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▌百秒AI报 ▌ 首相安华今天受访时表示,行动党副主席郭素沁反对强制申请清真认证的建议,不代表希盟立场。他指出,郭素沁的言论引发了不必要的争议,任何政治领袖如果有意见,应该带到会议上讨论。

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#安华 #郭素沁 #清真认证
#JAKIM #希盟
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Welcome to the 100-second A.I. News. I'm your A.I. anchor, Dai Yilin.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news.
00:17Prime Minister An Hua said in an interview today that the action party vice chairman Guo Suqin's opposition to the forced application for authentication does not represent Xi's position.
00:26He pointed out that Guo Suqin's remarks caused unnecessary controversy. If any political leaders have any comments, they should be brought to the meeting for discussion.
00:33There is a problem. The regulations are necessary so that Muslims do not feel uncomfortable. But if they feel that the regulations are not necessary in certain areas, then discuss it.
00:45The action party secretary-general, Lu Zhangfu, spoke for Guo Suqin. He said, as a member of parliament, Guo Suqin is responsible for raising concerns about non-Muslims and said that the forced application for authentication is just a suggestion. Everything has not been decided yet.
00:59What is being challenged is a concern from the people, especially non-Muslims.
01:09Denmark added another silver medal to the list of disabled men's long-distance runner-ups. Adolf Adolf, who competed in the T20 men's long-distance final this morning, won the silver medal with a best score of 7.45 meters.
01:20Adolf, who was reborn, sought to break the three-time dream, but he did not give up, and determined to regain the gold medal at the 2028 Disabled Men's Games.
01:30U.S. disease control and prevention center confirmed that a man in Missouri was infected with HIV.
01:39It is worth noting that the man did not directly contact the patient or infected animals. Experts are discussing the path of infection and whether the virus will mutate.
01:47The World Health Organization also called for intensified monitoring.
02:00For more UN videos visit www.un.org
