• last year
Industri hiburan Tanah Air dikenal memiliki segudang orang-orang kreatif. Bahkan belakang ini grup lawak batak “Agak Laen” yang filmnya sedang ramai di media sosial dan tembus 7 juta penonton ini ternyata mereka juga terinspirasi dari grup lawak legendaris di Indonesia.

Banyaknya grup lawak yang sudah setia menghibur masyarakat Indonesia, bisa dibilang ada beberapa grup lawak yang cukup fenomenal dan selalu dikenang oleh para penontonnya.

Kira-kira ada grup lawak legendaris apa saja yaa di Indonesia? Yuk, simak video berikut ini!

The country's entertainment industry is known to have a myriad of creative people. Even behind this hobo comedy group "Agak Laen", whose film is currently busy on social media and has reached 7 million viewers, it turns out that they were also inspired by legendary comedy groups in Indonesia.

The number of comedy groups that have faithfully entertained the Indonesian people, you could say that there are several comedy groups that are quite phenomenal and are always remembered by the audience.

What legendary comedy groups are there in Indonesia? Check out this video!

#SEAToday #SEATodayLifestyle #ComedyGroup #WarkopDKI #Srimulat #KwartetJaya #BagioCs #Bagito


00:00 Aga Laen
00:01 The group of seniors from Aga Laen
00:04 who are Indra Jegel, Boris Bukir, Oki Renga, and Benedien
00:08 seems to be on the rise, Citizen.
00:11 After their success in podcasts and YouTube,
00:13 the four of them are now spreading their wings in the world of movies,
00:17 namely the Aga Laen movie produced by Imaginary.
00:21 The success of Aga Laen
00:23 reminded the public of the legendary group of Aga Laen, Suar Cop DKI.
00:27 But did you know?
00:28 It turns out that the legendary Aga Laen groups in Indonesia
00:31 are not just Suar Cop DKI.
00:33 Who are they?
00:35 The first is Sri Mulat.
00:38 The group of Aga Laen, or more known as Sri Mulat,
00:42 appeared in the 1950s to the 1980s.
00:47 Sri Mulat was originally a musical show
00:49 that was featured in a comedy drama.
00:52 This group was founded by Teguh Slametrahardjo
00:54 and his wife Raden Ayu Sri Mulat.
00:57 [music]
01:00 [speaking Indonesian]
01:07 [laughing]
01:09 [music]
01:10 This Indonesian comedy group,
01:12 needless to say,
01:14 Suar Cop DKI is the most successful comedy group
01:18 in the 1980s and 1990s,
01:22 starting with its three personnel,
01:24 which brought one of the events on Radio Prambos
01:27 titled War Cop, alias Warung Kopi.
01:30 While DKI itself is not a short form of DKI Jakarta,
01:34 but a short form of its members,
01:37 namely Dono, Kasino, and Indro.
01:40 [speaking Indonesian]
01:42 The third is the Jaya Quartet.
01:45 In the 1970s,
01:47 the Jaya Quartet was very famous and dominated many stages.
01:51 The members of this group are Bing Slamet,
01:53 Edi Sudirahardjo, Koceli, and Iskak Darmesuwirjo.
01:58 This group eventually disbanded
02:00 after Bing Slamet died in 1974.
02:04 Two of the performers, Ateng and Iskak,
02:06 were known as Petruk and Bagong
02:08 in the Ria Jenaka show in the 1990s.
02:12 The fourth is Baggio CS.
02:15 Baggio himself joined the CS comedy group
02:18 with Darto Helm, Diran, and Sol Soleh.
02:22 The Baggio CS group was popular from 1970 to 1980.
02:27 In addition to appearing on television and movies,
02:29 Baggio CS was also active on stage and in comedy recordings.
02:33 Baggio usually showed off his surprised and flat character
02:37 with the words, "Eh, take it off, take it off."
02:40 The last is Baggi To.
02:43 This comedy group started from Radio Suara Jayaan,
02:46 which brought many famous performers such as Komeng and Patrio.
02:50 In fact, in 1990, Baggi To received an honor of reaching billions.
02:57 Baggi To members are Mie, Didin, and Unang,
03:00 who became the most expensive group of performers in Indonesia.
03:04 At that time, Baggi To had an event program
03:07 called Basho or Baggi To Show.
03:11 That's it, legendary comedians who once decorated the world of comedy in Indonesia.
03:16 But do you know any of them?
03:20 Try to comment, Citizen.
03:21 Thank you for watching VICE05.
03:23 See you, bye.
03:25 [Music]
