GHOSTS UK Season 3 Episode 2 - video Dailymotion

  • 7 months ago
GHOSTS UK Season 3 Episode 2 - video Dailymotion


00:00 Now, the hare hops around the tree.
00:02 The hare hops around the tree.
00:03 And then she's startled. She jumps into the hole.
00:05 And she jumps into the hole.
00:07 Put smoke in hole, wait with me.
00:09 Put smoke in the... No, sorry. No, that's not... No.
00:13 I'm just going to do a school knot.
00:15 Not a proper knot, mate.
00:16 You're stressed. Don't be stressed.
00:18 We'll just go back to the gooseberry farm.
00:19 Well, you weren't there when I left.
00:21 Just think of the gatehouse.
00:23 I'm very proud of you. OK?
00:25 I remember my first day at the bank.
00:28 Terrible dummy egg. Yes, my first day as CEO.
00:30 I must admit I had some butterflies.
00:32 First time hunt, Maveth. Me be breakin' it.
00:37 What about you, Julian?
00:38 Me? Well, can't say I've ever suffered from first-day nerves.
00:42 Is it short? That's how we used to do it in school.
00:44 Oh, yes. What about school? Harrow?
00:47 Nah. Like your second home.
00:49 Well, third home. You had a second home.
00:51 Fourth, if you count the one in Provence.
00:54 University and so on?
00:55 Er, same boys, really.
00:57 Surely the first day in Parliament...
00:59 Again, same boys, really.
01:00 So, you're saying you've never been in a situation
01:03 where you felt out of your depth?
01:04 Nah. Not that I can recall.
01:06 Mm.
01:08 Oh, God, no!
01:10 We think he's had a heart attack.
01:12 No, he isn't.
01:14 Paging his other sponsors.
01:15 Clear!
01:17 Terminating CPR.
01:19 Oh.
01:22 Oh.
01:24 Rindig! Rindig!
01:26 Rindig!
01:28 HE PANTS
01:30 What the hell is going on?
01:31 They can't hear you.
01:33 What?
01:35 HE GASPS
01:37 Oh, dear. Oh!
01:39 Oh, dear.
01:41 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! New guy!
01:44 Alison, if I may, since Michael is at work today,
01:47 I wondered if you might like to accompany me for a turn about the ground.
01:51 Actually, I can't, because...
01:52 Alison is spending the day with me today, Thomas.
01:55 Dancing. She promised.
01:57 I did, actually. I said we could make up a dance routine,
01:59 like I did with my friends at school.
02:01 Mad. Well, I can help you devise your piece.
02:04 Provide an outside eye, constructive criticism.
02:06 Thomas, I don't want you to... It's no trouble at all.
02:08 No, I don't think that... Shush, now. Say nay, nay, go on.
02:11 OK. OK.
02:13 Knock 'em dead. Isn't he leaving?
02:16 No, he's working from home. Online.
02:18 Working from home?
02:20 Fascinating. You're going to be great, OK?
02:22 Hello! See you later. I invented that look.
02:25 Come on, Alison. Let's start straight away. OK.
02:28 I was thinking that we could... Alison!
02:30 ...grant the seed into a flower.
02:32 Alison! There's women on television
02:35 talking about oracles, giving their opinions freely.
02:38 Loose women, Mary. Awful programme.
02:40 Yeah, it's loose women's.
02:42 Meet like Christine Lombard.
02:44 I do fear for them, Alison.
02:46 If the men folk catch them so wantonly expressing themselves...
02:50 The loud one. Colleen Nolan.
02:52 She will be ducked for sure.
02:56 It's probably just a parcel. I'll be one sec.
02:58 Aw!
03:00 You want to play chess?
03:02 Er...
03:04 Not today, Robin.
03:06 Then I will play with myself.
03:09 Hi. Hello.
03:16 Can I help you?
03:18 Er, yeah.
03:20 Yeah? Erm...
03:22 You're Alison, aren't you? Yes.
03:24 Yeah, well, my name's Lucy.
03:26 And, er...
03:28 I'm probably going to come as a shock.
03:30 Oh, God, erm...
03:32 I'm just going to say it. I think I'm your half-sister.
03:39 Hi, everyone.
03:41 Hello. Hi.
03:43 Looking very smart, Mike.
03:45 Loving the tie.
03:47 It won't take too much of your time before you get cracking.
03:50 All the stuff we went through in the induction meeting,
03:52 there are no quotas. We are not a factory.
03:54 You are not machines, OK?
03:56 We said that, keep the numbers up.
03:58 Stick to the script and don't ask open questions.
04:01 Your job is to sign them up, not to hear their life story.
04:03 Excellent briefing. She's right, Michael.
04:05 Quick in and out, like special forces.
04:07 I'll sometimes listen in, and you can talk to me in the chat window.
04:13 But please keep it to business.
04:15 Oh.
04:17 Is her tongue sticking out? No, no, no.
04:19 Does anybody have any last questions?
04:23 It's just a summer thing, I guess. I don't think it lasted long.
04:26 I don't like her. Her eyes are too far apart,
04:29 and she smells, and she hit me.
04:31 She can't!
04:33 Well, she wanted to. She's a baddie.
04:35 She found out she was pregnant, and she didn't have an address for him,
04:38 so just got a little bit of a headache.
04:40 So just got on with it, I suppose.
04:42 Do you take sugar? One, please.
04:44 Same as me.
04:46 Gosh. So alike.
04:48 But, yeah, she tried the phone book...
04:50 You all right, Thomas?
04:52 One tea, one sugar.
04:54 Well, that's what she said, but maybe she didn't want to find him.
04:57 Who knows? It was only when I was 16 that my mum told me all this.
05:01 I mean, chinny record!
05:03 She sat me down, she said. You know, I had this myself.
05:05 They show up out of the blue with some story
05:07 about how you slept with their mother at the party conference,
05:09 and how you should pay off the student debt.
05:11 I've already had a dad with my stepdad.
05:13 Did that really happen? Yeah, once or twice.
05:15 And then I'm watching a documentary on TV,
05:17 and you come on, and they show a photo of you with your parents,
05:20 and it's him!
05:22 Oh, right.
05:24 I just couldn't believe it.
05:26 All these years, all I've ever had was his name.
05:29 I mean, where's the evidence?
05:31 On this photo. Oh, right, that seemed to be fair.
05:33 Yeah, same bloke.
05:35 Is this when he was living in Cornwall?
05:37 Yeah.
05:39 Oh, my God.
05:41 I'm sorry, I know it must be a bit of a bombshell.
05:43 We're meant to be having fun today,
05:45 not listening to boring stories!
05:47 Oh! No, um...
05:49 Alison! No, it is.
05:51 Hurry up!
05:53 I could do your dance with you, Kitty, if you like.
05:55 It's meant to be with Alison.
05:57 Just until she's ready to take over.
05:59 Fine, but we still need the music on.
06:01 She's got a point, Alison.
06:03 you want to see my photos?
06:05 Oh, my God, I'd love to.
06:08 Follow me. Great.
06:10 Whoa! That was close.
06:12 No, the fundraiser.
06:16 They took his body away in an ambulance.
06:18 Of course everyone's gone home.
06:20 Heather! Heather!
06:22 I just hope I've got the press down.
06:24 Something very strange is happening to me.
06:26 (COUGHS)
06:28 Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
06:30 You don't.
06:32 (LAUGHS)
06:34 Where be the women?
06:47 Several arrests have been made in Watford today.
06:49 They have been cleared out.
06:51 The suspects have been remanded in custody and will face trial next month.
06:53 If found guilty, they could face lengthy custodial sentences.
06:55 There's a long letter.
06:57 Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
06:59 Oh, no! A trial!
07:01 A trial!
07:03 Here we go.
07:05 Remember your training. Stick to the script.
07:07 You'll be fine.
07:09 Hello? Hi, there. My name's Mike.
07:11 I'm calling on behalf of Spirited Life Insurance.
07:13 Good. Hello?
07:15 What? Oh, no.
07:17 Better luck next time. Chin up.
07:19 Here we go. Stand by. Hello?
07:21 You're connected. That's a go for Michael.
07:24 Hi, there. My name's Mike. I'm calling on behalf of Spirited Life Insurance.
07:26 Very good. Oh, I see. Hello.
07:28 Hi. How are you today?
07:30 I'm fine. A bit of a bad back, but I can't complain.
07:32 Oh, that doesn't sound very nice.
07:34 Oh, it's agony.
07:36 Mike, I've got painkillers, but I don't like to take them.
07:38 No?
07:40 Just stick to the script, man!
07:42 Oh, give him a break. It's his first day.
07:44 It's hardly breaking the Enigma code, is it?
07:46 You could do better.
07:49 Well, I really rather think I could, actually, Humphrey.
07:51 I think I'd be employers a month.
07:53 All right, then. Prove it. I'll be the customer.
07:55 What? Come on. Ring, ring.
07:57 Ring, ring. All right.
07:59 Ring, ring. Hello. Mr Cheese speaking.
08:01 Right. Hello.
08:03 I... Mr Cheese. That's a ridiculous name.
08:05 Oh, dear. You've insult my name. Who is it?
08:07 No, I wasn't doing the thing just then.
08:09 Wasn't doing what thing? Come on. I'm a very busy man.
08:11 I've got chickens to feed.
08:13 Hello. Yes?
08:15 I'm calling on behalf of Spirited Life Insurance.
08:17 Hello. And I was rather wondering whether...
08:19 Sorry, it's a very bad line. I can hardly hear you.
08:21 Hello? Hello?
08:23 Hello? Hello?
08:25 Hello? Hello?
08:27 Hello? Hello? Hello?
08:29 Hello? Yes, I'm calling. Hello?
08:31 This is Graham Cheese. I'm afraid I can't get to the phone at the moment.
08:33 But if you leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
08:35 Hello?
08:37 Beep!
08:40 Hello. Yes, it's the captain calling from Spirited Life Insurance.
08:42 I was calling... Sorry.
08:44 Come on. You've got time for this.
08:46 Photos are just in my bedside cabinet.
08:48 Oh, my goodness.
08:50 This is huge.
08:52 I think I'm just going to put some music on.
08:54 OK. Not that one.
08:56 That one.
08:58 OK.
09:00 I haven't heard this in a while.
09:02 Anyway, it's this way.
09:04 Right.
09:06 It's strange. I really do feel as though we may perform.
09:08 Come on, Pat. We're seeds.
09:10 OK. Right. Seeds, is it?
09:12 # Scent of rose and tea... #
09:14 Hello? OK.
09:18 Oh.
09:20 Right. Mr Cheese.
09:22 To recap your assets,
09:24 you have your house,
09:26 the circus in Bavaria,
09:28 and you have 12 sons.
09:30 13. What?
09:33 She's just had another one.
09:35 Little boy. We're going to call him Cheddar.
09:37 No, I'm sorry. This is all getting very silly.
09:39 I'm not playing any more. Don't be, Alan.
09:41 It's a big family. May I ask what thought you've given to their inheritance?
09:43 Open question, Michael.
09:45 It wouldn't be straightforward for me.
09:47 You see, I have rather a complicated family, isn't it?
09:49 Oh, this is going to take a while.
09:51 And have you considered making a will?
09:53 Well, we...
09:55 I was a foundling, you see.
09:57 Left in a telephone box in Dublin.
09:59 Wow.
10:01 So it wasn't until years later
10:03 that I really knew anything about my family.
10:05 Blimey.
10:07 So what was he like?
10:13 Well, I wish I could tell you,
10:15 but he passed away when I was five.
10:17 Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry.
10:19 No, um... Well...
10:21 My mum always said that he was the love of her life.
10:25 He was funny...
10:27 and kind.
10:30 He was a good cook.
10:32 And, um...
10:34 What else? He...
10:36 Oh, he was a terrible dancer.
10:40 Are you OK?
10:42 Yeah, sorry. It's just...
10:44 It's just a lot to take in.
10:46 Yeah.
10:50 It is.
10:54 Steady. Steady, steady, steady.
10:56 It's a lot to take in.
10:58 It certainly was for me.
11:00 There's no such thing as ghosts.
11:02 I'm having a bad dream. Yeah.
11:04 I'm having a bad dream.
11:06 I can assure you this is only too real.
11:08 You never know. You might be lucky and get sucked off.
11:10 Hey!
11:12 I mean, you can't be real.
11:14 You're all stereotypical ghosts, aren't you?
11:16 You've got the old Grey Lady.
11:19 You've got the old shop Arrow. Bloody chick.
11:21 Oh, and here comes the Headless One.
11:23 Yeah! Bravo!
11:25 Very original.
11:27 I'm sorry, I'm such a cliché.
11:29 Argh!
11:31 RZA!
11:33 Right, that's it. I've had enough of this.
11:35 I'm getting out of here.
11:37 Goodbye.
11:39 You could have walked through those tables.
11:41 Look here.
11:43 Huh?
11:48 Wait for it...
11:50 And...
11:52 We've all done it.
11:56 Argh!
11:58 Athletic!
12:02 Three. Come on.
12:04 Four.
12:08 Argh!
12:12 21!
12:16 Huh?
12:18 Huh?
12:20 Argh!
12:22 What did you do?
12:28 Oh, no.
12:32 67 and a half?
12:37 Here.
12:39 Argh!
12:41 Argh!
12:43 Toughen ladies, 88!
12:49 Argh!
12:53 No!
12:55 Yes, it doesn't make sense, does it?
13:01 See you later, loser!
13:03 Argh!
13:05 100!
13:07 Argh!
13:11 Oh, what is wrong with me?
13:13 Why does my heart pound?
13:15 Why do I ache so?
13:17 Mary, what is your opinion?
13:19 opinion?
13:23 Yes, as a woman.
13:25 A loose woman?
13:28 If you like.
13:30 So, what ails me?
13:32 Be there something new on thy plate?
13:34 Go on.
13:36 When I was three and 20,
13:38 my mother did grow fennel.
13:40 Oh, how I loved it so!
13:42 I ate nothing but fennel for weeks,
13:44 sparing the onions.
13:46 But all the while, I did have a terrible time on the stool,
13:49 but did not know why.
13:51 'Twas the fennel, of course.
13:53 Well, it isn't fennel.
13:55 I can't eat anything.
13:57 Unless...
14:01 Lucy is my fennel!
14:03 My God, you're right!
14:05 I'm hopelessly in love with fennel!
14:07 I must tell onions.
14:09 Alison.
14:11 And we fly to the left.
14:13 And we fly to the right.
14:15 And the rainbow, and down.
14:17 Oh!
14:20 Right, I'm off to see what Alison's up to with that girl.
14:23 Well, hang on, we've only just started.
14:25 I could teach you a few moves, if you like.
14:27 I was a regional dance finalist, you know.
14:29 Erm...
14:31 Oh.
14:33 How about this, eh?
14:35 Mashed potato.
14:37 Is it easy?
14:39 I think it is.
14:41 That's it. Now we're cooking spuds. Eh?
14:43 Yes.
14:45 OK, let's try this one. Oh!
14:47 That's right. Don't forget to transfer your weight.
14:49 I've got loads of moves.
14:51 Dice it and dice it.
14:53 Dice it, dice it.
14:57 Car wash.
14:59 Right. Oh!
15:01 Oh! Ha-ha!
15:03 How about this?
15:05 What can you see through your fingers?
15:07 Nothing!
15:10 Up, up, up.
15:12 Up.
15:14 Groovy.
15:16 Shiver. Shiver.
15:18 Up.
15:20 And down.
15:22 You can breathe. Breathe!
15:24 That's it. And down.
15:26 You be careful what you reveal to this young lady.
15:28 Don't let her be seeing where you keep your papers, passport and so on.
15:30 Erm, it's just down there, on the right.
15:32 Before you know it, she'll be travelling the world,
15:34 all expenses paid, paid by you.
15:37 What are you talking about?
15:39 I'm on a luxury cruise. Trip of a lifetime.
15:41 First class, upper decks.
15:43 But I arrived in Southampton to find that, apparently,
15:45 there was already a lady button aboard.
15:47 Right.
15:49 I'm certain it was a young lady who came to the house
15:51 looking for a housekeeping vacancy when there wasn't one,
15:53 used my identity to cheat her way onto the Titanic.
15:55 Hang on, the Titanic?
15:57 The Titanic sank?
15:59 Aren't you glad you weren't on it?
16:01 People forget that before the iceberg,
16:03 it was a perfectly pleasant trip.
16:05 So, you did go?
16:07 I've seen the motion picture.
16:09 Only you wouldn't catch me letting some American oik paint my breasts.
16:12 I don't see how any of this is relevant.
16:14 All I'm saying is, beware.
16:16 Be veryware.
16:18 Really.
16:20 You mark my words, young lady.
16:22 Alison, there you are.
16:24 Great, you too. Can you just...
16:26 I'm afraid what I have to say may come as a shock to you.
16:29 And it's not your fault.
16:31 Our time together has been a paradise.
16:33 God, this is hard.
16:37 I know it's harder for you,
16:39 but I cannot deny my heart has changed.
16:41 And I must leave you.
16:46 Hmm.
16:48 Metaphorically, of course, I'll still live in the house.
16:50 Thanks. No problem.
16:52 While I was working in the home,
16:56 I struck up a friendship with this particular lady, you see.
16:58 We're just connected.
17:00 I used to talk to her when I brought lunch to her room and so on.
17:05 And one day, she told me her greatest regret.
17:07 What was it?
17:09 It was that when she was a young girl,
17:11 she had a baby.
17:13 She had to give up.
17:15 And I still get goosebumps now remembering it.
17:17 I knew. I just knew.
17:20 She was?
17:22 Yes. She was my mother.
17:24 She was a mother? That's incredible.
17:26 I couldn't believe myself.
17:28 Why is she his mother? Extraordinary.
17:30 And now we're one big happy family.
17:32 And seven grandchildren and another one on the way.
17:37 Wonderful.
17:52 You look so much better with your moves now.
17:54 Thank you. Again.
17:56 Don't you have to go and see Alison?
17:58 Quick!
18:00 Oh, Mabel.
18:03 Please, God, take pity on the loose women.
18:05 Their husbands be so worried.
18:09 Dear Lord, please send them...
18:11 It is done.
18:16 What's done?
18:18 The honourable thing.
18:20 It was the right thing to do, was it not?
18:22 I could not pretend I was not changed.
18:25 After all, I've not felt this way since...
18:27 Well, since Alison came into my life.
18:31 So modern, so spirited, so charming.
18:33 Was I hasty?
18:36 Perhaps I love them both. No.
18:38 Do I?
18:40 Say something about fennel or something.
18:42 Oh, fennel, yeah.
18:44 Well, it's a root vegetable.
18:46 Yes?
18:49 Grows in the soil. You've got the bob,
18:51 and you've got them lovely long shoots
18:53 and very pretty flowers on the end.
18:55 Thrives in well-drained soil.
18:57 Bit like celery. Always loved celery.
18:59 Same family as fennel, of course.
19:01 Same family?
19:03 Of course! How could I be so rash?
19:06 It is Alison I see in Lucy.
19:09 A reflection of the same creation,
19:13 the same fair qualities.
19:15 It does not mean I have stopped loving onions.
19:17 Far from it.
19:19 Thank you, Mary.
19:21 Such insight into matters of heart.
19:23 Thank you again.
19:25 Yeah. You're welcome.
19:30 Vegetables, eh?
19:32 tell us about her new album.
19:34 Plus we'll be discussing Meghan Markle's make-up...
19:36 (GASPS)
19:38 Please be...
19:40 They have been pardoned!
19:42 (SIGHS)
19:44 They've been pardoned!
19:46 They...
19:48 Goodness, I've been prattling on, haven't I?
19:50 No, no, no. Not at all.
19:52 Not at all. Fascinating, that.
19:54 Maybe I'll get that from my mother. Who knows?
19:56 (LAUGHS)
19:58 Anyway, you once talked to me about insurance.
20:00 Mike?
20:06 Well, actually, I don't work for the company any more.
20:08 Oh?
20:10 Yeah, I thought it might be a bit exploitative, so...
20:14 ..I quit. Oh!
20:16 Are you sure that's wise? For you, Mike.
20:18 A man of principle.
20:20 Yeah. Well, I suppose I'd better go.
20:22 Start looking for a new job.
20:24 Well, I don't know if you'd be interested,
20:26 but she needs to fill in her company,
20:28 and I think you could be just the ticket.
20:30 She needs someone trustworthy...
20:32 Well played, Michael. ..dealing with people...
20:34 Just the ticket. Yeah.
20:36 Thanks so much for hearing me out. Oh, yeah.
20:39 I know this must have come as a huge shock.
20:41 Yeah, you can say that again.
20:43 Can I give you my number?
20:45 And that way it's up to you if you want to chat... Yeah.
20:47 Alison, there you are. Forget everything I said earlier.
20:52 I'm sorry if I hurt you.
20:54 I'd really like to get to know you.
20:56 If you want that, too.
20:58 Yeah, I... Honestly, you don't have to say anything now.
21:00 You need time to think.
21:02 Thank you. Bye for now.
21:04 Bye. Bye. Bye.
21:06 Goodbye. Forever, potentially.
21:10 Which would be fine, because it's you I love, only you.
21:25 Is she gone?
21:27 How did it go? Pat!
21:29 Pat! Oh, no!
21:31 It's a dance machine!
21:33 You can't stop!
21:35 You are not going to believe what just happened to me.
21:37 You are not going to believe what just happened to me. What?
21:39 Try me.
21:41 I just said goodbye to someone who showed up
21:43 to tell me she's my half-sister.
21:46 Yeah, yours is better.
21:48 Apparently, before he met my mum, my dad and her mum had a thing.
21:51 Then they split up and he didn't know she was pregnant.
21:54 What? Yeah.
21:56 Do you find that hard to believe?
21:58 Well, yeah, but not after the story I just heard on the phone.
22:00 Just cos something's crazy doesn't mean it can't be true.
22:02 I find it all rather convenient.
22:04 Wouldn't you agree, Julian?
22:06 Julian.
22:08 Julian.
22:10 Julian.
22:12 My name is Julian Fawcett...
22:14 ..and I'm a...
22:19 Oh, no. You've been through a lot.
22:23 You can do it.
22:25 I'm a ghost.
22:27 Well done.
22:29 Well done.
22:31 Take a seat.
22:33 You'll find there is a fun side to being cut off indefinitely
22:35 from the life you lived and the people you loved.
22:37 We were just about to play charades.
22:39 Yeah.
22:41 Not really my bag.
22:44 Ah.
22:46 Anyone want to play chess?
22:48 Oh, yeah.
22:50 A bit.
22:52 All right. Do you know how?
22:54 I could learn.
22:56 Hmm?
22:58 I suppose we've got time.
23:00 Right, well, these little ones are called pawns.
23:02 Pawns.
23:04 Pawn. Pawn.
23:06 Julian. OK.
23:08 Julian.
23:10 What's that?
23:12 No, well, I mean, if I could accept that I was dead...
23:16 I mean, I could accept I can see dead people.
23:18 Doesn't seem that far-fetched at all.
23:20 Looks like I have a sister.
23:22 Yeah.
23:24 Ah.
23:26 How was your day?
23:28 I quit.
23:30 Oh.
23:32 Then I got a better job.
23:34 All right. You have been busy.
23:37 Kitty? Oh!
23:39 I'm free now, if you want me to take over.
23:41 No, that's all right. Pat's my dance partner now.
23:43 He taught me the mashed potato,
23:45 the chicken dance and the banana split.
23:47 That's a balanced meal.
23:49 Delicious.
23:51 Come on, Pat. We've got to polish our routine.
23:53 Oh, God, no! Mercy!
23:57 And where have you been?
23:59 Well, I've been with young Michael and Mr Cheese.
24:01 I mean, Humphrey.
24:03 I've learned a thing or two, actually.
24:05 There are times when one must go against the grain.
24:07 Make one's own decisions
24:09 rather than simply following orders.
24:11 Hmm.
24:13 Oh, fetch the others. It's time for my talk of the day.
24:15 Fanny is Fanny.
24:17 Patrick? Mary? On me.
24:19 Still fancy that game?
24:27 (CHUCKLES)
24:29 So...
24:31 Prawn. Pawn.
24:34 He goes, "Dougal."
24:35 - Uh-huh.
24:36 (clicks tongue)
24:37 Problem?
