Indemnité carburant : incertitudes sur l’avenir du chèque de 100 euros

  • il y a 7 mois
00:00 Is the 100€ fuel check threatened?
00:02 With the state trying to save 10 billion euros,
00:05 speculations are circulating about its fate.
00:07 If the pump prices exceed the government's emergency threshold,
00:10 will you still benefit from this indemnity?
00:12 On Tuesday, February 20,
00:14 the ECO reported that the government had decided to remove
00:17 the "worker fuel indemnity" measure,
00:19 a 100€ check paid to low-wage workers
00:22 when the pump prices are close to 2€ per liter.
00:24 Questioned by Capital,
00:26 Bercy denies any suppression of the push-pull to motorists,
00:29 saying that savings allow to act in times of crisis.
00:32 How much is the emergency threshold set?
00:34 Well, in December 2023,
00:35 Bruno Le Maire had spoken of a 1.95€ per liter as a reasonable threshold.
00:39 The government could therefore trigger the indemnities
00:42 if the pump prices exceed this threshold.
00:43 The fuel check launched in 2023
00:45 aimed to help modest households using their cars to work.
00:48 By 2024, eligibility criteria could be expanded to 60% of workers,
00:53 up to 5.7 million French people,
00:55 with a budgetary impact of 600 million euros.
00:58 This is a major issue to be closely monitored.
01:02 [Music]
