• last year
There's magic in the words you tell yourself. Recondition your mind towards losing weight with these positive weight loss affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that rewire our subconscious minds to think and believe in a particular way which shapes our lives accordingly. You can repeat or listen to these powerful affirmations as you go to sleep or begin your day. Make them a practice for at least 21 days in a row. Believe and Manifest!
00:00 A healthy lifestyle begins with a decision to change for the better.
00:06 Listen to these powerful affirmations and take the first step towards a wholesome life.
00:15 Let's begin.
00:22 I am motivated to get healthier.
00:30 I am in charge of my body.
00:38 I trust in my journey.
00:44 I am developing healthy eating habits.
00:54 It feels good to exercise.
01:02 I love moving my body.
01:08 I am active and full of energy.
01:17 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
01:28 I am happy, fit and confident.
01:38 I feel good about myself.
01:45 I am motivated to get healthier.
01:52 I am in charge of my body.
02:00 I trust in my journey.
02:07 I am developing healthy eating habits.
02:16 It feels good to exercise.
02:25 I love moving my body.
02:31 I am active and full of energy.
02:40 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
02:51 I am happy, fit and confident.
03:01 I feel good about myself.
03:07 I am motivated to get healthier.
03:15 I am in charge of my body.
03:23 I trust in my journey.
03:30 I am developing healthy eating habits.
03:39 It feels good to exercise.
03:47 I love moving my body.
03:53 I am active and full of energy.
04:02 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
04:14 I am happy, fit and confident.
04:23 I feel good about myself.
04:30 I am motivated to get healthier.
04:38 I am in charge of my body.
04:46 I trust in my journey.
04:52 I am developing healthy eating habits.
05:02 It feels good to exercise.
05:10 I love moving my body.
05:16 I am active and full of energy.
05:25 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
05:36 I am happy, fit and confident.
05:46 I feel good about myself.
05:53 I am motivated to get healthier.
06:01 I am in charge of my body.
06:08 I trust in my journey.
06:15 I am developing healthy eating habits.
06:24 It feels good to exercise.
06:33 I love moving my body.
06:39 I am active and full of energy.
06:48 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
06:59 I am happy, fit and confident.
07:09 I feel good about myself.
07:15 I am motivated to get healthier.
07:23 I am in charge of my body.
07:31 I trust in my journey.
07:38 I am developing healthy eating habits.
07:47 It feels good to exercise.
07:55 I love moving my body.
08:01 I am active and full of energy.
08:10 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
08:22 I am happy, fit and confident.
08:31 I feel good about myself.
08:38 I am motivated to get healthier.
08:46 I am in charge of my body.
08:54 I trust in my journey.
09:00 I am developing healthy eating habits.
09:10 It feels good to exercise.
09:18 I love moving my body.
09:24 I am active and full of energy.
09:33 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
09:44 I am happy, fit and confident.
09:54 I feel good about myself.
10:01 I am motivated to get healthier.
10:09 I am in charge of my body.
10:16 I trust in my journey.
10:23 I am developing healthy eating habits.
10:32 It feels good to exercise.
10:41 I love moving my body.
10:47 I am active and full of energy.
10:56 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
11:07 I am happy, fit and confident.
11:17 I feel good about myself.
11:23 I am motivated to get healthier.
11:31 I am in charge of my body.
11:39 I trust in my journey.
11:46 I am developing healthy eating habits.
11:55 It feels good to exercise.
12:03 I love moving my body.
12:09 I am active and full of energy.
12:18 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
12:30 I am happy, fit and confident.
12:39 I feel good about myself.
12:46 I am motivated to get healthier.
12:54 I am in charge of my body.
13:02 I trust in my journey.
13:08 I am developing healthy eating habits.
13:18 It feels good to exercise.
13:26 I love moving my body.
13:32 I am active and full of energy.
13:41 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
13:52 I am happy, fit and confident.
14:02 I feel good about myself.
14:09 I am motivated to get healthier.
14:17 I am in charge of my body.
14:24 I trust in my journey.
14:31 I am developing healthy eating habits.
14:40 It feels good to exercise.
14:49 I love moving my body.
14:55 I am active and full of energy.
15:04 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
15:15 I am happy, fit and confident.
15:25 I feel good about myself.
15:31 I am motivated to get healthier.
15:39 I am in charge of my body.
15:47 I trust in my journey.
15:54 I am developing healthy eating habits.
16:03 It feels good to exercise.
16:11 I love moving my body.
16:17 I am active and full of energy.
16:26 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
16:38 I am happy, fit and confident.
16:47 I feel good about myself.
16:54 I am motivated to get healthier.
17:02 I am in charge of my body.
17:10 I trust in my journey.
17:16 I am developing healthy eating habits.
17:26 It feels good to exercise.
17:34 I love moving my body.
17:40 I am active and full of energy.
17:49 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
18:00 I am happy, fit and confident.
18:10 I feel good about myself.
18:17 I am motivated to get healthier.
18:24 I am in charge of my body.
18:32 I trust in my journey.
18:39 I am developing healthy eating habits.
18:48 It feels good to exercise.
18:57 I love moving my body.
19:03 I am active and full of energy.
19:12 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
19:23 I am happy, fit and confident.
19:33 I feel good about myself.
19:39 I am motivated to get healthier.
19:47 I am in charge of my body.
19:55 I trust in my journey.
20:02 I am developing healthy eating habits.
20:11 It feels good to exercise.
20:19 I love moving my body.
20:25 I am active and full of energy.
20:34 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
20:46 I am happy, fit and confident.
20:55 I feel good about myself.
21:02 I am motivated to get healthier.
21:10 I am in charge of my body.
21:18 I trust in my journey.
21:24 I am developing healthy eating habits.
21:34 It feels good to exercise.
21:42 I love moving my body.
21:48 I am active and full of energy.
21:57 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
22:08 I am happy, fit and confident.
22:18 I feel good about myself.
22:25 I am motivated to get healthier.
22:32 I am in charge of my body.
22:40 I trust in my journey.
22:47 I am developing healthy eating habits.
22:56 It feels good to exercise.
23:05 I love moving my body.
23:11 I am active and full of energy.
23:20 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
23:31 I am happy, fit and confident.
23:41 I feel good about myself.
23:47 I am motivated to get healthier.
23:55 I am in charge of my body.
24:03 I trust in my journey.
24:10 I am developing healthy eating habits.
24:19 It feels good to exercise.
24:27 I love moving my body.
24:33 I am active and full of energy.
24:42 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
24:54 I am happy, fit and confident.
25:03 I feel good about myself.
25:10 I am motivated to get healthier.
25:18 I am in charge of my body.
25:26 I trust in my journey.
25:32 I am developing healthy eating habits.
25:42 It feels good to exercise.
25:50 I love moving my body.
25:56 I am active and full of energy.
26:05 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
26:16 I am happy, fit and confident.
26:26 I feel good about myself.
26:33 I am motivated to get healthier.
26:41 I am in charge of my body.
26:48 I trust in my journey.
26:55 I am developing healthy eating habits.
27:04 It feels good to exercise.
27:13 I love moving my body.
27:19 I am active and full of energy.
27:28 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
27:39 I am happy, fit and confident.
27:49 I feel good about myself.
27:55 I am motivated to get healthier.
28:03 I am in charge of my body.
28:11 I trust in my journey.
28:18 I am developing healthy eating habits.
28:27 It feels good to exercise.
28:35 I love moving my body.
28:41 I am active and full of energy.
28:50 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
29:02 I am happy, fit and confident.
29:11 I feel good about myself.
29:18 I am motivated to get healthier.
29:26 I am in charge of my body.
29:34 I trust in my journey.
29:40 I am developing healthy eating habits.
29:50 It feels good to exercise.
29:58 I love moving my body.
30:04 I am active and full of energy.
30:13 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
30:24 I am happy, fit and confident.
30:34 I feel good about myself.
30:41 I am motivated to get healthier.
30:48 I am in charge of my body.
30:56 I trust in my journey.
31:03 I am developing healthy eating habits.
31:12 It feels good to exercise.
31:21 I love moving my body.
31:27 I am active and full of energy.
31:36 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
31:47 I am happy, fit and confident.
31:57 I feel good about myself.
32:03 I am motivated to get healthier.
32:11 I am in charge of my body.
32:19 I trust in my journey.
32:26 I am developing healthy eating habits.
32:35 It feels good to exercise.
32:43 I love moving my body.
32:49 I am active and full of energy.
32:58 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
33:10 I am happy, fit and confident.
33:19 I feel good about myself.
33:26 I am motivated to get healthier.
33:34 I am in charge of my body.
33:42 I trust in my journey.
33:48 I am developing healthy eating habits.
33:58 It feels good to exercise.
34:06 I love moving my body.
34:12 I am active and full of energy.
34:21 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
34:32 I am happy, fit and confident.
34:42 I feel good about myself.
34:49 I am motivated to get healthier.
34:57 I am in charge of my body.
35:04 I trust in my journey.
35:11 I am developing healthy eating habits.
35:20 It feels good to exercise.
35:29 I love moving my body.
35:35 I am active and full of energy.
35:44 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
35:55 I am happy, fit and confident.
36:05 I feel good about myself.
36:11 I am motivated to get healthier.
36:19 I am in charge of my body.
36:27 I trust in my journey.
36:34 I am developing healthy eating habits.
36:43 It feels good to exercise.
36:51 I love moving my body.
36:57 I am active and full of energy.
37:06 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
37:18 I am happy, fit and confident.
37:27 I feel good about myself.
37:34 I am motivated to get healthier.
37:42 I am in charge of my body.
37:50 I trust in my journey.
37:56 I am developing healthy eating habits.
38:06 It feels good to exercise.
38:14 I love moving my body.
38:20 I am active and full of energy.
38:29 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
38:40 I am happy, fit and confident.
38:50 I feel good about myself.
38:57 I am motivated to get healthier.
39:04 I am in charge of my body.
39:12 I trust in my journey.
39:19 I am developing healthy eating habits.
39:28 It feels good to exercise.
39:37 I love moving my body.
39:43 I am active and full of energy.
39:52 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
40:03 I am happy, fit and confident.
40:13 I feel good about myself.
40:19 I am motivated to get healthier.
40:27 I am in charge of my body.
40:35 I trust in my journey.
40:42 I am developing healthy eating habits.
40:51 It feels good to exercise.
40:59 I love moving my body.
41:05 I am active and full of energy.
41:14 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
41:26 I am happy, fit and confident.
41:35 I feel good about myself.
41:42 I am motivated to get healthier.
41:50 I am in charge of my body.
41:58 I trust in my journey.
42:04 I am developing healthy eating habits.
42:14 It feels good to exercise.
42:22 I love moving my body.
42:28 I am active and full of energy.
42:37 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
42:48 I am happy, fit and confident.
42:58 I feel good about myself.
43:05 I am motivated to get healthier.
43:13 I am in charge of my body.
43:20 I trust in my journey.
43:27 I am developing healthy eating habits.
43:36 It feels good to exercise.
43:45 I love moving my body.
43:51 I am active and full of energy.
44:00 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
44:11 I am happy, fit and confident.
44:21 I feel good about myself.
44:27 I am motivated to get healthier.
44:35 I am in charge of my body.
44:43 I trust in my journey.
44:50 I am developing healthy eating habits.
44:59 It feels good to exercise.
45:07 I love moving my body.
45:13 I am active and full of energy.
45:22 I am grateful for my progress, no matter how small it may be.
45:34 I am happy, fit and confident.
45:43 I feel good about myself.
45:50 Every positive thought is a step closer to the vibrant, healthy life you desire.
45:59 Believe and achieve.
46:02 Believe and manifest.
46:05 you
46:07 (music fades)
