Vladimir Poutine estime que la Russie ne peut pas être vaincue en Ukraine

  • 7 months ago
Vladimir Poutine a choisi l'ultra conservateur Tucker Carlson pour accorder sa première interview à un journaliste occidental depuis le conflit en Ukraine.
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00:00 Vladimir Putin chose the ultra-conservative Tucker Carlson to give his first interview
00:04 to a Western journalist since the conflict in Ukraine.
00:08 In the interview broadcast on Thursday, he estimates that a defeat of Russia in Ukraine
00:12 is the impossible and says to put aside the idea of ​​invading Poland or Latvia.
00:16 Vladimir Putin told the ultra-conservative American journalist Tucker Carlson, in a
00:21 long interview broadcast on Thursday, February 8, that a defeat of Russia in Ukraine was
00:25 the impossible.
00:26 In this message of more than two hours to the US and the West, which has often taken
00:31 a very subjective lesson in history, the Russian president also put aside the idea
00:35 of ​​invading Poland or Latvia, two countries in which his country has no interest.
00:39 So far, there have been vociferations and cries about the need to inflict a
00:45 strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield, he said to the former Fox News star animator,
00:51 in a large room where the two men were sitting face to face in white armchairs.
00:54 But now he seems to realize that it is difficult to achieve, or even impossible.
00:59 "In my opinion, it is impossible by definition.
01:03 It will never happen.
01:05 It seems to me that now, those in power in the West are also aware of it, "he
01:10 added, who launched the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
01:13 If this achievement has been well understood, they must think about it later.
01:18 "We are ready for this dialogue, "he assured.
01:21 The words of the Kremlin master, who spoke in Russian, were dubbed into English.
01:27 Vladimir Putin also said that it was possible to find an agreement for the release of
01:32 American journalist Evan Gershkovich, detained in Russia for almost a year.
01:37 "I think an agreement can be concluded," he said.
01:40 "There is no taboo to resolve this issue.
01:43 We are ready to resolve it but some terms are being discussed via
01:47 special services channels.
01:48 No question.
01:50 " The Russian president, whose interview is the first he has given to a Western journalist
01:55 since the conflict in Ukraine, also said to exclude an invasion of Poland or Latvia.
02:00 "Can you imagine a scenario in which you send Russian troops to Poland? "
02:04 he asked Tucker Carlson, a close friend of former US President Donald Trump.
02:09 "Only in a case of figure, if Poland attacks Russia, " Vladimir Putin replied.
02:14 "We have no interest in Poland, Latvia or elsewhere.
02:18 Why would we do that?
02:21 We just have no interest.
02:23 There is no question about it, "he added.
02:26 The Russian president also said that the election of a new American president, scheduled for
02:31 November 5 and which should oppose Republican Donald Trump to Democrat Joe Biden, would
02:36 not change relations between the United States and Russia.
02:39 "You just asked me if something would change if another leader came.
02:43 It's not a question of who is the leader, of the personality of a particular person,
02:49 "said Vladimir Putin.
02:51 Donald Trump like Vladimir Putin does not tarry from praise to praise.
02:55 Vladimir Trump boasted, without further precision, of being able to resolve the war in Ukraine
03:00 in 24 hours if he was re-elected.
03:02 President Biden, he, qualified his Russian counterpart as a war criminal and displays
03:08 unwavering support for Kiev.
03:10 Tucker Carlson announced in a big pump this week that he was interviewing Vladimir Putin.
03:15 Russian state media have widely covered the visit of the presenter, in particular publishing
03:19 photos of him at the airport and at the famous Bolshoi Theater.
03:23 With AFP.
