Episod 428 My #QuranTime 2.0 Rabu 14 Februari 2024 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 96-97) Halaman 124
Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 96-97 halaman 124 ini adalah:
* Penjelasan tentang kehalalan binatang laut untuk dimakan dan seruan bertakwa (96)
* Pengagungan Kaabah sebagai tempat ibadah yang mulia (97)
Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 96-97 halaman 124:
* Jaga kesucian makanan kerana ia berkait dengan ibadah kita (96)
* Berlaku ihsan sesama makhluk Allah agar peroleh keberkatan hidup (96)
* Sentiasa memakmurkan dan memuliakan rumah Allah dengan menegakkan syiar-Nya (97)
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Dapatkan buku-buku Nota My #QuranTime secara online di: https://myqurantime.org/merchandise/ atau Whatsapp 019-229 7227 (Isnin-Jumaat 9pg-5ptg).
My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 96-97 halaman 124 ini adalah:
* Penjelasan tentang kehalalan binatang laut untuk dimakan dan seruan bertakwa (96)
* Pengagungan Kaabah sebagai tempat ibadah yang mulia (97)
Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 96-97 halaman 124:
* Jaga kesucian makanan kerana ia berkait dengan ibadah kita (96)
* Berlaku ihsan sesama makhluk Allah agar peroleh keberkatan hidup (96)
* Sentiasa memakmurkan dan memuliakan rumah Allah dengan menegakkan syiar-Nya (97)
Untuk informasi terkini sila Like, Komen laman-laman rasmi kami:
Sumbangan Tabung Gerakan al-Quran boleh disalurkan ke akaun MAYBANK: 5642 7653 8528 rujukan: Tabung Quran (http://bit.ly/TabungQuran)
Dapatkan buku-buku Nota My #QuranTime secara online di: https://myqurantime.org/merchandise/ atau Whatsapp 019-229 7227 (Isnin-Jumaat 9pg-5ptg).
My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 In the Quran, when Allah explains about the rules and regulations of Hajj, Allah often brings events about the Day of Judgment.
00:21 What is the connection between Hajj and the Day of Judgment? We will follow in this episode.
00:30 The Day of Judgment
00:35 The Day of Judgment
00:55 The Day of Judgment
00:57 The hunting of the sea is forbidden to you, and its food is a provision for you and for the travel,
01:15 and the hunting of the land is forbidden to you, as long as you are in the sacred place.
01:32 Peace be upon you.
01:34 Peace be upon you.
01:36 Peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon his family and his companions.
01:39 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:47 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Infaq today.
01:50 We thank Allah for those of you who are at home and in the studio today.
01:57 We will read together verses 96 and 97 of Surah Al-Ma'idah, which provides guidance on how to manage the blessings of success in our lives,
02:09 and to follow the guidance of the Quran to continue to fulfill our promises and responsibilities to others around us.
02:20 Today, we will read these two verses with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Jain Mizi Ali.
02:24 Alhamdulillah, Sha'a Allah.
02:27 We will continue today with a verse that is more about the side, but it is in the side of the bar.
02:34 There is a bar there, which is for those of you who are at home and in the studio, you can share it with your friends.
02:41 Let your friends know that some of you are going to perform Hajj.
02:45 Or if you have not yet gone to perform Hajj, these verses will still give us guidance on how to prepare ourselves if invited to perform the worship of Umrah and Hajj.
02:58 We will start with the prayer, "Subhanakallah, Almalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'alima."
03:07 We will see what the summary is for these two verses today.
03:10 In the 96th verse, the explanation of the halal, the halal of sea animals to be eaten and the call to continue to be righteous to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
03:21 In the 97th verse, the recognition of Ka'bah as a place of noble worship and is related to the holiness, greatness, and knowledge of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
03:33 Let's read together from verse 96 to 97 with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Jain Mizi.
03:38 Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Fadhil Ustaz Fadhil Fazrul.
03:41 Viewers, friends who are watching, Alhamdulillah, shukr to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
03:46 We are still given the opportunity.
03:49 We are grateful to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
03:55 We still have the strength that Allah has given us to continue to be closer to the Quran.
04:04 We are certain with the knowledge that we will be able to do something.
04:10 Without knowledge, without knowledge, we do not know what to do.
04:14 If we look at what Ustaz Fazlur Tadabo said about animals, we are thinking, "How can we do this? Suddenly, we can't do this."
04:23 However, when we have knowledge, everything will be easier and will be able to strengthen our souls and bodies when we are strengthened with the faith in our hearts.
04:36 Today, there are two more verses.
04:38 We will read together with Tadabo.
04:41 Two verses from verse 96 to 97 from Surah Al-Ma'idah.
04:47 Let's focus together first.
04:50 In this recitation, we will revise the words.
04:54 The words "Saidu, Saidu" have been heard two or three times before this.
04:59 Inshallah, today we will read verses 96 and 97.
05:05 I will be reading to you.
05:08 "Saidu al-Bahr is lawful for you, and their food is a provision for you and for the traveller.
05:28 And the hunting of the land is forbidden for you, as long as you are forbidden.
05:44 And fear Allah, to whom you will be gathered.
06:03 Allah has made the Ka'bah, the Sacred House, a means of standing for the people,
06:22 and the Sacred Month, and the Hidhya, the place of resting.
06:42 This is so that you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth,
07:03 and that Allah is Knowing of all things."
07:18 Assalamualaikum.
07:20 Assalamualaikum. This is the recitation from verses 96 and 97.
07:24 Allah states that in the previous episode,
07:26 it was said that killing or taking food from the animals of the land is not allowed when it is forbidden.
07:36 The effect is that we cannot help anyone who wants to hunt the animals.
07:41 And if the animals are successfully killed or can be slaughtered,
07:46 such as deer and so on,
07:48 it is forbidden to eat them.
07:55 The hunting of the deer itself causes the meat to be forbidden,
08:00 because it was stated in verse 95.
08:04 But for those who are on the journey through the sea,
08:09 or they meet Sayyidul-Bah,
08:13 Allah states that "Uhhillah lakum Sayyidul-Bah,
08:16 it is permitted for you, for all of us,
08:19 to hunt animals in the sea,
08:22 which are the sea, the pond, the river, the fish,
08:25 whatever is on the journey to Umrah,
08:29 or in normal life,
08:31 Allah has permitted it as one of the great blessings from Allah.
08:37 Just imagine,
08:38 we are now flying to Mecca,
08:42 but in the past,
08:44 people would go to Hajj only 2-3 months before they arrived,
08:46 by boat.
08:47 So, on the journey,
08:49 let's say the sailor man,
08:52 the one who is in the class,
08:53 he also wants to go to Mecca to perform Hajj,
08:56 he also wears the hijab.
08:58 At that time, if they catch fish,
09:00 if there are fish to be caught,
09:03 that is also a part of Hajj.
09:05 Is it halal?
09:06 Allah says it is halal.
09:07 It is permitted,
09:08 and that food is a blessing,
09:13 for those who are possible to eat from the catch of people who are perhaps on the pilgrimage,
09:21 or for those who are on the journey,
09:25 to go to Mecca itself.
09:28 And it is forbidden to you,
09:34 still, Allah reminds once again,
09:37 "Sayyidul bar"
09:38 What does "Sayyidul bar" mean?
09:39 It means,
09:40 "The animal that is on the land,
09:43 dum tuhuruma"
09:44 "When you are still on the pilgrimage."
09:47 So,
09:48 animals on the sea are halal when they are on the pilgrimage or not,
09:52 but if the animal is on the land,
09:55 it is forbidden when they are on the pilgrimage.
09:58 That's all,
09:59 that Allah reminds here.
10:00 As a repetition to verse 94,
10:03 verse 95,
10:04 how seriously Allah wants us to keep the prohibition when we are on the pilgrimage or pilgrimage.
10:12 "Wa taqullahu"
10:13 "And fear Allah"
10:14 "Alladhi ilaihi tuhsharun"
10:17 We know that when we talk about the Hurum or the Ihram,
10:21 it is a duty for the people who are on the pilgrimage.
10:25 So, when we talk about the pilgrimage,
10:27 Allah says,
10:28 "We still have to do all these things on the basis of righteousness."
10:31 We have learnt before this in verse 93,
10:33 righteousness is repeated three times.
10:35 The righteousness of the Muslim level is to keep away from the shirk.
10:38 The righteousness of the believer level is to keep away from the haram,
10:41 doing the halal.
10:43 The righteousness of the Muslim level is to avoid the good things
10:47 that can make us fall into the things that are not halal.
10:51 So, here Allah reminds again,
10:53 "We still have to do all these things on the basis of righteousness."
10:56 "Alladhi ilaihi tuhsharun"
10:57 "To Allah, to whom we will gather"
11:01 "Tuhsharun"
11:02 which leads to the word "Mahsyar"
11:04 So, when people go to the pilgrimage,
11:06 they know that they are like being "halal"
11:09 gathering in Arafah later.
11:11 That is a simulation of "Mahsyar"
11:14 where we are "halal"
11:16 to be gathered in the field of "Mahsyar"
11:18 and at that time,
11:19 all the things that are halal
11:21 will be considered as halal,
11:23 haram,
11:24 haram,
11:25 then whoever takes care of it will get a beautiful reward
11:29 from Allah.
11:31 That is the pilgrimage,
11:32 simulation of "Mahsyar"
11:34 and this is the perspective that is brought by the Quran
11:37 for us to appreciate all the determinants that are there
11:41 to prepare ourselves to meet Allah one day.
11:45 We will take a break first.
11:46 Back to My Quran Time,
11:47 Quran Salat Imfaq.
11:48 InsyaAllah.
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15:36 As-salamu alaikum.
15:37 Welcome back to My Quran Time,
15:38 Quran Salat Imfaq.
15:39 In verses 96 and 97,
15:41 we have observed several times that Allah has explained
15:43 one of the forbidden things in Umrah or Hajj,
15:47 which is when you are on pilgrimage,
15:49 to hunt for "Saidulbar",
15:52 which is the animal that is hunted on the ground.
15:55 And as we know,
15:57 this is to build taqwa in the self of the Muslim community.
16:02 We have Muslim level taqwa,
16:04 Muslim level taqwa,
16:06 and Muslim level taqwa.
16:08 If we notice,
16:09 people go to Umrah or Hajj,
16:10 they do want to do ibadah,
16:12 but the warning is that
16:14 if you hunt for animals,
16:16 it is like you are committing a crime.
16:19 What is the point?
16:20 The point is that
16:21 we are not only Muslim level taqwa,
16:24 but Muslim level taqwa is
16:26 when you do ibadah,
16:28 like going to Hajj,
16:30 even though someone is very careful,
16:33 do not kill or hunt for the animals,
16:39 the animals that are hunted on the ground,
16:41 and here, as a big lesson we learn,
16:44 when we perform our Islamic rituals,
16:47 our shahadah,
16:48 we perform our prayer,
16:49 it builds taqwa.
16:51 We fast,
16:52 it increases our taqwa.
16:53 Zakat,
16:54 we know that 2.5% or maybe 10-20%
16:58 from the paddy fields and so on,
17:00 depends on the rules,
17:03 all of that builds a feeling of being careful
17:06 in our soul,
17:08 even when we perform Umrah and Hajj,
17:10 even though the intention is to go to Ka'bah,
17:14 perform Umrah,
17:15 perform tawaf,
17:16 but there is a barrier to build the feeling of taqwa,
17:19 being careful,
17:21 because this is a preparation to meet Allah
17:24 on the day of Mahshar,
17:26 "Ilaihi tuhsharun" in the 96th verse.
17:29 Allah brings again about
17:31 Al-Ka'bah Al-Musharafah in the 97th verse,
17:35 let's read together with Al-Fadlurah Sastry in Malaysia.
17:38 Alhamdulillah, we read the 97th verse.
17:42 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:46 Allah has made the Ka'bah,
17:52 the Sacred House,
17:57 a means of standing for mankind,
18:03 and the Sacred Month,
18:08 and the Hadith, and the Qalaa'id.
18:18 That is so that you may know
18:28 that Allah knows what is in the heavens
18:39 and what is in the earth,
18:44 and that Allah is Knowing of all things.
18:58 I seek refuge with Allah.
19:00 I seek refuge with Allah.
19:01 That is how we read the 97th verse.
19:03 If in the 96th verse Allah states about
19:06 if on the journey to
19:08 Baitullah Al-Haram, the Sacred House,
19:11 we need to be careful not to kill,
19:13 then this time Allah continues to bring
19:16 to the topic of Hajj,
19:18 "Ja'alallahu l-Ka'bah tal-Baitul-Haram"
19:21 that is Allah makes the Ka'bah as Baitul-Haram,
19:24 meaning as the Sacred House,
19:26 where what is the meaning of Baitul-Haram?
19:29 The Sacred House,
19:31 here is the house that is honoured,
19:34 the house that is respected,
19:36 "Qiyamal-Linnas" as a place for mankind
19:39 to stand and to be more established,
19:44 more excellent in life.
19:47 What is the meaning of that?
19:49 From Baitul-Haram,
19:51 someone from the weakness of his soul,
19:53 when he reaches there,
19:54 he will rise again,
19:56 rise again because he feels that
19:58 he is getting closer to Allah,
20:00 looking at the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim
20:03 and also Prophet Muhammad SAW
20:06 as a struggle for Tauhid,
20:08 his strong faith.
20:09 At the same time,
20:10 as Qiyamal-Linnas,
20:12 it is a place to raise mankind
20:14 because it is not only about the hereafter,
20:16 spiritual,
20:17 but also worldly matters,
20:20 people can do business,
20:21 there are people doing business there,
20:23 whatever they sell, it will sell.
20:25 So this is the Ka'bah al-Baitul-Haram,
20:28 "Wa-Shahra-l-Haram" and also the Sacred Month,
20:31 "Wal-Hadiya"
20:32 What is the meaning of Wal-Hadiya?
20:33 That is the animal that is to be selected,
20:36 the animal, the victim, and also "Wal-Qala'id"
20:39 "Qala'id" are the signs
20:41 that are given to these animals,
20:44 so all of these are as one of the
20:47 rules that Allah has explained in the Quran
20:52 as a place or a sacred thing.
20:55 And when we talk about this sacred thing,
20:57 it has a place and it has a time,
21:00 a place and also a time.
21:02 When we talk about Arafah, for example,
21:04 it is only special, only on Arafah.
21:07 Other than Arafah,
21:09 if we go to Umrah in Rajab,
21:11 or Sha'ban,
21:13 Arafah is only a sand field.
21:15 So when we talk about Ka'bah,
21:18 it is as one, as a shi'ar,
21:20 and it is as a close-up,
21:23 Allah's explanation of the fifth
21:26 pillar of Islam that needs to be fought,
21:28 and once again, we see in this verse,
21:31 "Thalika li ta'lamu anna Allaha ya'lamu
21:35 maa fissama wa tiwama fil ardi"
21:37 "That is so, to inform,
21:40 that Allah knows what is in the heavens
21:43 and what is on the earth."
21:45 What is the story?
21:47 The story is that Allah put Ka'bah,
21:50 Allah put the sacred month,
21:53 Allah put the gift, the sacrificial animal,
21:55 "Qala'id".
21:56 All of these things are things that
21:58 have their own rules,
22:00 like the sacred animal that is not allowed
22:02 on the land for the people who are ihram.
22:05 Maybe some people say,
22:06 "Why are there sacred animals
22:08 repeatedly until the two or three verses?"
22:10 Allah said, "To inform you all,
22:12 Allah knows what is in the heavens
22:14 and what is on the earth.
22:15 All of Allah knows, you don't know."
22:18 So don't question Allah,
22:20 just follow the rules,
22:22 because Allah knows how to
22:24 manage the sun, the moon, etc.
22:27 Do you think Allah doesn't know?
22:28 For these things, it's small,
22:30 more or less like that.
22:31 So that we only focus on our part
22:34 to continue to humble ourselves to Allah,
22:37 to accept all of these rules.
22:39 Don't ask too many questions,
22:41 because when we question those things,
22:44 we are worried that we don't reach
22:46 the level of taqwa,
22:48 and because we don't get love,
22:52 from the end of verse 93
22:53 that we have read before,
22:54 we don't get the love from Allah
22:57 because we have too many questions.
22:59 What we can ask is to whom?
23:01 To ourselves.
23:03 How can I make sure that I am taking care,
23:06 how can I make sure that my Umrah,
23:08 my Hajj journey is the best,
23:10 how can I be invited by Allah?
23:14 We can question that,
23:15 but don't question Allah,
23:18 because Allah knows what is in the heavens
23:22 and what is on the earth.
23:25 Verse 97 leads to the word of choice today.
23:29 Let's see.
23:30 The word is,
23:31 "Wa taqullahu alladhi ilayhi tuhsyarun"
23:34 which we have learnt in verse 96.
23:37 "Tuhsyarun" from the word "hasyarat"
23:39 is to gather,
23:40 to be gathered by force.
23:42 There is a difference with the word "jamaa'ah".
23:44 "Jamaa'ah" is to be gathered willingly.
23:46 "Hasyarat" is to be gathered like animals,
23:48 for example,
23:49 to be put in a cage in the evening,
23:50 to be herded, or to be herded,
23:52 to be chased away.
23:53 In the Quran, it is mentioned 43 times,
23:57 in Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Ali Imran,
23:59 and Surah Al-An'am.
24:01 This verse leads to the word "mahsyar",
24:03 a place where we will be gathered one day.
24:07 And "farduhaji" is a simulation,
24:11 as an example,
24:12 we prepare ourselves,
24:13 we wear certain clothes,
24:16 if we are in "mahsyar",
24:17 there will be no clothes at that time.
24:18 I think Aishah has asked,
24:19 "Will there be no dressmaker?"
24:21 No, there will be no time to dress other people.
24:23 To dress other people,
24:24 what is the reason?
24:25 The affairs at that time are very, very complicated.
24:29 And we pray to Allah,
24:31 we make it easier for His affairs
24:33 when we are in "mahsyar" later.
24:35 We take a break first.
24:36 Back again, here again,
24:37 My Quran Time.
24:38 Quran, Salat and Fahir.
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26:13 There is a verse,
26:15 it is called "Hadith Maudud"
26:17 There is a hadith,
26:18 "La yu'rafu"
26:19 A hadith that is not known.
26:21 "La yasih"
26:22 Not true.
26:24 There is a scholar,
26:26 his name is "La Aslalahu"
26:28 There is no origin.
26:29 One of the other names of the false hadith is,
26:32 there is no origin.
26:34 Yes.
26:35 If we meet a boy,
26:38 we ask him,
26:40 "Where are you from?"
26:41 "I'm from there."
26:42 "Where is your mother?"
26:43 "I don't have a mother."
26:44 "Father?"
26:45 "I don't have a father."
26:46 "Is your father a tempter?"
26:47 "No, I was born."
26:48 He suddenly appeared in this world.
26:50 So, this child must have a father.
26:54 A mother who gave birth to him.
26:57 If he suddenly appeared,
26:59 no one can accept him.
27:01 No one can.
27:02 That is the false hadith.
27:04 He suddenly appeared,
27:05 there is no sign.
27:06 Okay.
27:07 There is no story.
27:08 There is no story line.
27:10 He suddenly appeared,
27:11 suddenly...
27:13 (Music)
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29:28 Alhamdulillah.
29:35 Thank you all.
29:36 Salaam.
29:37 Continue with Quran Time.
29:38 Quran Salah and Ifaah.
29:40 We are back.
29:41 Alhamdulillah.
29:42 We have heard the Qupasan Tarabuh
29:44 from Ustadh Fazrul just now.
29:46 We want to see the words
29:49 for our recitation today
29:51 or Tajweed.
29:52 And also our memorization,
29:54 InshaAllah.
29:55 We can see in the verse 96.
29:58 (Recitation of Quran)
30:01 (Recitation of Quran)
30:04 In this verse 96,
30:13 there are some letters.
30:15 The letter Ra.
30:16 The letter Ra is the letter
30:18 that has its rank.
30:20 It has its characteristics.
30:21 Its characteristics are
30:22 the character of Ahyaan.
30:23 What is Ahyaan?
30:24 Sometimes it is precise,
30:25 sometimes it is thin.
30:27 It depends on the condition of Ra.
30:29 And also the previous one, etc.
30:31 That is its rank.
30:33 And today we want to try
30:35 the letters Ra in the verse 96.
30:38 If we see the first one.
30:40 (Recitation of Quran)
30:43 Okay.
30:48 Which is the letter Ra
30:50 that is lined at the bottom
30:52 and also Ra that is lined at the top.
30:55 Okay.
30:56 Generally, it is easy to understand.
30:57 (Recitation of Quran)
31:00 (Recitation of Quran)
31:10 (Recitation of Quran)
31:15 There are three rows.
31:17 There are three movements.
31:18 (Recitation of Quran)
31:21 (Recitation of Quran)
31:25 Ra.
31:26 Ra is read as Ra.
31:28 If Ra is lined at the bottom,
31:30 then Ra is thinned.
31:32 Ri.
31:33 For example, in the verse above.
31:35 (Recitation of Quran)
31:38 (Recitation of Quran)
31:50 Thinned.
31:51 (Recitation of Quran)
31:54 (Recitation of Quran)
31:56 Thinned.
31:57 (Recitation of Quran)
31:59 Thinned.
32:00 (Recitation of Quran)
32:01 In the verse below,
32:02 (Recitation of Quran)
32:03 In our box.
32:04 (Recitation of Quran)
32:07 Recite.
32:08 (Recitation of Quran)
32:11 Where Ra is read as Thinned or Thinned.
32:22 Thinned.
32:23 Ra is read as Ra.
32:24 Even though Ra is lined at the bottom.
32:26 When it is lined,
32:27 there are two movements that we want to thin.
32:30 Wa Hur.
32:31 That is also Thinned.
32:33 Then,
32:34 Ri.
32:35 Wa Hur Ri.
32:36 Recite.
32:37 (Recitation of Quran)
32:40 Thinned.
32:48 Do not read Wa Hur Ri.
32:50 Not Wa Hur Ri.
32:52 Thinned when Ra dies.
32:54 Thinned.
32:55 Thinned again.
32:56 Wa Hur.
32:57 I will make one movement.
32:58 Wa Hur Ri.
33:00 But combined.
33:02 Wa Hur Ri.
33:04 Combined.
33:05 Wa Hur Ri.
33:07 (Recitation of Quran)
33:11 (Recitation of Quran)
33:14 (Recitation of Quran)
33:25 (Recitation of Quran)
33:28 (Recitation of Quran)
33:35 (Recitation of Quran)
33:41 (Recitation of Quran)
33:48 (Recitation of Quran)
33:55 It is lined.
33:56 It is the same as before.
33:57 Bar.
33:58 Ri.
33:59 Bar is lined.
34:00 Bar.
34:01 Not Bar.
34:02 Bar.
34:03 Okay.
34:04 Bar Ri.
34:05 Bar Ri.
34:06 Bar Ri.
34:07 Bar Ri.
34:08 (Recitation of Quran)
34:11 (Recitation of Quran)
34:18 Hur Ma.
34:22 Hur Ma.
34:23 Hur Ma.
34:24 Hur Ma.
34:25 Ra is in front.
34:26 Thinned or thinned?
34:27 Thinned.
34:28 Ra is in front.
34:29 Hur Ma.
34:30 Hur Ma.
34:31 Ru.
34:32 Ru.
34:33 Not Ru.
34:34 Hur Ru.
34:35 If Hur Ru.
34:36 Thinned.
34:37 Ru.
34:38 Ru.
34:39 (Recitation of Quran)
34:42 (Recitation of Quran)
34:51 (Recitation of Quran)
34:54 Okay.
35:00 (Recitation of Quran)
35:03 (Recitation of Quran)
35:19 (Recitation of Quran)
35:22 (Recitation of Quran)
35:30 (Recitation of Quran)
35:43 (Recitation of Quran)
35:46 (Recitation of Quran)
35:52 (Recitation of Quran)
36:09 (Recitation of Quran)
36:12 (Recitation of Quran)
36:22 (Recitation of Quran)
36:33 (Recitation of Quran)
36:36 (Recitation of Quran)
36:53 (Recitation of Quran)
37:01 (Recitation of Quran)
37:04 (Recitation of Quran)
37:19 (Recitation of Quran)
37:22 Ra is always in front.
37:34 And Ra.
37:35 Ra also has the attribute of being Thinned.
37:37 Lin Omar.
37:38 As I said earlier.
37:39 Lin Omar.
37:40 These five letters are Thinned.
37:41 Meaning.
37:42 Ra.
37:43 Try to see if it is dead.
37:45 Akbar.
37:46 (Recitation of Quran)
37:49 Akbar.
37:54 Akbar.
37:55 Allahu Akbar.
37:56 What is that?
37:57 That end.
37:58 Allahu Akbar.
38:01 One, two.
38:02 Start.
38:03 Allahu Akbar.
38:06 Allahu Akbar.
38:09 Allahu Akbar.
38:12 He has this sound.
38:13 Ra.
38:14 Ra's voice.
38:15 When he is Thinned.
38:16 He has this sound.
38:17 Allahu Akbar.
38:20 Allahu Akbar.
38:23 He is not Thinned.
38:25 Akbar.
38:26 Not that.
38:27 Allahu Akbar.
38:30 Allahu Akbar.
38:33 Like that.
38:34 This is beautiful.
38:35 When we take the knowledge in a manly way.
38:38 We can hear directly.
38:40 We can hear.
38:41 We can see.
38:42 And we can try.
38:44 Okay.
38:45 Okay.
38:46 We will talk about the three letters.
38:47 After this.
38:48 My Quran Time.
38:49 Quran.
38:50 Salat.
38:51 Imfah.
38:52 (Music)
38:56 (Music)
39:00 (Music)
39:04 (Music)
39:07 (Music)
39:13 (Music)
39:27 (Music)
39:30 (Music)
39:48 (Music)
39:51 (Music)
40:15 (Music)
40:18 When the disease occurs.
40:30 Is the prayer allowed or not?
40:35 Okay.
40:36 This is a common question.
40:39 In the beginning of the pandemic.
40:41 If you notice.
40:43 Most of the mosques are closed.
40:46 All mosques in the country are closed.
40:48 Not only in Malaysia.
40:50 But all over the world.
40:52 I remember in Egypt.
40:54 There was a demonstration.
40:56 In front of the mosque, people prayed.
40:57 Although the mosque was locked.
40:59 Because they said.
41:00 Prayer is a must.
41:02 We have to pray.
41:03 No matter what the pandemic is.
41:05 But if we look at the hadith.
41:07 If we follow.
41:08 If you want to see.
41:09 Whether or not there was a pandemic.
41:11 During the time of the Prophet.
41:12 We pay attention.
41:13 There is no direct mention of the pandemic.
41:16 But there is a break.
41:18 Which is given in Islam.
41:19 We can pray at home.
41:22 Even though.
41:23 In the original direction.
41:24 We were asked to pray.
41:26 (Music)
41:30 (Music)
41:34 (Music)
42:02 (Music)
42:05 (Music)
42:08 (Music)
42:11 (Music)
42:14 (Music)
42:17 (Music)
42:20 (Music)
42:23 (Music)
42:26 (Music)
42:29 Welcome back to Quran Time.
42:30 Quran Salat Infah.
42:32 Today we look at Surah Al-Ma'idah.
42:35 From verses 96 and 97.
42:39 In verse 96.
42:41 We see how Allah.
42:43 Halal to the animals.
42:45 Which are the animals of the sea.
42:47 Sea food.
42:48 From the river.
42:49 From the pond.
42:50 All animals.
42:51 From the water animals.
42:53 And in verse 97.
42:55 Allah connects to.
42:57 Some things.
42:58 Four things that have been.
43:00 Forbidden.
43:01 Or that have been sanctified.
43:03 Allah.
43:04 The first is Al-Ka'bah.
43:06 The second is Shahrul Haram.
43:08 The third is Hadiyu.
43:10 And the fourth is Al-Qala'id.
43:12 Which are signs.
43:13 That are given to.
43:15 Animals that cannot be disturbed.
43:17 To be sacrificed.
43:19 On the path of Allah.
43:21 Once again we read.
43:22 Verse 97.
43:24 To look back.
43:25 These four things.
43:26 How we need to.
43:28 Take it as a guide.
43:30 To prepare ourselves.
43:32 To meet Allah.
43:34 Verse 97.
43:35 We read together.
43:37 Al-Billah Al-Shaytan Al-A'lamin.
43:39 Allah has made.
43:41 The Ka'bah.
43:43 The Sacred House.
43:45 For the people.
43:47 And the Shahrul Haram.
43:49 And the Hadiyu.
43:51 And the Qala'id.
43:53 And the Hadiyu.
43:55 And the Shahrul Haram.
43:57 And the Hadiyu.
43:59 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:01 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:03 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:05 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:07 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:09 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:11 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:13 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:15 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:17 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:19 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:21 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:23 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:25 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:27 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:29 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:31 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:33 And the Shahrul Haram.
44:35 [Reciting]
45:01 Surah Kullah Al-Azim
45:03 We are reciting from the 97th verse
45:05 Allah has made it Al-Ka'bah
45:07 The first is Ka'bah
45:09 The second is the Shahrul Haram
45:11 The months that are forbidden
45:13 And the third is Al-Hadiyu
45:15 And Qala'id
45:17 When we talk about Ka'bah, when Allah uses the word
45:19 Qiyamah Linnas
45:21 We have discussed a little earlier
45:23 And more than that, Imam Sa'di states
45:25 Why Ka'bah becomes
45:27 Qiyamah Linnas, because there is
45:29 the perfection of Islam with it
45:31 First, when we perform
45:33 Hajj
45:35 Second, the burden is lifted
45:37 All the challenges and problems
45:39 When we go to Ka'bah
45:41 We pray
45:43 In this place, it is a mustajab
45:45 The burden will be lifted
45:47 And even if we return from Umrah and Hajj
45:49 There is a burden, actually
45:51 The burden is already promised
45:53 To be lifted by Allah SWT
45:55 Third,
45:57 Those who go there will get
45:59 A lot of blessings and good
46:01 When we pray there
46:03 Up to 100,000 times
46:05 Imagine, to pray in congregation
46:07 In our country
46:09 It is difficult to do it every time
46:11 But there, you can do it for one time
46:13 In the mosque
46:15 It is equal to 100,000 times
46:17 So
46:19 If we calculate
46:21 How many years of life
46:23 We can achieve such abundance
46:25 The third
46:27 Because of the wealth
46:29 That is given, it will be multiplied
46:31 The abundance
46:33 The fifth, the Muslims
46:35 From all over the world
46:37 That is why
46:39 The Linnas Day will strengthen the people
46:41 Here, people get to know each other
46:43 And help each other
46:45 Here, people discuss each other
46:47 For the welfare of the world
46:49 And the result is between people
46:51 For the welfare of religion and world
46:53 The problem is
46:55 Sometimes people go to the Kaabah
46:57 To Umrah Hajj, they do not use
46:59 This opportunity
47:01 They do not want to know people from other countries
47:03 They do not want to talk to other people
47:05 Sometimes, it is just there
47:07 They sit there and then go back
47:09 So the reward is
47:11 But the network to meet
47:13 All the networks that are there
47:15 To discuss how to strengthen
47:17 The Muslims themselves
47:19 Is among the things that need to be done as an agenda
47:21 As an agenda
47:23 Made by the travel agents
47:25 Who are involved in Umrah
47:27 We need to make a module that is not just for personal development
47:29 For self-improvement
47:31 But also for how we can
47:33 Combine between
47:35 Muslim countries
47:37 For example, to help
47:39 For ideas
47:41 About how to establish the Quran
47:43 To establish the economy
47:45 That is where it is actually
47:47 Which is based on the words of Kiyamah Linnas
47:49 It can build
47:51 Man with the conditions of man
47:53 Know the function
47:55 Al-Kaabah Al-Musharafah
47:57 Which is in Makatul Mukarramah
47:59 And more than that
48:01 There is Shahrul Haram
48:03 There are four that we already know
48:05 Which is Muharram, Rajab, Zulqaida, Zulhijjah
48:07 Zulqaida, Zulhijjah
48:09 We know it is the month of Hajj
48:11 But what is Muharram and Rajab
48:13 Muharram is the month after
48:15 The 12th month of Hijrah
48:17 After Zulhijjah
48:19 Someone
48:21 Actually if we have seen
48:23 In Surah Al-Baqarah
48:25 About Al-Ahillah
48:27 About the month of Sabit
48:29 Allah says it is the calendar for humans
48:31 And also Al-Hajj
48:33 Meaning the calendar of the Muslims
48:35 We need to arrange around the months
48:37 Islam
48:39 We start with Muharram
48:41 There is a new year, then Rajab
48:43 Then when Rajab is ready
48:45 To enter Ramadan
48:47 And after Ramadan
48:49 We enter Shaban
48:51 Then we go to the 11th and 12th month of Hijrah
48:55 Which is Zulqaida and Zulhijjah
48:57 What is happening to the Arabs?
48:59 In this month of Haram
49:01 This is a place for peace
49:03 You cannot fight
49:05 This is the time to gather supplies
49:07 To improve the relationship
49:09 Because at this time you cannot fight
49:11 If you have the intention to fight
49:13 Or to do things
49:15 That are against
49:17 The peace
49:19 What is the lesson for us?
49:21 In this month of Haram, because Allah has sanctified it
49:23 We need to make it a month of reset
49:25 A month of reset
49:27 We need to see how is our relationship with our family
49:29 If there is a lack of my deeds
49:31 I need to reset it
49:33 In this month
49:35 The latest is the 11th and 12th month of Hijrah
49:37 Which is the month of Hajj
49:39 For those who go to Hajj
49:41 They have a mindset
49:43 To improve their relationship
49:45 And strengthen their relationship
49:47 To be closer to Allah
49:49 Who knows
49:51 All the affairs on this earth
49:53 And at the end
49:55 Allah said
49:57 And Allah is the most knowing
49:59 And Allah knows everything
50:01 And knows everything
50:03 The word 'knowing'
50:05 If we go back to the verse 158
50:07 In Surah Al-Baqarah
50:09 At the end of the verse
50:11 Allah said
50:13 Allah is the most grateful
50:15 And the most knowledgable
50:17 Allah appreciates and is grateful
50:19 For the efforts of Hajar
50:21 Through the Safa Marwah
50:23 And Allah knows
50:25 How to solve the problem of Hajar
50:27 So that the Zamzam water
50:29 Becomes a solution not only for Hajar and Ismail
50:31 But for the whole
50:33 Of the Ummah
50:35 So at the end of this verse
50:37 We are getting closer to Ka'bah
50:39 And appreciating the month of Haram
50:41 And making sacrifices during Hajj
50:43 This is actually
50:45 To get closer to Allah
50:47 Who knows
50:49 And solves all our problems
50:51 And this leads to
50:53 Our resolution today
50:55 We will see
50:57 First, to maintain the purity of food
50:59 Because it is related to our worship
51:01 Related to the taqwa
51:03 That we want to build
51:05 From time to time
51:07 Second, to do Ihsan with Allah
51:09 To get the blessings of life
51:11 And thirdly
51:13 To always glorify and honor
51:15 Allah's house by
51:17 Mentioning his poetry
51:19 Because it is related to our
51:21 Relation to Allah
51:23 Who knows
51:25 How to solve
51:27 All the problems
51:29 That are present in our lives
51:31 Let us pray together to Allah
51:33 So that we are invited again
51:35 To Ka'bah and Makkah
51:37 And for those who have not yet
51:39 Hopefully we will be facilitated
51:41 By this matter
51:43 (Prayer)
51:45 (Prayer)
51:47 (Prayer)
51:50 (Prayer)
51:53 (Prayer)
51:56 (Prayer)
51:59 (Prayer)
52:01 (Prayer)
52:03 (Prayer)
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52:09 (Prayer)
52:11 (prayer in Arabic)
52:35 (prayer in Arabic)
53:04 (prayer in Arabic)
53:31 (prayer in Arabic)
53:34 (prayer in Arabic)
53:54 (prayer in Arabic)
54:19 (prayer in Arabic)
54:39 (music)
54:58 (music)