00:00It's going to have a proposed development on it. This is on National Landscape which is protected land and we've joined up with
00:07Waverley Borough Council, Hazelmere Vision and Hazelmere Society to join all six and the Town Council
00:16and we're going to stand, so we've got a place around the table with the Planning Inspector and the Appellant to try and see if we can halt the development.
00:25We all want housing but we do want housing of the right type in the right place and putting it on
00:31National Landscape which is one of the highest protections isn't the right place to put it in
00:36and it's going to do a lot of damage to Hazelmere. It's going to be the single biggest change for
00:40Hazelmere in, I don't know, decades I think. So what we're doing, we have done that, all six, we're
00:46putting an evidence statement in and the public session at the Buries in Guildford, sorry,
00:53Godalming will be happening on the 8th of April at around midday and anyone can go along and
01:00listen in and even stand up and make a objection or a proposal that you like it at that meeting.
01:08It's going to be an interesting meeting. I think there'll be a lot of people there.
01:12You do have to register, the Council has to register because it is limited spaces
01:17but they've handed out a letter which did come out to some people because it's a show of hands.
01:21Has anyone got a letter from a lady called Margaret at Waverley?
01:27So Councillors only, that's interesting.
01:33Not one now but anyone who objected in the first round should actually receive a letter to tell
01:41them that this is happening. I'm talking to Waverley on Friday so I'll see why people aren't
01:45getting letters. It's only happened before, it's not a second. That's why we're in the position
01:50we're in now. But you will receive it on the 8th, Tuesday the 8th around midday. The Inspector
01:56hasn't said the exact time but it's midday-ish and you can all have five minutes to say whether
02:01you want to go for or against the proposals. They'll be put into the pot and they'll make a
02:06decision. It lasts for six days. I've got to attend on days because I'm standing there as Africa
02:12and we've got two major witnesses who are putting evidence forward on their behalf
02:18and Waverley have actually put a KC in this time to actually stand against it because they feel
02:23it's so important to make sure that client houses are in the right place. So if you want to go along
02:27please do. I've got a copy of your sheet here if anyone wants information we can hand something out.
02:33Any questions on this development?
02:35Thank you very much.