Write, Read, and Run! Bishop Dale C. Bronner

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00:00:29 - Well, our foundational text today
00:00:30 comes from Habakkuk chapter two, verses one through three
00:00:34 of a familiar passage of scripture.
00:00:37 And I will stand at my guard post
00:00:42 and station myself on the watchtower
00:00:45 and I will keep watch to see what he will say to me
00:00:49 and how I may reply when I am reprimanded.
00:00:52 And then the Lord answered me and said,
00:00:55 "Write down the vision
00:00:57 and inscribe it clearly on tablets
00:01:01 so that one who reads it may run.
00:01:06 For the vision is yet for the appointed time.
00:01:08 It hurries toward the goal and it will not fail.
00:01:13 Though it delays, wait for it,
00:01:16 for it will certainly come.
00:01:18 It will not delay long."
00:01:21 I'm speaking today from the subject,
00:01:23 write, read and run.
00:01:26 Write, read and run.
00:01:30 This is at a time when the Lord uses
00:01:35 godless people, the Chaldeans,
00:01:39 to punish Judah.
00:01:41 And now Habakkuk the prophet is wondering
00:01:46 what in the world do we do in a time like this
00:01:48 and a season like this.
00:01:49 And he's at a place where he needs God
00:01:52 and he's saying that, "God, I believe
00:01:55 that you will talk to me, that you have something
00:01:57 to say about my situation."
00:01:59 And so he said, "I'm going to stand on the watch here
00:02:03 and see what you will say to me."
00:02:06 I believe that God is looking for people
00:02:08 who are in a posture of expectation
00:02:12 of God speaking to you.
00:02:14 I don't know about you, but I still believe
00:02:16 that God speaks to people.
00:02:17 I don't think that you're crazy
00:02:21 if somebody says that God spoke to them.
00:02:24 Now I do know that there are some crazy people
00:02:26 that say that God spoke to you,
00:02:28 but just because you experience a counterfeit
00:02:32 doesn't mean that there's not a genuine.
00:02:34 So I believe that God speaks to people
00:02:39 who are in a posture, who have made themselves
00:02:43 available to say, "God, speak to me,
00:02:45 speak to me, speak to me.
00:02:47 I trust that you will speak to me
00:02:49 so that you can lead me and guide me."
00:02:51 God wants to lead us.
00:02:53 He wants to guide us.
00:02:54 He wants to give us direction as to what to do.
00:02:57 So God speaks to people that are in a posture
00:03:00 of expectation and receptivity.
00:03:03 And remember, if you are expecting God to do something,
00:03:07 that's what he said, "Write the vision and make it plain
00:03:10 so that you can read it and run with it."
00:03:13 And he says, "Though it tarry, wait for it."
00:03:16 You always show what you're waiting on
00:03:20 by showing what you're working on.
00:03:23 Now, if you're really waiting on something,
00:03:24 you ought to be working on it.
00:03:26 I mean, if I'm waiting on my breakthrough,
00:03:27 I ought to be working on my breakthrough.
00:03:30 I mean, if I'm waiting to be able to get my first car,
00:03:34 I ought to make a room to be able to put the car.
00:03:36 I ought to clean out the garage.
00:03:37 I ought to clean out the carport.
00:03:39 I ought to get a car cover if that's what is necessary
00:03:42 or the washing materials.
00:03:44 If I pray and ask God and said, "God, please, please,
00:03:47 please, Lord, send rain today.
00:03:50 I've got seed in the ground.
00:03:51 Send rain."
00:03:52 And if I believe that God is gonna answer by rain,
00:03:55 I ought to walk out of the house with my umbrella.
00:03:58 I mean, faith without works is dead.
00:04:01 Again, you show what you are waiting on
00:04:03 by showing what you are working on.
00:04:06 If I'm waiting on something, I ought to be working on it.
00:04:09 I mean, if I'm a single woman, if I'm waiting on a husband,
00:04:12 I ought to be saying, "Lord, you know,
00:04:14 make me the answer to the kind of prayer
00:04:17 that my husband is praying for in a wife
00:04:20 so that when he sees me,
00:04:22 he will have no problem recognizing me."
00:04:25 So you ought to be working on that.
00:04:26 You can't wait if you know that you need to lose 20 pounds.
00:04:30 You can't wait.
00:04:32 Now, if he likes a little meat on his bones, that's fine.
00:04:36 But the point is is that you need to be working
00:04:40 on whatever you are waiting on as an act of your faith
00:04:44 because faith without works is dead
00:04:48 and dead faith doesn't work.
00:04:50 So always, if you're waiting on something,
00:04:53 if you've got something by vision
00:04:55 and you're waiting on God to show it to you,
00:04:57 be working on it.
00:04:58 Be working on it.
00:05:00 You don't have to have it, but be working on it.
00:05:02 If you're trying to get your first place,
00:05:04 buy your first piece of property,
00:05:06 be saving your down payment.
00:05:07 Be working on it.
00:05:09 Now, the reason, for example, I had always confessed
00:05:12 that I was going to marry as soon as I finished college.
00:05:18 And the year that I finished college
00:05:20 is the year that I got married.
00:05:21 That was not an accident, that was an intention.
00:05:24 Now, I didn't just, I was not gonna marry somebody
00:05:28 and bring them and live in my mom and dad's basement.
00:05:32 Now, if you have to do that, that's fine for you,
00:05:34 but I needed my privacy.
00:05:36 Okay?
00:05:39 So I had a job in my teen years
00:05:43 and I was saving money because I was working
00:05:47 on what I was waiting for.
00:05:49 So when I married, you know, as soon as I finished college,
00:05:54 I was 21 years old when I finished college.
00:05:58 And I went in with a plan.
00:06:00 I didn't go in on a six-year plan.
00:06:02 I said, "Lord, I'm going in on a four-year plan."
00:06:06 I went in on a half-tuition scholarship,
00:06:09 but I didn't wanna waste my other half of the money.
00:06:12 So I went in with a plan and I came out with a plan
00:06:15 and I said, "I wanna marry as soon as I get out of school."
00:06:17 And so I start saving money years leading into that
00:06:22 because I had a vision of doing that.
00:06:23 And I started working on that,
00:06:26 showing what I was waiting on.
00:06:28 So you have to always have a plan
00:06:30 of what you are working on while you are waiting on it.
00:06:34 You show what you're waiting on
00:06:36 by showing what you're working on.
00:06:37 And I want you to realize this, if you got a vision,
00:06:40 if you got a vision from God,
00:06:43 the command that God gave them was to write the vision
00:06:45 and not just scribble some general ideas about it,
00:06:49 but write it and make it plain, make it clear.
00:06:52 I want you to write the clarity of your vision
00:06:56 so that when people read it,
00:06:59 it will inspire them to bust a move,
00:07:02 that they will read it and run.
00:07:04 Write it, read it, run it.
00:07:06 Write it, read it, run the vision, run the vision,
00:07:08 run with your vision.
00:07:10 Write it, read it, and run with it.
00:07:12 And this is what I would say,
00:07:14 as a goal is not a goal until it is written,
00:07:18 a vision is not a vision until it is written.
00:07:23 You know, a goal, if it's not written, it's just a wish.
00:07:28 And a vision, if it is not written, it's just a fantasy.
00:07:32 So your vision needs to be written.
00:07:37 Your vision needs to be written.
00:07:39 The Lord told Habakkuk to write the vision.
00:07:42 Write it, write it, write it.
00:07:44 And so a vision must be written.
00:07:47 It must be written.
00:07:48 Write what you hear.
00:07:50 Write what you see.
00:07:52 Write what you believe.
00:07:54 Write what you imagine.
00:07:56 And write what you passionately sense in your heart.
00:08:01 So if I feel that God is speaking to me about something,
00:08:03 I'm gonna write what I hear.
00:08:05 I'm gonna write what I see,
00:08:06 because vision is a living entity.
00:08:08 I'm gonna write what I believe.
00:08:10 I wanna write what I have imagined in my heart.
00:08:12 I wanna write it.
00:08:13 I wanna write what I passionately sense
00:08:16 that God is saying and putting in my heart to do.
00:08:19 You write it and it shows that you mean business.
00:08:22 There's something about it.
00:08:23 If people just talk a good game, you know,
00:08:25 about what all are they gonna do,
00:08:27 you really can't see what all they're saying
00:08:29 or you can get caught up in the emotion of how they say it
00:08:32 and all of the passion and all of that emotion.
00:08:34 But if you put it on writing and see exactly the details
00:08:37 of what they've said,
00:08:39 we call that a memorandum of understanding, a MOU.
00:08:44 You need to always have a memorandum of understanding.
00:08:49 After you discuss something,
00:08:51 there needs to be in writing a clarity,
00:08:53 a summary that is written that this is the understanding
00:08:58 that you're gonna do this and we're gonna supply that.
00:09:00 That this, we're gonna do this
00:09:02 and this is the price that we're gonna pay.
00:09:03 There needs to be a memorandum of understanding.
00:09:07 Write it so that you clearly understand it.
00:09:10 You can't go to court saying he said, she said.
00:09:14 You need a memorandum of understanding.
00:09:18 It must be written.
00:09:20 I want a clear vision before we start on the project.
00:09:23 That must be a definition of the scope of work
00:09:26 that we're gonna provide
00:09:27 and the payment that's going to be expected.
00:09:29 That needs to be clear.
00:09:30 What's gonna be included?
00:09:33 What is the type and quality of the material
00:09:35 that is going to be used?
00:09:37 There are a lot of details.
00:09:38 And when people are just talking about stuff,
00:09:40 they can get you all excited about it.
00:09:42 But if you don't understand the details
00:09:45 that this is what you ordered,
00:09:47 'cause sometimes you get stuff and I don't know about you,
00:09:49 but I've ordered some stuff from China
00:09:52 and I couldn't even fit it.
00:09:53 (congregation laughing)
00:09:54 When it got in the mail, I mean,
00:09:56 and I got an extra large and double X
00:09:59 and it looks like it was built for a child.
00:10:02 And I couldn't even wear it.
00:10:04 I'm like, that was not in the understanding.
00:10:06 You don't look like your picture.
00:10:10 I call that deceptive advertising.
00:10:14 (congregation laughing)
00:10:16 And we need to have some clear USA sizes
00:10:18 'cause we eat differently here.
00:10:20 (congregation laughing)
00:10:23 But in a reported Harvard Business School MBA study
00:10:29 on goal setting, as I said, in the same way that as a goal
00:10:33 is not a goal until it's written,
00:10:34 a vision is not a vision until it's written.
00:10:36 But in their Harvard MBA program there,
00:10:38 the graduating class was asked a very simple question
00:10:43 concerning their goals in life.
00:10:45 And this was the question,
00:10:46 have you set written goals
00:10:48 and created a plan for their attainment?
00:10:53 Have you written, have you established written goals
00:10:57 and set a plan for their attainment?
00:11:01 And then upon graduation,
00:11:03 they discovered that 84% of the class
00:11:08 had no written goal or plan for attainment.
00:11:12 13% of the class had written goals,
00:11:16 but no written plan for the attainment of those goals.
00:11:21 And 3% of the class had written goals
00:11:26 and a plan for the attainment of those goals.
00:11:30 Fast forward 10 years, 10 years down the road,
00:11:35 the 13% of the class that had written goals,
00:11:39 but no plan for the attainment,
00:11:41 were making twice as much as the 84% of the class
00:11:46 that had no written goals or plan for attaining.
00:11:49 They were making twice as much.
00:11:52 And the 3% of the class that had written goals
00:11:56 and a plan for the attainment of those goals
00:11:59 were making 10 times as much as the 97% of the class
00:12:04 that did not have the goals and a plan for their attainment.
00:12:11 It was a good case that proves the power
00:12:17 of writing things down, of what your goals are
00:12:21 and your process or plan for the attaining
00:12:24 of those particular goals and aspirations that you have.
00:12:28 So write it down.
00:12:29 Tell somebody, write it down, write it down, write it down.
00:12:33 Here's the way that I would say it.
00:12:35 If you think it, ink it.
00:12:36 Put it in writing.
00:12:39 If you think it, ink it.
00:12:40 A short pencil is worth more than a long memory.
00:12:43 So put it in writing, write it down, write it down.
00:12:49 There are certain things that if I really wanted
00:12:51 to get it in me, I don't like to just get it verbally,
00:12:54 but there are certain things, if I want to remember them,
00:12:58 I write it down.
00:13:00 Every week I write down things, every week.
00:13:04 In fact, every day I journal.
00:13:05 Now, it's not a diary, it's a journal
00:13:09 where I'm distilling truth based on the reflection
00:13:12 of my day, of things that I've seen, that I've experienced,
00:13:16 things that I have read, that have spoken to me.
00:13:18 I wanna write it down.
00:13:20 When you write it down, it adheres to your memory bank.
00:13:24 I mean, you just say it, it just goes out.
00:13:28 But if I write a telephone number down,
00:13:29 I can remember it better.
00:13:31 And you'd be surprised, whatever you write down,
00:13:34 you can remember it better.
00:13:35 And I don't know why, but psychologists tell us,
00:13:38 don't just write it down, but if you write it in blue ink,
00:13:40 your mind can remember it better than if it's in black ink.
00:13:43 So guess what color my ink pens are?
00:13:46 They're blue.
00:13:50 And it gives me incredible recall as I write things down,
00:13:55 as I write things down.
00:13:57 You see, just because I speak without notes
00:14:00 doesn't mean that I don't have something written down.
00:14:03 And so if you write it down,
00:14:07 if you write it down, you can adhere it.
00:14:09 So I think that God was accomplishing more things
00:14:12 than what we might imagine when He says, "Write the vision."
00:14:17 Remember, sight is a function of the eyes.
00:14:20 Vision is a function of the heart.
00:14:23 Sight is a function of the eyes.
00:14:24 Vision is a function of the heart.
00:14:28 So God gives vision to your heart.
00:14:31 Have you ever heard older people,
00:14:32 they will say, "The Lord laid on my heart."
00:14:35 It was really a vision of something
00:14:38 that God put in their heart for them to do.
00:14:41 Vision is a function of the heart.
00:14:43 Is this in your heart?
00:14:46 Vision doesn't come out of your head.
00:14:48 It's a heart function.
00:14:49 It is a heart function.
00:14:51 It is interesting.
00:14:52 Now, let me share with you
00:14:53 about the three components of vision.
00:14:55 The three components of vision.
00:14:56 The first one is hindsight, hindsight.
00:15:00 Hindsight is what you learn from reflecting on the past.
00:15:05 You know, life can only be lived forward,
00:15:10 but it can only be understood backwards.
00:15:11 So that's why you need hindsight,
00:15:13 because hindsight allows you to get an understanding
00:15:18 that comes out of things through reflecting on the past.
00:15:23 Hindsight.
00:15:24 There are certain things that you learn in hindsight.
00:15:26 You've heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20.
00:15:29 It's very clear to you.
00:15:30 That I look back and now I see that I made a bad decision.
00:15:34 I look back and I discovered now
00:15:35 that that was an emotional decision,
00:15:37 and I wish that I had waited and done this
00:15:39 and paid that off first.
00:15:40 And hindsight is very, very clear,
00:15:42 but at the time you couldn't see it.
00:15:44 Hindsight.
00:15:45 Hindsight will teach you things.
00:15:47 The hindsight are the things that older people
00:15:49 looking back over their youth realize that,
00:15:52 "Hey, listen, I shouldn't have spent my time doing this."
00:15:54 Now they're able to teach you wisdom
00:15:56 based on their hindsight.
00:15:58 So that helps with the understanding of your vision
00:16:01 is to be able to value hindsight, hindsight.
00:16:05 Then there's the second one, a form of vision, is insight.
00:16:08 Insight is a power to see and to understand
00:16:11 what is not evident to the average mind.
00:16:14 It's a power to see and to understand
00:16:18 what is not evident to the average mind.
00:16:22 That's insight.
00:16:24 Me and all of my brothers were over in Puerto Rico,
00:16:31 and we were there at one of those,
00:16:34 I think it's only about three places
00:16:36 or something in the world
00:16:37 where there's a bioluminescent organisms
00:16:40 that's in the water.
00:16:41 And this is where you can go in the water at nighttime
00:16:44 and you splash around and you'll see the stuff
00:16:46 like a yellow green.
00:16:47 It's like a lightning bug,
00:16:50 where these are organisms that are in the water
00:16:53 and you can see them.
00:16:54 When you move the water, you get in at nighttime,
00:16:56 but it has to be pitch black at night
00:16:58 and you get out in these canoes and go out and do that.
00:17:00 And so here we all out there,
00:17:02 me and all of my brothers, we were in different boats.
00:17:04 There were two of us in each boat.
00:17:05 So we had about three boats.
00:17:08 And I got lost, I got turned around.
00:17:11 I didn't have any insight as to how to get out of this.
00:17:14 We got in the boat, it was dark when we got in,
00:17:16 it was dark when we got out.
00:17:17 And we got in some swampy areas,
00:17:19 you know, there were trees and stuff, you know,
00:17:21 and we got all flustered and flabbergasted.
00:17:24 Me and my youngest brother went in the boat together.
00:17:26 And then we make up a certain move,
00:17:30 he's going one way and I'm going another
00:17:31 and our boat capsizes.
00:17:33 And both of us are in the water.
00:17:37 And now here I'm in the water with bioluminescent organisms.
00:17:41 And as I'm moving my feet,
00:17:43 I'm seeing this yellow green kind of stuff.
00:17:44 I'm like, what in the name of Jesus?
00:17:46 What is this?
00:17:49 I couldn't see how there's black dark out there.
00:17:52 But my oldest brother, who's a chemist,
00:17:54 he's in a boat, his boat didn't capsize.
00:17:57 And he figures the way to get through
00:18:01 this thicket in the darkness.
00:18:03 He was looking up at the stars and the moon.
00:18:07 And it showed him a path to be able to get out.
00:18:10 Now, I didn't have the insight to do that.
00:18:13 Now, though there were five of us,
00:18:15 he was the only one that had insight.
00:18:19 But I had enough sense to follow the one with the insight.
00:18:23 And I was led out.
00:18:27 'Cause I followed my oldest brother who had the insight.
00:18:31 All of us were in the darkness.
00:18:32 All of us had the same experience and the same opportunity.
00:18:35 But he saw something that the average mind couldn't see
00:18:39 because his mind is not average.
00:18:41 I mean, I might have an average mind,
00:18:44 but consistency turns average into mastery.
00:18:47 (congregation laughing)
00:18:50 Tester Naver said, there's hope for you.
00:18:54 There is hope for you.
00:18:55 (congregation laughing)
00:18:58 If you just be consistent.
00:18:59 And like I said,
00:19:00 you don't have to have all the sense in the world,
00:19:02 but have enough sense to follow somebody who's got sense.
00:19:05 (congregation laughing)
00:19:08 And that just blessed my life.
00:19:10 That blessed me.
00:19:11 So we got out and we got through
00:19:13 because we followed somebody that had an insight
00:19:15 as to what to do in a dark situation in life.
00:19:18 And you get in some dark situations in life
00:19:20 and you might not know what to do,
00:19:22 but at least have sense enough to follow somebody
00:19:25 that has insight as to what to do
00:19:27 when they're in the same darkness that you are.
00:19:29 Because God is gonna give somebody some insight
00:19:33 as to how to get out of this or how to get through this.
00:19:36 And if you follow them, you can get out too.
00:19:38 So there's hindsight, there's insight.
00:19:41 And then the third form of vision is foresight.
00:19:44 Foresight is the ability to predict what will happen
00:19:47 or what will be needed for the future.
00:19:50 So you need foresight.
00:19:53 That's why you should always love older people
00:19:56 that have some experience.
00:19:58 Now, please, I understand there are old fools
00:20:00 just like there are young fools.
00:20:03 So please don't just follow them
00:20:06 because they have gray hair, please.
00:20:08 (congregation laughing)
00:20:10 But you need to be able to realize
00:20:12 if I'm trying to climb a mountain,
00:20:14 if I'm trying to climb the ladder of success,
00:20:17 maybe the best person to ask about this
00:20:20 is the person who's already been there
00:20:21 and is on their way down.
00:20:23 Maybe their foresight,
00:20:26 because they've already gone before you,
00:20:28 they've seen before you, they've already been there.
00:20:31 So we're talking about these three components of vision.
00:20:35 There's hindsight, insight, and foresight.
00:20:37 God's got you covered on every degree
00:20:40 that there are things that you learn from your past,
00:20:42 from your present, and from the future.
00:20:44 So you get a wisdom of where you've been
00:20:46 and the mistakes that you have made,
00:20:48 that the greatest value of the past is as a teacher.
00:20:53 And that's why those who do not know their history
00:20:55 are doomed to repeat it.
00:20:57 So have the hindsight.
00:20:59 There ought to be a historian in every family.
00:21:02 There ought to be a historian,
00:21:04 somebody that reminds the culture of who you are.
00:21:09 They have tribes in Africa
00:21:11 that if a child gets caught in criminal behavior,
00:21:14 they will take people from the tribe
00:21:16 who know this young man and know his family,
00:21:18 and they will spend the next 24 hours speaking words to him,
00:21:22 reminding him or her who they are.
00:21:26 And they do not allow them to become defined
00:21:28 by the mistake that they made,
00:21:30 but they remind them of the history
00:21:32 and the heritage that they are there.
00:21:34 So there's a power in hindsight.
00:21:39 There's a power in insight,
00:21:40 and there's a power in foresight.
00:21:42 There's a tremendous power.
00:21:44 In fact, the word provision,
00:21:46 provision actually comes from a Latin word
00:21:49 that actually means foresight.
00:21:52 Provision means foresight.
00:21:55 It means preparation, and it also means looking ahead.
00:22:00 God always sends provision for vision.
00:22:05 If you got a vision, that's provision.
00:22:07 Where God guides, there He provides.
00:22:09 He's Jehovah Jireh, the Lord, our provider.
00:22:14 I said, God is the Lord, our provider.
00:22:17 God will provide.
00:22:18 He put that in His name so that when we pray,
00:22:22 that we will remember that God will provide.
00:22:25 There's always a doubt.
00:22:26 God, I'm in trouble.
00:22:27 I need this, I need that, I need the other.
00:22:29 God is my provider.
00:22:31 God, He's Jehovah Jireh, the Lord, my provider.
00:22:34 God will provide.
00:22:36 God will provide.
00:22:37 When Abraham was going up that mountain,
00:22:38 the first time that he was called by that name
00:22:40 was when Abraham was ascending the Mount Moriah.
00:22:45 And when he got up there with his son Isaac,
00:22:47 and his son was asking him, "Daddy, Daddy,
00:22:49 "where's the sacrifice?"
00:22:52 He didn't wanna say, "Son, you it.
00:22:53 "We didn't tag you it."
00:22:55 So he said in faith, he said,
00:22:59 "God will provide the sacrifice Himself."
00:23:02 The daddy had the knife and the rope,
00:23:06 and the boy was carrying the wood.
00:23:08 He had everything but the sacrifice.
00:23:10 He says, "He's Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide.
00:23:14 "The Lord will provide the sacrifice."
00:23:16 He says, "We're going, but the Lord will provide.
00:23:17 "We don't have it yet, but He will provide.
00:23:20 "I don't have all the pieces yet.
00:23:21 "I don't have all the resources yet,
00:23:23 "but all that I know is that He will provide.
00:23:26 "I don't know how I'm gonna put these children through school.
00:23:28 "I don't know how we're gonna pay all of the rent
00:23:31 "and the mortgage and the car note and the utilities,
00:23:34 "but God will provide."
00:23:37 When you trust Him that God will provide,
00:23:39 God will provide, God will provide,
00:23:41 He saw the need before you had the need.
00:23:45 The moment that you have the vision
00:23:48 that you are pregnant with child
00:23:49 and that you're gonna have a child,
00:23:51 don't wait until your water breaks
00:23:53 to start preparing for that child.
00:23:55 When you know that you're pregnant,
00:23:56 you begin to then start planning the baby's room
00:23:59 and the furniture that will go in that room
00:24:01 and the diapers and the wipes and some clothes
00:24:04 and blankets and washcloths and all of these things
00:24:07 because you've got the vision that a child is coming,
00:24:09 so now you begin to get the provision in advance
00:24:13 before you need it.
00:24:14 You see the need before you need it, that's foresight.
00:24:17 So when you're working on vision, that's about foresight.
00:24:20 It was about foresight, it was about foresight.
00:24:22 So I knew when I married
00:24:24 that I was going to move into my own place
00:24:27 and I wanted to have a down payment,
00:24:28 so I had the foresight to start saving years
00:24:32 before it was time to do that, years.
00:24:35 But I knew that it was coming,
00:24:36 I believed that it was coming
00:24:37 and I showed what I was waiting for
00:24:39 by showing what I was working on.
00:24:41 I hope that is making sense to you
00:24:42 that when you've got this thing, a vision by faith,
00:24:46 faith without works is dead and dead faith doesn't work,
00:24:49 but God is a provider.
00:24:50 God is a provider
00:24:53 and He wanted His people to know that He's a provider.
00:24:56 That is the only reason that God allowed the children of Israel
00:24:59 to walk around for 40 years in the wilderness.
00:25:02 He was waiting, He was waiting on them to be able to trust Him.
00:25:06 It's crazy that as many miracles as He did,
00:25:09 I mean, if God... if He had done that many miracles
00:25:11 to bring me out of something,
00:25:12 I'm like, "You know, God, I know You didn't split the Red Sea.
00:25:15 "You didn't... You didn't do all of this stuff
00:25:17 "that You have done with the plague of flies and frogs
00:25:20 "and lice and all of this.
00:25:22 "You didn't... in the three days of thick darkness,
00:25:24 "You didn't send all of this
00:25:26 "to bring me to a place and let me die here.
00:25:28 "You've already provided for me.
00:25:29 "You have provided for me."
00:25:31 But God said, "I want to... I want you to trust Me."
00:25:34 He let them go around for 40 years
00:25:35 just to learn to trust Him.
00:25:38 He says, "I'm gonna carry you around for 40 years
00:25:40 "so you can learn to trust Me to be...
00:25:43 "to provide your daily bread.
00:25:45 "I'm not gonna give..."
00:25:46 I could give you enough for the month.
00:25:47 I could dump down enough for the whole year,
00:25:49 but where you gonna put it?
00:25:51 And you only move.
00:25:52 "Why should I give all to let you..."
00:25:54 Now, something else for you to have to drag around.
00:25:57 God says, "I'll give it to you when you need it."
00:25:59 I... I... I...
00:26:01 That was a... God had a plan.
00:26:02 He was working on something.
00:26:04 And it's like, "You got to trust Me."
00:26:07 It spent 40 years to get them to trust Him.
00:26:10 Some of them would never trust Him
00:26:11 so they died in the wilderness.
00:26:13 These were the ones that He could teach.
00:26:16 These were the ones that were 20 years old and younger,
00:26:19 the teachable ones.
00:26:21 And you can be 20 in your spirit
00:26:25 even though your birth certificate
00:26:26 says something differently.
00:26:29 But as long as you stay teachable,
00:26:31 you'll be in that crowd that God said,
00:26:32 "Come on in here. Come on in here."
00:26:34 And listen...
00:26:37 Listen, if... if...
00:26:38 if you will trust God, trust, trust,
00:26:40 trust Him in the wilderness,
00:26:44 then He will entrust you in the promised land
00:26:49 with all kinds of blessings, with abundance.
00:26:52 That's where your harvest is.
00:26:55 That's... that's where your ship is coming in.
00:26:57 If you'll trust Him,
00:27:01 where you got to believe for the manna and the quail
00:27:03 to come every day and water to come out of a rock.
00:27:06 It wasn't enough to store it up.
00:27:08 God never wanted us to ever get beyond.
00:27:10 He didn't want you ever grow beyond trusting God.
00:27:14 That's why Jesus taught us to pray,
00:27:15 "Give us this day our daily bread," every day.
00:27:19 He said, "I want you to depend on Me
00:27:21 "for a daily need in your life.
00:27:23 "Never become so self-sufficient
00:27:25 "that you don't have a need for God."
00:27:28 I don't mean that you need God to pay your...
00:27:30 to come up with the rent money
00:27:31 at the end of every day or every week,
00:27:33 but it might be a different thing.
00:27:35 If you got your rent money,
00:27:37 you got an issue that you're working out with a relationship.
00:27:39 It may be your marriage.
00:27:41 It may be your girlfriend, your boyfriend.
00:27:42 It may be your son or your daughter,
00:27:44 your brother or your sister.
00:27:45 It may be a co-worker.
00:27:46 It could be a cantankerous neighbor.
00:27:49 But you have a need that is beyond your pay grade.
00:27:52 And even if money is not the thing
00:27:53 that you need God to provide on a daily basis,
00:27:56 it may be an issue that's happening in your body.
00:27:59 "Well, Lord, I feel something."
00:28:00 And today, I need you to give me the strength
00:28:02 that I need today because some days,
00:28:03 you wake up and you don't even have the energy
00:28:06 to go into that job.
00:28:07 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
00:28:09 You got to trust him.
00:28:10 Jesus, just a little walk with you,
00:28:13 just enough to take the next step.
00:28:15 Just give me the grace, God.
00:28:17 Give me the strength, God.
00:28:18 Give me the ability to walk in this thing today.
00:28:21 Today, today, give me strength, God.
00:28:23 I don't have the strength to go into this office today
00:28:27 and to deal with these trifling human beings.
00:28:29 Jesus, today, I'm trusting you to hold me,
00:28:33 to help me, to strengthen me, to give me grace.
00:28:37 Jesus, I'm trusting you to help me to forgive
00:28:40 and to walk in love today.
00:28:42 Lord, I need you.
00:28:43 I need you.
00:28:44 Anybody understand what I'm talking about?
00:28:47 [cheers and applause]
00:28:50 And if you'll prove your trust in the wilderness,
00:28:56 God will bring you into a promised land
00:28:58 where you'll be entrusted with more
00:29:00 than you could ever imagine.
00:29:01 I'm telling you, God's out to bless you.
00:29:03 He is, he is.
00:29:05 But you need hindsight, you need insight, you need foresight.
00:29:09 I want you to notice what Proverbs chapter 27
00:29:11 and verse 12 says in the Living Bible,
00:29:13 that a sensible man, a sensible woman watches for problems ahead
00:29:19 and prepares to meet them.
00:29:21 When you've got a goal, if you've got a business,
00:29:23 if you've got a plan, anticipate problems.
00:29:28 Have a plan B in your mind.
00:29:30 Suppose so-and-so doesn't show up.
00:29:31 Suppose they have a wreck on the way to work.
00:29:34 Have a sensible person watches for problems ahead
00:29:39 and prepares to meet them.
00:29:41 The simpleton, you know what a simpleton is,
00:29:45 never looks and suffers the consequences.
00:29:48 He's saying, "Think about it.
00:29:50 Plan ahead.
00:29:51 That's not against your faith.
00:29:52 That is the wisdom of faith."
00:29:55 And please understand this.
00:29:59 Faith is never a substitute for wisdom.
00:30:03 Faith is not a substitute for wisdom.
00:30:07 So a sensible person watches for problems ahead
00:30:09 and prepares to meet them, but the simpleton never looks
00:30:12 and suffers the consequences.
00:30:14 It's amazing.
00:30:15 But your vision should be compelling.
00:30:19 It ought to be a compelling vision in the sense
00:30:23 that it ought to want to make me move.
00:30:25 It ought to move me.
00:30:27 It should move me.
00:30:28 It should make me want to run on the inside.
00:30:31 It should make me want to run.
00:30:33 It should move a person to act.
00:30:36 If the vision doesn't move a person to act,
00:30:38 if I begin to share with you a vision of something
00:30:41 and if it doesn't move me to act,
00:30:42 I've had young people come to my house
00:30:44 and they rang the doorbell and they were selling something
00:30:47 and I said, "What is this?"
00:30:48 And they began to tell me about the vision
00:30:50 of the organization.
00:30:52 And then I became so moved by it.
00:30:55 I mean, one dude told--
00:30:56 I mean, he was just straight up with me.
00:30:57 He said, "You know, I'm out here selling this
00:30:59 to keep me from breaking in your car."
00:31:03 I'm like, "You know what?
00:31:04 I'm sold right there.
00:31:04 How many?
00:31:05 How many?"
00:31:11 I mean, I can see his vision real clear.
00:31:13 [laughter]
00:31:20 But one of the reasons that you ought to have a vision
00:31:22 is because when you see more, you can be more.
00:31:27 And the more that you can be, the more you can do.
00:31:30 It's not to be greedy.
00:31:31 It's so you can do more.
00:31:33 It's so you can do more.
00:31:34 Max DePriest said this, "We cannot become what we want
00:31:38 by remaining what we are."
00:31:41 We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.
00:31:48 Write your vision.
00:31:49 Write your vision.
00:31:50 Write the vision.
00:31:51 Make it plain.
00:31:52 Make it clear.
00:31:53 Spell it out.
00:31:54 Spell the details out.
00:31:57 A clear vision provides these elements.
00:31:59 A clear vision provides purpose.
00:32:02 You ought to know why you're doing it.
00:32:03 People buy more your why than they buy the what.
00:32:07 I bought that boy's product because of the why,
00:32:10 not the what.
00:32:12 [laughter]
00:32:14 It was a clear purpose.
00:32:17 Secondly, for direction.
00:32:18 It ought to have clear direction.
00:32:20 You ought to understand what this is--which way it's going.
00:32:26 It ought to provide inspiration or motivation.
00:32:29 It should provide clarity.
00:32:31 It should provide alignment with your values,
00:32:34 and it should provide resilience.
00:32:38 Your vision, a clear vision should provide resilience
00:32:41 so that I don't give up on it because it says it takes time.
00:32:46 Write it as for an appointed time.
00:32:47 It needs resilience.
00:32:48 You know, resilience is when you experience pushback
00:32:52 or setback.
00:32:53 And I promise you if you've got a God vision,
00:32:56 you will have some setbacks and pushbacks.
00:33:00 But don't give up.
00:33:01 There's gonna be some things that will happen in your life
00:33:03 that will make it look like your vision will never,
00:33:05 ever come to pass, but you gotta be able to have resilience
00:33:08 to say, "You know what?
00:33:09 I may not be able to do it this way,
00:33:11 but I'm gonna find another way."
00:33:13 Maybe you are not the one.
00:33:14 When you get a "no, no" is simply next opportunity.
00:33:19 I mean, you gotta--you have to have a resilience on the inside
00:33:22 of you to say, "You know what?
00:33:24 Maybe it's not that anything is wrong with me.
00:33:26 Maybe I'm trying to sell it to the wrong audience."
00:33:30 Have you--has it ever dawned on you that that might be another
00:33:33 audience of people in another part of the world that would
00:33:35 absolutely love who you are and what you have to offer
00:33:38 without your changing a thing?
00:33:42 Don't change the message, change the audience.
00:33:45 I'm not everybody's flavor.
00:33:47 So I don't sweat that because some people like for folks
00:33:52 to, you know, to really tune it up.
00:33:54 And that's not who I am.
00:33:58 I never have been that way.
00:34:00 I mean, I could have gone there, but I didn't want to--that was--
00:34:04 I want to be authentic to who I am.
00:34:06 I mean, you could have come here and I could have taken you down
00:34:13 that road that he shook off a dying shroud.
00:34:16 And, yeah, Lord, yeah, Lord.
00:34:21 I just have to be authentic to who I am.
00:34:26 That's--don't change a gift.
00:34:32 Find the audience that has an appreciation for your gift.
00:34:36 You'd be surprised there's somebody that will love what you
00:34:46 have to offer.
00:34:48 Some people are not cultured to understand and appreciate the
00:34:54 taste of what you're cooking.
00:34:56 But you have to have a resilience in you, a resilience,
00:35:03 a resilience.
00:35:06 And here's what I want you to realize is that when God gives
00:35:08 you a vision in your heart, the devil will use your eyes
00:35:14 as the enemy.
00:35:16 Because remember, vision shows you what you can be.
00:35:20 Sight shows you what is.
00:35:24 So when God begins to say to us that with His stripes
00:35:28 you are healed, and then your eyes will say,
00:35:32 "Look in the mirror, but you don't look healed to me."
00:35:35 Well, why is it still swollen?
00:35:37 Why is it still hurting?
00:35:38 And it's showing you all of the stuff by sight,
00:35:40 which is an enemy to your faith with what you believe
00:35:43 in your heart.
00:35:45 You see, sight is the enemy to your vision because you can't
00:35:49 see it right now.
00:35:50 Sight becomes the enemy to your vision.
00:35:53 But 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7,
00:35:55 here's what it says, "We walk by faith and not by sight."
00:36:01 Because when you've got a God vision, you've got to do that
00:36:04 by faith because faith is a function of your heart,
00:36:08 the same as vision.
00:36:09 But sight is the enemy to your vision because it's dealing
00:36:13 with all of the senses that's saying,
00:36:15 "It doesn't look this way to me.
00:36:17 It doesn't feel this way to me, and you don't have the money
00:36:19 in your pocket right now."
00:36:20 But we walk by faith and not by sight.
00:36:24 But you need a vision for yourself.
00:36:27 You need a vision for your marriage.
00:36:30 You need a vision for your family.
00:36:32 You need a vision for your business, for your career,
00:36:35 for your organization, for your team.
00:36:38 You need a vision for your ministry.
00:36:40 You need a vision for your community.
00:36:42 For every aspect of life, wherever you are,
00:36:45 you need a vision for it.
00:36:46 You need a vision.
00:36:47 If you're gonna be in a family, what's our vision?
00:36:49 Before you get married to somebody, you need to sit down
00:36:51 and talk about a vision, make sure that you're
00:36:53 on the same page.
00:36:54 You know that we are fighting for this.
00:36:56 You see, when you have a common vision,
00:36:58 here's what the common vision does.
00:37:00 The common vision, and this is why the Bible says,
00:37:03 "And the two shall become one."
00:37:05 It means that you have singularity of vision.
00:37:07 It will produce unity faster in you than having
00:37:09 a common vision.
00:37:10 When you have a common vision, it puts you in the same boat.
00:37:13 The only reason that we are here gathered together
00:37:16 in a place of faith and worship is because we have
00:37:20 a common book with common values.
00:37:23 We are Christians here.
00:37:24 We are not Muslims.
00:37:26 We are not Jews.
00:37:28 I mean, we are not Buddhists.
00:37:29 We're not Hare Krishnas.
00:37:31 We're drawn together by faith in a common book
00:37:37 with a common law that builds us and helps us
00:37:41 to be who we are.
00:37:42 That's what makes us a community, a family.
00:37:45 So you have to have a vision, right?
00:37:47 That vision, make that vision plain so for what
00:37:49 every organization needs a vision that binds
00:37:52 you together.
00:37:53 Every family, you need a vision.
00:37:55 You know why?
00:37:56 So that when you have trouble in your marriage,
00:37:58 that even though I'm having an issue with you right now
00:38:01 and you're looking at me with an attitude and so you're
00:38:06 upset with me, but we still believe that we need
00:38:08 to hang together because we want to put the best
00:38:10 for our children.
00:38:11 And we still want to be able to be people that will
00:38:14 serve God and be faithful in our time and we want
00:38:17 to do this and that.
00:38:18 So you use the things that you both agree on in the
00:38:21 commonality of your vision, even though when you have
00:38:24 disagreements among yourselves that this trumps
00:38:27 that and still allows you that even when the boat
00:38:30 is rocking, you realize we're in the same boat.
00:38:34 That's the common vision.
00:38:35 We're in the same boat and if your end goes down,
00:38:37 it's not going to be long before mine goes down.
00:38:39 And so I've got to fight with you even though I
00:38:42 could knock your brains out right now, but I've got to
00:38:46 fight with you right now because if you go down,
00:38:49 I go down.
00:38:50 We've got to do this for us, for our children, for our
00:38:53 grandchildren, for our nieces and our nephews.
00:38:57 Even though we've got tension in the boat right
00:38:59 now, this is our salvation.
00:39:01 Even though it's stinking right now, but if we hang
00:39:04 in there, my, my, my.
00:39:06 That's why people didn't jump ship out of the ark.
00:39:11 Can you imagine the stitch of animals in there?
00:39:18 But when you realize that we get out of here, we're
00:39:23 going to drown.
00:39:28 Here's what I want to say to you.
00:39:30 When you feel like God has given you a vision in your
00:39:33 heart, never ask a spiritually blind person to
00:39:37 proofread your vision.
00:39:39 Sometimes, you know, God will be speaking to you about
00:39:45 something and you, you've got something in your heart
00:39:47 and you, you believe it with all of your heart and you
00:39:49 talk to somebody who has no vision.
00:39:52 Somebody who is, you know, they call them, say, "Yeah,
00:39:55 I'm going to keep it real."
00:39:58 You operate them by faith and now they, they're
00:40:00 operating by sight and they're trying to keep it
00:40:03 real and trying to destroy your faith and mess it up.
00:40:05 Don't ask people who are spiritually blind to
00:40:08 proofread a divine vision.
00:40:11 They're the wrong audience.
00:40:13 This is why when I was first in Israel in 1980 and I
00:40:19 stood there at the well of annunciation where the
00:40:24 angel of the Lord, Gabriel, appeared to Mary, the
00:40:28 Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, and told her his
00:40:32 plan for her life, though she didn't have proof, she
00:40:37 had enough faith in her heart to say, "Lord, be it
00:40:41 unto me according to your word.
00:40:43 I don't know how you're going to do this, but I
00:40:46 believe it.
00:40:47 I believe it."
00:40:48 And it was accounted to her in faith and
00:40:50 righteousness.
00:40:51 She just accepted the word of the Lord.
00:40:55 But before the angel terminated that
00:40:57 conversation, he knew some doubt was going to start
00:41:00 creeping in her.
00:41:02 So the angel of the Lord told her, "Go see your
00:41:05 cousin, Elizabeth."
00:41:08 You know, when you're in a country, you know, you just
00:41:10 call them Lizabeth.
00:41:11 He said, "Go see Lizabeth."
00:41:15 Because Elizabeth was her cousin, but she was six
00:41:19 months ahead of her in her pregnancy, and Elizabeth
00:41:23 was an old woman.
00:41:24 I mean, can you imagine being 78 and you discover
00:41:29 that you're pregnant?
00:41:31 Your cycle had already cut off.
00:41:36 And all you notice is you just getting big and it's
00:41:38 like, "What is this?"
00:41:44 And God told her, "You're going to have a child."
00:41:48 So he now speaks to a young Mary.
00:41:52 Mary was only 12 or 13 years old.
00:41:55 She's a virgin.
00:41:57 And he said, "The Holy Ghost is going to come on
00:41:59 you.
00:42:00 You'll never know a man.
00:42:01 You've not known a man, and you're going to have a baby
00:42:03 without ever knowing a man because the Holy Ghost is
00:42:05 going to come on you and you're going to have this
00:42:07 thing growing inside of you."
00:42:08 Nobody had ever heard of that.
00:42:09 She had no scripture for that.
00:42:11 So he said, "I'm going to hook you up with your
00:42:13 cousin, Elizabeth, because she's an old woman that's
00:42:15 carrying a miracle in her belly.
00:42:17 Don't talk to somebody who doesn't have something in
00:42:19 their own spirit.
00:42:20 They have no vision.
00:42:21 They're not believing God for something miraculous and
00:42:24 supernatural, something that you can't do in your own
00:42:26 strength."
00:42:27 He said, "I need you to be hooked up with somebody
00:42:30 that's already six months ahead of you.
00:42:32 They don't have to have already birthed it, but they
00:42:35 got to be carrying it.
00:42:36 And when you are carrying a word from God, when you're
00:42:41 carrying something that is prophetic and divine, you're
00:42:45 carrying something that has been born of him.
00:42:48 When you're carrying something that's been ordained
00:42:50 by him, there's a strength in you.
00:42:52 There's a resolve in you to say, 'Baby, if God said it,
00:42:56 he'll do it.
00:42:57 Look at me.
00:42:58 Look at me.'"
00:42:59 And here was Elizabeth saying, "Hey, hey, I'm 78.
00:43:03 My husband is 81 and we're getting ready to be parents.
00:43:07 Here's my baby bed that's already ready.
00:43:10 Baby, believe him because if he said it, bam, here is
00:43:15 the proof.
00:43:16 God will hook you up with somebody that is carrying
00:43:20 this thing.
00:43:21 Say, "I haven't delivered it yet, but I'm well on my way."
00:43:24 He's able to do exceedingly abundantly and above all that
00:43:27 you can ask or think that God is up to something.
00:43:31 He's working on something in your life.
00:43:34 I declare to you, watch what he will do.
00:43:39 Watch him.
00:43:40 Watch him.
00:43:41 Watch him.
00:43:42 He's getting ready to blow your mind.
00:43:50 But when I'm trying to give birth, I don't need to be hooked
00:43:53 up with somebody who is barren and had five miscarriages.
00:43:56 I need somebody that is carrying it by faith that said,
00:44:01 "This, this Lord, this what you're doing in me now."
00:44:06 He's able to do in you.
00:44:11 Take your seat.
00:44:12 Let's go deeper.
00:44:13 Let's go deeper.
00:44:42 Some of you are carrying a miracle.
00:44:45 You're carrying something divine.
00:44:47 The Lord has asked some of you to do some stuff.
00:44:49 You don't have all the money.
00:44:51 You don't have the manpower, the resources, but God is still God.
00:44:56 And I'm just hearing him say, "If you'll trust me, if you'll
00:44:58 trust me while you're walking in a place that is barren."
00:45:01 [speaking in tongues]
00:45:02 Yeah, if we're gonna prophesy, we may as well go on in.
00:45:07 And he said, "I will cause water to flow."
00:45:10 [speaking in tongues]
00:45:11 He said, "I will cause water to flow in the desert."
00:45:14 God says, "I'm gonna make something happen in a place where it shouldn't happen.
00:45:18 I'll make it happen in a section of town where it shouldn't happen, where they don't have
00:45:22 the traffic flow, the demographics."
00:45:24 God says, "I'm God.
00:45:26 I am the Lord.
00:45:27 I'm God."
00:45:28 He says, "If you put your eyes on me, watch what I'll do.
00:45:31 I'll make water come up in a desert place."
00:45:34 It shouldn't be able to come.
00:45:35 It ought to be dry.
00:45:36 God says, "I'm gonna do something supernatural in a place where it shouldn't happen.
00:45:41 I'll do it at a time in your life when it shouldn't happen.
00:45:44 You'll think that you're too old for this."
00:45:46 But God says, "Trust me.
00:45:48 I am the ancient of days.
00:45:50 I'm the ancient of days.
00:45:52 I'm able to cause a roof to come up out of a stump, a root up out of the trunk, out of
00:45:58 the trunk of David.
00:45:59 I am, I am the great I am.
00:46:03 I'll do something that will blow your mind.
00:46:06 I'll set you in a place and begin to bring renewal.
00:46:10 I'll bring back and peel back and add years onto your life as he did with Hezekiah.
00:46:17 He said, "I'll give you 15 more years.
00:46:20 I'll pull back your clock, the time clock.
00:46:23 I'll give you a resurgence of energy."
00:46:25 There's a new energy that's getting ready to fill you.
00:46:33 You've been feeling devoid of energy, but new energy.
00:46:38 He will renew, renew, renew, renew, renew, renew your youth like the eagle.
00:46:49 There's a renewal that's coming.
00:46:52 There's a renewal.
00:46:53 There's a renewal.
00:46:54 There's a renewal.
00:46:55 My God, God is looking for people that can trust him in this season.
00:46:58 He's looking for somebody that can trust him.
00:47:00 He said, "God, if you can do anything in me, do it in me.
00:47:03 Do it in me.
00:47:04 Do it in me.
00:47:05 Do it in me.
00:47:06 Do it in me."
00:47:09 You said to yourself, "I'm too old."
00:47:10 Who told you that?
00:47:13 "I'm too young."
00:47:16 Who told you that?
00:47:27 You started in a place and you said, "My location is not ideal."
00:47:29 I hear the Lord says, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?
00:47:35 Is anything?
00:47:38 Can you trust me?
00:47:41 Can you trust me today?
00:47:43 I'll give you something further to trust me with tomorrow, but can you trust me right
00:47:47 now, this day, this day, this day?
00:47:51 What is it that you put on the back burner and said that I've gotten too old to do this
00:47:54 now?"
00:47:56 And God will say, "That's the very thing I'm calling you to do.
00:47:59 You got unfinished business."
00:48:02 The Lord says, "Go back to what I told you to do.
00:48:05 Go back to what I put into your spirit.
00:48:08 Go back to what you never brought to fruition.
00:48:10 It's birthing time."
00:48:11 "Bashi kele vajjo."
00:48:13 It's a birthing floor.
00:48:14 It's a threshing floor.
00:48:16 It's a time now to reap.
00:48:19 "Ei, bashi kele vavrodoshma.
00:48:22 Vashkurinde ke veshnande."
00:48:24 My God, I'm telling you, it looked like your age bracket.
00:48:31 They're calling for folks much younger than you, but God says, "I'm getting ready to do
00:48:35 something different."
00:48:36 He says, "You watch what I will do with the time, and I'll take something that looks old
00:48:45 and let that be your uniqueness, and that I will do a new and a young thing through
00:48:51 an older vessel."
00:48:52 "And I'll put a wisdom beyond the years in a younger person and do something beyond the
00:49:00 years and amaze them that this is coming out of a young person, and it'll be like an old
00:49:07 soul, and it'll capture the attention."
00:49:12 You'll be surprised when you trust God and to walk.
00:49:18 And I'm gonna tell you this by the Spirit of the Lord as His hand is upon me and revelation
00:49:21 is opening in my spirit.
00:49:22 "Hebrews 2,1-3, "Ephekan gurutumas, ephesh nuntulugum brashke, funsingili ason, prokotomos
00:49:34 sefesh notos, ma urugumbas seshen atas, vashkurumbodishin ibe gulubush, afoshonde mishkitili ambos, uloparetis
00:49:45 ikladratos."
00:49:52 I heard the Lord said that before Solomon ever asked for wisdom, he first asked the
00:49:57 Lord for the sense to be able to know when to come in and to go out.
00:50:05 He says, "I am but a child, and I don't know when to go in or to come out."
00:50:13 And much of your success is gonna be the timing of the Lord.
00:50:16 It is the timing of the Lord.
00:50:20 And some of you think that you're running late, but God says, "I know the timing concerning
00:50:24 you.
00:50:25 I know the timing."
00:50:28 Solomon said, "I'm like a child, I don't know when to come in and when to go out.
00:50:31 I don't know when to get in the market and when to get out of the market.
00:50:34 I don't know when to start and when to stop.
00:50:36 Lord, I don't know."
00:50:38 His first request was for a discernment in knowing God's timing.
00:50:46 All that I can tell you is that you're not too late and you're not too early.
00:50:52 You watch him, you watch him, you watch him.
00:50:54 God's got you, God's got you, God's got you.
00:50:56 If you'll trust him in this day, if you'll trust him, some of you are in a precarious
00:51:00 position.
00:51:01 Because you can't do this, you don't have enough to do it.
00:51:06 God said, "If you'll trust me in this day, it's a daily bread.
00:51:10 And I'll give it to you today and I know you've been worrying, worrying.
00:51:14 You're worried yesterday about yesterday and today is a new day and you got a stress and
00:51:17 a pressure on yourself.
00:51:19 You're prematurely aging yourself because of the anxiety."
00:51:23 And I heard him say, "Take no thought, take no thought, take no thought for that.
00:51:28 Trust me, just look to me, trust me, trust me, trust me."
00:51:34 He's Jehovah Jireh, he's the Lord, our provider.
00:51:37 God will provide.
00:51:39 God will provide.
00:51:41 God will provide.
00:51:45 God will provide for the vision.
00:51:50 You got a vision, provision comes for the vision.
00:51:53 Provision comes for the vision.
00:51:55 Provision comes for the vision.
00:51:57 Before you had the, before you had the need, God saw the need and he prepared for the need
00:52:02 and everything that you need will be there when it's the time.
00:52:10 When I began the work of the Lord here, I didn't have all of the resources to be able
00:52:14 to finish the work.
00:52:16 God says, "You don't need enough to finish it, you just need enough faith to start it."
00:52:24 You need faith to start and then you need faith to follow.
00:52:29 And if you have faith to follow, then you'll have faith for God's feeding because God's
00:52:35 will is God's bill.
00:52:38 God's will is God's bill.
00:52:40 God's will is God's bill.
00:52:43 Where he guides, there he provides.
00:52:45 Where he leads, there he feeds.
00:52:49 God is your provider.
00:52:55 It's been difficult and you've lost sleep, but there's a rest that's coming over your
00:53:03 soul.
00:53:04 Rest.
00:53:05 You've carried something that your back was not designed to carry.
00:53:13 Cast, cast, throw it off from you.
00:53:18 Get it off, project it away and say, "Lord, I trust you with this.
00:53:21 I trust you with, I trust you.
00:53:22 I trust you.
00:53:23 Lord, I'll walk with you, but I trust you in this moment.
00:53:27 I trust you.
00:53:28 I trust you."
00:53:30 I pray that God will give you ears to be able to hear his voice, what he's speaking to you
00:53:38 because some of you, the responsibility and the provisions for which you're responsible
00:53:44 has overwhelmed you.
00:53:47 God has said it's not up to you.
00:53:49 He says, "Look to me.
00:53:51 I'm your source.
00:53:52 You're a resource.
00:53:54 Your job is a resource.
00:53:55 The contract is a resource.
00:53:57 Don't be concerned about the business that you've lost when you look to me," says the
00:54:01 Lord.
00:54:02 "I'll open new doors.
00:54:04 I'll lead you into greener pastures and this next season, this next season, as you trust
00:54:13 me, will become a season of blessing and power."
00:54:19 I think that God is doing something in the midst of his people and he's preparing us.
00:54:25 And before I just go any, any further, I just want to read this prophetic word that the
00:54:33 Lord gave to my, my daughter, Pastor Kirstie.
00:54:37 During our week of prayer, when we got up at 5 o'clock a.m. every morning, the first
00:54:40 week of this year, and here's what the prophetic word of the Lord says.
00:54:45 It says, "My people, this is the season of manifestation, harvest, multiplication, and
00:54:53 prosperity.
00:54:55 As you advance my kingdom, I will advance the things that concern you.
00:55:00 You reap what you sow.
00:55:02 What you sow in my house, I will multiply into your houses.
00:55:08 Advance my kingdom through obedience of what I've called you specifically to do.
00:55:15 Invest in the assignments I have given you.
00:55:18 Use the tools I've put in your hands.
00:55:21 Use the gifts I've given you and sharpen the gifts.
00:55:26 The more you pour out, the more I will bestow upon you.
00:55:31 As you advance my kingdom, your houses will mirror the glory in my house.
00:55:37 You are to be imitators of God and your homes will reflect the prosperity of my house.
00:55:44 I give power to the faint and give the wealth of the wicked to the just.
00:55:51 Advance my kingdom and watch the transfer of influence and wealth from the wicked to
00:55:56 the just.
00:55:58 In all of your spheres of influence, let your light so shine before men that they may see
00:56:02 your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
00:56:06 You are the salt and light of the earth.
00:56:09 You are a city that should be set upon a hill, not hidden under a bushel.
00:56:14 Stand up, my people.
00:56:15 Rise up, my people.
00:56:16 Open your mouths, my people.
00:56:18 Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
00:56:22 May my people stand as my enemies are scattered.
00:56:25 Stand in the gap and fill the emptiness with my spirit, my light, and my love.
00:56:31 And when my enemies are scattered and judgment falls on the wicked, stand in holy boldness
00:56:36 among them and show them who I am.
00:56:39 Wherever you go in all of your spheres of influence, reclaim that territory for me and
00:56:44 my kingdom.
00:56:45 Pray, plead the blood, fast when I tell you, and show up for the kingdom purpose.
00:56:52 Seek kingdom purpose, thinking and praying outside of yourself and your own life.
00:56:56 And then I, the great I Am, will restore your life, health, family, finances, and all that
00:57:03 concerns you.
00:57:04 Seek first the kingdom of God and my righteousness, and then all these things will be added unto
00:57:09 you.
00:57:10 Build my kingdom, and I will build yours.
00:57:13 Build mine first.
00:57:14 Trust me.
00:57:15 Extend your faith and watch what I will do.
00:57:18 I'm the one who gives and the one who takes away.
00:57:22 I will remove power, influence, and money from the wicked and lay it in your lap for
00:57:26 my glory.
00:57:28 Only when you send the glory back to me first.
00:57:31 It is my good pleasure to bless you and your household.
00:57:35 I love the righteous, and I love to bless the righteous, says the Lord.
00:57:42 And each of you are going to receive this today before you leave.
00:57:45 You're going to receive it on your way out, and I just want you to be able to meditate
00:57:49 on it and allow the prophetic word of God to just become true in your life, because
00:57:55 some of you have been waiting and you've said, "Lord, the day is late."
00:58:01 But God says, "I am time, yet I am not subject to it."
00:58:09 This is a season for the supernatural power of God.
00:58:14 And may those who have been walking in darkness, as Proverbs 28 declares that where there is
00:58:25 no vision, the people perish, they cast off restraints, they go wild because there is
00:58:33 no vision.
00:58:35 When you see that, if you will just trust God to say, "God, open my eyes.
00:58:43 The eye that is in my heart I have not seen, neither hath ear heard," singular, because
00:58:50 he's talking about the eye of your heart and the ear of your heart.
00:58:55 I have not seen, neither have ear heard, neither have entered into the heart the things that
00:59:01 God has planned for those that love Him.
00:59:05 I'm telling you, God has great plans.
00:59:09 He said, "I know the thoughts that I think toward you."
00:59:12 The thoughts of peace and not of harm is to give you a future and a hope.
00:59:20 There's so much that God wants to do in you and through you, and it is for His glory,
00:59:27 and it is for our good.
00:59:31 And I want to encourage you today that you will ask God, "Lord, speak to me in visions."
00:59:43 And the things that you see, when I see, revelation is not what you hear, revelation is what you
00:59:49 see.
00:59:50 Revelation, the reveal, it means the unveiling, the apocalypse.
00:59:55 It's an unveiling.
00:59:57 It's what you see.
00:59:58 You don't hear revelation, you see it.
01:00:02 And the moment that you see revelation, bam, faith is released in you for the fulfillment
01:00:08 of that thing.
01:00:10 May God open your eyes to infuse you with the faith to be able to see with the eyes
01:00:16 of Jesus Christ how God sees.
01:00:20 And something is going to be released in your life over your family and over everything
01:00:24 in which you have stewardship that God will show you every day.
01:00:29 He doesn't give it to you all at once, but He'll give you the ideas today of what you
01:00:33 need to do today to make this thing a blessing down the road.
01:00:37 God will do it by the day.
01:00:39 Your faithfulness and consistency in the daily trusting will cause you to be fed over a protracted
01:00:45 period of time, and He will do things that will blow your mind.
01:00:49 You watch what God will do in this season because we trust Him.
01:00:54 And I'm telling you, as God trusts you in a wilderness situation where things are dry,
01:01:03 if He can trust you in the dry season, He will entrust you in the promised land with
01:01:10 blessings galore more than what you have the ability to be able to bring in in the harvest.
01:01:17 And that's because God is giving you something that is bigger than just you.
01:01:22 Faithfulness is bigger than just you.
01:01:25 Vision is always bigger than just you.
01:01:28 And if your vision does not include other people, it didn't come from God.
01:01:33 True vision will always involve others.
01:01:37 God never operates His power in a silo.
01:01:41 It is for community.
01:01:43 It is for community.
01:01:45 It is for the brethren.
01:01:47 It is to change the city, to change the state, to change the nation, to impact the world.
01:01:56 I pray that God will make you conduits of His power and that He will give you vision,
01:02:02 vision, vision.
01:02:03 Father, in the name of Jesus, may the spirit of wisdom and revelation, the spirit of seeing
01:02:10 and knowing now begin to fall into the lives of your people.
01:02:17 Give them, Lord, as they lie upon their beds to go to sleep, open their spirits, show them
01:02:24 things in their dreams.
01:02:27 Expand us, stretch us on the left hand and on the right hand.
01:02:30 Enlarge us, O God, in what we see on the inside and capacitate us to be able to believe it
01:02:39 so that the manifestation, Father, ultimately brings glory to your name.
01:02:44 Thank you that you will trust us with more so that we can do more, not merely just have
01:02:48 more, but I thank you for what you're entrusting into us today.
01:02:52 Thank you for the trust that you build in our hearts for the daily bread.
01:02:57 Lord, we declare with our mouths today that we trust you.
01:03:01 We trust you.
01:03:02 We trust you.
01:03:03 You are our very present help in the time of trouble.
01:03:07 We trust you.
01:03:10 Open our eyes, Lord, to see that those who are with us are greater than those who are
01:03:14 against us.
01:03:16 Even when we are feeling like we are all alone and we have nobody to help us and we are the
01:03:21 only one who sees it and only one who gets it, Lord, open our eyes to see that there's
01:03:25 a host of angels waiting for the right words to come out of our mouths so that we put those
01:03:32 angels to work on our behalf of causing the vision that you have placed on the inside
01:03:41 of our hearts to come to pass.
01:03:42 Lord, unleash the visions.
01:03:46 May you make us a seeing people, a prophetic people to be able to see.
01:03:51 Lord, may you do things in seasons that defy the seasons, that those who felt that they
01:03:57 are too old for this, that you will birth through the old.
01:04:02 And those who feel that they're too young to be received and respected, that you will
01:04:06 give them a wisdom beyond their years.
01:04:09 Lord, do things in seasons that are opposites in a way that it brings glory to you and it
01:04:15 highlights the fact that surely this is not the work of a human being, but this is the
01:04:20 divine finger of God.
01:04:22 Lord, we give ourselves to you today to say, use us, have your way.
01:04:29 We decree Lord, be it unto us, even according to your word.
01:04:34 Thank you Lord, that we will see the vision, write the vision, read the vision and run
01:04:42 with the vision for your glory and for our good in Jesus name.
01:04:49 Amen.
01:04:52 We hope that you enjoyed that message.
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01:05:05 Thank you for what you do.
01:05:06 [BLANK_AUDIO]
