FTS 9:30 19-02: Public Hearings begin at the ICJ on Israel’s actions against Palestine

  • 7 months ago
FTS 9.30
*Russian FM arrives in Cuba
*Organizations warn on serious human rights violations if Assange is extradited


00:03 In an airlines public hearings on the legal consequences
00:14 of Israel's policies and practices against Palestine
00:17 began at the International Court of Justice.
00:19 In Cuba, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
00:26 arrived in Havana as part of a regional tour
00:28 to deepen bilateral relations.
00:30 In the United Kingdom, human rights organizations
00:36 warned about the risk of serious human rights violations
00:39 if Julian Assange is extradited to the United States.
00:42 Hello, welcome to From the South.
00:50 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:54 We begin with the news.
00:59 Public hearings on the legal consequences
01:14 of Israel's policies and practices against Palestine
01:16 have already begun at the International Court of Justice
01:19 at the Hague in the Netherlands.
01:21 These sessions are framed in the request of General Assembly
01:24 of the United Nations to obtain an advisory opinion
01:26 from this court on the effects of the Israeli occupation
01:29 for 75 years.
01:30 During these sessions, which extend from today
01:33 until February 26, the court will hear reports
01:35 from 52 countries, an unprecedented number
01:38 in the history of this high court.
01:40 The African Union, the Islamic Cooperation Organization,
01:42 and the League of Arab States will also present statements.
01:52 And Israel has allowed, after several weeks,
01:54 the most fluid entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
01:56 However, the danger is still imminent,
01:58 not only for the residents, but also
01:59 for the workers of the UN, who are exposed
02:02 when distributing the humanitarian aid,
02:03 as Israel continues to bomb indiscriminately.
02:06 Our correspondent brings us the details.
02:08 A flower--
02:11 --waiting.
02:11 Finally, Israel will allow a number of flower humanitarian
02:17 aid to be allowed into northern Gaza.
02:21 However, it is very dangerous now for Palestinians
02:24 to go and wait for the humanitarian aid
02:26 trucks at the Arashid Street or Salahuddin Street, which
02:30 are the northern Gaza gate to the whole world.
02:35 Why it is so dangerous?
02:36 Because in many occasions, the Israeli warplanes
02:39 and the Israeli tanks actually targeted
02:41 the people who were waiting for the aid.
02:44 For example, just yesterday, one Palestinian was killed
02:47 and a number were injured in an Israeli attack
02:51 that targeted people who were waiting for humanitarian aid.
02:55 So it is not only about the very little aid that
02:57 is being allowed to Gaza.
02:59 It is also about how dangerous it
03:01 is for the Palestinians to wait and to receive that aid,
03:06 and also how dangerous it is for the UN workers
03:11 and the humanitarian aid organization workers
03:14 to move around and distribute the aid on the Palestinians
03:18 here in Gaza.
03:19 Talking about the latest on the ground,
03:21 and there were a number of Israeli airstrikes
03:25 in northern Gaza, in middle Gaza, in southern Gaza.
03:29 I mean, overnight and this early hours,
03:32 the Israeli forces pounded Gaza from its north to its south
03:36 with a number of airstrikes and shells.
03:40 According to the Palestinian Health Ministry,
03:42 127 Palestinians were killed.
03:46 And this brings up the Palestinian death toll
03:48 here in Gaza since the 7th of October, up to 28,987 people.
03:56 Palestinians here on the ground are living with very little
04:00 hope that maybe in the near future
04:02 there would be a truce, a humanitarian truce,
04:06 before the month of Ramadan that could bring peace
04:10 to the ground here in Gaza.
04:13 Gaza.
04:15 Palestinian Israeli occupation warplanes
04:17 targeted citizens' homes in Deir al-Barak and al-Zawahira
04:20 in central Gaza and Hanjounis in the south,
04:23 killing dozens of Palestinian civilians.
04:25 Local sources said that the occupation warplanes
04:27 bombed the home of al-Barak family
04:29 in the city of Deir al-Barak, killing seven citizens,
04:31 including three children.
04:33 Five Palestinians were killed and others injured
04:35 after the occupation forces targeted a group of citizens
04:37 near the Kuwait roundabout, south of Gaza City.
04:40 In the south, the Israeli warplanes launched raids
04:43 west of the city of Hanjounis, where two people were killed
04:46 and others injured.
04:47 In a preliminary toll, the ongoing Israeli aggression
04:50 on Gaza since October 7 has resulted in 28,987 fatalities,
04:55 with 68,677 others injured.
05:04 The Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Commission
05:06 denounces the increase in torture and confinement
05:08 practices implemented by Israel's prison service.
05:11 Head of the institution, Khadur Afares,
05:14 rejected the isolation imposed on imprisoned Palestinian
05:16 leaders in the last few months.
05:18 Over 7,000 Palestinian men and women
05:21 have been arrested only in the occupied West Bank.
05:23 In addition, several thousands have
05:24 been apprehended in the Gaza Strip
05:26 for a total of 12,000 prisoners, including hundreds of children.
05:30 These actions carried out by Israeli occupation forces
05:33 are in violation of all international treaties
05:36 and conventions.
05:41 Journalists in Gaza are victims of violent Israeli actions
05:44 to prevent them from showing to the world
05:46 the reality of genocide.
05:48 Qatar TV News Channel Al Jazeera reporter Saleh Ismail Khalil
05:52 Mohamed tells us his story.
05:54 I had put on my best and we were getting
06:00 ready to go to the European hospital in Gaza.
06:04 We had walked some 300 meters to the point
06:07 where I was to meet with Ahmed when we were hit.
06:12 As Ahmed was telling how he almost died in the most recent
06:15 attack, an F-16 airplane launched a missile on us.
06:20 The Al Jazeera reporter Saleh Ismail Khalil Mohamed
06:23 also tells us how he lost one of his limbs
06:26 and how his colleague was wounded
06:27 as a result of an Israeli shell.
06:29 And then it happened.
06:36 I lost one leg and got a snapple on my other leg.
06:39 My colleague and cameraman, Ahmed,
06:41 was hit by a snapple in his head.
06:43 I pray to God he gets well and that he may heal him.
06:47 That's what happened.
06:50 Thank God now I feel a little better,
06:52 with God Almighty's favor.
06:53 That's all I can tell you.
06:55 In Japan, many citizens have expressed their support
07:00 for the Palestinian people and have called for an immediate
07:02 ceasefire in Gaza.
07:04 Demonstrators gathered in several cities
07:05 carrying Palestinian flags and banners
07:08 with slogans against Israel, demanding an end
07:10 to the genocide of the Palestinian people.
07:13 They also denounced lack of humanitarian aid
07:15 to provide for the victims.
07:16 Demonstration organizers say they
07:18 will continue to rally until they succeed in halting
07:21 the Israeli aggression.
07:22 Also in Milan, Italy, hundreds of citizens
07:31 joined worldwide demonstrations in solidarity
07:33 with the Palestinian people in the face
07:35 of the relentless Israeli aggression against the Gaza
07:37 Strip.
07:37 Demonstrators described the Israeli military actions
07:40 as a genocide due to Tel Aviv's human rights violations.
07:43 Citizens carried signs with slogans
07:45 like "Freedom for Palestine" and "Stop war crimes
07:47 against civilians."
07:48 Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom,
07:55 at least 12 people were arrested by police officers
07:57 during pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
07:59 More than 250,000 people took to the streets
08:02 to condemn the Israeli aggression
08:03 and call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
08:06 In Chile, the number of people killed as a result of the forest
08:25 fires in the Valle Paraiso region rose to 133.
08:28 Chile's forensic medical service informed
08:30 that up to now, 108 of the fatal victims of the disaster
08:34 have been identified.
08:35 However, work continues in order to provide a prompt response
08:38 to those affected by the tragedy.
08:40 It is expected that this figure will be the final one
08:43 once the debris removal work is concluded.
08:45 Meanwhile, the municipality of Viña del Mar
08:47 reported that about 60% of the affected area
08:50 has been cleared, although work continues.
08:52 Let's take a short break, but remember,
08:59 you can join us on TikTok @TELESURINGLISH,
09:02 where you will find news in different formats,
09:04 news updates, and much more.
09:06 Other stories coming up.
09:07 Stay with us.
09:29 Welcome back from the South.
09:31 A report reveals in the United States,
09:32 every 96 minutes a person dies in a work-related accident.
09:36 Going to data from Labor Statistics Bureau,
09:38 the results of the fatal occupational injury census
09:40 showed an increase of over 5% in the number
09:43 of fatal occupational injuries.
09:45 Statistics revealed that the highest proportion of casualties
09:47 were of Latinos, recall shore fishing and forestry workers.
09:51 However, transportation incidents
09:53 are the most common causes.
09:54 Facts reflecting the state's lack of investment
09:57 in worker social security.
09:59 In Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum officially
10:07 registers as candidate for the country's presidency.
10:10 The left citizens leader officialized her enrollment
10:12 and campaign as a candidate of the ruling party
10:15 to run for Mexico's presidency on June 2nd.
10:18 Among her proposals, Sheinbaum urges
10:19 the general principles of the government
10:21 she will lead with honesty, without divisions, corruption,
10:25 besides guaranteeing the political, social,
10:27 and sexual freedoms of expression.
10:29 Finally, the candidate affirmed that the fourth transformation
10:32 will have a woman's face and assured
10:33 that she will honor the strong commitment of President
10:36 Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's government.
10:38 In Panama, inflation keeps on the rise.
10:44 There has been a steady increase in the price of retail goods,
10:48 utilities, and services.
10:49 According to the Panamanian National Institute
10:52 of Statistics and Census, the higher price increases
10:55 occur in electricity, transportation, housing, water,
10:58 and gas.
10:59 In fact, the Consumer Price Index
11:00 showed that those utilities experienced a 1.7% increase
11:04 in the month of January alone.
11:06 In Haiti, human rights organizations
11:13 describe a catastrophic children's situation
11:15 and warn that millions of kids are directly impacted
11:17 by the economic, political, and social crisis affecting
11:20 the country.
11:21 The Sanmit Timon Foundation regretted the situation
11:24 of this sector of society in the midst of increasing food
11:27 and health conditions.
11:28 According to local media, in 2023,
11:30 an estimated 207,000 children were
11:32 living in domestic service in Haiti, and 113,000
11:35 were displaced due to gang violence,
11:37 and 5,400 were unaccompanied or perpetrated
11:40 at the Haitian-Dominican border.
11:42 In view of the situation, the United Nations Children's Fund
11:45 called on the authorities to guarantee
11:47 the safety of children in Haiti, where violence
11:50 continues to be rampant.
11:51 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
11:58 arrived in Havana, the capital of Cuba,
12:00 as part of a regional tour that will take him
12:02 to several Latin American countries.
12:04 According to the agenda shared by the offices of both foreign
12:07 ministries, he will hold meetings
12:08 with President Miguel Díaz-Canel and his counterpart
12:11 Bruno Rodríguez.
12:12 The memorandum from the Russian Foreign Ministry
12:14 states that a wide range of current issues
12:16 on the world and regional agenda,
12:18 as well as various aspects of bilateral cooperation,
12:20 including commercial, economic, and cultural matters,
12:23 will be discussed.
12:24 After his visit to Havana, the head of the Russian diplomacy
12:27 will travel to Venezuela and later to Brazil.
12:29 In the framework of the 32nd edition of the International
12:38 Book Fair in Havana, the government of Cuba and Brazil
12:40 signed an agreement that would allow the exchange of information
12:42 and experiences of library materials.
12:45 The agreement consists in a memorandum of understanding
12:47 between the National Library Foundation of Brazil
12:50 and the National Library of Cuba,
12:52 which provides for the exchange of information and experiences,
12:54 visits, library materials, as well as
12:56 the realization of several joint actions.
12:59 The document also provides for a schedule
13:01 of concrete follow-up actions for cooperation
13:04 between the two institutions, and was
13:06 signed by FBN President Marco Lucesi on the Brazilian side,
13:10 who donated books to the José Martí National
13:12 Library for the occasion, and by his counterpart Omar Palino
13:15 Cedre on the Cuban side.
13:24 For us, Cuba was and still is a second homeland,
13:27 the homeland that has taught us many important things,
13:29 not only for Brazil, but for Latin America.
13:32 You were ahead in many places, in many reasons,
13:34 concepts of humanity, of open policies,
13:37 towards solidarity among peoples,
13:39 which counts because we are on the same planet.
13:42 Well, I believe that now we have to retake the threats that
13:45 were, I don't say not yet, not even lost,
13:48 but threats that were not well done for reasons
13:50 that we all know.
13:52 That is to say, now we have to think
13:54 of a political agenda full of humanism and culture.
13:57 I believe that in this way, we will
13:58 be able to achieve justice and peace,
14:01 and above all, solidarity among the peoples,
14:03 because Cuba is facing many very important challenges,
14:06 and we are very close to all the concerns,
14:09 because the destiny of Cuba and the Cuban people
14:11 is also the destiny of Latin America.
14:15 We have a functional break coming up,
14:17 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
14:19 for our English speaking audience,
14:21 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly,
14:23 and share the link to reach more people.
14:25 We've got some news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
14:28 as well as the rest of the world.
14:29 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:31 Functional break, don't go away.
14:53 Welcome back from the South.
14:55 This is a decisive week for Australian activist Julianna
14:57 Sanche.
14:58 Human rights organizations are warning
14:59 about the risk of serious human rights violations
15:02 if he is extradited to the United States.
15:04 The extradition of the WikiLeaks founder
15:06 will be equally catastrophic for his welfare
15:08 and also for the global community awareness,
15:11 so say civil organizations, politicians,
15:13 and representatives from different countries.
15:15 If he's extradited, they warn there
15:17 will be a profound intimidating effect on the media freedom
15:20 around the world and the right of millions of people
15:23 to be informed.
15:24 These Tuesday rounds of worldwide actions
15:26 begin in addition to mobilizations
15:28 that will be on urgent legal actions
15:30 before international courts due to the clear threat
15:32 against Sanchez's integrity.
15:34 In Russia, the detonation of Ukrainian cluster munitions
15:42 left at least six people injured in Donetsk territory.
15:45 On Sunday, authorities in Donetsk region
15:47 confirmed that several civilians, including three
15:49 children, were injured after the detonation of cluster
15:52 munitions in different parts of the territory.
15:54 According to a regional representative,
15:56 after the incident, the wounded were taken to medical centers
15:59 where they received the necessary medical attention.
16:01 The Convention on Cluster Munitions passed in 2008
16:04 prohibits the use of this type of weapon,
16:06 given that 98% of those killed by this weapon
16:09 are civilians, mainly children, who
16:11 play with the bombs that failed to detonate.
16:13 African Union leaders condemn Israel's offensive
16:20 against the Gaza Strip and call for its immediate end.
16:23 During his speech at the summit held in Addis Ababa,
16:26 the capital of Ethiopia, the president
16:28 of the international organization,
16:29 Mr. Zafaki, expressed his support and solidarity
16:32 with the people of Palestine, while condemning
16:34 the Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip, which
16:37 he described as the most flagrant violation
16:39 of international humanitarian law.
16:41 For his part, the head of state of the Comoros Islands
16:44 and outgoing president of the African Union,
16:46 Asali Ousmane, praised the case brought by South Africa
16:49 against Israel before the International
16:51 Court of Justice.
16:53 In this regard, he called on the international community
16:55 not to ignore the disastrous consequences
16:57 of the Israeli genocide and to join efforts
17:00 to put an immediate end to it.
17:01 Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Dazeba
17:09 proposed an alliance with African countries
17:11 to fight deforestation.
17:13 During a speech at the 37th African Union Summit,
17:17 the Brazilian president said that caring for the planet's
17:19 health is a priority, while stressing the duty
17:22 to protect the world's two largest tropical forests,
17:25 the Amazon and the Congo.
17:27 In this sense, President Dazeba proposed
17:29 working on a joint initiative for the protection
17:31 of tropical forests, including a satellite network
17:34 to monitor deforestation and the recovery of degraded areas.
17:38 This after considering that the international instruments that
17:40 currently exist are insufficient to effectively protect
17:44 these areas, their biodiversity, and the people who live in,
17:46 care for, and depend on these biomes.
17:55 I come to reaffirm the partnership and bond
17:58 between our country and our people
18:00 and this broader continent.
18:02 The African struggle has much in common with the challenges
18:05 facing Brazil.
18:07 We have to chart our own paths in the emerging
18:09 international order.
18:10 We need to create a new world order capable of facing
18:13 the challenges of our time.
18:15 The Chinese government increased security operations
18:20 in Taiwan Strait following an incident
18:21 with a fishing boat in which two Chinese nationals were killed.
18:25 The Coast Guard of the Asian giant
18:26 confirmed that they will reinforce the patrol operations
18:29 in the South China Sea to preserve operational order
18:32 and protect fishermen's lives and properties.
18:35 This is after a boat with four fishermen overturned
18:37 on Thursday, February 15, when it was chased by Taiwan Island
18:41 authorities, resulting in the death of two Chinese nationals.
18:44 In this regard, authorities of the Asian giant
18:46 stressed that the incident caused widespread ignition
18:49 on both sides of Taiwan Strait, since those waters are
18:52 traditionally used by fishermen from both mainland
18:54 China and the Chinese island of Taiwan.
18:56 And on Sunday, conservationists around the globe
19:04 observed World Whale Day.
19:06 This day was set to raise awareness
19:07 about the threat of extinction facing whales,
19:10 and it sprung from an initiative by Dick
19:12 Greg Kaufman, founder of the Pacific Whale Foundation,
19:15 in 1980 in Maui, Hawaii.
19:17 Whales are mammals, family of cetaceans,
19:19 which inhabit the cold waters of the Arctic and tropical
19:22 regions.
19:23 They are the largest mammals on the planet,
19:25 and it has been estimated that their life on this planet
19:27 dates back some 55 million years.
19:30 However, illegal fishing practices and sport hunting
19:33 have pushed them to the brink of extinction.
19:35 We have come to the end of this news brief.
19:41 You can find these and many other stories
19:43 on our website at telescopeenglish.net.
19:45 You can also join us on our social media,
19:47 Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
19:50 With Telescope English and with Cesar Bertomatos,
19:52 thanks for watching.
19:59 [THUNDER]
20:02 [MUSIC]
