• 2 months ago
Episod 770 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 21 Januari 2025 Surah Hud (11: 4-5) Halaman 221

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Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Hud ayat 4-5 halaman 221 ini adalah:
* Hakikat kematian dan kehidupan selepasnya (4)
* Penjelasan sikap orang munafik dan pengetahuan Allah tentang perkara tersembunyi (5)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 4-5 halaman 221:
* Istiqamah mengerjakan amal soleh yang berkualiti (4)
* Bina 'mindset' wawasan akhirat agar diri sentiasa fokus tujuan utama (4)
* Sentiasa merasakan berada dalam pengawasan Allah SWT (5)

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00:00We often read in Surah Al-Fatihah,
00:17To You, O Allah, we worship, we worship You.
00:21But what is the meaning of worship that actually worships Allah?
00:26Explained at the beginning of Surah Hud,
00:28which is for us to always refer to the Qur'an as a source of wisdom,
00:33as a source of guidance to become a true servant,
00:37following the standards of God.
00:39Let's follow the discussion in this episode.
00:55In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
01:24Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger and his family and those who follow him.
01:52In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
02:00How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:02We meet again in My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salah Al-Infah for today.
02:05Together, we want to delve into two verses,
02:07from the fourth and fifth verses of Surah Hud,
02:12a Surah that gives guidance for us to continue to be steadfast in life.
02:16And today, we will be with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tidmizi Ali.
02:20Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
02:21Alhamdulillah. How are you Ustaz?
02:23Alhamdulillah, I am well.
02:25Today, we want to continue with the fourth and fifth verses.
02:27And today, who are we with?
02:29Alhamdulillah, today we are presenting Ahlan wa Sahlan,
02:33every day, to our Istiqomah group.
02:35InshaAllah, those who are with us,
02:37for today, Ustaz Faz, I see,
02:39we have not reached the third line yet.
02:41Not yet, but this is Istiqomah.
02:45InshaAllah, and also in front of the TV screen right now,
02:49you will continue with Istiqomah,
02:51even though there are many challenges in life.
02:53Do not forget Al-Quran,
02:55because this is the SOP,
02:57the guidance that was stated
02:59at the beginning of Surah Hud,
03:01which needs to be a guidance,
03:03to be a true servant,
03:05to get closer to Allah.
03:07Let us begin together with the Dua,
03:11Innaka antal alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilmah.
03:16Amin Ya Rabbil Alamin.
03:18Let us see what the summary is for the two verses today.
03:20That is, in the fourth verse,
03:22the reality of death and the afterlife.
03:25Followed by the fifth verse,
03:27the explanation of the character of a hypocrite,
03:29and Allah's knowledge of hidden things.
03:32Let us together read the two verses today,
03:35together with the leader, Al-Fadl al-Satir Mizi.
03:37JazakAllah khair.
03:38Alhamdulillah, thank you, Ustaz Fazrul.
03:40Thank you, dear viewers and friends.
03:44Together, this time,
03:46we can be together with Al-Quran,
03:49the beginning of Surah Hud,
03:51which we studied yesterday,
03:53from the beginning of the first verse to the third.
03:55Today, there are two more verses,
03:57for Surah Al-Quran 221,
03:59the fourth verse and the fifth verse.
04:02More or less, two lines,
04:03more than three lines only.
04:05Today, we can focus together
04:09to understand the verses of Allah SWT.
04:13Let us begin the recitation.
04:15Let us recite together.
04:17I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:20In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:33To Allah is your return,
04:41and He is Able to do all things.
04:57Unquestionably, they will open their chests
05:10to hide therefrom.
05:19Unquestionably, they will open their chests
05:31to hide therefrom.
05:41Unquestionably, when they cover themselves with their garments,
05:52He knows what they conceal
05:58and what they declare.
06:10Unquestionably, when they cover themselves with their garments,
06:25He knows what they conceal
06:31and what they declare.
06:40Surely, He knows what is in their breasts.
06:55May Allah bless you.
06:56May Allah bless you.
06:57Let us read the fourth and fifth verses of Surah Yusuf.
07:07In the middle of Surah Yusuf, we see the same.
07:10To Allah is your return,
07:11and He is Able to do all things.
07:13A short verse as a conclusion to the first, second, and third verses.
07:19How does Allah provide guidance to us in the first verse, the Quran,
07:24and in the second verse, what is brought by the Quran
07:28for us to always or to worship Allah.
07:31And the way to worship Allah is by asking for forgiveness,
07:35by repenting,
07:37and by living a good life in this world
07:42until we find the right path,
07:44and Allah will grant us from Allah.
07:50So the conclusion that Allah states in the fourth verse
07:52is to reaffirm to all of us in a concise form.
07:57So if the second verse is concise,
07:59the third verse is long.
08:01It means,
08:02Uhkimat fussilat.
08:04Uhkimat is conveyed in a wise form,
08:06in a concise form,
08:08but when it is fussilat, it is shortened.
08:10So the second verse is short,
08:12the third verse is long,
08:13the fourth verse is short,
08:14and the fifth verse is long.
08:16So indeed, subhanAllah,
08:17this is a miracle from the Quran.
08:21So what is conveyed here?
08:23Ilallahi marji'akum.
08:24To Allah is your return.
08:28This reminds us,
08:29to our children,
08:30that actually all our affairs
08:33are determined by whom?
08:36By Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
08:38This is the first thing.
08:39The second thing,
08:40when we see ilallahi marji'akum,
08:42we know that actually if we make an effort,
08:45whether our children do good or not,
08:48all reports will be sent to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
08:53even if it is our parents or people around us.
08:56We do not know.
08:57Everything, ilallahi marji'akum,
08:59will be returned to Allah.
09:00If it is good,
09:01then of course.
09:03The third verse states,
09:04mata'an hasana.
09:06In this world,
09:07we will get goodness
09:09when we reach the hereafter.
09:12So this explains to us,
09:15ilallahi marji'akum,
09:16we have to be responsible.
09:18He thinks for a long time.
09:19When we believe in Allah,
09:21it seems that we think for a long time
09:23about what we are doing now.
09:25Will it cause me to get goodness
09:30or avoid Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's punishment?
09:36At the end of this fourth verse,
09:37wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadir,
09:39this gives us an explanation of tawhid,
09:43that only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has power.
09:46Shai'in means,
09:47even though it is small,
09:48it is controlled by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
09:52Even though the Muslims,
09:53or non-Muslims,
09:54say that we are the ones who plan the business,
09:58we do this and that.
10:00Or there are people who say
10:01that the project that I have succeeded in
10:03as a leader of my parents
10:05because I am the one who planned it.
10:08My son is so smart.
10:10That statement is actually wrong
10:13with wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadir.
10:15We are trying,
10:16but who is actually in power?
10:18Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
10:20So, with the understanding of wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadir,
10:23if we are weak in our lives,
10:26we feel helpless in solving problems,
10:28we have Allah.
10:29We have Allah who is in power
10:31and Allah will not let us
10:33if we always repent
10:36and repent
10:38as we learned in the third verse before this.
10:42So, these are some guidance that we can obtain.
10:46We will take a short break.
10:47This is Quran Time.
10:48Quran Salat Unfaq.
11:08Quran Salat Unfaq.
11:39We will learn Tajweed in depth
11:41and there is a memorization segment.
11:43Watch new episodes of My Quran Time 2.0
11:48every day at noon on TV9
11:51and also on Esro 149.
13:09In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
13:21To Allah is your return,
13:28and He is Powerful over all things.
13:44As-salamu alaikum.
13:45As-salamu alaikum.
13:46We are back in My Quran Time.
13:47Quran Salat Unfaq.
13:48Let's pay attention to the fourth and fifth verses
13:52from Surah Hud.
13:53The Surah that provides guidance.
13:54How do we want to be steadfast?
13:56How do we pray every day?
13:59Show us a straight path.
14:02A straight path
14:05to the destination of our lives.
14:08Hopefully, Allah will allow us to reach
14:12Al-Firdaws Al-'Aqla.
14:14So, how do we understand this?
14:17This is the content of Surah Hud.
14:20There are many Prophets.
14:22Their stories are recorded.
14:23How do they strive to make sure
14:26their people are on a straight path
14:28and steadfast to their destination?
14:31This is important.
14:32Sometimes, we know that the path is straight,
14:34but we only follow half of it
14:36and then we turn back.
14:37Or, let's say it's straight,
14:39we follow it and we feel tired.
14:42So, we quit.
14:43We leave the straight path.
14:45That's why in Surah Al-Mustaqim,
14:47we ask for guidance.
14:48A straight path is one.
14:49It has its guidance.
14:51But we also want the religion of truth.
14:53That is, we continue to practice
14:56until the end.
14:58That's what was mentioned earlier.
15:04That is, to Allah,
15:06we will all return
15:08and Allah has power over everything.
15:11We want to continue with the fifth verse.
15:13Let's read it together.
15:15How do we respond to the people
15:17who are called by these Prophets?
15:20Let's read the fifth verse
15:22together with Al-Fadl.
15:25Thank you, Al-Fadl,
15:26for giving us the explanation
15:28of the verse.
15:29Usually, people refer to Allah,
15:31to the Quran, to the Sunnah.
15:34That's the only way.
15:36So, Alhamdulillah,
15:38it's only a short verse.
15:42Back to Allah.
15:43We can understand the meaning
15:46but we want to convey it.
15:49The fifth verse.
15:51Let's recite it together.
15:53A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
16:11A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
16:41Surah Al-Nur.
17:00Surah Al-Nur.
17:01Surah Al-Nur,
17:02recited in the fifth verse.
17:04Allah explains their response
17:06to the reality of the fourth verse.
17:10In the Quran,
17:11which was brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW,
17:13in the second verse,
17:15it was stated,
17:16Innani lakum minhu nadhiru wa bashir.
17:18That is,
17:19I am bringing to you from Allah
17:22good tidings and good tidings.
17:25So, when we look at the fourth verse,
17:28the message is short,
17:30but there are two versions.
17:32The first version is Nadhir.
17:34The second version is Bashir.
17:36It depends on who
17:38listens to the fourth verse.
17:40If it is Nadhir,
17:42what does it mean?
17:43As a warning,
17:44Ilallahi marji'akum.
17:46To Allah, you will be returned.
17:48You, if you are evil,
17:50do evil to Allah SWT,
17:53you will eventually die.
17:56That is the warning.
17:58You will die too.
18:00If we look at the news of death,
18:03for example,
18:04when someone sees a grave,
18:05some people see this grave as Nadhir.
18:08Some people see it as Bashir.
18:11How is Nadhir?
18:12He knows that Allah is afraid.
18:14So, he also takes the warning
18:15so that he repents and returns
18:17to read the Qur'an,
18:20to worship,
18:21to ask for forgiveness,
18:22to repent to Allah SWT.
18:25But at the same time,
18:26there are people who feel that
18:28okay, it doesn't matter.
18:30They feel that
18:31looking at the grave,
18:32there is nothing.
18:33They feel that
18:34there is no warning.
18:35So, Allah says,
18:39Allah can take revenge.
18:40Allah can take your life
18:42if you are stubborn
18:43or you say,
18:44I don't want to ask for forgiveness.
18:45Wait for one day.
18:48Wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadir
18:49gives us a warning
18:51at any time,
18:52Allah has the power
18:53to take our lives.
18:55And if a person
18:57who always does good,
18:59when he knows
19:00Wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadir,
19:01he feels weak,
19:02he feels worthless,
19:03he may feel tired.
19:05He wants to read the Qur'an,
19:06he wants to pray,
19:07he wants to ask for forgiveness,
19:08he doesn't have much money.
19:10Ya Allah,
19:11Wahuwa ala kulli shai'in qadir.
19:12You are there,
19:13Ya Allah.
19:14You are the one who has the power.
19:15Help us,
19:16Ya Allah,
19:17to continue
19:18the good that is done.
19:19So, Allah gives
19:20a response
19:21or explains
19:22how the person
19:23who is stubborn
19:25in the fifth verse,
19:26لَا إِنَّهُمْ يَثْنُونَ سُدُورَهُمْ
19:29لِيَسْتَخْفُوا مِنْهُ
19:32the hypocrites
19:33are actually
19:34deceiving the breast
19:35to hide themselves
19:37the Prophet Muhammad
19:40So, this is
19:41the first sign
19:44the person who is stubborn
19:46who does not worship
19:47Allah s.w.t
19:50يَثْنُونَ سُدُورَهُمْ
19:52لِيَسْتَخْفُوا مِنْهُ
19:53that is,
22:27the breast
22:28to hide themselves
22:30the Prophet Muhammad
22:33the hypocrites
22:34are actually
22:36the breast
22:37to hide themselves
22:39the Prophet Muhammad
22:42the hypocrites
22:43are actually
22:45the breast
22:46to hide themselves
22:48the Prophet Muhammad
22:51the hypocrites
22:52are actually
22:54the breast
22:55to hide themselves
22:57the Prophet Muhammad
23:00the hypocrites
23:01are actually
23:03the breast
23:04to hide themselves
23:06the Prophet Muhammad
23:09the hypocrites
23:10are actually
23:12the breast
23:13to hide themselves
23:15the Prophet Muhammad
23:18the hypocrites
23:19are actually
23:21the breast
23:22to hide themselves
23:24the Prophet Muhammad
23:53yang kita hadapi dan kita perhatikan kawan-kawan kita.
23:56Sebagai contoh, saya pernah waktu belajar dahulu, ada kawan yang isokok.
24:01Isokok ada isokok.
24:03Tapi bulan Ramadan, dia boleh berhenti.
24:05Maknanya, sebenarnya boleh berhenti.
24:07Dia tak berbuka pun dengan isokok.
24:09Ada orang, dia buka dengan isokok.
24:11Tapi ini, dia tak buka dengan isokok.
24:12Dia boleh berhenti dalam bulan Ramadan.
24:14Habis Ramadan, dia mulai isokok balik.
24:17Jadi, yang ini saya kira sama juga dengan perkara lain.
24:20Yang mungkin orang, dia suka tonton movie.
24:22Ataupun tonton perkara yang tidak elok.
24:24Tapi waktu Ramadan, dia boleh berhenti.
24:27Menunjukkan yang pertama, dia ada kekuatan sebenarnya
24:30untuk melakukan perkara tersebut.
24:32Tetapi dalam masa yang sama, sebenarnya dia memerlukan sistem sokongan.
24:50وعليك توكلنا وإليك أنبنا وبك خاصمنا وإليك حاكمنا فاغفر لنا ما قدمنا وما أخرنا وما أسررنا وما علنا
25:19وما أنت أعلم به منا أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر لا إله إلا أنت
25:42اللهم أمين
25:43محمد الله سبحانه وتعالى
25:47دعا مناجد
25:51الله سبحانه وتعالى
26:01الله سبحانه وتعالى
26:03macam mana jalan sekalipun
26:07saya teringat kata-kata apa
26:11berjuanglah untuk mati
26:13kalau kamu tak berjuangmu kamu mati juga
26:16kalau berjuangmu mati juga
26:18maka sia-sialah mati dalam keadaan berjuang
26:22dan itulah Al-Quran Ustaz
26:24Al-Quran ini adalah kitab perjuangan
26:26dimana apabila kita melihat kepada
26:29apa yang dibuat oleh nabi-nabi ini
26:31mereka berjuang untuk
26:33menyiapkan diri mereka
26:35bertemu dengan Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
26:37ila ajali musammah
26:39pada ayat nombor 3 sebelum ini kita baca
26:41maksudnya ila ajali musammah
26:43pada satu masa yang
26:45sudah pun dimaklumi
26:47semua orang tahu bahawa
26:49bersiap pun mati
26:51tak bersiap pun mati
26:53sakit pun mati, tak sakit pun boleh mati
26:55jadi baiklah kita membuat persediaan
26:57kerana bukan mati itu yang penting
26:59tetapi apa yang berlaku
27:01selepas kematian
27:03sebagaimana kalau kita baca surah Al-Muq
27:09Allah mulakan Al-Maut dahulu baru Al-Hayah
27:11kerana kehidupan yang benar-benar
27:13ialah disana Ustaz
27:15bukan disini, disini ini adalah kehidupan
27:17tapi dia tak berapa ada life kadang-kadang kan
27:19kadang-kadang ada rasa bosan
27:21ada rasa letih
27:23jadi kehidupan itu dia bercampur-campur
27:25kehidupan yang benar-benar yang Allah rakamkan
27:27di dalam surah Al-Muq itu adalah
27:31kehidupan betul-betul selepas
27:33berlakunya Al-Maut dan dimanakah
27:35perkara itu apabila Allah
27:37berikan kita fadhal di akhirat
27:39nanti diizinkan ke syurga
27:41Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
27:43tetapi ada orang yang dia tak nak
27:45dia kata tak ada saya
27:47mengecualikan diri saya
27:49daripada mengikut peraturan itu
27:51dia nak syurga, memang semua orang nak syurga
27:53jadi dia kata apa?
27:55kita baca sekali lagi ayat kelima
27:57bersama Al-Fatihah
27:59baik, jom bersama-sama kita hayati
28:01bacaan ayat yang kelima
28:23الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
28:39الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم
28:57يعلم ما يسرون وما يعلنون
29:07انه عليم بذات الصدور
29:23بارك الله
29:25سبحانه و تعالى
29:27الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
29:49الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
30:17الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم
30:45الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
31:13الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم
31:25الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم
31:37الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم
32:05الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم
32:33الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
33:01الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
33:29الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
33:43الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
34:03الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
34:33الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
35:01الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
35:29الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
35:59الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
36:29الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
36:59الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
37:19الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
37:39الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
37:59الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
38:29الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
38:57الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
39:17الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
39:37الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
40:03الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
40:30الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم يعلموا ما يسرون وما يعلنون
40:51الا انهم يفنون صدورهم ليستغفور منه
41:11الا حين يستغشون ثيابهم يعلموا ما يسرون وما يعلنون
41:35انه عليم بذات الصدور
42:05انه عليم بذات الصدور
42:30انه عليم بذات الصدور
42:50انه عليم بذات الصدور
43:10انه عليم بذات الصدور
43:30انه عليم بذات الصدور
43:50انه عليم بذات الصدور
44:16انه عليم بذات الصدور
44:36انه عليم بذات الصدور
44:56انه عليم بذات الصدور
45:16انه عليم بذات الصدور
45:39بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
45:41الحمد لله رب العالمين
45:43والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المسلمين
45:45وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
45:48يا الله طبعاً
46:02يا الله طبعاً
46:32يا الله
46:47Allah mengkabalkan doa kita pada hari ini untuk sama-sama kita terus bersama dengan Al-Quran
46:52sentiasa menjaga kehambaan kita kepada Allah SWT
46:57dengan beriman kepada Allah yang Maha Berkuasa
47:02kita ingin menjemput Tuan-Tuan bersama dalam tabung gerakan Al-Quran
47:05sebagai satu ruang kita bersungguh dalam perjuangan Al-Quran ini
47:11dan sebagaimana yang saya nyatakan tadi saatnya
47:13tak berjuang meninggal mati
47:16berjuang pun mati
47:17baiklah kita mati dalam perjuangan
47:19dan Tuan-Tuan boleh juga mencadangkan program-program di lokasi tempat masing-masing
47:23di sekolah anak-anak
47:25di institusi, pejabat
47:27agar Quran yang diperjuangkan oleh Nabi-Nabi
47:30ataupun wahyu yang diperjuangkan oleh Nabi-Nabi terdahulu
47:32dapat kita teruskan dan kita harap ia menjadi jariah berpanjangan menuju Allah
47:38kita bertemu lagi dalam episode akan datang
47:40untuk sama-sama mendalami surahut
47:42My Quran Time
47:43Quran Salat Infaak
48:09Allahumma dhakirna minhuma nasina
48:16waallimna waallimna minhuma nasina
