• last year
Dr. Oz reveals the "What to Eat When" plan — the new non-diet diet that will help you lose weight, prevent disease, and even live longer. Then, co-creator of the plan Dr. Michael Crupain explains why you should eat carbs in the morning.


00:00 What you're about to hear may change the way you eat forever.
00:04 A brand new non-diet diet reveals the best way to eat to lose weight, prevent disease,
00:11 even live longer.
00:13 As it turns out, it's all about timing.
00:17 It's not just about what or where or how you eat, it's when.
00:22 Your body has a clock that controls your metabolism.
00:26 And if you eat at the right times, you can even indulge in non-diet foods like chocolate.
00:32 The head of our own medical unit has been researching and road testing this plan for
00:37 two years.
00:39 The body is best able to process carbohydrates early in the day.
00:42 As the day goes on, and when it gets late, when it gets dark especially, your body wants
00:45 to burn fat.
00:46 So, if you eat a lot late, you're throwing a wrench into your body's clock and switching
00:52 from fat-burning mode to fat-storing mode.
00:55 It's all laid out in the book, "What to Eat When," written by two of my most trusted colleagues,
01:01 Dr. Croupane and Dr. Mike Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer of the Cleveland Clinic.
01:07 We asked 30 women to try the plan for one month.
01:10 The thing I love about the WHEN diet is it doesn't make me cut out the things that I
01:16 love like lasagna and chocolate.
01:18 So far so good and I think I'm going to be able to stick to this and like the results.
01:23 I went from a size 16 down to like I can wear my 12 size jeans again.
01:29 So it's working.
01:30 Joining me now are the creators of this plan.
01:32 They're my go-to experts at everything.
01:34 Dr. Michael Croupane runs our med unit and Dr. Mike Roizen.
01:37 Mike, why is this so groundbreaking?
01:40 Why is the timing of our meals so crucial to us getting successful weight loss?
01:45 Well, we thought that it was important to change the question.
01:51 You know, people try, and my role as Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic,
01:55 people try and lose weight.
01:57 And much of the time, it doesn't stay off.
02:01 So we thought the question should change.
02:05 Instead of what you're eating, it should be when you're eating.
02:09 And when we looked at that, there's a real circadian rhythm to metabolism.
02:14 Your metabolism is higher at some times and lower at others.
02:18 And when you align what you eat with when your circadian rhythm says you should be eating
02:24 that, then that's the, if you will, great secret to weight loss.
02:30 Dr. Croupane, why is this way of looking at eating, paying attention to the biological
02:33 clock being overlooked for so long?
02:36 We asked the same question ourselves.
02:37 And when we looked, scientists just haven't spent a lot of time looking at how when we
02:41 eat affects our health.
02:42 And one reason may be that we all think a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, right?
02:47 I think everyone's been told that.
02:49 But when we look at the new science, that just might not be the case.
02:52 It actually turns out that when you eat that calorie could mean a very different way that
02:56 your body processes it.
02:58 So with that wisdom, you want us to flip things upside down.
03:00 You say, well, we have a breakfast, lunch, dinner.
03:02 We got to rethink it all.
03:04 That's right.
03:05 We need to totally flip our thinking.
03:06 So I'm a doctor, but I'm also very passionate about food and cooking.
03:09 So I used to spend-- He's a gourmand, by the way.
03:11 It's nauseating, but keep going.
03:14 And he really cooks incredibly well.
03:16 I've witnessed it.
03:17 Well, thank you.
03:18 So I used to spend a lot of time-- I'd go home at night, and I'd spend hours cooking
03:21 an amazing, beautiful dinner.
03:23 But by the time I was done, I was eating really late at night.
03:25 And I thought about it, and I realized that most of my calories were coming way after
03:29 dark.
03:30 And that's actually what most of America is doing.
03:32 And it turns out, when we looked at the science, this is exactly the wrong thing to do.
03:36 All right, let's get into it.
03:37 With this way of eating, you don't have to do the dizzying math of calorie counting.
03:41 Instead, it's much more about using your watch, your watch to dictate your diet.
03:45 So the What to Eat When plan is primarily around knowing what kinds of foods and how
03:50 much of them.
03:51 So you want us to eat dinner for breakfast.
03:54 That's the basics.
03:55 Yeah, that's right.
03:56 So we want you to eat bigger meals in the morning, so it's good to eat dinner foods
04:01 for breakfast.
04:02 So one of my favorites is to have a big, hearty bowl of soup.
04:05 This one I made is a creamy chickpea, kale, and chestnut with a tomato base.
04:10 Of course you did.
04:11 And Mike, what do you normally have?
04:13 Well, as we said, I flip my dinner, so I eat a salmon burger.
04:17 I love salmon burgers, and I eat them for breakfast.
04:21 And if you will, green beans.
04:22 And then you can have sweet potatoes.
04:24 You don't have to give up your sweet potatoes.
04:26 Having a burger for breakfast is counterintuitive.
04:29 Well, we thought it was counterintuitive, too.
04:33 So we really get pre-diabetic at night.
04:36 That is, if you have a low glucose in the morning, you end up with a higher glucose
04:41 in the evening.
04:42 And you end up pre-diabetic, which means you gain weight.
04:45 Give me the equation.
04:46 How do you actually think about this?
04:47 So remember, you want breakfast to be one of your biggest meals of the day.
04:50 So you should have three to four ounces of protein.
04:52 You can have two servings of carbs, which could be two slices of whole grain bread.
04:57 So you can eat bread when you're eating the Wenway.
04:59 And then you can have unlimited vegetables.
05:01 So as many as you want.
05:02 Fill up your plate.
05:03 What's really important is that you eat what you love, and you love what you eat.
05:07 So if you really love traditional breakfast food, go ahead.
05:09 Have a yogurt or oatmeal.
05:10 But then start getting adventurous.
05:12 Start adding some grilled chicken, a piece of salmon, or some vegetables, like some broccoli
05:17 or kale.
05:18 So why don't we throw lunch over here.
05:19 What is the best time for breakfast?
05:20 Just before I forget that key question.
05:23 Is breakfast six in the morning?
05:24 What time is it?
05:25 Well, the best time for breakfast is when your metabolism wants you to eat breakfast.
05:30 Naturally, our metabolism is greatest between 9 and 10 AM.
05:34 So that's when I eat that salmon burger.
05:36 All right.
05:37 9 to 10 AM, we have our breakfast.
05:38 Now it's time for lunch.
05:39 We actually are big on cold carbs at lunch.
05:42 That's right.
05:43 I think everybody loves carbs.
05:44 I know I do.
05:45 But when I bring carbs into the office, people give me dirty looks.
05:48 Everyone's afraid of carbs these days.
05:49 But when you're eating the Wen way, you don't have to be.
05:52 So because we're telling you to eat whole grain carbs and eat them smart.
05:55 And that's by eating them cold.
05:57 Here's the science of why you should eat your carbs cold.
05:59 When they're hot, your body breaks them down and turns them into sugar, which it uses as
06:03 energy.
06:04 But when they're cold, they turn into something called resistant starch.
06:08 And resistant starch is like fiber.
06:10 So your body can't break down fiber, so you don't get all those calories, but you still
06:13 feel full.
06:14 And it's a great time hack because you can make it before, let it cool, and then it's
06:17 ready to go whenever you want it.
06:18 All right.
06:19 So I understand what I'm going to eat.
06:20 The timing again.
06:21 So I've had my breakfast between 9 and 10.
06:23 When's lunch?
06:24 Lunch.
06:25 You should have lunch before 3 PM.
06:27 So again, if you eat the same number of calories, but you eat them at different times, you're
06:31 saying it makes a difference.
06:32 It makes a huge difference to your weight and your energy level.
06:36 How big a portion can you have for lunch?
06:38 For lunch, you can, it's not small portions.
06:41 We're talking about another three to four ounces of protein if you want.
06:44 Two heaping cups of pasta, whole grain pasta.
06:47 You can have-
06:48 But the cold.
06:49 Cold.
06:50 It should be cold.
06:51 You can have a cup of quinoa and unlimited vegetables.
06:54 Guys, we're putting carbs back into your diet.
06:56 I can't believe this.
06:58 Not sugar, but carbs.
06:59 Anna's back.
07:00 Remember, she had lost all that weight in the plan.
07:02 One of our audience members, thanks for being here.
07:04 How surprised were you to see carbs on the menu?
07:07 I was very surprised.
07:09 I thought diets were about cutting out the carbs, and I was completely wrong.
07:13 You made a combo for us.
07:14 It was very cool.
07:15 I did.
07:16 So this is, again, with the whole wheat or whole grain pasta, some sauteed broccoli,
07:19 garlic, chilies, a little bit of pick, and walnuts, because I love a little bit of a
07:24 crunchy yum.
07:25 And were they corn carbs?
07:26 Well, what I do is I cook it the night before, I put it in the fridge, and I take it out
07:30 for lunch the next day.
07:31 You don't need a microwave anymore.
07:32 No.
07:33 And she lost 15 pounds, right?
07:34 I did.
07:35 Thank you.
07:36 Thank you.
07:37 Good job to you guys.
07:38 I love how you put the walnuts in there, too.
07:39 Mike is obsessed with them, and now he's got me hooked, so I throw them in there.
07:42 What a show off you are, Anna.
07:43 And you know, when you stop eating so much sugar, the walnuts taste sweet.
07:46 They do.
07:47 I noticed that.
07:48 It's amazing.
07:49 Smartest audience in television.
07:50 Thank you very much.
07:51 To get to the final step of the plan, the five o'clock dinner happy hour.
07:54 What do you actually mean by happy hour?
07:56 Well, remember that dinner, you want to be the smallest meal, because your biology makes
08:02 the dinner turn into fat if it's too big.
08:05 So you know when you go to happy hour, there are small hors d'oeuvre portions.
08:09 You want really small portions.
08:11 And at the end of the happy hour, yes, you can have a glass of wine.
08:15 You can.
08:16 That's a great fact.
08:17 Just give me your wine.
08:18 All right, you brought your favorite five o'clock happy hour meal.
08:20 Help us understand how this can flatten our belly and give us the formula.
08:23 Show us what to eat.
08:24 Yeah, since we're eating dinner for breakfast, why not have some breakfast for dinner?
08:27 Sometimes you get home and you just want something quick and easy, so one of my favorites is
08:30 a frittata.
08:31 This is just some vegetables you threw in a pan, maybe some leftovers, some celery,
08:35 carrots, peppers, and mushrooms, and then four eggs, basically.
08:39 Mostly whites, one yolk.
08:41 And the key is to have fiber plus protein together, because that keeps you feeling full.
08:46 Give us the timing.
08:47 Do you have to be done by five?
08:49 You start at five?
08:50 Yeah, so remember, this is based on your circadian rhythm, and your circadian rhythm is set by
08:54 the sun.
08:55 So you start eating when the sun comes up, and you stop when the sun sets.
08:58 Ideally, you stop before that.
09:01 You expand that window.
09:02 So the time between when you finish your dinner and you eat your breakfast should be at least
09:06 12 hours, but the longer you make it, the better.
09:08 Because when you're eating the Wen way and you're fasting overnight, that's called intermittent
09:11 fasting, which is pretty popular these days, you're getting that, plus you start burning
09:16 ketones.
09:17 So you're getting to burn ketones, which is one of the things you get on the keto diet,
09:20 but you still don't have to struggle because you get to eat carbs.
09:24 It's a hack to get us all the joy without the pain.
09:27 Go to DrRoss.com to find a cheat sheet, how you can follow the whole plan.
09:31 It's super simple.
09:32 Thank you for watching.
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09:38 the good life.
