超狂吸金力掀“泰勒丝经济学” 泰勒丝开唱逾30万歌迷聚狮城

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 美国流行音乐天后泰勒丝(Taylor Swift)从去年3月起,在全球展开巡回演唱会,门票场场秒杀,缔造惊人收益。昨天,泰勒丝这位“行走的印钞机”就在邻国新加坡开唱,6场演唱会就吸引了超过30万名来自世界各地的歌迷聚集在新加坡。(主播:蔡心慧、林晓倩)


00:00 Taylor Swift, the pop star of the US,
00:03 has been holding tour concerts around the world since March last year.
00:07 Her tickets are always sold out, and she has made a lot of money.
00:10 She is known as the most profitable music tour contest in history.
00:14 Especially the surrounding effects caused by Taylor Swift,
00:17 such as travel, accommodation, catering, and other economic effects,
00:21 are called "Taylor's Economics" by American economists.
00:25 Swift Don't Know Me is a guest speaker on this topic.
00:29 Taylor Swift, the walking copy machine,
00:32 has held six concerts in Singapore since yesterday,
00:37 attracting more than 300,000 fans from all over the world.
00:42 I believe you all know that Taylor Swift's news has been
00:45 the talk of the town these days.
00:47 The Singapore government has taken over Taylor Swift's
00:50 exclusive right to tour in Southeast Asia.
00:53 It is expected to bring Singapore up to 500 million dollars,
00:56 which is more than $1.7 billion.
00:59 We, the neighboring countries, can only watch
01:02 as tourists enter Singapore, but cannot share a cup of coffee.
01:05 But it is unexpected that Taylor Swift's opening
01:08 not only drives the local economy,
01:10 but also the fraud group makes a lot of money.
01:13 Because yesterday was the first day of the opening,
01:16 it has been reported that more than 330 people
01:19 have fallen into the ticket scam of the concert, and have suffered heavy losses.
01:22 According to Singapore media reports,
01:24 the fans who fell into the ticket scam
01:27 were bought from non-authorized dealers.
01:32 The amount of fraud is estimated to be at least 210,000 Singapore dollars,
01:35 which is about 740,000 Singapore dollars.
01:37 In addition to Singapore fans,
01:39 some overseas fans who came from afar were also cheated.
01:43 And they only found out that they bought a fake ticket
01:46 after arriving in Singapore.
01:49 Some fans said they bought all six tickets
01:52 for the concert in Singapore.
01:55 They thought they could realize their dream of watching idol concerts.
01:58 Now, not only their dreams are shattered,
02:01 but also they suffer financial losses.
02:03 As mentioned, Singapore has successfully obtained
02:06 the exclusive right to host the Taylor Swift's concert in Southeast Asia.
02:09 At the same time, it also brings a huge economic benefit to Singapore.
02:12 Professor Liu Guangqian,
02:14 the vice professor of Singapore's Shekhe University Business School,
02:16 described the concert held by Taylor Swift
02:19 as more effective than any commercial in the world.
02:23 He explained that the concert held by Taylor Swift
02:26 not only attracted the attention of Singapore,
02:29 but also maintained Singapore's international financial status.
02:33 Although some people questioned whether the Singapore government
02:35 would give a large sum of money
02:38 for the exclusive right to host six concerts,
02:41 some industry experts believe
02:43 it is a high-return investment.
02:45 How much economic benefit does the Taylor Swift concert bring?
02:49 A Singapore-based travel agency specializing in high-end custom travel
02:53 recently received a reservation from 30 people from China.
02:57 The travel agency's manager said
02:59 these guests were invited by a Singapore private bank.
03:03 The bank gave them the VVIP tickets for the Taylor Swift concert.
03:07 They only had to take the flight by themselves
03:10 and spend four days and three nights in Singapore.
03:13 The manager said that these guests
03:15 were not necessarily Taylor Swift fans,
03:17 but more likely to come with a "don't want to miss" attitude.
03:21 First, they could watch the concert,
03:23 and second, they could also go to Singapore
03:25 to inspect the education environment for their children.
03:28 Therefore, the guests were very happy to go.
03:30 The Queen's Airline opened the city,
03:33 from a relatively economic capsule hotel
03:35 to a high-end hotel in Binhai Bay.
03:37 All hotel accommodation is sold out.
03:41 Singapore's travel agency's brand chief said
03:43 the world-class live entertainment
03:45 has created international brand value for Singapore
03:48 and brought great benefits to the economy,
03:50 and benefited retail, catering and hotel industries.
03:56 These entertainment activities not only brought international fame to Singapore,
04:00 but also consolidated Singapore's attractive position in the hearts of tourists.
04:05 What did the people of Singapore learn from Taylor Swift's concert?
04:11 What did the politicians who have been opposing the concert
04:15 of the international singer Rima think?
04:19 [Music]
