• last year
TikTok star Brad Mondo talks about his own hair mistakes and gives tips on how to recover from various DIY hair catastrophes.
00:00 If we have learned anything from this past year,
00:02 it's that home hair care can get a little messy.
00:06 So what happens when your DIY hair treatment becomes
00:08 a very long bad hair day?
00:11 I'm talking the biggest hair disasters we have ever seen
00:14 caught on tape.
00:15 - Cut it out, cut it out, cut it out, cut it out, cut it out!
00:19 - My life sucks!
00:21 - It melted to the curling iron.
00:24 (dramatic music)
00:27 - Cut it!
00:28 (screaming)
00:30 - He's here in person, founder and CEO of Ex-Mundo,
00:32 Brad Mundo.
00:33 He's gonna reveal how to recover
00:35 from our hairiest situations.
00:36 Brad has amassed millions of followers on YouTube
00:39 and TikTok for his famous,
00:41 some might say infamous reactions
00:43 to hair disasters caught on tape.
00:44 Oh, your hair looks perfect all the time.
00:46 How do you, have you ever had a mega hair disaster?
00:48 - Yes, a lot of them actually.
00:51 I filmed a video one time where I mixed
00:53 all of my hair color together,
00:55 put it all on my head and it turned into
00:57 a mucky brown purple color.
00:59 So I lightened it and it all kind of snapped off
01:02 a little bit, as you would expect.
01:04 So it wasn't terrible.
01:06 - Crackling hair.
01:07 - Yep, no.
01:08 - Let's see what kinds of hair disasters
01:09 we were working with.
01:10 First, have you ever seen a hairstyle online?
01:12 I think it's easy enough to do at home.
01:14 And then disaster strikes.
01:16 Take a look at what happened when bleach took more away
01:18 than just the color.
01:21 - I think I might have messed up the bleaching process
01:25 just a little bit.
01:26 I don't think your hair is supposed to look like this
01:31 or come out in clumps.
01:33 [laughing]
01:34 - Catch your breath, is her hair salvageable?
01:37 - Hers, no.
01:38 There's no way, that's not coming back.
01:40 She has to either cut it, you know,
01:42 just let it relax for a couple of months.
01:45 You know, that's not really salvageable though.
01:47 - You cut it, you shave it.
01:48 I mean, it's all down to the roots.
01:50 - You're gonna have to cut it very short in that case.
01:53 Yeah, it's not a good idea.
01:55 Protein masks, bond builders are gonna be your best friend
01:58 for this situation.
01:59 - Oh my goodness.
02:01 Next, what about cutting your own bangs?
02:02 It never really goes quite right, does it?
02:04 Check out this next video.
02:05 [upbeat music]
02:08 - She just goes right for it.
02:13 It's not great.
02:14 Oh no!
02:15 No!
02:20 Stop, stop, stop, stop.
02:23 No.
02:24 Girl, it's not, this is not the look for you.
02:27 This is not.
02:28 Try and make it better now, but it's not.
02:33 Well, not the look for her, but it's cute, you know?
02:37 - As you watch these videos,
02:40 millions of us are watching you watch them.
02:42 So you ever just start getting into your bones?
02:44 Stop, no, no more.
02:45 - I get chills all the time
02:47 when people really ruin their hair.
02:48 I wanna jump through the screen and help them so badly.
02:52 It's scary sometimes.
02:54 - So if someone's planning on cutting their own bangs,
02:57 what should they know?
02:58 - You know, take your time and use a good tutorial online.
03:02 I have great ones, so look it up.
03:05 Also, you know, cut it long first.
03:08 You can always go shorter, you can't go longer.
03:10 - You know, I say that in the operating room all the time.
03:12 - Yeah.
03:13 - You know that barbers were surgeons.
03:14 - Really?
03:15 - Surgeons were barbers, however you say it.
03:16 You know the barbershop pole?
03:18 - Yeah, I do.
03:19 - Yeah, do you know why it has that color on it?
03:21 - 'Cause they were surgeons.
03:22 - Yes, they had white poles, they hung the bandages.
03:24 The bandages wrapped around.
03:25 See, we're related, come on over.
03:27 - I'm gonna use that.
03:28 - Please do.
03:28 - It's a little fun fact.
03:29 - But here's the question.
03:30 When someone does go too far.
03:32 - Yes.
03:33 - I'm in there with this.
03:33 I tried to recreate what happened to that young woman.
03:35 What do you do?
03:36 How do you fix bangs that are too short?
03:37 How do you salvage this?
03:38 - This is a situation, a hairy one, actually.
03:40 - Oh, you'll be here all week, try the forward bend.
03:44 - So she looks okay, you know?
03:46 She could either go shorter with the fringe,
03:48 you know, do a really baby bang moment.
03:50 We always love that.
03:51 Or, you know, you can also use a clip-on bang.
03:55 - Oh, that's a good idea.
03:55 - Just clip right here, and it'll cover them right up.
03:58 - Or never cut it in the first place.
03:59 - Yeah, or don't do that.
04:00 You know, not a great idea.
04:02 - All right.
04:03 Next, this TikTok creator tried straightening their hair,
04:05 and well, it didn't go as expected.
04:07 Did you see that little piece?
04:08 It just came right off, look.
04:16 - Oh.
04:17 Oh.
04:19 - Oh.
04:20 Oh.
04:21 - Girl.
04:22 - Look at her mouth, it's frozen open.
04:25 - Oh my God, the poor girl.
04:27 I feel so bad for her.
04:29 Don't do that.
04:30 - How do people protect their hair
04:31 from those types of atrocities?
04:34 - I mean--
04:34 - 'Cause those irons are hot.
04:36 - That one was probably extremely hot.
04:38 I don't know how she did that, really.
04:40 But using a heat protectant is always a great thing to do
04:43 before ironing your hair.
04:44 But also, don't use your iron at the highest
04:47 heat temperature.
04:48 You don't need 450 degrees to iron your hair.
04:51 You know, it's hotter than an oven.
04:53 - Why do they even offer that option?
04:54 - I don't know.
04:55 You know, people with very coily, super thick, dense hair
04:59 do sometimes need that, but most people don't.
05:02 - Mere mortals won't.
05:03 Thank you for watching.
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