Are You Afraid Of The Dark Season 7 Episode 8 The Tale Of The Time Trap
00:00 [Music]
00:29 [Music]
00:34 These are the best cookies I've ever ate. Ever.
00:38 Grandma Aggie made them. Old family recipe.
00:41 Doesn't chocolate give you pimples?
00:43 Who cares?
00:45 [Music]
01:10 Oh. Uh oh.
01:14 What?
01:15 I feel gross. I think I ate about six too many.
01:19 Once?
01:22 Not you too.
01:24 What's in the bottom ones? Lead?
01:26 No. They're all the same.
01:30 [Music]
01:36 Trouble is, too much of a good thing isn't always such a good thing.
01:41 I got a story about a guy who has a dream come true.
01:45 He gets so much of a good thing that it's going to change his life.
01:50 But if he's not careful, those changes might make his dream come true, turn into a nightmare.
01:59 [Music]
02:03 Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story...
02:10 [Music]
02:14 The Tale of the Time Trap.
02:17 [Music]
02:42 Well, this is your lucky day. I have just one vial of the Egyptian youth potion left.
02:48 Of course, it's very rare and the price will go up.
02:55 Don't be scared, Sardo. It's me. It's me.
02:59 Bobo.
03:01 Bobo? You look so, so thin. Have you been working out?
03:08 A little bit of bad luck, you know how it is.
03:11 Really?
03:12 Yeah.
03:14 Sardo, I need your help.
03:16 Well, anything I can do.
03:19 I need money.
03:20 Well, almost anything. I distinctly said almost. It's getting warm in here.
03:25 Sardo, Sardo. I don't want your charity. I have something for you.
03:33 What is it?
03:34 What is it, you ask? Well, it is an ancient fortune-telling box.
03:47 Really? How does it work?
03:51 I don't know, but I'm sure someone of your experience, someone with your brain size, is going to be able to make a small fortune with this.
04:03 Well, of course.
04:06 How much do you want for it?
04:08 Fifty dollars.
04:09 Fifty?
04:10 I mean forty. For you, my friend, forty dollars.
04:13 That's too rich for my blood, Bobo.
04:15 Free.
04:18 You sell it for what you can and you give me what you think is fair.
04:24 Well, Sardo, how can you go wrong?
04:45 And this is funny because?
04:47 This is funny because you finally are losing on the deal.
05:16 Loser!
05:30 I hate this game.
05:46 Hi, uh, Angie.
05:48 Hi, Jason.
05:49 Uh, I was, um, I was wondering if, like, uh, if you weren't doing anything Friday, like, you might, um, wanna...
06:03 I gotta go.
06:32 Hiding from someone?
06:42 Uh, no.
06:44 Um, yes.
06:47 Uh, I'm sorry.
06:48 Wait!
06:49 I can see you're the shy type.
06:52 Trouble with the ladies?
06:54 Uh, yeah.
06:56 Sort of.
06:59 And what you lack is confidence, am I right?
07:02 I guess.
07:04 Then I have exactly what you need.
07:06 Uh, you do?
07:08 Yes, you see, confidence comes from experience and experience comes from age.
07:14 And age comes from...
07:18 Age comes from...
07:20 Well, from this.
07:22 An Egyptian aging potion.
07:25 Just two tiny drops of this and you'll instantly become a more mature, confident person.
07:32 I don't wanna be older, I just...
07:35 I wanna have the guts to talk to girls.
07:38 Of course you do! Of course you do! Of course you do!
07:41 Then what you need is, uh, something more like...
07:45 Like...
07:47 Like this.
07:49 What is...
07:51 This?
07:52 Well, this is a... It's a...
07:56 A hand.
07:57 A handsome... A handsome...
08:00 A handsome Persian...
08:04 Victory box.
08:06 Persian victory box?
08:10 Yes.
08:11 Uh, warriors for centuries have used this to give them the confidence to do battle.
08:20 Imagine what it could do for your love life.
08:24 Okay, uh, how does... How does it work?
08:30 Um, you put your hand, your hand, on top of it, right there.
08:36 And then you ask it for what gift it is you want.
08:40 And then...
08:43 You shall have it.
08:47 Let me try.
08:48 Hey, but you know, confidence like this doesn't come cheap.
08:53 Well, what if I don't believe it works?
08:56 Well, then maybe it will come cheap.
08:58 Hey, Mom, I'm home.
09:09 Uh...
09:33 Uh, I wish that I was the kind of guy that girls like.
09:41 Hey, dinner's ready.
09:50 What are you doing?
09:52 Wasting my time.
09:54 Okay.
09:56 Hi.
10:17 Uh...
10:19 Hi.
10:22 Hey, like, what do you want?
10:26 Um, it's what you want.
10:30 What?
10:32 You wish to be the kind of guy girls like, right?
10:34 Well, when they see you with me, they're gonna think you're pretty special.
10:38 Isn't he a babe?
10:41 Would you stop that?
10:44 How did you know what I wished?
10:46 It's what I do.
10:47 I'm not a babe.
10:50 I'm...
10:53 I'm Belle.
10:55 Ready for some fun?
10:56 What? I don't understand.
10:58 The box. The zemi.
11:01 It's yours now. Whatever you wish, I can deliver.
11:04 Just, uh, leave me alone.
11:07 (chatter)
11:10 What's the matter?
11:27 You're in this class?
11:29 I am now. What's the trouble?
11:32 The trouble is, I've got a book report on Treasure Island due today
11:36 and I've got a course left at home.
11:39 Idiot.
11:41 Look in your pack.
11:43 I already looked in my pack.
11:46 You're welcome.
11:52 Report time.
11:57 Let's start with...
12:00 Jason.
12:05 Uh, I, uh, did my report on, uh, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.
12:12 Uh, there have been many versions of Treasure Island.
12:16 My personal favorite is the old black and white one.
12:19 Uh, the one with the puppets was kind of stupid.
12:22 Um, you were supposed to do a book report, not a movie, if you are.
12:28 Yes.
12:29 Did you read the book?
12:31 Uh, yeah.
12:32 Then why did you write about the movies?
12:35 I'm, um...
12:37 I'll take it back to you on that one.
12:41 Hmm. Come by after school. I will straighten you out.
12:45 I'll sit down.
12:47 Don't leave me alone.
12:59 Why? This is fun.
13:01 What are you doing now?
13:03 Well, I'm about to be embarrassed. You, uh, might not want to see this.
13:08 [whistle blows]
13:10 [crowd cheering]
13:39 Easy, man.
13:41 You're meat.
14:03 [crowd cheering]
14:05 Uh...
14:23 So? What's a little detention? You were great!
14:28 I tried double detention, English and gym, and I nearly could have killed the guy.
14:33 I mean, like, how did you even do that?
14:35 I told you, the zemi. Whatever you want, I can give you.
14:38 What's a zemi?
14:40 The box. You put your hand on it and made a wish.
14:44 That makes it yours.
14:47 So... you're a... genie?
14:51 [chuckles] Exactly.
14:54 And anything I wish for, I can have.
14:58 Now you got it.
15:00 Well, you know, I wish I didn't miss the bus, 'cause now I've got to walk home.
15:04 No, you don't.
15:06 [car horn honks]
15:08 [laughs]
15:10 Uh, is this your car?
15:14 Nope. It's yours.
15:18 [tires screech]
15:20 Let's roll.
15:34 [siren wails]
15:36 Oh, no.
15:38 Oh, man, I just got my license last week.
15:41 Is your license or registration, please?
15:43 Uh, yes, sir.
15:45 Where's your registration?
15:47 I don't know.
15:49 What do you mean you don't know?
15:54 Isn't this your car?
15:57 They think it was stolen?
16:01 I'm in jail now.
16:04 How am I ever gonna explain this to my parents?
16:10 [giggles] Yeah, that should be fun.
16:14 Fun?
16:16 Fun?!
16:18 What kind of genie are you?
16:23 Like, you give me what I wish for,
16:26 but then things end up worse off than they were before.
16:30 Every wish has its price.
16:33 What?
16:35 Look, I've been stuck in that dump box for centuries.
16:37 I gotta have fun somehow.
16:39 So you make things worse.
16:41 Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.
16:44 It's fun.
16:46 Okay, look.
16:48 Someone once wished for an exciting voyage.
16:51 I gave them the Titanic.
16:53 A kid didn't want to go on a camping trip.
16:56 I exploded the volcano at Mount St. Helens.
16:59 World War I?
17:01 A reporter wanted an interesting story.
17:05 So, like, uh, World War II?
17:10 Never mind. Nice work, though.
17:13 Oh, this is crazy.
17:16 Nah, we're just getting warmed up.
17:20 Go on.
17:22 Wish for something.
17:24 But be careful.
17:27 All right, um, here's your wish.
17:31 Leave me alone!
17:33 [screaming]
17:36 [roaring]
17:38 What?
17:42 Okay, I get it, I get it.
17:45 I'm alone now, I'm alone.
17:48 Only, can you get me out of here?
17:51 Please?
17:53 Where am I? I'm nowhere.
17:55 Get me out of here!
18:03 Help!
18:05 Jeanie, Belle, whatever your name is.
18:08 All right.
18:13 I wish I was back with you.
18:17 Why don't you go back to your, uh, lab?
18:27 Or, um, box?
18:31 Whatever it is.
18:33 Sorry. It's like a prison in there.
18:36 When I get the chance to get out and work with someone, I take it.
18:40 What if I wished you back?
18:42 I might take you with me.
18:44 Is that allowed?
18:46 Try me.
18:48 But you've got to do what I wish, right?
18:54 Yep. Go for it, wish boy.
18:57 But choose your words carefully.
19:00 Okay, uh...
19:03 I wish I was back at that magic shop where this all started.
19:09 [screaming]
19:11 You! You!
19:28 What's your name? It's sod. Let's not go there.
19:31 What can I do for you?
19:33 That Persian victory box you sold me.
19:37 I'm sorry. I don't remember. So much time has actually passed.
19:40 It was yesterday.
19:42 Oh, the Persian victory box.
19:45 What seems to be the problem?
19:48 The problem is, it came with a girl.
19:51 And that's a problem?
19:53 She's a genie, and she makes wishes come true.
19:58 I don't want it anymore.
20:00 Help me to understand this.
20:04 I sold you a box that came with a genie that will grant your every wish.
20:10 And you don't want it anymore.
20:13 Exactly.
20:15 Perfectly understandable.
20:19 I tell you what. You show me where it is, and I'll gladly take an exchange.
20:26 But no cash. Store credit only, right?
20:30 I left it right...
20:33 Honey? Who's your friend?
20:36 Hey, Mom. Mom, this is Mr...
20:39 Sardell. No, mister. Accent on the dough.
20:43 Yeah. He's a teacher.
20:46 He's helping me with... current events.
20:52 Good. I'll leave you two alone. Nice cape.
20:57 Where's the box?
21:02 It's not that easy, Jason.
21:10 Who's this?
21:12 The genie.
21:14 Hello.
21:16 What do you mean? He wants it? He can have the wishes?
21:20 But he gave it up. He can't take it back.
21:23 Why not? Rules. I don't make them up.
21:26 Man, I wish I was out of this nightmare.
21:32 Uh-oh.
21:36 How did you do that?
21:38 Oh, no. No, no, no.
21:41 I wish I was out of this nightmare. Now I am.
21:45 Everything's changed.
21:47 Did I hear voices?
21:49 Who are you? What are you doing here?
21:54 Uh, this is my house.
21:57 Yeah, I'm just visiting.
21:59 This isn't your house. This is my house.
22:02 And my husband's gonna be home any second.
22:05 This just keeps getting better.
22:08 You picked the wrong house to break into.
22:11 No, no, no. We're not bad guys.
22:14 Honey!
22:16 At least he's alone.
22:24 My, that was quick.
22:35 Uh, we're trapped.
22:38 Let's not panic.
22:40 No in the house.
22:42 Come on out or we're gonna fire tear gas.
22:45 Okay, let's panic.
22:47 Okay, um, there has to be a wish to get us out of this.
22:51 I've just, um, I've gotta be smart about it.
22:54 Wish us to be a hundred miles from here.
22:57 No. You see, she could put us in a burning building
23:00 or the middle of the ocean or something like that.
23:03 It has to be a wish that's foolproof.
23:06 Well, don't look at me.
23:08 Attention, you in the house. Come out with your hands up.
23:11 I got it. What?
23:14 I wish Sardot had a wish.
23:16 [all scream]
23:18 What happened?
23:23 I gave you a wish.
23:25 I mean, maybe the evil wishes only work with me.
23:29 Look, you can wish us out of this.
23:31 You mean I can wish for anything I want?
23:34 Yes.
23:36 You've got one minute to come out with your hands up
23:39 or we'll start shooting.
23:41 Think of something, huh, Hurry?
23:43 This is the chance of a lifetime.
23:45 If you don't think of something, that lifetime won't last very long.
23:49 They're getting ready to shoot tear gas.
23:52 I could wish for world peace.
23:55 Or cure every disease.
23:58 Wish faster.
24:00 I've got it. I've got the perfect wish.
24:02 Do it.
24:04 I wish I had a million more wishes.
24:07 I'm out?
24:15 I'm out for real?
24:17 [laughs]
24:19 Where's Sardot?
24:21 He wished a million wishes.
24:24 That's what I wished ages ago
24:27 and now I'm stuck in this dumb box.
24:30 Look!
24:32 Help!
24:34 Let me out!
24:36 I don't want to be a genie.
24:38 Oh, you've got a million wishes, all right,
24:40 but you've got to grant them to others.
24:43 Starting with you.
24:46 Hands up.
24:48 Time's up.
24:50 We're going to fire.
24:52 Ten, nine...
24:55 Don't ask me.
24:57 I'm not a genie anymore!
24:59 [laughs]
25:01 Five...
25:03 Just don't stand there.
25:05 Wish something.
25:07 Three, two, one.
25:09 I wish it was yesterday.
25:13 [screaming]
25:15 [screaming]
25:17 Jason.
25:44 Oh, uh, hey, Andrea.
25:46 Hey, what was it you were going to ask me before?
25:49 Ask?
25:51 Oh, uh, right.
25:53 Um, I was just, uh, wondering if you were...
25:57 doing anything Friday night?
26:01 'Cause I thought that maybe you'd like to, uh,
26:05 go see a movie with me?
26:08 I'd love to.
26:10 You would?
26:13 That's...
26:15 That's cool.
26:17 That's cool.
26:19 So, uh, where are you heading?
26:21 I've got a driving license.
26:23 Really?
26:25 I, uh, just got my license.
26:27 [music playing]
26:29 [horn honking]
26:33 [music playing]
26:35 [horn honking]
26:37 [music playing]
26:39 The end.
26:49 Awesome story.
26:51 So we found true love after all.
26:53 And Belle's stuck back in the box.
26:55 Cool.
26:57 Wanna let her out?
26:59 No way!
27:01 No way.
27:03 [groaning]
27:05 Oh!
27:07 [music playing]
27:09 I'm dying here.
27:13 You finished all the cookies?
27:18 I had to.
27:20 They were too good.
27:22 I hope they taste as good on the way up
27:26 as they did on the way down.
27:28 [music playing]
27:30 [snoring]
27:33 [burp]
27:35 [music playing]
27:37 [theme music]
27:44 [theme music]
27:47 [theme music]
27:50 [theme music]
27:53 [theme music]
27:57 [theme music]
28:00 [theme music]
28:04 [theme music]
28:07 (music)
Are You Afraid Of The Dark Season 6 Episode 1 The Tale Of The Forever Game
Are You Afraid Of The Dark
Are You Afraid Of The Dark Season 7 Episode 9 The Tale Of The Photo Finish
Are You Afraid Of The Dark