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Episod 436 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 22 Februari 2024 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 111) Halaman 126

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 111 halaman 126 ini adalah:
* Wahyu kepada pengikut setia (al-Hawariyyun) Nabi Isa AS (111)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 111 halaman 126:
* Meyakini Allah SWT sentiasa bersama-sama dan melindungi orang beriman (111)
* Sampaikan dakwah dan pesan kebenaran kepada orang sekeliling kita (111)
* Berserah diri dalam ketaatan kepada Allah SWT dan para rasul (111)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 The Prophet's message
00:10 The Prophet's message
00:14 We may wonder why at the end of Surah Al-Ma'idah,
00:18 there is a lot of explanation about the Prophet Isa.
00:21 Apparently, Surah Al-Ma'idah is at the end of the Prophet's message,
00:27 the Prophet's message is at the end of the Prophet's message.
00:30 The Prophet's message is a preparation to face the reality of the majority of the people
00:35 who will embrace Christianity and is given a justification to make a preparation for the inter-national relationship.
00:44 Let's follow the discussion in this episode.
00:47 Surah Al-Ma'idah Verse 1
01:08 And when I inspired the disciples to believe in Me and My Messenger,
01:23 they said, "We believe, and beware that we are Muslims."
01:52 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
02:02 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:04 Alhamdulillah Wasalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:06 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:08 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:10 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:12 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:14 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:16 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:18 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
02:20 Today we are discussing the good words of Allah Almighty from Surah Al-Ma'idah.
02:27 The fifth surah that gives us guidance on how to manage the success and blessings that Allah has given.
02:33 It is certainly used for good deeds, to fulfill the promise to Allah,
02:38 not to be more disbelieving or more distant from the Creator who grants sustenance.
02:46 And today we will read verse 111 together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz, Tadmiri Abdul Rahman.
02:52 Alhamdulillah for the support.
02:54 For the support today.
02:56 Today we have one short verse.
02:58 Yes, Subhanallah, Mashallah, Barakallah.
03:00 Although short, but the content is Mashallah.
03:04 The content is big.
03:05 And we, inshallah, together, want to ask Allah to give us knowledge full of wisdom today.
03:10 To the friends who are at home, who are in the studio today,
03:14 with the prayer, Subhanakallah, 'ilma lana illa ma'allam tana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'ilma.
03:23 Together we will see what the summary is for verse 111.
03:26 On page 126, we will read the verse, two lines only,
03:31 which is related to the revelation or inspiration given to the faithful follower of Prophet Isa,
03:37 which is called Al-Hawariyun.
03:40 Let's read together verse 111, led by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tadmiri.
03:46 Thank you, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tadmiri.
03:48 BismillahirRahmanirRahim.
03:49 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
03:51 Alhamdulillah wa salatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man wala wa ba'da.
03:58 How are you, dear viewers, dear Muslim women and men,
04:03 may Allah's mercy be upon you,
04:05 wherever you are, and whatever platform you are following right now,
04:13 together with My Quran Time.
04:15 Hopefully, we all pray together that Allah SWT grants health, goodness,
04:21 and also makes it easier for Allah SWT to be blessed by Allah SWT.
04:25 And the night of the day and the night of the night,
04:29 together with the Quran, not only do we read it,
04:32 but hopefully it will be able to connect and also decorate our hearts.
04:37 Ameen. Ya Rabb al-'alamin.
04:39 Alright.
04:40 So, inshallah, today, as Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tadmiri said,
04:43 we will read one verse, verse 111 only.
04:46 So, inshallah, this is the time for us to repeat or practice.
04:53 We will read verse 111.
04:55 Be careful, we often encounter the letter 'ha'.
04:58 'Ha' is spicy, or 'ha' in the middle of our 'rom' or 'kum'.
05:03 We want to practice today.
05:05 We want to read this beginning using the recitation in a 'mujawad' way,
05:10 using the 'taranum bayati', inshallah.
05:13 Let's try.
05:15 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:19 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:39 "And when I inspired the disciples to believe in Me and My Messenger,
05:55 they said, "We believe and bear witness that we are Muslims."
06:21 They said, "We believe and bear witness that we are Muslims."
06:43 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
06:50 Surah Al-Quran, verse 111.
06:54 The continuation of the previous verse, verse 110.
06:57 The verse 110 is long, with the 'tantu'an' at home.
07:00 But when it comes to verse 111, it is short.
07:03 We will, this is today's mission, right?
07:05 Insha'Allah, we will repeat.
07:06 And what is meant by this verse 111?
07:11 "And remember when I inspired the disciples to believe in the faithful Prophet Isa."
07:22 And of course, when we talk about 'il', this is something to flashback to.
07:28 What happened to Prophet Isa, who had followers, or faithful disciples,
07:37 who were called 'al-hawariyin'.
07:40 So, Allah gave, if we look at it, 'al-hawariyin' is related to revelation.
07:45 But of course, they were not the Prophet who received revelation,
07:49 received the book, received the surah.
07:52 But when Allah used 'al-hawariyin', Allah inspired.
07:55 "And remember when I inspired the disciples to believe in the faithful Prophet Isa."
07:58 And this is consistent with what Allah used in Surah An-Nahl, verse 68.
08:03 This verse is the one that sounds 'al-hawariyin'.
08:07 Maybe if we have time, we will read it.
08:10 Surah An-Nahl, verse 68, after this.
08:13 But to tell you, the use of the word 'awhai', if we look at it like that,
08:18 we feel, 'eh, is 'hawariyin' a Prophet?
08:20 No, not a Prophet.
08:22 Allah gave inspiration to them, for what?
08:25 "And I aminu biwabi rasuli"
08:29 To believe in Me, in Allah SWT, and also in My Messenger,
08:34 which is Prophet Isa.
08:38 So this is an inspiration that Allah gave to 'hawariyin'
08:44 to believe in Allah and Prophet Isa.
08:48 Why is this important?
08:49 As we know, when Surah Al-Ma'idah came down at the end of the Prophet's Dawah,
08:55 the Prophet had already achieved victory, the Fatwa of Mecca,
08:58 and after this, the Muslims would be divided
09:02 among the remaining government, which was still in its entirety during the Fatwa of Mecca,
09:08 was the Roman government,
09:09 the Roman government, whose majority were Christians.
09:12 So, to tell you that when the revelation of Surah Al-Ma'idah came down at the end,
09:17 actually, as a preparation for the Prophet and his companions to face who,
09:24 the majority were not only Jews in Medina,
09:27 but also Christians from the Roman government, who were still in their entirety at that time.
09:33 So, when Allah brought the verses about Prophet Isa,
09:37 this was a preparation, an international relationship,
09:40 how to communicate, dialogue with them,
09:44 and at the same time, for us, when we know now,
09:47 because in this world, we do have 1.6-1.7 billion Muslims,
09:52 but there are more Christians.
09:54 If we look at the Western countries, the majority are Christians,
09:58 even if we look at the countries here, the Philippines, and so on,
10:02 there are many more Christians.
10:04 So, what is this trying to show?
10:06 The clue to the Prophet and his companions,
10:08 these are important dialogues, important facts,
10:12 how to interact, talk to them,
10:16 so that they do not get confused with the truth,
10:21 and that is the end of Surah Al-Ma'idah,
10:24 and if we look at Surah An-Nisa,
10:27 these two are a pair, right?
10:29 The Surah that the Prophet recited after emigrating to Medina.
10:32 So, the story of Prophet Isa is given at the end of Surah An-Nisa and Surah Al-Ma'idah,
10:38 so that the Prophet, his companions, and us,
10:41 do not just talk to the Muslims,
10:44 but we are also given the guidance to interact with the Christians.
10:50 We will take a break now,
10:51 and we will be back after this with Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaat.
10:54 Inshallah.
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14:52 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
14:53 We are back again with Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfaat.
14:55 Today, we are looking at the same verse 111 of Surah Al-Ma'idah.
15:00 We have finished reading it earlier,
15:02 even if we repeat it, it will only be a short while.
15:05 But the content of this verse 111 is very big.
15:09 It is one that we have discussed about how Allah prepared the Muslims,
15:13 the companions and the Prophet,
15:15 to be ready to connect in the inter-national level,
15:19 to connect with other religions.
15:22 The majority of other religions are Christian.
15:26 The Prophet Isa is an important topic to discuss.
15:31 When we do business in the inter-national level,
15:34 we may have security and humanity work in the inter-national level.
15:39 Use that opportunity to convey the message of the truth,
15:45 which for the Christians, they may not know who the truth is.
15:50 If we have studied the verse 104,
15:53 when it is stated, "Ta'alau",
15:56 meaning, please come or follow what Allah and the Prophet have said,
16:02 then there are those who say, "We will follow our ancestors.
16:05 Our father is a Christian, whatever he is, we will follow him."
16:09 It is easy, no need to think more.
16:12 But actually, religion cannot be inherited.
16:19 Faith is in the father.
16:21 The father thinks, follows the Tadabur program,
16:24 thinks about the Quran and the truth.
16:26 Our children, not necessarily the children of the Ustaz,
16:28 will get the same thing.
16:29 The child also needs to go through the process of thinking,
16:33 interacting with Allah, interacting with the Quran,
16:36 and going through trials in life.
16:38 Because when we talk about guidance, it cannot be inherited.
16:43 In this regard, Allah continues with the verse 111,
16:47 with a response from Al-Hawariyun.
16:50 We read verse 111 again,
16:52 and we focus on their words,
16:55 "Qalu'a manna" as a great blessing to Prophet Isa.
17:01 Why? We read verse 111 first,
17:03 together with Ustaz Tanweezy.
17:04 Thank you, Ustaz Fazlur, ladies and gentlemen.
17:07 I am Ayhan Adel Mondeh, Muslimin ad-Muslimah,
17:09 from the audience of Ibrahimah.
17:12 We read verse 111 again,
17:14 with two songs, Taranum,
17:17 the first one was Bayyati,
17:19 and the second one was Saba.
17:22 We will try this time with Taranum Jiharqah.
17:26 May I repeat it?
17:28 Taranum what?
17:30 Jiharqah.
17:32 Wow, the spirit of Jiharqah.
17:34 Let's try it. Taranum Jiharqah, of course, Jiharqah.
17:37 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:40 [Quran Recitation]
18:09 [Quran Recitation]
18:34 [Quran Recitation]
18:43 May Allah bless you.
18:44 That was the reading of verse 111.
18:46 And we pay attention to the word "Qalu" in verse 111.
18:50 We know the translation of "Qalu" is "They speak".
18:53 But what is the importance of Prophet Isa,
18:56 or Allah SWT,
18:58 to reveal to the disciples,
19:00 in the language of Prophet Isa,
19:02 that is, to believe in Me, in Allah,
19:05 and also in My Messenger,
19:07 that is, Prophet Isa.
19:09 So when we are called to believe,
19:12 sometimes we invite our friends,
19:15 or an old man invites us,
19:17 let's study, for example.
19:19 Then the child is quiet.
19:21 If you are teaching the Quran,
19:23 dear, are there any people who teach the Quran?
19:25 Okay, let's read it together.
19:27 When you read it, it's okay, right?
19:29 Eh, there is no sound, right?
19:31 Actually, the word "Qalu" is a response from Al-Hawariyun,
19:35 that is, the follower or the student of Prophet Isa.
19:39 They are not just silent,
19:41 because if we look at Surah Luqman,
19:43 we are taught the advice of Luqman to his son,
19:46 but if we notice,
19:47 there is no response from his son.
19:49 Because in Surah Luqman,
19:50 it is taught to the father or mother,
19:52 when giving advice,
19:53 the child does not necessarily respond.
19:56 Why? Because sometimes the child does not understand,
19:58 or sometimes the child may not be able to process,
20:01 so it is not important to respond to the child.
20:04 What is important is the effort of the father and mother
20:07 to convey the advice to the child.
20:10 That is Surah Luqman.
20:11 But in Surah Al-Ma'idah, verse 111,
20:14 the response from Al-Hawariyun is an important matter.
20:18 It is an important matter because,
20:20 in Christianity or Christianity,
20:22 the disciple or the follower of Prophet Isa
20:24 is one thing that is a reference.
20:27 It is a reference to the Christians.
20:29 They are very proud
20:30 if they can be followers of Prophet Isa
20:33 like Al-Hawariyun in this verse.
20:37 So what is the response of Al-Hawariyun?
20:39 "Qalu manna wa shahadat bi-annana muslimun."
20:43 "Ni'mat"
20:44 Before we look at the content of the verse,
20:46 "Ni'mat qalu" from Al-Hawariyun to Prophet Isa,
20:49 that is the disciple or the follower,
20:52 responds that we believe and witness
20:54 that we are submitting ourselves to Allah.
20:57 Imagine if the disciple does not respond.
20:59 It means that whatever the teaching of Prophet Isa,
21:03 it will not be continued.
21:05 And there is no one who brings the teaching
21:08 from Prophet Isa to the people after him
21:12 until the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
21:16 So there are disciples and followers.
21:19 This is a blessing.
21:20 But the condition is that the disciple must be good.
21:23 Not a non-disciple.
21:24 Not a disciple or not doing any work.
21:26 Ask to study, he does not want to study.
21:29 Note, he does not want to.
21:30 Please deliver, he does not want to deliver.
21:32 And that is not very good.
21:35 So this blessing is actually represented by "Qalu"
21:39 which means we believe.
21:41 We believe, we really believe in Allah
21:45 and His Messenger,
21:47 which is Prophet Isa AS.
21:49 "Wa shahadat bi-annana muslimun."
21:51 And "Saksikanlah sesungguhnya kami ini menyerah diri"
21:54 to Allah.
21:56 The word is surprising, right?
21:57 If a Christian hears this word,
21:59 he will be surprised.
22:00 Eh, they are Muslims.
22:02 Actually, that is the discussion.
22:05 There are people discussing.
22:06 There is a young man, Al-Kahfi,
22:08 what era he lived in.
22:09 If the era of the Christians,
22:11 what is the Christian actually?
22:12 If the Christian refers to Al-Hawariyun,
22:15 they are Muslims.
22:16 Actually, the era of Prophet Isa,
22:18 the era of Prophet Musa,
22:19 or the era of Prophet Ibrahim,
22:21 all of them are Muslims.
22:24 "Menyerah diri kepada Allah."
22:25 We cannot say, "Oh, they are Christians.
22:28 They are not Muslims."
22:29 No, this is the answer.
22:31 So this is the answer from Al-Hawariyun.
22:35 A big blessing to Prophet Isa
22:37 because they are the successors of the legacy
22:39 of the Da'wah, the struggle for truth.
22:41 And this is also what needs to be noticed
22:45 by the mothers, fathers, leaders,
22:47 especially the teachers.
22:49 There must be a group of students
22:52 who learn and they will learn
22:55 to govern and convey.
22:58 Because that is the way to continue the legacy
23:01 that the teachers will probably leave.
23:03 They will face Allah,
23:04 but there is a continuation
23:05 and hopefully that will bring
23:07 rewards to the teachers
23:11 who teach and educate the students.
23:15 Bringing to the word of choice today,
23:17 we will see the word
23:19 "Wa-il-awhaitu ilal-hawariyun"
23:22 We will focus on the word "awhaitu"
23:24 from the root word "waha"
23:27 which means revelation
23:29 if conveyed to the Prophet or Messenger.
23:31 Or "ilham"
23:33 appears in Surah Nisa, Surah Al-A'raf,
23:36 and also one of the "ilham"
23:38 given to the leper
23:40 in Surah An-Nahl, verse 68.
23:44 So the word "awhaitu"
23:46 the "ilham" given to the leper
23:49 is a great thing,
23:51 a great blessing.
23:53 We pray to Allah,
23:54 we are always inspired
23:56 to always believe in Allah and His Messenger.
23:59 And of course, not only in the lips,
24:02 but in the heart.
24:04 And this is continued with the struggle
24:07 to connect the contents of the Qur'an.
24:10 We will take a break.
24:11 We will be back after this.
24:12 This is My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat Imfah.
24:14 Inshallah.
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