'Messy' Mitch Love Island Interview ROUND 2!

  • 8 months ago
'Messy' Mitch Love Island Interview ROUND 2! Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00 Hi guys, it's Judy here from OGE with another Love Island All-Star chat
00:04 and I'm going to take a deep breath
00:05 *inhales*
00:06 because it's about to get very, very messy
00:09 because the man, the myth, the legend that is Messy Mitch
00:12 We're back for round two
00:13 Ding ding
00:14 Six months later
00:15 Fancy meeting you here
00:17 We keep meeting here like this
00:19 and I just don't know why
00:20 In this room, every time
00:22 We need to start meeting like this
00:23 Literally
00:23 I have to say though, your tan is definitely better than the first time I saw you
00:26 I appreciate that
00:27 So I look better, is that what you're saying?
00:28 You do, you're looking quite well
00:30 The tan's working for you
00:31 I do try
00:32 How are you?
00:33 Good
00:34 You sure?
00:34 Yeah, yeah
00:35 Obviously this time, different
00:37 Yeah
00:38 Not as...
00:40 as pleased as I was
00:41 I can say as my experience this time to the other one, I can't lie
00:45 It were a different experience
00:47 I can say that much
00:49 Why was it different?
00:50 It's just obviously with this series
00:54 everyone had been on and they know the process
00:57 and they know how it works
00:58 to a certain degree
00:59 So with this one, I don't think anyone
01:01 other than Toby, I feel
01:03 out of the boys and a bit of Tom
01:05 were just like
01:07 being exactly their self
01:09 I can say it was just a different vibe
01:12 I couldn't trust anyone basically
01:15 Right
01:15 I just don't think I could
01:16 You were saying there's no bro code
01:18 Is that because Anton tried to skill you?
01:21 I mean...
01:23 Sorry, you know how to do it
01:24 Do you know what?
01:25 I came out and I said like
01:27 you know what? I apologise to Anton
01:29 for arguing with him
01:31 And then I actually saw the clip
01:33 and he just...
01:34 The guy hates me
01:36 The guy hates me
01:37 He just does
01:38 And it's like I firstly regretted it
01:41 And then secondly, I was like, no, I should have gone in deeper
01:43 It's like, how can you, as we're boys
01:47 do that to me?
01:48 I've not done that to any of the boys
01:49 I've not actually called any of the boys like
01:52 being like nasty
01:54 like what Anton's been saying
01:55 And obviously everyone's praising him
01:56 He's this gentleman and stuff like that
01:58 I get it
01:59 He's a nice guy
02:00 He knows how to play the game
02:01 He's a very smart man
02:03 But they say never meet your heroes
02:04 And I know that first hand
02:05 because I interview celebrities all the time
02:07 and you met Anton and was in a disappointment
02:09 So I'll clear this one up
02:10 Obviously, I've been called by other Islanders over the past
02:14 I'm a super fan
02:15 The only one I watched from day dot to the end
02:18 was Chris and Anton's
02:20 Obviously Molly Mae and Tommy series
02:22 I watched that one fully
02:23 And the rest of like, you know, jumping for an episode or two
02:26 and whatnot and stuff like that
02:27 And I want to meet Anton
02:28 And I met him the first day
02:29 We're great and stuff like that
02:30 But we couldn't be further ends of the spectrum
02:35 when it comes to like personalities
02:37 Anton's a very mature bloke and stuff like that
02:40 And where I'm just like a northern lad
02:44 I know I'm 27
02:44 And everyone's like, you're mature for 27
02:46 I'm not, I just have a personality
02:48 But do you feel like because they've asked you to go in a second time
02:50 and because you've got like the persona of Messy Mitch
02:52 you almost had to live up to that as well?
02:55 Obviously, it's a TV show
02:57 Yeah, you've got to take that consideration
02:58 And we are as much as it is a TV show
03:01 We are entertainers
03:03 And we can't just go on and have a boring time
03:06 We've got to do, we've got to do things we've got to do
03:07 I'm not going into too much detail with that
03:09 But still, I just, I liked Lib from the start
03:14 Lib would argue with me all the time
03:16 I would say I was hurting the girls feelings
03:17 But it wasn't intentional
03:18 I told Lib from day dot and throughout
03:21 I'm keeping my options open
03:22 And whether that got shown or not, I did say that
03:26 So I was just a bit confused on why I came out to a lot of hate
03:30 But did you make it clear to her though that you were open?
03:33 Every single time
03:35 I swear on my life, I would tell her all the time
03:38 Whether it got put in the edit or not
03:40 Every time I talked to her, I'd tell her
03:42 Because I went, I'm not being messy this time
03:44 I am telling you right now, I think you're great
03:48 I'm here to find love
03:50 I told her every single time
03:51 Don't know how many times I got put in the show
03:52 Because I've not watched it back
03:54 But I literally told her so many times
03:57 And then Demi, I'm really confused about Demi
04:00 Because she was in here
04:01 And she said that you guys met at an event
04:05 She came up to you
04:06 And was like, hi, and you were like being weird
04:08 And then you really fancied her
04:10 Matt, explain
04:11 So I've watched snippets of this bit
04:14 Did you?
04:16 Yeah, so I wasn't being weird
04:18 I don't know, I'll clear that one up for starters
04:20 Me and Ella Barnes, obviously when I was here
04:22 Me and Ella Barnes were together
04:23 Went to a PLT event
04:24 Then went to another one in London
04:26 And Demi was in the taxi with me
04:29 I forgot about that because I was extremely drunk
04:31 This is why I don't drink at events anymore
04:32 Hardly drink anymore now
04:34 So that was the first time we met
04:37 Apparently met again, but I don't remember
04:38 And then I remember Demi walking into an event in Manchester
04:42 And she walked over to me, said hi Mitch
04:44 I loved her energy and I thought she's great
04:46 This, that, the other, we had a nice chat
04:48 Demi thought we had a terrible chat
04:49 When I thought we had a great one
04:50 So I drove home from Manchester that day
04:53 That night and I was like
04:55 Hmm, yeah she's stunning though
04:56 Yeah, if I go on All Stars hopefully I see her type of thing
05:00 And then I saw her and I told her all about it
05:02 And I was like, you know what I mean?
05:04 And I was like, oh god Demi I'm so sorry
05:06 So yeah, hopefully that's cleared one up
05:08 So then when you were in there, the whole number one thing
05:11 I don't know if you saw that I also said
05:12 That you were telling me that I was your number one
05:14 And I wasn't even there
05:15 What was going on with that?
05:16 Who was your number one?
05:17 Who were you telling them was your number one?
05:19 So I think we was about five, six days in
05:22 My options were so open even I couldn't control it
05:25 I think I wanted to get to know Demi, obviously Lib
05:29 And then George Harrison wanted to get to know me
05:31 So George Harrison were involved as well
05:34 I'm thinking three girls at once, I cannot do this
05:36 I'm a one man band, I always have been
05:37 So this is too much for me
05:39 And it got to the point and this, I will be honest
05:41 This is generally just my actions
05:43 Like it wasn't producer, poster, anything like that
05:45 It was generally me like, I went up to Demi and I thought
05:48 You know what, the best charts, the most sexual attention
05:51 I'm getting off this one person is Demi right now
05:54 So obviously I sat down with Demi and I told Demi like
05:56 Listen, I think you're edging it
05:58 I want to get to know you the most out of everyone
06:01 Five minutes later, she was up on the terrace snogging Lewis
06:03 I was like, okay, maybe I was wrong about that one
06:05 So obviously when Lib picked me, that was like my turning point
06:09 I was like, you know what, Lib's gone out of her way
06:11 She's made herself vulnerable and I find it so attractive
06:16 So I was like, me and Lib and ever since then
06:18 I didn't chat to Demi because I was like
06:21 Lib wants to couple up with me and I thought, you know what, that's it
06:24 So
06:24 You got into a bit of bother after the whole Lewis and Demi kiss, didn't you?
06:28 Oh, the argument with Lewis?
06:30 Yeah, that was quite intense, eh?
06:32 You were just like, whatever
06:33 I just thought, the thing is, I just thought
06:36 Lewis is actually a nice guy
06:38 I think he just lost his rag and you can always appreciate
06:41 Emotions are heightened
06:42 I've got no beef towards Lewis
06:44 Snog, marry, pie
06:46 I love that challenge
06:47 Did you?
06:48 I actually like it, I think it's very entertaining
06:50 I like the drama to a degree, like
06:55 You took quite a lot of pies though
06:56 Only four this time, I think it was seven last time
06:58 Oh, okay, so we're improving
07:00 We're improving
07:01 Love Island series 11, I'm going to take two
07:04 But your pie option, was it the right thing to do?
07:07 So this is what I'm going to clear up right now
07:10 When I was in the villa and when I said I couldn't trust many people
07:13 I bottled my emotions up with how much Liberty was upsetting and stressing me out
07:19 But because I didn't make it clear on TV, I just looked like a heartless guy
07:23 Liberty was really upsetting me because you were making me up
07:27 I was upsetting her, she was upsetting me
07:28 She was giving me a hard time, this, that, the other
07:30 This, and I could talk about other things but we don't need to
07:33 And it's like, no one else in that villa had upset me and stressed me out as much as Liberty
07:39 So both sides have emotions
07:42 Because I haven't shown mine and cried to people about it
07:45 Doesn't mean I'm not hurt
07:47 So in my opinion, I don't regret pie and lib
07:51 I did it as gentle as possible and just said you stressed me out
07:53 And I wanted to keep it short and simple
07:55 I was really stressed out
07:59 I was really stressed out
08:01 I wasn't enjoying my time because I was put in a predicament where
08:04 I'm hurting lib no matter what
08:06 The girls love lib
08:07 I'm hurting lib no matter what
08:08 But lib is crying to the girls
08:11 And the girls all wanted to get to know me
08:14 Because obviously I'm upsetting lib
08:17 But it's unintentional
08:18 I'm literally being as clear and transparent as I can
08:20 In my opinion, I'll stand by this so strongly
08:24 I was not messy
08:25 With lib, I just weren't
08:29 With everyone else, like, stirring the pot with everyone else
08:31 Yeah, that's my job
08:32 But with lib, I couldn't have been more transparent and honest
08:35 I don't know what you've seen on the show, in the edit
08:40 But every time I spoke to her, "Are you alright?"
08:43 I still want to get to know other people
08:45 I pulled up for a chat about George Harrison
08:46 I'm a bad person because I want to get to know more people
08:48 I don't get it
08:49 Yeah
08:50 I played the Love Island game and I come out worse
08:52 It's so stupid
08:53 And then when you got dumped, were you just like, "I'm not bothered, I'm happy to go"?
08:57 Yeah
08:58 I wanted to go
08:59 My family knew
09:00 Aw
09:01 My family knew when they were watching me
09:04 They know, like, obviously I'm there to entertain people
09:07 It's a TV show at the end of the day
09:08 And I was doing the best I could
09:09 But at the same time, my mum and dad and sister were watching
09:11 They knew I was upset
09:14 And because, like I say, because I've not shown my emotions
09:17 Which is my fault
09:18 I just don't want to be an emotional person too much
09:21 Mum and dad were like...
09:23 Mum and dad watched it before the second week
09:25 Because I did two and a half
09:26 They knew that I was ready to go
09:31 So when my jammer voted as bottom couple
09:34 I looked and I went, "Please get me out"
09:37 And as soon as I got out, I was...
09:38 I don't have to deal with it right now
09:39 I can get back to my...
09:41 You know
09:42 So who would have been your, like, dream girl in there then?
09:45 What do you want?
09:46 What do you need, Messy Mitch?
09:50 Down to earth
09:51 Yes, important
09:52 Not crazy
09:53 Might be hard
09:54 I do like blondes
09:55 Do you?
09:56 Mitch, are you for real?
09:57 I'm not for real
09:58 I'm not for real
09:59 I'm not for real
10:00 Mitch, are you flirting with me?
10:01 I'm single
10:02 I'm crazy though, so that's...
10:03 You are, so that's out
10:04 Damn out, yeah, yeah, yeah
10:05 Honestly, blonde, small, petite...
10:06 You, no...
10:07 But not crazy
10:08 I do like a bit of spice here and there, but yeah, blonde girls, just as always I've been.
10:22 So if you were asked to do it again, that's what we know you need to go in
10:27 So if there's going to be that and a package for you, would that convince you enough to
10:31 go back in?
10:32 They'd have to twist my arm quite hard, but potentially
10:37 We're saying that small of a chance
10:39 One thing I definitely couldn't cope with is I couldn't be Molly
10:41 I could not be Molly in that situation, have my ex in there
10:45 The whole Georgia thing, the PDAs
10:47 Oh, what a stressful environment
10:49 I know you're saying that you think Georgia's getting a lot of hate
10:53 But we did watch it, though, we seen it
10:57 So the Georgia Steel one, obviously, I think she's still a nice girl, I think she's just
11:00 confused
11:01 I know, but come on
11:02 No, I'm backing her, I feel like she's allowed to be, she's allowed to be confused, she needs
11:09 to make her mind up soon
11:11 Quite frankly, I reckon she never will
11:13 I don't think she ever will, I think while she's in that environment, there's no way
11:17 to be on your own and be yourself and gather your own force, because it's 24/7, all days
11:22 are intense, it is a lot harder than you think
11:25 Do you think Calum and Molly can get back together?
11:27 I love love, I'm shipping it
11:30 Everyone's shipping it, I know
11:31 Never say never
11:32 Right, so you came out the villa and you had your phone for goodness knows how long and
11:40 you noticed that you were already being spoken about, how was that?
11:45 I'm not going to talk too much about this
11:46 Is that because there's legalities involved?
11:48 I'm quite scared, I don't want to be sued
11:50 I just, listen, I'm not going to go into it too much, I just think it's weird after we
11:53 squashed it
11:54 We literally squashed it, we were so nice to each other and then I've come out and seen
11:57 that person ranting about me again and I thought, what are you doing?
12:03 We DMed on Instagram and we cleared the air and then I've come out and you're doing it
12:06 again and whether it's just for relevancy, because she'll know how I react
12:11 But what about the things that you've been accused of, of not speaking to women well
12:15 and all that, that must be not very nice to come out and see that
12:18 Coming from nothing means nothing
12:20 I think you don't know me, you know the character I play and I just think, shame on you for
12:25 ever doing this, you know what we, this is what I don't agree with Islanders with, you
12:31 know what we go through, you've been through what we go through, you know what we have
12:34 to do
12:35 And you're still, in order to get to the audience on your side, still doing stuff like that
12:40 so just grow up
12:44 So just to clarify then once and for all, are you a Love Island superfan?
12:48 I never have been
12:51 Did you go in twice for Instagram followers and clout?
12:55 No, absolutely not
12:57 I think it was Anton that maybe mentioned it or something again
13:01 This is what I don't understand, I'm not going to bad mouth Anton like he does me, I'm an
13:05 adult, I don't benefit by doing this so Anton would bring it up more than me off mic, he
13:15 would bring up, oh Mitch because of your character you should get to a million followers, this
13:19 that the other, he says that exact sentence and stuff and then he says that and it's like,
13:25 is he that smart where he can use that against me on camera because it's going to make him
13:31 look better and make me look worse, has he calculated it better than me, I don't know
13:35 because I don't think too much into things
13:37 Do you even care about Instagram followers and stuff, is it important to you?
13:41 Not really, I just want to find, I just want to fall in love
13:43 Oh Mitch
13:44 I'm not even kidding, I just want to fall in love, I'm in my feels right now
13:47 I feel like I need to be your Cilla Black, I'm going to do this for you, this is the
13:52 next, I'm going to ask you what's next for you but that is next for you, we're going
13:55 to go on a mission to find you someone but what is next, what's the plan, just live life,
14:00 live laugh love
14:01 Just live laugh love, literally just do that, we don't know what's around the corner, just
14:08 enjoy life, life's short
14:10 And I'll see you in the summer when you're off the next series as well, cheers, always
14:15 a pleasure, cheers mate, don't you dare, play hard to get, there's nothing in it
14:20 No it is, it's called acting
14:21 Cheers
14:22 Cheers
14:22 (laughing)
