百格大事纪 | “让华人持有上市公司吧” 再益要土著甭过度担忧

  • 6 months ago

3月2日 #百格大事纪,一键掌握重点新闻时事。

再益:马来西亚土著 全球最幸运
评论3R惹祸 大马通缉澳洲部落客
逆向行驶15公里 75岁妇女被捕
新加坡证实有补贴Taylor Swift演唱会


00:00 The former Prime Minister said that Malaysia's land-based housing is the luckiest community in the world.
00:06 What does he mean?
00:08 Please watch the full story on March 2nd's Baig Da Shi Ji.
00:12 Good evening, I'm Jiaxin.
00:14 The Chairman of the Malaysia Trade Organization, Adu Wahid,
00:16 said at the 2024 Land-Based Economic Conference yesterday that
00:20 in the past three years, only one of the 97 new listed companies is a land-based company.
00:25 The situation is worrying.
00:27 However, the former Prime Minister Zaid Ibrahim said that
00:30 there is no community in the world that is luckier than Malaysia's land-based housing.
00:34 Because land-based housing is in charge of everything in the country,
00:36 such as the government, state-owned enterprises, the largest bank, national investment institutions,
00:40 national treasury and hundreds of related companies.
00:45 He said on Facebook yesterday that land-based housing should be careful of its own people and not be betrayed.
00:51 Of course, Zaid's remarks to Adu Wahid can be understood.
00:56 After all, in such an occasion as the Land-Based Economic Conference,
00:59 as a Malay elite, you must adjust the speech appropriately to cater to the audience from afar.
01:05 But for Zaid, the land-based or Malay need not be alone.
01:09 On the contrary, it should give the Chinese a chance to become a listed company holder and gain exposure.
01:15 After all, no one knows if these real owners are behind the domestic underground business circles
01:21 and have other interests.
01:23 For the sake of the Palestinian General Assembly,
01:26 it is held in the city center of Kuala Lumpur today.
01:28 Not only attracts the leaders of the democratic parties to support the event,
01:30 but also many people are self-deprecating.
01:32 The crowd is raging.
01:34 For the sake of the Palestinian General Assembly,
01:37 today, the Chaosheng Foundation praying room,
01:39 which attracts the masses to gather on Dunlasar Road,
01:42 shouted the slogan of "Liberate Palestine" along the way.
01:45 It is not possible to go to Kuala Lumpur without going to the playground.
01:47 On the way, pass through the mall of Maju Junction,
01:50 which is the largest shopping mall in the world,
01:53 and the shopping mall of Shihe,
01:55 and walk 5.1 kilometers along the way.
01:57 On the way, the participants held the banner and shouted the slogan of "Free Free Palestine".
02:02 Even children also cheered for Palestine.
02:05 Some participants even used shoes to constantly pat the Israeli Prime Minister
02:09 to talk about the picture of the Asian nation to protest.
02:12 In addition to the police and security guards stationed at the site,
02:15 volunteers from the police force also helped to maintain order.
02:19 Reporter Bai Ge also went to the site to broadcast and interview.
02:23 Remember to keep an eye on Bai Ge.
02:25 Later, we will bring you a more complete video report.
02:28 In order to solve the situation of the prison people,
02:32 Interior Minister Saifuddin said that the government has agreed on principle
02:35 to implement the "Try to Seize the Prisoners' Plan"
02:38 so that prisoners under the age of four can be detained at home.
02:42 Saifuddin attended the 234th Prison Day celebration today
02:46 and pointed out to reporters that through the "Pretending to Forcibly Report"
02:50 and the "Social Reform Plan" mechanism,
02:52 the government can not only solve the problem of "invading human trafficking"
02:56 but also save costs for the country.
02:58 The Ministry of the Interior is currently studying this measure from the perspective of relevant law
03:03 and determines whether it needs to amend the existing laws and regulations.
03:07 Prisoners who are eligible to participate in the plan
03:10 include chronic patients, people with Levin, disabled people and pregnant women.
03:15 The Australian-level Broke Muley who was a professor at the Thai Songkha King University
03:19 and the Malaysian University of Boris
03:21 was attacked by the Malaysian police
03:23 for criticizing the government and commenting on the 3R subject on the Internet.
03:27 According to Scott,
03:29 National Police Chief Lasha Ludin said
03:31 the Ugyaman police have also started an investigation into Muley from the perspective of the 3R subject.
03:35 A police officer believes that Muley is currently in Bangkok, Thailand
03:38 and has therefore asked for the help of the International Criminal Organization
03:41 to track down Muley.
03:43 According to the media's early report,
03:45 the Malaysian University of Boris issued a statement on January 31st
03:48 to draw a clear line with Muley
03:50 and emphasized that Muley had already signed a service contract with the university in 2015.
03:55 In other news,
03:57 a 75-year-old woman was driving in the opposite direction of the highway at night
04:00 and drove for about 15 kilometers before being stopped.
04:02 Fortunately, there was no major accident.
04:05 As you can see in the video,
04:07 this car is driving on the highway
04:09 with the signal light on both sides.
04:11 It forced other cars to dodge.
04:13 The car that was driving at that time
04:15 was stopped by other drivers
04:17 after 15 kilometers of driving
04:19 and called the police to check on the female driver.
04:21 It is reported that this incident
04:23 happened at 9 kilometers from Rofo New Mountain to Yai Dan.
04:26 The police in Xinchuan North District
04:28 arrested this 75-year-old woman
04:30 around 4 p.m. on March 1st
04:32 and also
04:34 under the Article 42(1) of the Road Traffic Law of 1987,
04:37 which is the "Rude Driving Regulations"
04:40 Once convicted,
04:42 the driver can be sentenced to no more than five years
04:45 and fined from RMB 5,000 to RMB 15,000.
04:49 The first wave of cases finally reached the Swifty state.
04:52 The US Empress Taylor Swift's
04:54 "The Erasur Tour" tour concert in Singapore
04:56 opened in Singapore's National Stadium today.
05:00 There were six concerts in two weekends.
05:03 Singapore is the only Southeast Asian state
05:05 where the tour is held.
05:07 Thai Prime Minister Setha Rai reported
05:09 that the Singapore government
05:11 has provided a $3 million subsidy
05:13 for Taylor Swift's concert
05:15 in order to sign a exclusive concert agreement
05:17 with the country.
05:19 The Singapore culture, community and youth minister
05:21 Tang Zhenhui confirmed
05:23 that the tour was supported
05:25 by the Singapore Tourism Authority.
05:27 But he refused to disclose the exact amount.
05:29 He said the actual number
05:31 was not as high as reported.
05:33 But he said Taylor Swift's tour
05:35 was a great benefit
05:37 to Singapore's economy,
05:39 especially for hotel, retail, tourism
05:41 and catering tourism.
05:43 According to the Asia News Agency,
05:45 all six Taylor Swift concerts
05:47 were close to $2 million to $3 million,
05:49 not counting each concert.
05:51 If you want to know more about the news,
05:53 please leave a message or text us.
05:55 Remember to follow Dingyue Baige.
05:57 See you next time.
05:59 See you next time.
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