Sheldon grew up with the sassiest meemaw. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the times Sheldon’s Meemaw proved that you never outgrow your saucy spirit.
00:00 "Is this my first day as Meemaw?"
00:02 Welcome to Miss Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times Sheldon's Meemaw
00:07 proved that you never outgrow your saucy spirit. If you're still playing catch-up,
00:12 this is your spoiler warning.
00:13 "And how do you know who to trust?"
00:15 "You don't. That's what makes life interesting."
00:18 Number 10. She Knows Her Best Assets
00:23 When Sheldon's tormented by his next-door neighbor, the adults aren't exactly too sure
00:28 how to handle it. He's endured most people's share of teasing, but there's just something
00:33 different about the culprit. Luckily, Meemaw's there to remind the family that looks can be
00:38 deceiving, and who knows that better than her? "She looks harmless."
00:42 "She's cute, so she probably gets away with stuff. I'm like that."
00:47 Indeed, throughout the series, Connie practically has to bat suitors away. For instance, during a
00:52 book discussion, doctors Sturgis and Linkletter discover Connie is newly single and practically
00:58 fall off their chairs trying to win her over. "I feel like I am all Asimov'd down. Let's hit
01:04 the road." "Very well. We can kick off the next meeting with it." "Perhaps I can bake some
01:08 cookies. I'm handy in the kitchen, you know." "I've had them, and they're dry."
01:13 However, she's about as impressed with their attempts as she is with the works of Isaac
01:17 Asimov. Her face says it all. "If you'd ever like to discuss it further, I know the perfect
01:22 Italian cafe. The cannolis are resplendent." "Resplendent?"
01:27 "Connie! John Sturgis here." "What a surprise."
01:33 Number 9. Her Den of Sin In season 5, Connie buys out a laundromat
01:38 that just happens to be a front for one of her favorite secret hangout spots. However, thanks
01:44 to Dale's best intentions, she gets shut down before the business even gets off the ground,
01:49 and she ain't happy. "Keep asking questions, see what happens."
01:52 "Last one." "What?"
01:55 "How'd you get so pretty?" "I hate you."
02:01 "I like you." Luckily, she has a rather entrepreneurial grandson with a plan.
02:09 Unfortunately for her, he's more business-savvy than she anticipated,
02:13 and she takes no pains in letting him know. "We're in the game of business,
02:17 why don't we gamble for it?" "Okay."
02:19 "Great. The number I'm thinking of in my head, is it odd or even?"
02:23 "How dumb do you think I am?" "In my defense, you used to be dumber."
02:27 However, the funniest interactions take place between mother and daughter as Mary tries to
02:32 lead her, and Georgie, away from their den of sin. Honestly, it's like Mary doesn't even know
02:38 her own mother. "Oh please, it's not a den of sin. Although that is a great name. Den of Sin.
02:46 That would get some butts in seats."
02:48 Number 8. She's a Proud Texan. Connie Tucker prides herself on many things,
02:53 including being a proud Texan. In fact, several of her life lessons lean into what it truly means
03:00 to be from the Lone Star State. "I'm on my way to go get my video camera, don't get you until I get
03:04 back." "This is not a joke. Sheldon, get over here. Get over here. Sheldon."
03:13 In season one, when Sheldon's germophobia goes into overdrive, she believes she has what it
03:18 takes to coax him out of quarantine. Once she's done laughing at the spectacle, of course.
03:23 "Mind if I take a crack at catching the roadrunner?" "What are you gonna do that I couldn't do?"
03:27 "A little trick I learned trying to get prairie dogs out of the hole."
03:30 However, when her plan to catch this roadrunner with cookies fails,
03:35 she turns to their proud heritage to set him straight. Amazingly, it works. Perhaps next,
03:41 she can help the actual Wile E. Coyote with his roadrunner, too. "Now I want you to quit hiding
03:46 in this plastic bubble, and I want you to come out here and eat your cookies out in the world
03:51 like a man. Like a Texan man." We're sure he's an easier cookie to crack than her moon pie.
03:57 7. Giving Mary a reality check It's mentioned on occasion that Mary is the
04:03 only one of Connie's kids with whom she has a relationship. Does that spare her from her mom's
04:08 caustic tongue-lashings? No. For instance, in season one, when Georgie gripes about Sheldon's
04:13 phone usage, she humorously pokes fun at her daughter's faith. "How come he gets to talk
04:18 the phone when I can't?" "Because what is happening in there is called a miracle,
04:22 and God-fearing people do not get in the way of those." Later, when Sheldon asks permission to
04:26 go to Houston with his high school friends, his mom isn't sure she likes the idea of him alone
04:31 in a car with two teens. She asks for some motherly advice, only to get savagely burned
04:37 instead. "Would you let me get in a car with a stranger when I was young?" "Nobody ever asked
04:41 you out, so it didn't really matter." Of course, it's not the only time one of their mother-daughter
04:46 heart-to-hearts comes with a side of red hot sauce. "Well, I'd point out you always have
04:51 your husband, but you want me to be helpful." 6. So many of her interactions with George Sr.
05:00 Connie and George Sr. arguably have one of the series' funniest dynamics. She clearly doesn't
05:05 think he's good enough for her daughter, and he barely tolerates being the target of her sharp
05:10 wit. "I could buy it for him, and then y'all could pay me back when you can." "Okay, Connie,
05:16 now you're just insulting me." "Well, that was not my intention, but I'm glad to hear it." Still,
05:21 their interactions provide endless entertainment. You think the in-law interactions in your family
05:26 are unhinged? Get a load of this pair. "Have your family ever almost waged a full-out war
05:31 over a secret recipe?" "What does it do to the brisket?" "Oh, I have no idea." "Then why did
05:38 you send George all the way to New Orleans?" "Well, they don't sell this around here." Especially to
05:43 realize they handed the enemy the groundwork for a great elaborate prank. Connie's reluctant to
05:49 share her brisket recipe, but she sure won't be taking his advice on salad-making. "Can you make
05:54 the salad?" "Sure." "Don't put any of those little tomatoes." "Hey, I don't tell you how to impersonate
06:00 a lump of clay. You don't tell me how to make a salad." Their interactions can get fiery, but we
06:06 sure do enjoy 'em. Number 5. A feisty round of Dungeons & Dragons. We would probably call Connie
06:13 a gamer if that game were a slot machine at a casino, but she's no stranger to dabbling into
06:19 Sheldon's gaming world either, and she goes harder than most memaws. Did yours ever sneak you out of
06:25 school to play video games? We didn't think so. "What's the reason?" "His Aunt Imelda's not doing
06:31 well and has to see him before she goes." "Oh, I am so sorry. Does she want to see his older brother
06:36 also?" "No, she doesn't like him as much." Connie also shows us that D&D is more than just a game.
06:42 It's a great way to sort out your love life too. "You didn't want to steal the key. You didn't want
06:47 to fight the goblins. You wouldn't even kill the spider. You put it in a cup and took it outside."
06:52 "Well, that wasn't in the game." "I know. It was in real life, which is worse." When Dale tries to
06:58 reform his bad temper, Connie uses the fantasy role-playing game to lure out the old Dale,
07:04 the one with whom she originally clicked. After plenty of baiting, Connie's thief successfully
07:09 steals Dale's good nature. "That's good, then. I don't have to pretend to be Mr. Water Drinkin'
07:15 Nice Guy anymore." "That's what I've been trying to tell you." Number 4. Messing with Pastor Jeff.
07:21 If you lined up the Cooper Tucker family by devotion to the Christian faith,
07:25 Mary would steadfastly stand on one side, while Sheldon would sit unwaveringly on the other.
07:31 Does that stop him from getting involved in church? Not even a little. And his mimo is more
07:36 than happy to encourage his inquisitive mind. "But if God created the universe, wouldn't he
07:41 want to save all of it?" "Yes, he would." "Then why did you say Earth?" "Earth is a synonym for
07:49 the universe." "He's grabbing at straws now." Is it because she believes asking questions is
07:54 important? Or is it because she's interested in the salvation of octopus aliens, or whatever
07:59 Sheldon's jabbering about this time? "What if an octopus, Adam and Eve, brought sin to their world?
08:04 Would they be saved by a human Jesus or an octopus Jesus?" No, it's because she loves seeing Pastor
08:13 Jeff and her daughter squirm. "The Lord." "Yes, Connie?" "My grandson has a question." "Let her
08:21 rip, kid." Still, we have to wonder, would the pastor prefer Sheldon's incessant questioning,
08:28 or being doused by a fire extinguisher? Number 3. Giving Missy a life lesson on gender equality.
08:35 When Missy decides to join a baseball team, her dad asks around and eventually accompanies her
08:40 to try out. However, the coach won't even give her a chance just because she's a girl. "Coach
08:46 doesn't want a girl on his team." "And you were okay with that?" "No, I tried. There was no
08:51 changing his mind." "Where are you going?" "To be mad at somebody new." Missy's heartbroken,
08:57 but Connie, who's also dealing with her heartache, refuses to take it lying down. She steps up to the
09:03 plate and throws the coach a curveball he'll never forget. "Give her the same chance you would a boy."
09:08 "Or what?" "Or you and me gonna have problems." "Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?"
09:18 Seriously, who wouldn't want a meemaw like Connie in their corner? She's the ultimate MVP,
09:24 unafraid to stand up for what's right. Thanks to meemaw's feistiness,
09:28 Missy knocks it out of the park. "I'm just a girl, but I think that's called a strike."
09:36 Connie also hits a walk-off victory of her own, rounding the bases with style. "She made the team.
09:42 Congratulations!" "And meemaw got a date with the coach." "What?" "It was a productive afternoon."
09:50 Number 2. Egging Dale's House with Georgie. Connie never misses a chance to throw some
09:57 serious shade at the oldest Cooper sibling. "Can I have his allowance?" "That allowance is for
10:02 chores which you already don't do." "Come on, we all know I'm your favorite.
10:07 You're not even his third favorite." We get it. Sometimes he walks straight into them and not
10:13 firing back would be a missed opportunity. "As soon as I graduate high school, I'm gonna be
10:17 a professional male model." "That is hilarious." "What? I'm good looking." "No, that you think
10:24 you'll graduate high school." But don't get us wrong, she's also a fierce defender of her
10:29 grandchildren. Following an argument with Connie, a foul-tempered Dale takes out his anger on
10:35 Georgie and fires him. So, Connie encourages him to get revenge. Heck, she even joins him.
10:42 "Ready for this?" "Let's go." "After you." How many meemaws do you know with that kind of spirit?
10:54 Sure, she's already mad at Dale, but it's his mistreatment of Georgie that ultimately makes
10:59 her crack. Now, she just wants to make him eggs-tremely sorry. "Ooh, good one." "Ain't mine
11:06 neither." "Here's for firing my grandson." Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable
11:16 mentions. How she'd deal with Sheldon's unacceptable language. Not exactly what our
11:21 meemaws had in mind when they told us to watch our tongues. "Poodle poo!" "Okay, somebody's got to
11:28 teach this kid to swear. It's embarrassing." A meemaw's love is unconditional, most of the time.
11:34 But sometimes, kids just really make you rethink the "un" part, don't they? "Why would you want to
11:39 go to a funeral?" "I've never been to one." "You get to be my age, you get to go to plenty."
11:45 "Let's take a hundred years from now." "You make it hard to love you." Stirring the coffee pot.
11:52 The things we'll do for a good cup of joe. "If I wanted to make a cup of coffee, I'd have stayed
11:57 at my house." "One day, I'm gonna put you in a home and I'm gonna smile just like that." "That's
12:04 fine. By then, I won't know who you are anyway." Child-proofing her language. She could teach a
12:10 masterclass in double entendres. "Where are they going in such a hurry?" "Probably to unwrap their
12:15 presents." "Something's getting unwrapped." "Told you." Imparting invaluable life advice.
12:23 She certainly doesn't mince her words. "Well, in my experience, most people stay the miserable
12:29 bastards they are their whole entire life. But I have seen some folks change." Before we continue,
12:35 be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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12:50 Number 1. Snapping Sheldon out of his existential crisis.
12:55 Big Bang Theory fans know that Meemaw calls Sheldon Moon Pie because, "I'm nummy nummy and
13:01 she could just eat me up." That doesn't mean she'll never revel in his misfortune.
13:06 "It's not funny." "Oh, come on now. Sheldon in detention. That's funny." Anyway,
13:13 after a philosophy class sends Sheldon into an existential rabbit hole,
13:16 Connie's left to snap him out of it. We know Sheldon can be difficult, but this is a whole
13:22 other level. And this time, even a proud Texan speech can't turn things around.
13:27 "When a Texan gets knocked off a horse, he gets right back on. That is the second most
13:32 important thing about being a Texan. Right after thinking you're better than everybody else."
13:37 When even Dr. Sturgis fails to inspire him, Connie decides to wing it.
13:43 "If nothing is real, then neither is the chicken."
13:46 "Oh, good. We're standing now. That's progress."
13:52 It's funny how Sheldon's reality starts to come back into focus when faced with his
13:56 feathered foe, isn't it? Connie Tucker sure doesn't cluck around. She might just be the
14:02 sassiest chick in Medford. "Naked snappy."
14:04 "This still doesn't solve my existential crisis." "Say what? You wanna hold her?"
14:10 "No." "Less chalk, more pants."
14:15 Which Connie moment do you think was so saucy you could've chopped up some hot dogs and thrown
14:20 spaghetti at it? Let us know in the comments. "I gotta find a cooler chick to talk to."
14:24 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
14:29 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.