Dia of the Dead Full Movie Watch Online 123Movies

  • 9 months ago


00:00:00 (soft music)
00:00:02 - Sleep tight, my little calabazito.
00:00:21 Mama will return and I will bring with me a better life
00:00:24 until we're together again, mijo.
00:00:26 Dream grande.
00:00:28 (soft music)
00:00:31 - Thank you so much for the awesome birthday party, Papa.
00:00:55 - You needn't thank me, chiqui.
00:00:58 Just as long as you had a good time.
00:01:01 Tell me, how's my little calabazito doing
00:01:05 on his eighth birthday?
00:01:07 - Eight feels a lot like seven, Papa.
00:01:10 (laughing)
00:01:12 - Well, I trust that is a good thing.
00:01:17 But listen to me, mijo.
00:01:19 I have something important to discuss with you.
00:01:22 - You do?
00:01:23 - Si, I do.
00:01:25 Ocho is a monumental age for you.
00:01:28 - It is?
00:01:29 - Si.
00:01:31 - How so?
00:01:32 - Now that you are eight, my little hombre,
00:01:35 you are old enough to make your first journey
00:01:37 into the beyond.
00:01:39 - (gasps) I am?
00:01:41 - Yes, you are.
00:01:44 - Oh, Papa, does that mean?
00:01:47 - Yes, it does, mijo.
00:01:49 You can find your mama and help bring her back home to us.
00:01:52 - Where she belongs.
00:01:55 - No way!
00:01:56 I can't wait.
00:01:58 Do you think we can find her?
00:02:00 - It has never been a question of if, mijo.
00:02:03 It has always been a question of when.
00:02:06 And now that you are growing into a fine young man,
00:02:11 it is a time.
00:02:13 - But I still don't understand, Papa.
00:02:16 If Mama loved us so much, why did she go away?
00:02:21 - I knew the day would come
00:02:23 when you would ask these questions, chicky.
00:02:27 Sometimes we do things that aren't
00:02:29 and easily understood by the others.
00:02:33 This is a part of life, part of growing up.
00:02:36 Your mama loved you very, very much.
00:02:40 Still does.
00:02:42 Of that, I am certain.
00:02:45 But while she cherished her familia more than life itself,
00:02:49 she had a dream.
00:02:51 My sweet Julieta held a talent so strong,
00:02:56 so insistent, that its bright glow threatened
00:02:59 to burn her to ash from the inside out.
00:03:04 - Wow, that sounds like some painful talent.
00:03:07 - Si, chicky.
00:03:08 But what was far more painful
00:03:10 than watching the love of my life's light go dim
00:03:13 was knowing that your mama, Bonita,
00:03:16 would let her passion go unfulfilled
00:03:19 and her dream go unrealized because of us.
00:03:24 - Because of us?
00:03:26 But I loved Mama.
00:03:28 What did we do wrong?
00:03:30 - We did nothing wrong, chicky.
00:03:33 But us staying by her side was only serving
00:03:36 to drag her down.
00:03:38 So to truly love her,
00:03:41 I had to make the difficult decision
00:03:44 to let her go.
00:03:48 - You mean you knew Mama was leaving us
00:03:51 and you were okay with it?
00:03:53 - Si, I knew.
00:03:55 I encouraged her even.
00:03:57 But I was not okay with it
00:04:00 because I knew it would leave me lonely
00:04:04 and you, my sweet chico, without a mother.
00:04:08 But I knew it was something she had to do for herself
00:04:13 to be content, to be whole,
00:04:17 to know she did everything she could
00:04:20 to honor the tremendous talent she held inside her
00:04:24 for all her life.
00:04:26 And whether or not she become the legend
00:04:29 we know she can be,
00:04:31 she will be able to carry on
00:04:34 without regret and, most important,
00:04:38 without remorse.
00:04:40 - I'm so confused.
00:04:42 - (laughs)
00:04:44 Well, that's quite all right, mijo.
00:04:46 You're only eight after all.
00:04:49 There will be plenty of time for you to understand
00:04:52 the world's great mysteries.
00:04:55 - If we find her,
00:04:57 do you think Mama will be happy to see us, papa?
00:05:00 - Chicky?
00:05:01 I know she will be.
00:05:10 I'm going to tell you something now,
00:05:12 but I don't want you to get too excited, okay?
00:05:15 - Uh, okay?
00:05:18 - Your mother, Juliet, came to me in my dreams last night.
00:05:23 - (gasps) She did?
00:05:26 - Si, and she asked for you.
00:05:29 - (gasps) She did?
00:05:31 - She did.
00:05:32 She wants you to meet her in the beyond
00:05:34 and she asked that you perform alongside her
00:05:38 in the greatest singer beyond the beyond competition
00:05:42 at the Festival de los Muertos.
00:05:46 - The Festival de los Muertos?
00:05:48 But I'm not a singer like Mama.
00:05:50 I can barely hold pitch.
00:05:52 - She doesn't want you to sing, Chicky.
00:05:55 (laughs)
00:05:56 No, she wants you to dance.
00:05:59 - Oh, that I can do.
00:06:02 - (laughs)
00:06:04 Entertaining as ever, mijo.
00:06:06 - Papa, what will the beyond be like?
00:06:09 Is it safe?
00:06:10 - All things will be answered in a time, Chicky,
00:06:13 but for now, you must go to sleep.
00:06:17 When your slumber grows restful enough,
00:06:19 you will open your eyes in the beyond.
00:06:23 There, I will meet you and all things will be explained.
00:06:28 - Wow, like an adventure?
00:06:31 - The biggest adventure of our lives.
00:06:33 Now there's no time to waste.
00:06:36 (yawns)
00:06:37 Off to bed, little one.
00:06:39 - Yes, Papa.
00:06:41 - And Chicky, see you on the other side, mijo.
00:06:46 - See you there, Papa.
00:06:48 - I'm coming, Mama.
00:06:51 I can't wait to see you.
00:06:53 (upbeat music)
00:06:59 - There you are, Chicky.
00:07:03 I knew you could do it.
00:07:06 - Papa, where are we?
00:07:08 - Welcome to the beyond, mijo.
00:07:11 - Whoa, this is it?
00:07:13 Where's Mama?
00:07:14 Let's find her.
00:07:15 - When the time is right, we will.
00:07:18 Oh, but for now, we must find the town of Los Muertos,
00:07:22 the legendary capital of the beyond.
00:07:25 Come, mijo.
00:07:25 (upbeat music)
00:07:31 (upbeat music)
00:07:34 - Wow, look at them, Papa.
00:07:41 Who are they?
00:07:43 What are they doing?
00:07:44 Where are they going?
00:07:45 - They are the residents of this place, Chicky.
00:07:48 They give life to the beyond,
00:07:50 whereas to us, they are the dead.
00:07:54 - The dead?
00:07:55 But they're moving all around.
00:07:57 - Si, mijo.
00:07:59 The beyond does not operate by the rules
00:08:01 that bind our world.
00:08:03 It is the opposite of all we know.
00:08:06 The mirrors flip side.
00:08:09 - So, so, does that mean that Mama is dead?
00:08:14 - No, Chicky, of course not.
00:08:16 Your Mama is very much alive and well, I can assure you.
00:08:20 - But if everyone here is dead--
00:08:23 - Ah, they may still touch the living.
00:08:26 - Is one of the very special and magical things
00:08:29 about our Day of the Dead celebrations.
00:08:32 On this one day a year, mijo,
00:08:35 the portal between the two worlds opens
00:08:38 for all to pass through.
00:08:40 The dead may mingle with the living,
00:08:43 and the living may mingle with the dead.
00:08:46 - Is that what Mama's doing here, mingling with the dead?
00:08:49 - Well, sort of.
00:08:51 Two years ago, our sweet Julieta journeyed to the other side
00:08:55 in the hopes of proving she is the very best singer,
00:08:59 not only in all the world, but in all the beyond.
00:09:04 - How can she do it, Papa?
00:09:06 - By entering the biggest talent competition of her life
00:09:09 and emerging victorious.
00:09:12 Don't worry, we'll still be able to call Mama by her name.
00:09:17 But first, we must find her.
00:09:21 (Julieta clears throat)
00:09:23 - I knew I should have had a cup of poleo tea
00:09:25 before exercising my vocal chords today, Lola.
00:09:29 - Balderdash, Arisma.
00:09:30 You needn't take an elixir to manifest the songs
00:09:33 that emanate naturally from your golden pipes.
00:09:36 - You flatter me, Bat.
00:09:38 But flattery doesn't win contests,
00:09:42 especially not one as timeless and epic
00:09:45 as the greatest singer beyond the beyond competition.
00:09:49 - Forgive me if I seem to trivialize your words, Arisma,
00:09:53 but your eventual victory is all but a foregone conclusion.
00:09:57 Is it not?
00:09:57 - Well, yes, of course it is.
00:10:01 There's no soul amongst the living or the dead
00:10:04 whose talents can compare to mine.
00:10:08 - And that is why you've been crowned
00:10:10 Queen of the Day of the Dead every year
00:10:11 for the past 10,000 years.
00:10:14 (Julieta laughs)
00:10:16 - Well, since you put it like that, Lola,
00:10:19 I do seem rather unbeatable, don't I?
00:10:24 - Shall I begin celebration preparations
00:10:26 for your next win now, or would you have me wait?
00:10:30 - Oh, I don't know, Lola.
00:10:32 When you've had 10,000 victory celebrations, as I have,
00:10:37 they all start to blur together, you know?
00:10:40 - But surely you recall last year's party,
00:10:43 10,000 skeleton mariachis marching down the streets
00:10:46 from all points until finally converging
00:10:48 in the town square for a rollicking recital
00:10:50 of Dead Town Funk.
00:10:52 - Hmm, yes, I do remember that one,
00:10:56 but I thought it was five years ago.
00:10:59 - Nope, it was last year.
00:11:01 - Hmm, so when was the Grand Fear Medley,
00:11:06 as performed by the Death Valley Choir?
00:11:09 - Then it was 10 years ago, Oresma.
00:11:11 - 10 years?
00:11:13 My, how time flies.
00:11:16 - It sure does.
00:11:17 - Ah, well, I'm dead anyway.
00:11:21 Let's run through my closing number once more,
00:11:24 then we'll stop by the saloon for a nice cup of tea.
00:11:28 From the top.
00:11:30 - Yes, ma'am, and a one, and a two,
00:11:33 and a one, two, three, four.
00:11:35 - Phew, I haven't practiced this hard in any world, Fredo,
00:11:39 and I thought my old music teacher, Miss Mooty, was tough.
00:11:43 - If you wanna be the best, you gotta beat the best.
00:11:48 This competition's no game, girl.
00:11:50 It's literally life and death, you hear?
00:11:53 - Don't you think you're being
00:11:54 just a bit melodramatic, Fredo?
00:11:57 - Melody's just part of it.
00:11:59 You gotta have pitch.
00:12:01 You gotta stay on key.
00:12:03 You gotta project.
00:12:05 I'm talking about singing to the back row, girl.
00:12:08 - No, I meant forget it.
00:12:11 - Exactly.
00:12:13 Forget them ghouls down front.
00:12:16 Half of 'em won their tickets in a radio contest anyway.
00:12:20 They're not the fans.
00:12:22 They're not your fans, you hear?
00:12:24 They're rooting for y'all to fail.
00:12:27 They're up close and personal-like,
00:12:29 'cause they wanna see if you'll fall flat on your face.
00:12:33 But you ain't gonna give 'em the chance
00:12:34 to get no laughs at your expense.
00:12:37 - I understand, Fredo, but with all due respect,
00:12:41 I don't think of competing like fighting a war.
00:12:44 I think of it as interesting, invigorating, and fun.
00:12:48 - Idyll, sneal.
00:12:49 Let's stay beyond coming to.
00:12:52 How do you expect to become a champion
00:12:54 if you ain't willing to pay the price of victory?
00:12:58 - The price of victory?
00:13:00 Let me tell you about the price of victory, Fredo.
00:13:03 Two years ago, I left behind a beautiful little boy
00:13:06 and a loving, supportive husband
00:13:09 to chase a dream I've had since I was born.
00:13:12 I didn't come to the Beyond because I passed away.
00:13:15 I picked my spot, and I came of my own free will.
00:13:19 I came to compete in the Festival de los Muertos'
00:13:23 Greatest Singer Beyond the Beyond competition,
00:13:25 and I didn't come to be a runner-up.
00:13:28 I came to win it all.
00:13:29 The festival begins tomorrow.
00:13:31 The contest is on Friday night,
00:13:34 and I am not leaving without that title.
00:13:37 I'm here to win it all, Fredo,
00:13:39 and that's exactly what I'm going to do.
00:13:41 - Well, I'll be.
00:13:44 What are we waiting for?
00:13:46 Let's win this thing.
00:13:48 - First things first, Fredo.
00:13:50 I have to be ready to sing the song of my life on this stage.
00:13:54 If I lose, then everything I've done here
00:13:57 will have been for nothing,
00:13:59 especially the time I've spent away from mi familia.
00:14:01 - I understand, Julieta.
00:14:04 Well, that's why I'm doing everything in my power
00:14:06 to whip you into fighting shape, you hear?
00:14:09 And you're almost there.
00:14:11 I mean, almost.
00:14:13 - What do I need to do to make sure I'm as ready
00:14:15 as I can be for the contest, Fredo?
00:14:18 I've come this far.
00:14:19 I don't want to leave any tombstone unturned.
00:14:22 - That's the spirit, girl.
00:14:24 - Hold it right there.
00:14:26 Can we stop this girl thing?
00:14:28 I'm a woman, Fredo,
00:14:30 a strong, independent, talented, professional woman,
00:14:34 and while singing has been my one true passion
00:14:37 and calling all my life,
00:14:39 I'm no stranger to hard work and competition.
00:14:43 Let me remind you, where I'm from,
00:14:45 I'm the undisputed Lucadora champion of the universe.
00:14:50 - Okay, okay, I gotcha.
00:14:54 Remember, I'm 2,000 years old, girl.
00:14:57 (chuckles)
00:14:58 There, there, there, young lady.
00:14:59 - Much better.
00:15:01 And not only that,
00:15:02 but my husband Diego and I
00:15:04 are the reigning mixed tag team champions of the world.
00:15:08 - Whoa, this is good news.
00:15:11 You got the spirit of a fighter,
00:15:13 the heart of a competitor,
00:15:15 the pedigree of a champion.
00:15:16 Oh, I can take you to the top, girl.
00:15:21 (stammering)
00:15:24 Lo siento.
00:15:25 - Esta bien, entiendo.
00:15:27 - Say, if I may ask, what's your Luchadora name?
00:15:32 - La Trituadora.
00:15:34 - La Trituadora?
00:15:35 What's that mean?
00:15:38 - It means the crusher.
00:15:40 - The crusher?
00:15:41 Nice.
00:15:42 It don't work for our purposes,
00:15:45 but I like the idea of it.
00:15:47 Oh, what do you say we come up with a stage name for you
00:15:50 before we enter the competition?
00:15:53 - A stage name?
00:15:54 I hadn't considered it, but okay, sure.
00:15:57 Any ideas?
00:15:59 - Hmm, well,
00:16:02 how about Pulmones de Esterciopelo?
00:16:04 - Velvet Lungs?
00:16:07 Are you serious?
00:16:09 - Oh, you're right, it's pretentious.
00:16:11 I'll think about it some more.
00:16:14 It'll come to me.
00:16:15 - I'm thinking about it too.
00:16:17 Can we run a few more numbers before we call it a night?
00:16:20 - Spoken like a champ.
00:16:22 Let's try Skull Rain from the top.
00:16:25 Hit it, girl.
00:16:25 I mean, miss.
00:16:27 (upbeat music)
00:16:30 - Sheriff Tonto, I'm glad I caught you.
00:16:38 I have news.
00:16:40 - What sort of news, Pins?
00:16:42 - Bad news.
00:16:44 A couple of living intruders have breached the beyond
00:16:48 and they're on their way to Los Muertos as we speak.
00:16:51 - But today's the day of the dead, Pins.
00:16:55 Anyone can come and go as they please.
00:16:58 What have they done wrong?
00:17:00 - It's not what they've done wrong, Sheriff.
00:17:03 It's who they are.
00:17:05 - All right then, who are they?
00:17:08 - Julieta's family.
00:17:11 - Julieta?
00:17:12 You mean the luchadora who's been training for two years
00:17:17 for the greatest singer beyond the beyond competition?
00:17:21 - That's her.
00:17:22 - Well, they must be here to see her perform,
00:17:27 to cheer her on, to provide moral support.
00:17:31 - Or to lend an unfair advantage.
00:17:34 That's why the rule book clearly states on page 313
00:17:38 that no blood relatives of the living contestants
00:17:41 shall be admitted unless they're A, died,
00:17:45 or B, been granted permanent citizenship in Los Muertos.
00:17:50 - I see.
00:17:52 Why is that exactly?
00:17:54 - Duh, the living draw strength from their loved ones.
00:17:59 Always have.
00:18:01 Plus, it's the vacation destination rule.
00:18:05 The living are like lemmings.
00:18:07 If we let one human in, they all want to come.
00:18:12 - Yes, that'd be a real mess.
00:18:15 But today's the busiest time of the whole year, Pins.
00:18:21 My men are all assigned.
00:18:23 Our resources are spread thin.
00:18:26 I have no available officers to track down
00:18:29 and eject interlopers.
00:18:32 - What about the newbies?
00:18:33 - You mean Spiff and Henderson?
00:18:36 You must be joking.
00:18:38 - No, I'm not.
00:18:39 What better way to get some on-the-job training
00:18:42 and prove their worth
00:18:43 than by wrangling a couple of living trespassers?
00:18:47 Spiff and Henderson are exactly who you should use.
00:18:50 But those two don't even fully realize they're dead.
00:18:55 They're in a fantasy land half the time.
00:18:58 - You'll never know their worth
00:19:00 if you never put them to the test, Sheriff.
00:19:03 - Hmm, maybe you're right.
00:19:06 (upbeat music)
00:19:09 (upbeat music)
00:19:12 (upbeat music)
00:19:14 (upbeat music)
00:19:17 (upbeat music)
00:19:19 (upbeat music)
00:19:22 (upbeat music)
00:19:24 (upbeat music)
00:19:27 (upbeat music)
00:19:30 - What a joint this here saloon is, Henderson.
00:19:33 It's always jumping off in gear, day or night.
00:19:37 - Sure enough, Spiff.
00:19:39 No matter what time it is,
00:19:40 we can always bust some moves and drop some science in here.
00:19:44 - Keeps the reflexes sharp, uh-huh.
00:19:46 You know, soon as I volunteered with the Sheriff,
00:19:49 I knew I'd made the right life decision.
00:19:52 Being a deputy's for me, I'm telling you.
00:19:55 - Well, you ain't no deputy yet, Spiff.
00:19:58 Neither of us are.
00:19:59 But we play our cards right and nab us a baddie or two,
00:20:04 we'll get there.
00:20:05 Sure enough, we'll get there.
00:20:08 (gentle music)
00:20:11 (gentle music)
00:20:13 (gentle music)
00:20:15 - Is this the town you told me about, Papa?
00:20:18 Is this Los Muertos?
00:20:20 - Si, chiqui, it is.
00:20:21 Now remember, you must stay close.
00:20:25 No matter what, you cannot become lost.
00:20:28 It is a frown upon for us to be here
00:20:30 while tu mama is competing.
00:20:33 - Will Mama get in trouble if they find out we're here?
00:20:36 - I don't know, mijo, but we surely will.
00:20:39 So we mustn't allow ourselves to be revealed.
00:20:43 - Let's get costumes.
00:20:44 Let's go in disguise.
00:20:47 - That would be a wonderful idea, mijo.
00:20:49 Yeah, only I'm already in disguise.
00:20:53 I wear a luchador mask 24/7.
00:20:56 I'm known for my costume.
00:20:59 - Then why not take it off, Papa?
00:21:01 Your true face can be your disguise.
00:21:03 - Ah, but the mask of the lucha is sacred, chiqui.
00:21:08 When we put on the mask, we are transformed.
00:21:11 The mask gives us strength.
00:21:13 The mask gives us fame.
00:21:16 The mask is magical.
00:21:18 If we remove the mask, we are regular human beings
00:21:22 who can be captured, injured, or worse.
00:21:27 - Oh no, keep it on, Papa, keep it on.
00:21:31 - There is about one way I know to gain access
00:21:34 to the Los Muertos festivities
00:21:36 and attend your mother's competition, chiqui.
00:21:39 We must find the great El Monstruo.
00:21:43 Only his favorable word can grant us the entry we seek.
00:21:47 - Where is this El Monstruo?
00:21:50 How can we find him?
00:21:51 - Ah, El Monstruo exists all around us, mijo.
00:21:56 He could be vending from that fruit cart.
00:21:58 He could be working at that taco stand.
00:22:01 He could offer us a shoe shine,
00:22:04 and we would never know it was him.
00:22:06 He could be that falling leaf,
00:22:09 or that gust of wind blowing through the tombstones.
00:22:14 To see El Monstruo, one must prove
00:22:18 that they are good souls worthy of the cause.
00:22:23 And this means we must do two good deeds
00:22:26 for the citizens of the town of Los Muertos.
00:22:30 - Two good deeds?
00:22:31 But how will we know what sort of deeds will be good enough?
00:22:34 How do we choose?
00:22:36 (upbeat piano music)
00:22:39 - Spiff Henderson.
00:22:48 - Sheriff Toto, we was just patrolling this show saloon
00:22:52 for any signs of wrongdoing, sir.
00:22:54 - That's right, Sheriff.
00:22:56 We got our eye on all of those ne'er-do-wells.
00:22:59 Acting up they are.
00:23:01 - Busting the glasses,
00:23:03 and hooting and hollering and whatnot.
00:23:05 (laughs)
00:23:06 But don't worry, sir.
00:23:07 We'll haul in the proper offenders lickety-split.
00:23:10 - I'm sure you men will do just fine,
00:23:14 but that's not why I'm here.
00:23:17 - It's not?
00:23:18 - No.
00:23:19 - I knew it.
00:23:20 We're being fired.
00:23:22 Getting the ax, receiving our walking papers.
00:23:25 - Oh, Sheriff, give us one more chance.
00:23:28 We won't let you down, I swear.
00:23:31 - That's right.
00:23:32 We'll drag half this here saloon into the pokey
00:23:34 if we gotta.
00:23:36 (blows raspberry)
00:23:36 - We'll arrest every last patron here,
00:23:39 including the piano player.
00:23:42 - I appreciate your due diligence, men,
00:23:45 but we've got another kind of problem to deal with.
00:23:49 - Point it out, sir.
00:23:50 We'll take care of it, right, sir.
00:23:53 - I was hoping you'd say that, Spiff.
00:23:56 Seems our town's about to get a visit
00:23:59 from a couple of outsiders.
00:24:01 - Outsiders?
00:24:03 We'll hang 'em high.
00:24:05 - And bury 'em shallow.
00:24:07 - Now, men, let's not overreact.
00:24:10 I've heard through the grapevine
00:24:12 that the relatives of one of the living contestants
00:24:15 and our greatest singer beyond the beyond
00:24:18 are, in fact, here in Los Muertos.
00:24:24 (thuds)
00:24:24 - Bald-faced criminal, Sheriff.
00:24:27 - Hair days are numbered, sir.
00:24:29 Mark our words.
00:24:31 - As you men know, our law-keeping resources
00:24:35 are stretched to the breaking point tonight.
00:24:38 So I'm entrusting this matter to you two.
00:24:42 Don't let me down, and, uh,
00:24:47 don't overreact, yeah?
00:24:49 - We're the men for the job, Sheriff.
00:24:51 - That's right.
00:24:52 Ain't no truant relative's gonna evade
00:24:54 a long arm of the law beyond.
00:24:56 - Hoorah!
00:24:57 Spread 'em, Grandpa!
00:24:59 - The two you are looking for are a father and son duo.
00:25:04 - A team!
00:25:06 Are they armed and dangerous, sir?
00:25:08 - Probably not.
00:25:10 - Dang!
00:25:11 - If you find 'em, just identify yourselves
00:25:14 and explain the situation.
00:25:17 Living relatives are expressly prohibited
00:25:20 in contest of the dead.
00:25:22 I'm sure they'll understand.
00:25:25 - Well, they better, 'cause if they don't,
00:25:28 there'll be curtains for 'em.
00:25:30 - Best of luck, men.
00:25:32 May the wind be at your backs.
00:25:34 - Whoa!
00:25:36 Can you believe it, Smith?
00:25:38 We got us a couple real honest-to-goodness fugitives.
00:25:42 - They probably won't go down without a fight, neither.
00:25:45 We oughta go outside and test our reflexes.
00:25:48 - Good idea.
00:25:49 We gotta be ready to nab those two on sight.
00:25:52 - Come on!
00:25:53 (upbeat music)
00:25:57 - Buenos, kind strangers.
00:26:01 I'm Tia Peppa.
00:26:03 I seem to be all turned around,
00:26:07 and I can't find my way home.
00:26:09 - Sometimes, cheeky, we need only stay the course,
00:26:13 and the deeds choose us.
00:26:15 We'll help you get home, miss.
00:26:17 Come, describe as much as you can about where you live.
00:26:21 - Oh, okay.
00:26:23 There's a great big lock.
00:26:26 That much I remember.
00:26:28 - A great big lock?
00:26:29 That should be easy to find.
00:26:31 Papa, you take Tia Peppa while I keep an eye out.
00:26:34 Come on, this will get us a step closer to seeing Mama.
00:26:37 - What's wrong, girl?
00:26:38 I mean, I mean, kid.
00:26:40 You've been a-sittin' there poutin' behind your mask
00:26:42 since we walked in here.
00:26:44 Practice was good.
00:26:46 You sounded great.
00:26:47 What's the problem?
00:26:50 - I just can't shake the thought, Fredo.
00:26:53 - Listen, you.
00:26:54 Everybody loses sometime, you feel me?
00:26:57 It's the ones that never taste defeat
00:26:59 that are the real losers, the eternal losers.
00:27:04 - Oh, it's not that, Fredo.
00:27:06 I'm troubled by the thought
00:27:07 that if I don't win that competition on Friday night,
00:27:10 all of this will have been for nothing.
00:27:12 The hard work, the sacrifice,
00:27:14 the precious time away from my baby.
00:27:17 - Julieta, take this from a 2,000-year-old mummy.
00:27:22 Being a champion exacts a heavy toll.
00:27:26 Lot of folks ain't willing to pay it,
00:27:28 but that's why they never become great.
00:27:32 But you, you already committed to the hard part.
00:27:37 You removed yourself.
00:27:39 You crossed over.
00:27:41 You've been living it round the clock for two years.
00:27:45 I'm telling you, girl.
00:27:46 Julieta, you're as ready as anybody I ever did see.
00:27:52 - Thanks for the pep talk, Fredo.
00:27:54 I just miss my little man so much.
00:27:57 It's been so long now.
00:27:59 My precious baby Cheeky's gonna be a little man soon.
00:28:03 - Soon?
00:28:04 I got news for you, Julieta.
00:28:07 Cheeky's growing up fast.
00:28:10 Soon he'll be bigger than his papa.
00:28:13 (gasps)
00:28:14 - No me lo creo.
00:28:15 I miss my big man too.
00:28:17 My handsome, strong Diego.
00:28:20 Two years.
00:28:22 I wonder if they'll even remember my face
00:28:24 when they see me again.
00:28:25 - I betcha you've got a pretty face under that mask, kid.
00:28:29 - Oh, you're making me blush, Fredo.
00:28:32 - You can't tell.
00:28:33 Let me give you some helpful advice, kid.
00:28:36 I get that you miss your family.
00:28:39 Use that.
00:28:40 Keep 'em in the front of your mind.
00:28:43 And when you take the stage,
00:28:44 that emotion will drive you to achieve all your dreams.
00:28:49 - I appreciate the advice, Fredo.
00:28:52 But I couldn't get me familiar off my mind if I tried.
00:28:56 - Look at them over there, Lola.
00:28:58 That decrepit mummy actually thinks he has a shot
00:29:02 at grooming a new singing champion
00:29:04 while I'm still competing.
00:29:07 He'll be sorely disappointed.
00:29:10 - I can't wait to see the looks on their faces, Aresma.
00:29:13 (upbeat music)
00:29:16 - Tia Peppa, are you sure we're going the right way?
00:29:20 - I'm not sure at all.
00:29:21 Everything looks so new to me.
00:29:24 I fear my mind is slipping.
00:29:27 You may not believe me,
00:29:29 but I'm quite a bit older than both of you.
00:29:32 - No, I don't believe it.
00:29:35 - Oh, it's true?
00:29:37 I'm 243 next week.
00:29:41 - Get out.
00:29:42 How do you do it?
00:29:44 - For my youthful vigor, spices.
00:29:48 And for my timeless glow, face cream.
00:29:52 - Huh, I'll have to remember that.
00:29:55 - What is it, Tia Peppa?
00:29:57 Are you okay?
00:29:58 - Oh dear, I fear I've gotten us all lost.
00:30:02 - It's gonna be all right, senora.
00:30:04 These conditions aren't great for walking around.
00:30:07 This fog's as thick as guisante soup.
00:30:11 But do not worry.
00:30:12 As long as we're still in Los Muertos,
00:30:15 we'll find your house.
00:30:17 - Hello, weary travelers.
00:30:21 Me nombre e Momo.
00:30:24 Might I interest you in a moment of reflection
00:30:29 to collect your thoughts before moving on?
00:30:33 - Whoa, who's he, Papa?
00:30:35 - Take hold, mijo.
00:30:37 Papa's a goddess.
00:30:39 We're just passing through, Momo.
00:30:41 We will be on our way now.
00:30:44 - So soon?
00:30:46 Most people choose to pause
00:30:48 and savor their lives flashing before them
00:30:52 before taking my hand.
00:30:54 - What's that, hand cream?
00:30:57 Yes, I'll try some.
00:30:59 - No, Tia Peppa.
00:31:01 We don't want any of what this segador is peddling.
00:31:04 - Wanting has no bearing on our engagement, wanderer.
00:31:09 - Oh, Papa, I'm scared.
00:31:11 - Stay strong, mijo.
00:31:13 We're moving on.
00:31:15 - Yes, you are.
00:31:18 And I shall be your guide.
00:31:21 - You'll be nothing.
00:31:22 I've seen your kind, young man.
00:31:24 Charlatans, whippersnappers.
00:31:28 We're not falling for it.
00:31:29 Now, out of our way.
00:31:31 - You heard the lady, muerto.
00:31:33 Scram!
00:31:34 - Alas, it is not so easy, masquerado.
00:31:39 You have encountered me.
00:31:41 Therefore, I must lead you to your destination.
00:31:46 - Oh, well, I'm going home.
00:31:49 Do you know which way it is?
00:31:51 - Of course.
00:31:52 Follow me.
00:31:54 - No, Tia Peppa, don't go with him.
00:31:56 - Ha, don't worry about me, mijo.
00:31:59 There's nothing this reaper can do to me.
00:32:02 It's you that must worry.
00:32:04 You must protect yourself and your baby from this creature.
00:32:07 - Shoo!
00:32:08 Go away, creep.
00:32:09 Go away.
00:32:10 - You cannot wish me away, luchador.
00:32:13 You can only delay the inevitable.
00:32:16 And then, only for so long.
00:32:19 - Well, consider it delayed.
00:32:21 Run, chiqui, in a straight line, so we are not separated.
00:32:26 - Look around, pins.
00:32:28 What a day of the dead we're having.
00:32:32 Why, I'd go so far as to say Los Muertos is the most alive
00:32:37 town of the dead ever.
00:32:40 - I agree, sheriff.
00:32:42 Have we heard any news from Spiff and Henderson?
00:32:45 Have they found the two I warned you about?
00:32:47 - No, I've gotten no word from them yet.
00:32:50 - And does that concern you?
00:32:53 - Not at all.
00:32:55 It probably means they've got those interlopers cornered
00:32:59 somewhere.
00:33:00 - Why, I'd venture to say they've probably
00:33:03 been banished from our town as we speak.
00:33:07 - All right, partner.
00:33:09 10 pieces, then turn and draw.
00:33:12 On your mark.
00:33:13 Bang, you're dead.
00:33:25 - Me?
00:33:26 I am not.
00:33:27 - Or two.
00:33:28 - I am not.
00:33:29 - Or two.
00:33:30 - OK, let's do it again.
00:33:32 - No do-overs, Henderson.
00:33:34 In the real beyond, you get one shot, and you're dead dead.
00:33:38 - We're just running drills here, Spiff.
00:33:41 Let me limber up.
00:33:42 Then we'll practice lassoing.
00:33:44 - I'm the best lassoer in this town, Henderson.
00:33:47 Don't you know I won the Dead Steer wrestling
00:33:49 tournament 13 years in a row?
00:33:52 - I remember that.
00:33:53 But did you know I'm a former All Beyond Matt
00:33:56 Wrestling gold medalist?
00:33:58 - No, I didn't know that.
00:34:00 - Boom, there it is.
00:34:02 - [GASPS]
00:34:14 This is it.
00:34:16 This is my casa.
00:34:18 Oh, how can I ever thank you chicos enough?
00:34:22 - No need to thank us, Tia Peppa.
00:34:25 The pleasure was all ours.
00:34:27 - And the displeasure.
00:34:29 That skeleton back there in the fog was one scary guy, papa.
00:34:32 - Ah, but our fear exists only in the mind, chiqui.
00:34:37 Refuse to let it use you, and it will vanish.
00:34:41 - Then can we all go home, papa?
00:34:43 Together?
00:34:44 - Si, mijo.
00:34:46 The three of us.
00:34:47 - Pardon me for interrupting, but did
00:34:50 I hear you say you're seeking entry to the Festival de los
00:34:53 Muertos?
00:34:54 - Si, mi mama's performing in the--
00:34:58 what's the competition called again, papa?
00:35:00 - The Greatest Singer Beyond the Beyond,
00:35:03 wherein chiqui's mother, my wife Julieta,
00:35:07 is going to win the title of greatest singer.
00:35:11 - That's right.
00:35:12 It's her death city.
00:35:13 - You mean destiny, mijo.
00:35:15 It's her destiny.
00:35:18 - Yeah, that.
00:35:19 - You boys aren't very sure of Julieta's talents.
00:35:22 - We are, Tia Peppa.
00:35:24 My Julieta possesses the silkiest, smoothest,
00:35:28 most harmonic, melodic, angelic voice of all time.
00:35:33 She is truly a singer for the ages.
00:35:38 - Well, she'll have to be for her sake.
00:35:42 - For her sake?
00:35:44 What do you mean?
00:35:46 - I mean your Julieta will be competing against none other
00:35:49 than the legendary Erasmabones.
00:35:52 - Erasmabones?
00:35:53 - You mean the Erasmabones?
00:35:57 But I thought she was dead.
00:36:00 - Oh, but she is.
00:36:02 That's why she performs in residency here in the beyond.
00:36:06 Ooh, what a show.
00:36:09 - Who's Erasmabones?
00:36:11 - Erasmabones is the oldest, most successful singer
00:36:14 of all time, little one.
00:36:17 She has received every award that ever was,
00:36:20 shined in every performance ever given,
00:36:23 and won every competition ever held
00:36:27 for the past 10,000 years,
00:36:29 including the greatest singer beyond the beyond,
00:36:33 which she has never, ever lost.
00:36:36 - She never lost?
00:36:38 But Papa, how can Mama beat her?
00:36:41 - Well, we simply have to have a faith, cheeky.
00:36:44 Faith that she can.
00:36:46 (upbeat music)
00:36:49 - All right now, look alive, kid.
00:36:59 - Look alive, he says?
00:37:00 I am alive.
00:37:02 In the town of Los Muertos, that's the problem.
00:37:06 - No, the problem is you can't stop longing for your familia.
00:37:10 - And?
00:37:11 - And it's ruining your focus.
00:37:13 So I brought you out here to run some exercises
00:37:16 and get your mind, instincts, and vocal cords
00:37:19 back in tip-top fighting shape.
00:37:22 - Whatever you think is best, Fredo.
00:37:24 - That's right.
00:37:25 Just listen to old Fredo, kid.
00:37:28 Now, this is a little unconventional,
00:37:31 but you're nothing if you're not an unconventional pupil.
00:37:36 I'm gonna throw out a line to a well-known song,
00:37:40 and I want you to finish it in key, pitch, and melody.
00:37:45 - Mm, got it.
00:37:46 - Got it, I'm ready.
00:37:52 - All right then, let's begin.
00:37:54 First song.
00:37:56 ♪ When you walk along the cemetery's edge ♪
00:38:00 ♪ Don't you feel alone and blue ♪
00:38:05 ♪ 'Cause I'll be right there walking beside you ♪
00:38:10 - Boom, okay, next song.
00:38:12 ♪ Undertaker, don't you take too long ♪
00:38:15 ♪ I only have until the end of this song ♪
00:38:20 - Woo, look at that.
00:38:28 I ain't seen musical instincts like yours since
00:38:31 Pablo McGrinday.
00:38:33 You got it, Julieta.
00:38:36 You got it.
00:38:38 Now, about your name.
00:38:42 - My name?
00:38:43 - Yeah, your stage name.
00:38:45 We need something snappy, something fresh,
00:38:50 something that screams fame.
00:38:53 Oh, I got it.
00:38:55 - You do?
00:38:56 Tell me.
00:38:57 - Kiss Julieta, or Julieta goodbye,
00:39:02 and kiss La Trituradora goodbye.
00:39:06 Say hello to Beyonday.
00:39:11 - Beyonday?
00:39:12 - Beyonday, like from the beyond, get it?
00:39:17 That's the name of a champion and a superstar.
00:39:21 - Wow, it does have a ring to it.
00:39:24 - Raw talents and understatement.
00:39:27 First time I laid eyes on you,
00:39:29 I knew I was looking at a diamond in the rough.
00:39:32 - Ugh, gracias, Divina.
00:39:39 - I'm going to fall ill if you two keep up
00:39:42 this self-congratulatory drivel.
00:39:45 - Erasmus.
00:39:46 - Oh, don't act so surprised, Fredo.
00:39:49 You have to know by now that I'm always watching
00:39:53 your every move come competition time,
00:39:55 especially when you're gallivanting around town
00:39:58 with a new pupil, like you own the place.
00:40:01 - But I'm only preparing your, I mean,
00:40:04 Beyonday here for Friday's competition.
00:40:07 - Ha, you're grooming her to overthrow me
00:40:10 is what you're doing.
00:40:12 I see right through you, mummy.
00:40:15 And not just because your bandages are loose.
00:40:18 - My bandages?
00:40:20 Wow, how long have they been loose?
00:40:23 Beyonday, why didn't you say something?
00:40:26 - I didn't think they were loose.
00:40:28 - Well, with that kind of attention to detail,
00:40:31 I'd quit while you're ahead, little girl.
00:40:34 - Little girl?
00:40:35 Who are you calling a little girl, Boneface?
00:40:38 - Mind your tongue when you speak to the champ, newbie.
00:40:41 - Shut up, or I'll fly-swat you.
00:40:45 Fly!
00:40:46 - Well, buh, got yourself a spitfire, eh, Fredo?
00:40:51 I like that.
00:40:53 What say we have a little competition of our own, hmm?
00:40:57 Right here, right now.
00:41:00 - No deal.
00:41:02 We ain't done a stoop, Erasma.
00:41:04 - No, you're just scared.
00:41:07 - Scared?
00:41:08 I've never been scared of anyone in my life.
00:41:11 And I'm not about to start now.
00:41:13 - Shh, let it go, kid.
00:41:16 They're playing to your ego.
00:41:18 It's the oldest trick in the book.
00:41:20 - Fine, I have nothing to hide or to fear.
00:41:24 What do you propose, Bonebag?
00:41:26 - I thought you'd never ask.
00:41:28 We'll hold our own private singing competition,
00:41:32 much like you were just doing with Fredo.
00:41:35 However, by our rules, the winner competes on Friday night
00:41:40 while the loser is banished to the wasteland
00:41:44 for all eternity.
00:41:46 (laughing)
00:41:48 - What do you say, newbie?
00:41:49 If you're as good as the mummy thinks you are,
00:41:52 step up and prove it.
00:41:54 (upbeat music)
00:41:56 - I'm telling you, Henderson,
00:41:59 when I see them there two rabble-rousers,
00:42:01 there's no telling what I'm liable to do to 'em.
00:42:04 - Me too, Spiff.
00:42:06 I might draw on 'em right then and there,
00:42:08 send 'em back to their mamas in a pine box.
00:42:12 Or I might--
00:42:13 - Wait, Sheriff Toto said there was a father-son team.
00:42:17 Not brothers, so they ain't got the same mama.
00:42:21 - Oh, right.
00:42:22 It'd be like I'd send 'em back to mama and grandma
00:42:26 in a pine box.
00:42:28 - Whatever, they can ship 'em to the islands for all I care.
00:42:32 One thing's for sure,
00:42:34 they meet us, they meet pine.
00:42:38 - Yes to that.
00:42:40 - It sure felt good helping Tia Peppa
00:42:47 find their way back home, Papa.
00:42:49 - That it did, mijo.
00:42:51 Uno good deed done, uno to go.
00:42:54 (glass shattering)
00:42:55 - This place is loco.
00:42:57 Are you sure it's okay for me to be in here?
00:42:59 - Chiqui, with Papa,
00:43:01 you go anywhere your little heart desires, understand?
00:43:05 - Si, Papa.
00:43:05 What I'd really like is to go see mama.
00:43:08 - In due time, mijo, in due time.
00:43:12 But first, how about a tall cold leche
00:43:15 before we continue on our way, hmm?
00:43:19 - Ah, milk sounds great, Papa, gracias.
00:43:21 - De nada.
00:43:23 - And I could use a nice cold agave juice.
00:43:27 Keep an eye out for the server, yeah?
00:43:29 - Okay.
00:43:30 - Henderson, you hear that?
00:43:33 It's them.
00:43:34 - It's who?
00:43:35 - It's them, the twos we's been looking for.
00:43:38 - Oh.
00:43:41 - Be quiet, we don't want 'em hearing us.
00:43:44 - Right, wanna take 'em down right here?
00:43:48 - That sounds like a right good idea.
00:43:50 Follow my lead.
00:43:52 On three, ready?
00:43:54 One, two, and three.
00:43:59 Hold it right there, you twos under arrest
00:44:02 by order of the Los Muertos Sheriff.
00:44:04 (thudding)
00:44:08 - Papa, let's get out of here.
00:44:10 - That sounds like a great idea, mijo.
00:44:14 If you two even think of following us,
00:44:17 you'll get more of the same.
00:44:19 - It's all good, see you around.
00:44:22 - Come, mijo, the service here stinks anyway.
00:44:25 - If you're so good, luchadora,
00:44:27 why not show us what you've got?
00:44:29 Unless, of course, you're Pollo.
00:44:32 - No!
00:44:34 - Did you just call me Pollo?
00:44:38 Si.
00:44:39 (clucking)
00:44:41 Nobody calls la trituradora a chicken, nobody.
00:44:49 You're on.
00:44:51 - Oh, Dios mio, Beyonday, can't you see it's a trick?
00:44:55 Erasmus Balls isn't undefeated these last 10,000 years
00:44:59 'cause she plays fair.
00:45:01 She's the dirtiest player in the game.
00:45:04 - What's the matter, Beyonday?
00:45:06 Cold feet?
00:45:08 Afraid a little impromptu challenge
00:45:10 will expose your glorious talents
00:45:12 as nothing more than a ruse?
00:45:15 A cry for attention?
00:45:17 A waste of our time?
00:45:19 - A waste of time?
00:45:20 I'll show you a waste of time, you old witch.
00:45:23 Hit it.
00:45:24 - Oh, is the great Beyond ready
00:45:26 to show us what she's made of?
00:45:29 - I don't like this kid.
00:45:31 I don't like it at all.
00:45:33 - Stick some gauze in it, mummy.
00:45:36 This is between us girls.
00:45:38 - Who you calling a girl, you crone?
00:45:41 - Bah, give her a line, Lola.
00:45:43 - Yes, ma'am.
00:45:44 Sing the rest of this one, luchadora,
00:45:46 on bitchin' key with proper melody.
00:45:49 (clears throat)
00:45:51 - Never before has my jaw hit the floor.
00:45:54 Like the time I saw you walking out my door.
00:45:59 - Wow, just wow.
00:46:02 - She got lucky, Arisma.
00:46:03 - Okay, it's our turn.
00:46:06 - Let me guess.
00:46:07 You have a rap.
00:46:09 (laughs)
00:46:12 - Don't let her get under your skin, Freito.
00:46:15 Hit her with a tough one.
00:46:17 - Oh, I'm a gonna.
00:46:18 Let me think.
00:46:19 It's been a while since I heard the pop music.
00:46:24 - A vocal coach who doesn't know pop?
00:46:26 What a joke.
00:46:27 He probably dusts off his eight-track cassettes.
00:46:29 (laughs)
00:46:31 - All right, wise acres.
00:46:34 Here's one for ya.
00:46:36 In these shadows, it's always the same.
00:46:39 You can't see my face.
00:46:41 You don't know my name.
00:46:44 And I'll emerge from the darkness into the light
00:46:49 and bury you deep in the coldest night.
00:46:55 - Wow, how fitting.
00:46:58 - It's one to one, Beyonday.
00:47:01 Can you muster the guts for a tiebreaker?
00:47:04 - I don't have to muster anything, Bruja.
00:47:07 Guts is my middle name.
00:47:09 - Don't you mean Gutsy?
00:47:11 I was hoping you'd say that.
00:47:13 (laughs)
00:47:15 - What a couple of idiotas back at the saloon, Papa.
00:47:22 I wonder what their problem was.
00:47:24 - They sounded like they knew what they were doing, mijo,
00:47:27 and who they were after.
00:47:29 We must be careful.
00:47:31 If the Los Muertos law is out to get us,
00:47:34 finding my mom may not be as easy
00:47:36 as doing one more good deed.
00:47:41 - Ayuda, ayuda, por favor, please help me.
00:47:45 - Whoa, are you okay, miss?
00:47:48 What's going on here?
00:47:50 - Do you need help?
00:47:51 If so, we're your men.
00:47:53 We're looking to do a good deed.
00:47:55 - It's Paco.
00:47:56 He's lost his cabeza.
00:47:58 He's out of his mind.
00:48:00 He destroyed mi casa and took off.
00:48:02 - Slow down, miss.
00:48:04 Explain, who is Paco?
00:48:08 - Paco es mi esposo.
00:48:09 - Who, Papa?
00:48:10 - He's her husband.
00:48:13 - Like you and Mama?
00:48:14 - No, chiqui.
00:48:15 Something tells me these two are nothing
00:48:18 like me and your Mama.
00:48:20 Where is Paco now, miss?
00:48:22 - Probably the saloon where he always goes after he acts up.
00:48:26 - The saloon?
00:48:27 No way, we can't go back there, Papa.
00:48:30 - I agree, chiqui.
00:48:32 That would be a bad idea,
00:48:34 but we can care for this nice lady
00:48:36 to ensure that she remains safe tonight.
00:48:40 - Paco, he will cause trouble at the saloon
00:48:42 until they throw him out.
00:48:44 Then he'll return angrier than before.
00:48:47 You don't want to meet Paco like that, trust me.
00:48:51 - Miss, with all due respect,
00:48:53 if it's a fight your husband wants,
00:48:56 then it's me he does not want to meet.
00:49:00 Come on, chiqui.
00:49:01 Let's take this nice lady home and heat some soup for her.
00:49:05 We gotta rest our feet a while
00:49:08 and wait for Paco.
00:49:10 - So then, my Mama,
00:49:13 who is the most beautiful woman
00:49:15 in all the land under her mask
00:49:17 and a total superhero when her mask is on,
00:49:19 executed la perfecta sunset flip off the top rope
00:49:23 and she pinned la gargantua one, two, three
00:49:27 right in the center of the ring
00:49:29 and became the new Luchadora champion of the universe,
00:49:33 a title she holds to this very day.
00:49:36 - Wow, chiqui, your mama sounds like quite the woman.
00:49:40 - That she is, Mama Lucia.
00:49:42 My wonderful Julieta is the most amazing marvel
00:49:46 of a woman who ever was.
00:49:49 It was only because she shines so vibrantly
00:49:52 that I agreed to let her travel here
00:49:55 into the darkness to shed more light for all.
00:49:59 - That was a risky move, Papa Diego.
00:50:03 Many a soul has lost their way here in the beyond.
00:50:07 I am sad to say that I am one of them.
00:50:10 - You?
00:50:11 But you seem like a perfectly nice lady, Mama Lucia,
00:50:14 with a nice home and a nice attitude.
00:50:17 - Appearances can deceive, little one.
00:50:19 I was bright-eyed and full of life
00:50:21 when I arrived in Los Muertes,
00:50:24 even though I had passed on.
00:50:26 An accident took me from my old world,
00:50:29 your world, to this one.
00:50:31 But like so many who came before me,
00:50:34 I had yet to realize it.
00:50:36 I simply believed I had woken up in this strange place
00:50:40 from a deep, deep slumber.
00:50:42 - You mean no one told you that you were dead?
00:50:47 - No, chiqui.
00:50:48 They let you find that out for yourself.
00:50:50 How you deal with the news is up to you
00:50:53 and decides where you fall
00:50:55 in the social structure of the beyond.
00:50:58 I'm afraid I didn't handle it well.
00:51:01 I missed my own mama terribly,
00:51:03 and so I met one who also wasn't adjusting well.
00:51:07 - Paco.
00:51:08 - Si, Paco.
00:51:10 He only recently accepted his new life here
00:51:13 and still harbors much resentment at that.
00:51:16 He wishes he were still among the living.
00:51:19 And I'm often made the brunt of his anger.
00:51:22 - His anger?
00:51:23 - Yes, he can be quite angry sometimes.
00:51:26 He just hasn't adjusted well to the great beyond, you see?
00:51:31 - That is no excuse, Mama Lucia.
00:51:34 - Si, I know, but without me,
00:51:38 I fear Paco would be completely lost.
00:51:41 He would wander the wasteland
00:51:43 and probably end up taking Momo's hand and being led away.
00:51:48 - Momo?
00:51:48 Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
00:51:51 - I, many a good man and woman too
00:51:54 has been led astray by Momo's promises,
00:51:56 never to be seen again.
00:51:59 - Mama Lucia, if you'll let me,
00:52:01 I'd like to have a word with Paco when he returns.
00:52:04 - Yes, you may.
00:52:06 But realize that depending on his temperament this evening,
00:52:09 he may not be receptive to words.
00:52:12 - I know, but I have a way of making things clear
00:52:16 to angry men.
00:52:17 - Ha, I'll see, Papa.
00:52:19 - Shh, he's back.
00:52:24 - Eh?
00:52:24 - These are my new friends, Paco.
00:52:30 This is Papa Diego and his little chico chiqui.
00:52:35 - Mm.
00:52:35 - Hi, Paco.
00:52:38 - What do you strangers want?
00:52:41 - A word.
00:52:42 - Say your piece, amigos.
00:52:44 I'm listening.
00:52:45 I have all the time in the underworld.
00:52:50 - Mama Lucia is a good woman,
00:52:52 doing her best in the beyond.
00:52:54 She deserves one who also strives
00:52:56 to be the best he can be.
00:52:58 If it is not you, then you need to let her be.
00:53:02 - Mama?
00:53:04 What say you?
00:53:05 - I want to give you every chance
00:53:07 to share this new life with me, Paco,
00:53:10 but I'm not sure you want it.
00:53:11 - Oh, Mama, lo siento.
00:53:15 I never meant to hurt you.
00:53:17 Forgive me, Mama.
00:53:19 Take me back.
00:53:20 - Oh, Paco, I never threw you away.
00:53:24 - I've seen the error of my ways.
00:53:27 You make death worth living.
00:53:29 May I have another chance?
00:53:31 - Of course you may.
00:53:33 Oh, Paco, you silly fool, you.
00:53:36 - Well, mijo, our work is done here.
00:53:40 - Is this another good deed, Papa?
00:53:42 Will this grant us entry into the festival?
00:53:44 - I believe so, mijo.
00:53:46 I do believe so.
00:53:48 Come, let's see if El Monstruo feels the same way.
00:53:52 Farewell, Mama Lucia.
00:53:54 Paco, be happy.
00:53:57 - You too, Papa Diego.
00:53:59 And you, chiqui.
00:54:00 It was nice meeting you both.
00:54:03 Buena suerte finding to Mama.
00:54:05 - Gracias, Mama Lucia.
00:54:07 Buenas noches.
00:54:08 - Buenas noches.
00:54:10 - I told you we shouldn't have gotten
00:54:12 into a sing-off with Erasma, kid.
00:54:15 We played right into her trap.
00:54:18 - Oh, don't you see, Fredo?
00:54:21 She would have gotten us one way or another.
00:54:23 We were targeted.
00:54:25 She set out to eliminate us from the start.
00:54:28 - But why?
00:54:29 Competitions despise a victory.
00:54:33 What good's winning if you don't beat the best of the best?
00:54:38 - Maybe after 10,000 years of winning,
00:54:40 Erasma doesn't ever want to risk losing.
00:54:43 - Ah, fui.
00:54:45 Sounds like a lot of hogwash.
00:54:48 - Sounds like one crummy title reign to me.
00:54:51 - Me too.
00:54:52 I came here two years ago to earn my place
00:54:55 in the pantheon of greats.
00:54:57 Now, my dream is destroyed.
00:55:01 I've brought nothing but shame upon mi casa.
00:55:03 And mi familia is lost forever.
00:55:06 - Hey, don't talk like that, Beyondé.
00:55:10 - My name's Julieta, Fredo.
00:55:12 No more Beyondé.
00:55:13 Just Julieta, bad mother, disappointing wife,
00:55:17 wannabe singer, total failure.
00:55:20 - Don't say them things, kid.
00:55:23 It ain't over 'til it's over.
00:55:25 We can make a comeback.
00:55:26 We can still win this thing.
00:55:29 - Oh yeah?
00:55:30 How?
00:55:31 Look around us, Fredo.
00:55:33 We're in the Wasteland.
00:55:35 Nobody comes back from the Wasteland.
00:55:37 - Hola, lost souls.
00:55:40 (yells)
00:55:42 - What's that?
00:55:43 - I am Momo, your god, if you will allow it.
00:55:48 (speaks in foreign language)
00:55:51 - Stay calm, Fredo.
00:55:53 I'll handle this.
00:55:54 - How?
00:55:55 Momo took away my Uncle Giuseppe.
00:55:58 - Well, I'm not afraid.
00:55:59 - Ah, your Uncle Giuseppe.
00:56:03 I remember him well.
00:56:05 Led him to the River Styx, I did.
00:56:08 - I knew it.
00:56:10 - Momo, we're just passing through.
00:56:12 - Everyone's just passing through.
00:56:15 - Thank you for watching over our journey, Espatro.
00:56:17 Your eternal vigilance is muy apreciada.
00:56:21 - I can do much more than watch over you, voyagers,
00:56:25 if you only take my hand.
00:56:29 (gasps)
00:56:30 - My grandpapa Ernesto used to tell me stories
00:56:33 about Momo coming to get us when we was little.
00:56:37 Now here he is.
00:56:39 It's like a prophecy fulfilled.
00:56:43 - Oh boy, oh boy.
00:56:46 Please don't let Momo take me.
00:56:49 - Fear not, my friends.
00:56:52 Just take my hand and follow me into the fog.
00:56:57 - Okay, look.
00:56:59 I don't know what kind of racket
00:57:01 you've got going on around here,
00:57:02 but neither of us are taking your hand,
00:57:05 and they're not taking either of us away.
00:57:07 Got it?
00:57:08 We have a very important engagement to make,
00:57:11 and I'm not going to miss it for the world or the beyond.
00:57:15 So move on, Wraith, or face my wrath.
00:57:19 - So forceful.
00:57:21 - You ain't seen nothing yet, ghost boy.
00:57:23 - Oh please, oh please.
00:57:27 - You need only take my hand, old mummy,
00:57:30 and your fear will cease.
00:57:34 - That's it, I warned you.
00:57:36 (screaming)
00:57:40 - Ow, that hurts.
00:57:42 My skull can't take high pitches.
00:57:45 (screaming)
00:57:47 (screaming)
00:57:49 (screaming)
00:57:51 (laughing)
00:57:52 - Hey, you did it.
00:57:55 Momo split, and you made him flee
00:57:58 using nothing but your voice.
00:58:00 - Yeah, well, hopefully it doesn't have
00:58:04 the same effect on the judges.
00:58:06 - Gracias, Beyonday.
00:58:08 - I am forever in your debt.
00:58:11 - But I'm already in yours, Frito.
00:58:14 Just paying it back, and call me Julieta, okay?
00:58:18 Let's leave Beyonday on the stage.
00:58:21 - Sure thing, Beyonday, Julieta.
00:58:25 - Come on, let's find our way back to town.
00:58:28 I have no intention of letting
00:58:30 that old crone Erasmus run us off.
00:58:33 Her little scheme's gonna backfire,
00:58:35 and I'm gonna be crowned the greatest singer
00:58:38 beyond the beyond, even if it kills me.
00:58:41 - Uh, be careful what you say here, kid.
00:58:46 Things are listening.
00:58:49 - I can't believe what happened
00:58:50 back there in the saloon, Henderson.
00:58:52 Why, if I was half the man I used to be,
00:58:54 what'd I, we'll find 'em, Spiff.
00:58:57 Don't you worry.
00:58:58 And when I get my bony fingers
00:59:00 round that big fella's neck, why, I'm gonna,
00:59:04 where we gonna find 'em's a problem.
00:59:06 - They're for sure laying low now.
00:59:09 Ain't nobody dumb enough to make a scene like that
00:59:11 and just stroll off with their spurs a-jingling.
00:59:14 - Well, that's pretty much exactly what they did, Spiff.
00:59:19 That big, ugly goon defeated up in front
00:59:22 of the whole dang saloon.
00:59:24 Now, it's only a matter of time
00:59:26 before word gets back to Sheriff Toto.
00:59:29 - Yeah, unless we find them two first,
00:59:32 haul 'em in and hang 'em up by their boot heels.
00:59:35 Before that there gossip mill gets a-going.
00:59:38 - I like that plan, Spiff.
00:59:40 I like it lots.
00:59:42 - We just gotta figure out where they're hiding.
00:59:44 - Right.
00:59:45 Hey, if you was a low-down, dirty polio like both of them,
00:59:50 and you knew a couple of straight-shooting lawmen
00:59:53 like us was gunning for you, where would you hide?
00:59:57 - Hmm, well, there's only one place to hide
01:00:00 in that situation.
01:00:01 It's a wasteland.
01:00:04 (gasps)
01:00:05 - You think?
01:00:06 - I do.
01:00:07 Look, it's foggy, it's far.
01:00:10 And that creeper Momo's there to run interference
01:00:12 if no law comes a-looking.
01:00:14 - Hot dang, you're right.
01:00:16 Let's go get 'em right now.
01:00:18 We'll drag 'em kicking and screaming to the town jail.
01:00:22 Then Sheriff Toto will name us heroes
01:00:25 before this day of the dead is over.
01:00:28 - Deal.
01:00:28 Wait, which way's the wasteland?
01:00:32 - Uh, this way.
01:00:35 - I think.
01:00:36 - No, this way.
01:00:38 - No, it's, it's around here someplace.
01:00:43 I know that.
01:00:44 - Oh, forget it.
01:00:45 We'll find it and we'll find them.
01:00:48 - Yeah.
01:00:49 - Stay close, Cheeky.
01:00:52 This area is treacherous and El Monstruo may be in hiding.
01:00:57 - But Papa, what if El Monstruo doesn't know
01:01:00 we're looking for Mama?
01:01:01 - Desperates.
01:01:03 We all seeing, all knowing El Monstruo
01:01:05 will feel our desires and know
01:01:08 that we perform the two good deeds
01:01:10 traditional required to be granted our wish.
01:01:14 He will not leave us without an answer, Cheeky.
01:01:17 That much I know.
01:01:19 - Quien va allá?
01:01:21 - Papa, was that you?
01:01:22 - No, mijo, it was not I.
01:01:24 It sounded like El Monstruo.
01:01:29 - Si, tell me, instruzos, why do you seek entry
01:01:33 into the Festival de los Muertos?
01:01:36 - It's me mama, Señor Monstruo.
01:01:38 - Tu madre?
01:01:39 - Si, allow me to introduce us.
01:01:43 Mi nombre es Papa Diego, and this is mi hijo, Cheeky.
01:01:48 - Me mama, Walita, came to the beyond to compete in the,
01:01:53 what is it again, Papa?
01:01:54 - The greatest singer beyond the beyond competition.
01:01:58 - Si, that.
01:01:59 We're here to cheer her on stage.
01:02:01 And well, she asked me to come be part of her performance.
01:02:05 - We know it's frowned upon for the living
01:02:07 to mingle with the dead any other time of year, El Monstruo.
01:02:12 But we also know that today is muy especial.
01:02:15 - Si, muy.
01:02:18 - Little Cheeky hasn't seen his mama in two years now.
01:02:22 And likewise, I haven't seen mi esposa.
01:02:26 We miss her terribly.
01:02:27 And if she wins this evening--
01:02:29 - She'll finally be able to come back home.
01:02:32 - Si, that is la tradicion.
01:02:34 But there is another part of it
01:02:37 that I am not sure you are aware of.
01:02:40 - Eh, there is?
01:02:42 - Si, while it is true a victory would enable your wife
01:02:47 and mother to return home with you,
01:02:50 a defeat would mean that she cannot leave the beyond.
01:02:55 Ever.
01:02:56 - Ever?
01:02:58 - Never.
01:02:59 - Oh no, papa, we could lose mama forever?
01:03:04 - I did not know this.
01:03:06 Many do not.
01:03:08 It's on the fine print of the crossover manual.
01:03:12 On page 46.
01:03:14 - There's a manual?
01:03:16 - Si, there is.
01:03:19 Nobody told us.
01:03:20 Don't feel bad, you're not the only one.
01:03:24 I have this conversation often.
01:03:27 If you do review the manual,
01:03:30 I also suggest you see page 47,
01:03:33 which details a hack to winning the greatest singer
01:03:37 beyond the beyond competition.
01:03:40 - A hack?
01:03:41 I love hacking.
01:03:43 - And I love winning.
01:03:44 Can you tell us about this hack, Elmostruo?
01:03:48 - I will.
01:03:49 It says that any singer who is accompanied by a partner
01:03:53 who dances hard enough,
01:03:55 dances like their life depends on it,
01:03:59 which of course it does,
01:04:01 shall summon the power of the ancient gods of the beyond.
01:04:06 - Gods of the beyond?
01:04:09 - And with the power of the ancients
01:04:11 possessing their limbs and vocal cords,
01:04:14 these contestants will be unstoppable
01:04:17 in the eyes of the judges, dead and undead.
01:04:22 Victory, it is written, shall be theirs.
01:04:26 - Whoa, so if I dance with Mama
01:04:29 like she had Papa in his dream, she'll win.
01:04:32 Elmostruo, may we please enter the festival
01:04:34 and find me Mama?
01:04:35 Please?
01:04:36 - There are many reasons
01:04:38 by which the living pursue the beyond,
01:04:41 as I am sure there is a reason your Mama
01:04:45 parted ways with her loving family.
01:04:49 Trust me, I hear them all.
01:04:51 But my favorite, far and away, is amor.
01:04:56 - Amor?
01:04:57 - Love, cheeky, the reason behind every step we've made
01:05:02 since the moment we left our casa.
01:05:05 Si, amor, I see it in your eyes,
01:05:09 hear it in your voices.
01:05:12 - Oh.
01:05:13 - Love is the noblest of reasons
01:05:15 one would seek to pass into the beyond,
01:05:18 while still drawing warm breath here.
01:05:22 Love drives us, inspires us,
01:05:26 enables us to climb heights undreamt of,
01:05:30 cross the deepest seas, brave the most raging of fires.
01:05:35 It is the sole reason we stand before you, Elmostruo.
01:05:40 I love my wife, and her little one here
01:05:44 loves her even more, if that's possible.
01:05:47 In love, Luxaro, all things are made possible,
01:05:52 such as your entry into los muertos.
01:05:56 - Oh, Papa, I think he means--
01:06:00 - I think he does too, mijo.
01:06:02 (clears throat)
01:06:04 I mean, not to be presumptuous, Senor Mostruo,
01:06:08 mucho respeto.
01:06:09 Gracias, Senor.
01:06:11 This woman you pursue is very brave
01:06:14 to stand and face Erasmabones in her own realm.
01:06:19 She will need all that bravery and then some.
01:06:24 Best wishes to all three of you.
01:06:27 (laughs)
01:06:28 You may enter los muertos.
01:06:32 - Really?
01:06:33 Papa, we can go in, we can go in.
01:06:36 - Si, mijo, si.
01:06:38 Muchisimas gracias, Senor Mostruo.
01:06:41 There is no time to waste, caballeros.
01:06:44 Go now and find your love.
01:06:48 - Bueno.
01:06:49 - Come, Papa, hurry.
01:06:51 - Wait for me, Chiqui.
01:06:52 Senor Mostruo, we cannot thank you enough.
01:06:56 Thank me by finding that woman,
01:06:59 returning her to your realm,
01:07:01 and living happily ever after.
01:07:04 The clock is ticking, luchador.
01:07:07 Right, adios, amigo.
01:07:10 - I'm coming, Chiqui.
01:07:12 - Easy, niño, easy.
01:07:15 On behalf of my beloved Lama Tomas,
01:07:19 I'd like to welcome you all
01:07:21 to another greatest singer beyond and beyond competition.
01:07:26 Where the best of the best vie for the coveted title
01:07:31 of the greatest singer ever.
01:07:35 As you are all aware, over the past 10,000 years,
01:07:40 we have had one dominant champion,
01:07:44 Erasmus Bones.
01:07:47 (audience cheering)
01:07:49 Si, si, she's amazing, isn't she?
01:07:53 Truly amazing.
01:07:56 And well, it looks like there won't be an upset
01:08:01 this year either,
01:08:03 since nobody has entered the contest.
01:08:07 Therefore, before we present the title
01:08:12 of the greatest singer beyond and beyond to Erasmus yet again,
01:08:17 she's going to grace us all
01:08:20 with a solo performance for the ages.
01:08:24 Everybody hang tight while our Diva Original gets ready.
01:08:32 And in a very short while,
01:08:35 prepare to put those bones together
01:08:38 for the legend herself, Erasmus Bones.
01:08:43 - This is it, kid.
01:08:48 Everything we've been working toward
01:08:50 for the past two years.
01:08:52 Two years.
01:08:53 And you're ready.
01:08:56 I never seen a singer more ready.
01:08:59 We gotta get you signed up.
01:09:01 And I wanna watch you go up there
01:09:04 and show that beyond what you're made of.
01:09:06 Let it rip, beyond day.
01:09:10 - Okay, but you know, Feto,
01:09:13 I'm not so sure about this beyond day thing after all.
01:09:16 - Yes, you're right.
01:09:18 It tries too hard.
01:09:20 Julieta, it is.
01:09:22 Come on, we're almost there.
01:09:25 - I don't like this, Henderson.
01:09:28 - I don't like it much neither, Spiff.
01:09:30 This wasteland's one creepy zona.
01:09:33 - Oh, what are you scared?
01:09:36 - Huh, me?
01:09:37 I ain't no pollo.
01:09:40 - Sounds like you're about to wet your pantalones, hombre.
01:09:43 - Me?
01:09:45 You're the one shaking like a leaf over there.
01:09:48 - I'm shaking 'cause I'm a brewman
01:09:50 with righteous rage, hombre.
01:09:52 Not 'cause I'm scared.
01:09:54 - Uh-huh.
01:09:55 We'll see about that.
01:09:57 - Bienvenido, hombre muertos.
01:10:00 (Spiff screams)
01:10:02 - It's him.
01:10:03 It's Momo.
01:10:05 - Don't look at him.
01:10:06 Don't talk to him.
01:10:07 Maybe he'll go away.
01:10:09 - Go away?
01:10:10 But only if we can go together, dears.
01:10:13 Don't fear the reaper.
01:10:15 Come, take my hand.
01:10:18 We'll be able to fly.
01:10:20 I'm your friend.
01:10:22 - Run!
01:10:23 Go, go, go!
01:10:24 (Spiff screams)
01:10:30 (Spiff screams)
01:10:32 (Spiff laughs)
01:10:37 - All right, everybody.
01:10:38 This is it.
01:10:40 The moment we've all been waiting for.
01:10:44 The madam of stardom.
01:10:47 The queen of mean.
01:10:49 The best game in the game.
01:10:52 Let me hear those bones rattle
01:10:55 for the one, the only,
01:10:58 Erasmus Bones!
01:10:59 - Well, I wish I could say it's nice
01:11:06 to be back here on the stage.
01:11:08 Alas, the pleasure is all yours.
01:11:12 Lola, hit the music.
01:11:15 (Lola hums)
01:11:17 (Lola hums)
01:11:19 - She's great.
01:11:43 - You, you're better.
01:11:44 - You think so?
01:11:45 I wouldn't be here if I didn't.
01:11:47 - You're like the Padre I never had.
01:11:50 - If you need me to say it out loud, kid,
01:11:52 you're like the daughter I never had.
01:11:55 - Alfredo, you old mummy.
01:11:58 - Yeah, yeah, hang on a sec.
01:12:01 Yo, Leo, you got one more contestant here for the show.
01:12:06 Can she go on after Erasmus is done?
01:12:15 - Her name's Julieta.
01:12:18 - Okay, Julieta, you're up next.
01:12:23 Break a leg.
01:12:24 - What's wrong, kid?
01:12:26 - My baby cheeky's not here to dance with me, Fredo.
01:12:30 Part of my dream was to have him by my side.
01:12:33 - Oh, I get it, but we can't always
01:12:37 have everything we want, you know?
01:12:39 - I know.
01:12:40 I was really just hoping to see me familiar tonight.
01:12:44 - That'll be all right.
01:12:45 Don't worry.
01:12:46 - Worry that I ain't.
01:12:49 One more thing, kid.
01:12:50 - Yes?
01:12:51 - And not come dead.
01:12:53 - I think I see the stage from here, Papa.
01:12:56 I hope we didn't miss Mama's performance.
01:12:58 - We haven't missed her.
01:12:59 She won't go on without you, mijo.
01:13:02 Come, she's here somewhere.
01:13:04 Let us find her.
01:13:06 - Okay.
01:13:07 (crowd cheering)
01:13:12 (crowd cheering)
01:13:15 - The one and only Erasmus Bones, everybody!
01:13:22 The 10,000 year champ!
01:13:26 Let's hear it for her!
01:13:30 (crowd cheering)
01:13:33 Okay, now, if I may have your attention.
01:13:37 Attention, please!
01:13:41 I know I said there were no contestants this year,
01:13:45 but as fate would have it, I was approached backstage
01:13:50 by a young lady who asked to sing.
01:13:53 So, without further ado, here she is!
01:13:57 Put 'em together for our lovely Julieta!
01:14:02 - What?
01:14:08 What is she doing here, Lola?
01:14:10 I thought I told you to make them disappear!
01:14:13 - I did, Erasma.
01:14:15 I chased them out into the wasteland.
01:14:17 - Nobody comes back from the wasteland!
01:14:21 - Well, obviously, we're dealing with a special case,
01:14:24 but no matter, this is my crowd!
01:14:27 They'll boo her offstage in no time,
01:14:30 and victory will once again be mine, all mine!
01:14:34 - That's right, I hope.
01:14:40 - It's her, Papa, it's Mama!
01:14:42 - Si, chiqui, she's even more beautiful
01:14:45 than when I last laid eyes on her.
01:14:48 She's a breathtaking!
01:14:50 - Let her know we're here, Papa!
01:14:53 Mama!
01:14:54 - Wait, mijo, she wants to speak!
01:14:56 Let her!
01:14:57 - Hi, before I sing for you tonight,
01:15:01 I have a story to tell.
01:15:04 It's a quick story, don't worry.
01:15:06 I came to the beyond from the other side two years ago.
01:15:10 I didn't die.
01:15:11 I crossed over on my own free will.
01:15:14 I left behind the most beautiful baby boy
01:15:18 and a loving husband.
01:15:21 They deserved better, but all my life, I've been blessed.
01:15:26 Sometimes, it feels like cursed.
01:15:29 With a skill I didn't choose and cannot control,
01:15:33 and with a dream that refused to remain still in my heart,
01:15:37 I came to the beyond to show that skill
01:15:39 and to fulfill that dream.
01:15:42 And now, here I am, and there you are.
01:15:47 And here goes nothing.
01:15:49 Fredo, music please.
01:15:52 I just wish my boy chiqui were here.
01:15:54 - Now, mijo, go to her.
01:15:57 - Mama, I'm here!
01:15:59 Chiqui!
01:16:03 Mijo, you came!
01:16:06 - Papa's here too!
01:16:07 He saw you in his dream.
01:16:09 - We came as fast as we could, Mama.
01:16:11 - Oh, mi familia, mi amor chiqui.
01:16:15 - I love you, Mama.
01:16:18 Need a dancer while you sing?
01:16:20 - I thought you'd never ask.
01:16:22 Follow my lead, baby.
01:16:24 - Go get 'em, Mama.
01:16:25 You can do it!
01:16:26 (singing in foreign language)
01:16:30 (singing in foreign language)
01:16:34 - She's got a dance partner?
01:16:49 But that's a duet!
01:16:51 This isn't a couple show.
01:16:53 It's a solo performance.
01:16:55 Solo!
01:16:57 Oh, for crying out loud,
01:16:58 will you stop making excuses and shut up already?
01:17:01 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:03 (audience applauding)
01:17:07 - We did it, Mama, we did it!
01:17:12 Woo-hoo!
01:17:13 (audience applauding)
01:17:26 - How'd you like that?
01:17:28 Me too!
01:17:30 (laughing)
01:17:32 All right.
01:17:33 Well, it seems we have ourself a close race this year,
01:17:38 after all.
01:17:40 On behalf of Tomás,
01:17:42 I'd like to thank both our talented singers
01:17:46 for showing us what they're made of.
01:17:50 (audience applauding)
01:17:53 - Huh.
01:17:54 I don't have to show anyone what I'm made of.
01:17:56 My legend precedes me.
01:17:59 - Talk about a nail-biter!
01:18:01 The judging was close,
01:18:03 but the tallies are in!
01:18:06 And the winner is...
01:18:08 (gentle music)
01:18:23 - Hola, Papa.
01:18:24 - Hola, mijo.
01:18:26 How did you sleep?
01:18:28 - Fine.
01:18:29 Whatcha doing?
01:18:30 - Oh, I'm just organizing some of our old familiar memories
01:18:35 in our photo album.
01:18:38 - Oh, are you looking at photos of Mama?
01:18:40 - Si, si.
01:18:43 I couldn't help myself, mijo.
01:18:45 She's radiant, my Julieta.
01:18:47 Even on the page, I cannot stop staring.
01:18:52 - With enough dilly-dallying,
01:18:54 I got to make room for all of her greatest singer
01:18:56 beyond the beyond of photos.
01:18:59 - Are you muchachos still looking at my photos?
01:19:02 - Si, si.
01:19:04 It's not every casa that has a grand champion
01:19:06 in within its walls.
01:19:08 I must chronicle your career in the finest detail.
01:19:12 - Oh, please.
01:19:14 That was two years ago,
01:19:16 and I haven't toured in over a year.
01:19:19 I'm just a housewife now,
01:19:21 and a happy one at that.
01:19:24 - We're happy to have you back, Mama.
01:19:25 Two years felt like forever when you were gone,
01:19:28 and since you've been back with us,
01:19:29 it feels like yesterday when you won
01:19:31 that competition in the beyond.
01:19:33 - Time flies, mijo, but know this.
01:19:35 Mama got that craziness out of her system,
01:19:38 and she won't ever leave you again.
01:19:41 Bueno?
01:19:42 Either of you.
01:19:44 - But Mama, if you ever did want to compete again,
01:19:47 I could dance beside you,
01:19:49 and we'd be victorious in every contest we entered, no?
01:19:52 - No.
01:19:53 In fact, I'd be perfectly happy
01:19:55 if I never visited the beyond again in mi vita.
01:19:59 - Only after su vida, right, Julieta?
01:20:03 - Very funny, Diego.
01:20:05 - Look, Mama, I've been working on some new dance moves.
01:20:09 - Go, Chiqui, go, Chiqui, go!
01:20:12 (laughs)
01:20:14 - Oh, mi vida loca.
01:20:18 And I love it.
01:20:19 (claps)
01:20:21 (upbeat music)
01:20:24 (upbeat music)
01:20:26 (upbeat music)
01:20:29 (upbeat music)
01:20:31 (upbeat music)
01:20:34 (upbeat music)
01:20:37 (upbeat music)
01:20:45 (upbeat music)
01:20:53 (upbeat music)
01:21:02 (upbeat music)
01:21:04 (upbeat music)
01:21:12 (upbeat music)
01:21:15 [BLANK_AUDIO]
