
  • 6 months ago
To those who would point out that it is a fool's errand to try to mend a simple teacup broken into shards and bits, note that the Teacup is a metaphor for whatever has plagued your mind in the past and (possibly depending on your age) will be lurking there for for years to come. Whether it be a broken relationship, unexpected death of a close loved one, diagnosis of a cancer, victim of a horrible accident, or whatever else that plunges the psyche into the "What if?" or "If only I had known" mode.
The Message Here Is:
"Move On!"
I spent six months living with my step-uncle in San Jose, CA. Did a few solo guitar local gigs there and in Los Gatos. Went north to Nevada City to stay a few days with my step cousin. Beautiful place. Took a hike on the nudist trail and dived in the cool mountain river.