty.
04:24 Here, kitty.
04:26 Here, kitty.
04:28 Misty.
04:30 Here, Misty.
04:33 Here, kitty.
04:36 [music]
05:05 Here, Misty.
05:08 Misty.
05:10 Come here, kitty.
05:11 Misty.
05:12 Here, Misty.
05:17 [music]
05:21 Found you.
05:26 Rent didn't tend to last you.
05:28 I think I found Misty.
05:30 The house across the street from my place.
05:35 The house ain't rentin' today.
05:37 I gotta go for dinner.
05:39 Go on, then.
05:41 [music]
06:01 [whistle]
06:15 [knocking]
06:17 [dog barking]
06:21 [knocking]
06:25 [music]
06:35 [music]
06:45 [music]
06:55 [music]
07:05 [music]
07:15 [music]
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07:35 [music]
07:45 [music]
07:55 [music]
08:05 [music]
08:15 [music]
08:25 [music]
08:35 [music]
08:45 [music]
08:47 Last thing I rented today.
08:48 I gotta go for dinner.
08:49 I'm off to the kitty.
08:53 I'll call you back.
08:55 [music]
09:05 [music]
09:15 [music]
09:25 [music]
09:35 [music]
09:40 That is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard.
09:43 But it's true.
09:45 His fridge was full of meat.
09:46 I bet he's got his eye on every pet in the neighborhood.
09:49 Dog burgers, fried canary, hamster soup.
09:53 Jed!
09:55 I have had about enough of this.
09:57 But mom!
09:59 Don't "but mom" me.
10:01 I know exactly what you're up to, young man.
10:04 This is another one of your cockamamie "I want a dog" schemes.
10:08 Isn't it?
10:09 What?
10:10 You figure I'm going to believe this silly story of yours
10:13 and let you bring home every single stray in the neighborhood
10:16 just to protect them from the butcher of Maple Street.
10:19 [snort]
10:22 Not this time, kiddo.
10:24 We're just barely getting by as it is.
10:27 We can't afford another mouth to feed.
10:30 Even if it does have four legs and brings in the mail.
10:36 Dad will believe me.
10:38 [music]
10:44 Probably not.
10:46 [music]
10:57 Creep.
10:59 [music]
11:09 [music]
11:19 [music]
11:29 [music]
11:39 [music]
11:49 [music]
11:59 [music]
12:09 [music]
12:19 [music]
12:24 Mom!
12:28 What's the matter?
12:31 That man.
12:34 The one in the house across the street.
12:36 He just turned into a...
12:38 a wolf.
12:44 You're kidding, right?
12:46 You got me out of bed for this?
12:49 I saw him, Mom.
12:50 I had my camera aimed right at his shin.
12:52 What is the matter with you?
12:54 Spying on that poor man.
12:56 He's not a man, Mom.
12:58 Look at this.
13:05 It's got to be on here.
13:10 Okay, Spielberg.
13:11 That's enough.
13:12 Show's over.
13:13 Into bed with you.
13:14 I'm not making this up, Mom.
13:16 I saw it happen.
13:19 I know you did.
13:22 You do?
13:25 You got dog on the brain, honey.
13:28 You're seeing him even in your dreams.
13:30 I wasn't dreaming.
13:33 We'll talk about this in the morning.
13:35 Okay?
13:36 Good night.
13:46 Good night.
13:49 Good night, Mom.
14:00 Here it is.
14:02 Werewolves.
14:04 Yeah, yeah.
14:05 They come out during the full moon
14:06 and you can kill them with silver bullets.
14:08 I know how it works, Huey.
14:10 Everybody knows how it works.
14:12 What do I do about it?
14:13 Wait a sec.
14:14 That stuff's all in the movies.
14:16 The real werewolves are called...
14:18 Mes...
14:19 Mesomorphs.
14:21 They have a disease that's called...
14:23 Ly...
14:24 Lycanthropy.
14:25 That changes them at any time.
14:28 They're allergic to red roses and pure silver.
14:31 Great.
14:32 All we got to do is trap them in a flower shop.
14:36 There's one more thing.
14:38 They need fresh meat to survive.
14:40 They eat small animals, birds and stuff.
14:43 My favorite is, uh...
14:48 Children.
14:49 Huey, this is all really interesting.
14:52 But the question is,
14:53 what do you do if you got a werewolf living next door?
14:58 Move.
15:05 What the heck's going on?
15:32 Jim, where have you been?
15:33 Go get washed up quick, honey.
15:35 Dinner will be ready in a minute.
15:36 We're having company?
15:38 Well?
15:39 Yeah.
15:40 Remember that guy I told you about,
15:42 the one I met bowling a couple weeks ago?
15:44 He's coming here?
15:45 Mm-hmm.
15:46 You're having a date?
15:48 It's not a date.
15:50 It's just dinner.
15:51 It doesn't mean a thing.
15:53 Oh, shoot!
15:54 Door, go get the gin.
15:55 I mean, you know what I mean.
15:58 Yeah, sure, doesn't mean a thing, right?
16:11 You must be Jed.
16:13 I just adore cooking, as you can see.
16:18 It's been so long since I've had a man around
16:20 to try my talents on.
16:23 I hope you like this.
16:24 It's a recipe I got off the TV.
16:27 Oh, it smells great.
16:28 I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse.
16:30 Or a cat.
16:35 So, how are you finding Maple Street?
16:39 It's great.
16:40 People are much friendlier here
16:42 than the last place I lived.
16:44 Was that Transylvania?
16:47 Uh, actually, Seattle.
16:52 More yams!
16:55 Ow!
16:57 How do you like that, huh, pierced silk?
16:59 Jed!
17:01 Watch him, Mom, he's gonna change.
17:03 Jed, you apologize right now.
17:06 No, uh, Ellen, it's all right.
17:09 No harm done.
17:11 You are excused from the table, young man.
17:14 But Mom!
17:15 Now.
17:17 ♪ ♪
17:26 Kids!
17:28 ♪ ♪
17:45 We're going out for coffee.
17:47 Your dinner is in the Kelvinator.
17:50 I'll deal with you when I get home.
17:52 ♪ ♪
18:07 Huey, I was wrong, man.
18:10 Guess I must have been dreaming after all.
18:12 That guy's not a werewolf.
18:14 Did you do the tests?
18:15 Yeah.
18:16 Did you use pure silver?
18:18 Yes.
18:19 How about the moon?
18:21 I did the tests, all right.
18:23 Okay, okay.
18:25 So your mom's boyfriend isn't a werewolf.
18:27 That's that.
18:28 No, it's not.
18:30 There's something going on over there.
18:33 I gotta go back in that house.
18:35 Aw, Jed, I'm taking a bath.
18:38 Towel off.
18:41 It looks pretty quiet.
18:44 Maybe we should come back when there's somebody home.
18:47 Like noon?
18:50 Come on, I know how we can get in.
18:52 Wait, why do you keep saying "we"?
18:55 Because we're partners, Huey.
18:56 To the end.
18:59 The end?
19:01 ♪ ♪
19:13 Will you relax?
19:15 Nobody's home.
19:16 It's not even coffee with my mom.
19:19 ♪ ♪
19:30 Oh, well, that's that.
19:33 ♪ ♪
19:39 Aw, man, what are you gonna do?
19:41 Shh.
19:43 ♪ ♪
19:47 This isn't happening.
19:48 He's not really doing this.
19:49 He's not really doing this.
19:52 He really did it.
19:54 Let's go.
19:56 ♪ ♪
20:05 Oh, turn around.
20:07 Jeez.
20:10 Here, take this.
20:13 Check this out.
20:16 ♪ ♪
20:23 I thought you said it was full of me.
20:25 I thought you said it was full of me.
20:27 He must have hidden.
20:29 Maybe he got really hungry.
20:32 ♪ ♪
20:34 What was that?
20:36 ♪ ♪
20:45 Give me that.
20:47 ♪ ♪
20:54 [sighs]
20:57 Go now.
20:59 No!
21:01 There's gotta be something else here.
21:03 Something we can use as proof.
21:07 Uh, Jack?
21:09 Yeah?
21:10 What does this guy look like?
21:12 I don't know.
21:13 Just like an average guy.
21:15 Kinda tall?
21:16 Yeah.
21:17 Kinda bald?
21:18 [sighs]
21:19 Yeah, why?
21:20 What difference does it make?
21:22 'Cause I think he has a twin brother.
21:25 ♪ ♪
21:29 [screaming]
21:32 ♪ ♪
21:41 [screaming]
21:44 ♪ ♪
21:51 [screaming]
21:54 ♪ ♪
22:04 [screaming]
22:07 ♪ ♪
22:11 He's been good a whore for very long.
22:13 He's a real slouch.
22:15 ♪ ♪
22:23 Oh, man, we're in his bedroom.
22:26 ♪ ♪
22:29 [screaming]
22:32 ♪ ♪
22:38 [screaming]
22:41 ♪ ♪
22:48 [screaming]
22:51 ♪ ♪
22:58 [screaming]
23:01 ♪ ♪
23:11 Bad dog.
23:13 ♪ ♪
23:40 I see you've met Gordon.
23:42 My dad's in school.
23:44 ♪ ♪
23:51 Gordon?
23:54 My brother.
23:56 Yeah, well, I got news for you, buddy.
23:58 Your brother's got a problem.
24:01 Yeah, I know.
24:03 Lycanthropy is a terrible disease.
24:06 Everybody tells me I should just...
24:09 put him out of his misery.
24:11 But he's family.
24:13 That's all I got.
24:15 Yeah, well, my mom's all I've got,
24:17 and when she finds out about this, she's gonna...
24:19 Jed?
24:21 I already know.
24:23 ♪ ♪
24:25 Oh.
24:27 You're not scared?
24:30 I was at first,
24:33 but I'm trying to understand, honey.
24:36 I hope you will, too.
24:39 ♪ ♪
24:41 Does he really
24:45 ♪ ♪
24:47 Rumors.
24:49 People can be so cruel.
24:51 ♪ ♪
24:53 There's lots of different kinds of families, Jed.
24:56 This is just one of them.
24:59 ♪ ♪
25:05 He's gotta stop being a pest.
25:08 ♪ ♪
25:10 It wasn't long before Jed's mom married the man
25:13 from across the street.
25:15 They all moved in together, like a family.
25:18 ♪ ♪
25:20 Looking good, Mr. Ankers.
25:22 Thank you, Mrs. Ankers.
25:25 Two well done...
25:28 and
25:33 Jed's mom was happy,
25:35 the man was happy.
25:37 And very rare...
25:40 ♪ ♪
25:43 Jed, Gordon, dinner time!
25:46 ♪ ♪
25:49 Go back, way back.
25:51 This one's out of the park.
25:53 And as for Jed...
25:55 ♪ ♪
25:57 He finally got his dough.
25:59 ♪ ♪
26:04 The end.
26:06 ♪ ♪
26:09 And now, our anniversary surprise.
26:13 Surprise?
26:15 Fire's nice and hot.
26:18 What surprise?
26:20 Special occasion.
26:22 We planned it just for you.
26:24 Roast...
26:26 Frank.
26:28 Say what?
26:30 Roast Franks, don't you like 'em?
26:32 [laughing]
26:33 Oh yeah, they're great.
26:35 Happy anniversary, Frank.
26:37 Let's cook.
26:39 ♪ ♪
26:41 [indistinct chatter]
26:43 ♪ ♪
26:45 [indistinct chatter]
26:47 ♪ ♪
26:49 [indistinct chatter]
26:51 ♪ ♪
26:53 [indistinct chatter]
26:55 ♪ ♪
26:57 [indistinct chatter]
26:59 ♪ ♪
27:01 [howling]
27:03 ♪ ♪
27:05 [howling]
27:07 ♪ ♪
27:09 [howling]
27:11 ♪ ♪
27:13 [howling]
27:15 ♪ ♪
27:17 [howling]
27:19 ♪ ♪
27:21 [howling]
27:23 ♪ ♪
27:25 [howling]
27:27 ♪ ♪
27:29 [howling]
27:31 ♪ ♪
27:33 [howling]
27:35 ♪ ♪
27:37 [howling]
27:39 ♪ ♪
27:41 [howling]
27:43 ♪ ♪
27:45 [howling]
27:47 ♪ ♪
27:49 [howling]
27:51 ♪ ♪
27:53 [howling]
27:55 ♪ ♪
27:57 [howling]
27:59 ♪ ♪
28:01 [howling]
28:03 ♪ ♪
28:05 [howling]
