NCSC, iminumungkahi ang pagkakaroon ng central database kapalit ng discount booklet ng mga senior...

  • 7 months ago
NCSC, iminumungkahi ang pagkakaroon ng central database kapalit ng discount booklet ng mga senior citizen
00:00 Target the National Commission of Senior Citizens to have a central database
00:05 that will replace the discount booklets that the senior citizens use.
00:10 This is the report of Rod Lagusan.
00:12 Following the continuous distribution of discounts for senior citizens,
00:18 the National Commission of Senior Citizens is now advocating
00:22 to have a database instead of discount booklets for senior citizens.
00:27 According to NCSC Chairperson Atty. Frank Linquijano,
00:31 having a central database is more practical.
00:34 Actually, if we talk about the experienced, it's better.
00:39 Because one problem, even if you are experienced,
00:42 you will forget that you cannot avail the 20% discount.
00:45 So I think, if all the seniors are experienced, they can remove the booklets.
00:50 So if you go to a boutique or a grocery or a mall,
00:56 and you don't bring a booklet for medicine or groceries,
01:01 usually, they will reject you because you don't bring a booklet.
01:06 Father Erzo is in favor of having a chance to forget the booklet
01:11 for monitoring the seniors like him.
01:14 Because you didn't bring the passbook.
01:17 I always bring it. I always bring the senior ID.
01:21 But sometimes, I forget the passbook.
01:23 In the grocery, I don't have a grocery booklet.
01:26 You won't be able to get a discount.
01:29 Likewise, in medicine, you won't be able to get a discount.
01:32 You don't have a medicine booklet.
01:34 It's better. It's convenient. You don't have to bring it.
01:38 Father Erzo's addition will greatly help
01:41 and will make their transaction easier.
01:44 But Linquijano explains that the booklet is under the law
01:47 and Congress will need help to change it.
01:50 The Department of Information and Communications Technology
01:53 is also doing the same for the mechanism.
01:55 I was looking at a centralized database
01:58 where all the merchants can share their data.
02:06 The government should be able to provide storage
02:13 so that all users can know if the medicine they bought is not enough.
02:22 Through this, monitoring of the purchases of senior citizens
02:25 is easier and this is also a sign of the President's mandate
02:30 to digitalize government funds.
02:34 Rod Laguzad for Pambansang TV in Bagong, Philippines.
