• 8 months ago
Christine Howard of Save Halgavor Moor addresses the planning meeting
00:00 I'm here, they've got far more, far more expertise than me regarding surface water, nutrients, etc.
00:06 But what I thought you would like to know is the Bodmin's strategic plan from 2012, 2017.
00:14 Ten years ago, Cornwall Council had a desktop survey to locate areas of land for allocation for urban developments.
00:25 Helgovra was one of these and was brought forward as one site, east and west of the Lost Withy Road, namely BDUE2.
00:36 Wellinghams already had the option on all the land on the west side. Cornwall Council owns the land on the east side.
00:46 The Cornwall Council's submission for allocation, the inspector agreed in order to speed up the development to split the site into two.
00:56 540 and 230 dwellings. The policy was to build 70 houses per year on each side to complete 770 dwellings by 2030.
01:11 The inspector's report was based on evidence solely supplied by Cornwall Council with certain criterions.
01:21 One being a continued highway from Commonwealth Road over the railway line into the east side and continues straight into the Helgovra Moor allocation.
01:32 Known as the Helgovra Junction and Helgovra Restwind Package, a new bridge is required.
01:39 The inspectorate's report of April 2019, including five ways, states this transport infrastructure is scheduled to commence immediately and should be forthcoming within a reasonable timescale.
01:55 The development is to subscribe towards the infrastructure.
02:01 However, on 3 November 2020, James Grant of Wayne Homes wrote to Cornwall Town Council stating to ensure their obligations to the landowner, their engineers have decided to go against Cornwall Council's advice and access the site on further downloads for the old.
02:21 They confirmed the clearly strong objection to the removal of parking and the impact in general on the leisure centre.
02:29 They also confirmed this is against Cornwall Council's wishes and is aware that Bodmin Town Council are against the scheme.
02:37 This new access is to be through non-allocated meadowland and within the Land Hydrop Parish.
02:45 If Cornwall Council approves this planning application, they will have blown a hole in their own strategic plan for transport infrastructure.
02:53 This being one of the main caveats included in the inspector's report of April 2019.
03:03 There are many inaccuracies within the Wayne Homes ESA report.
03:07 Another caveat from the inspector was that a full environmental assessment and full hydrological assessment should be conducted on both east and west developments together, including the old landfill site, because they all affect each other.
03:27 Mr Lurton Robinson of Wayne Homes at a Bodmin Town Council planning meeting on 6 March 2019 stated, "Wayne Homes' view was that Cornwall Council's DPD figures were highly optimistic, giving the site to poverty and hydrology challenges."
03:47 I've got so much information in my head but that's it for me. Thanks for listening.
03:51 [APPLAUSE]
