• last year
There's no shame in loving these Shamy moments. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most funny, heartfelt, and generally awesome Shamy moments.


00:00Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most funny,
00:08heartfelt, and generally awesome shamey moments.
00:11-"You said it." -"There's no denying I have
00:14feelings for you that can't be explained in any other way."
00:18Number 30. Their Wedding.
00:20The ceremony itself is great. From having Luke Skywalker there to officiate it,
00:25to their beautiful vows, this is a top-notch TV wedding. But maybe our favorite part of the
00:31whole thing is what happens before they walk down the aisle and say their I do's.
00:36-"Something incredible just happened. Remember when you were telling me about my bow tie
00:40and how a little asymmetry is good?" -"Yeah?"
00:42-"My equations have been trying to describe an imperfect world."
00:46When Sheldon has a moment of inspiration regarding their work with string theory,
00:51he rushes to Amy's room to tell her, and the two of them immediately get to work hashing it out.
00:56-"Instead of super-symmetry, it would be super-asymmetry?"
01:02-"Super-asymmetry, that's it!"
01:05Delaying their wedding because of scientific inspiration
01:08is exactly what you'd expect from these two, and we loved every bit of it.
01:13Number 29. Closure Therapy.
01:15We definitely appreciate the need for closure. Except for most of us,
01:20closure refers to finding out why our childhood was how it was, or why someone broke up with us.
01:25For Sheldon, though, his need for closure is focused on the relatively unimportant things,
01:30like completing a game of tic-tac-toe, or blowing out every candle on a cake.
01:35-"Make a wish and blow out the candles."
01:44-"Oops, missed one. Now your wish can't come true."
01:46It's a compulsion that Amy tries to help him with via a series of exercises that,
01:51while frustrating to Sheldon, are hysterical to us.
01:55The only thing funnier is what Sheldon does after Amy leaves.
01:59While he initially acts as though he's changed, the second the door closes,
02:03he goes and gets his closure in each and every previously unclosed exercise.
02:08-"Keep going. Just like that. Almost there. Almost there."
02:14Number 28. We're getting a turtle.
02:17When most couples talk about taking a major step in their relationship,
02:21it usually involves things like moving in together or getting engaged.
02:24But if there's one thing we can say for sure, it's that Sheldon and Amy aren't most couples.
02:30This was again made clear in the Season 8 episode,
02:33The Colonization Application, when they made a very serious announcement that they are,
02:38wait for it, getting a turtle.
02:40-"Do you want to say it?"
02:41-"Let's say it together. We're getting a turtle!"
02:45In the end, they never do take that next hard-shelled step, though,
02:49because the turtle bites Sheldon.
02:51Also, Amy finds out that he has applied to live on Mars,
02:54although this does lead to him asking her to apply also.
02:58Going to Mars together? Now that would be a big step.
03:01-"If I'm going to a barren, lifeless environment where the chances of survival are slim to none,
03:08I want you there with me."
03:09Number 27. Fun with Flags.
03:12Although Amy didn't get her name added to the title till later,
03:16it's worth remembering that she was around from the beginning of
03:19Sheldon Cooper Presents Fun with Flags.
03:21In fact, the filming of the pilot episode is one of the best
03:24Fun with Flags moments featuring the both of them.
03:30-"Why are you waving a white flag?"
03:32-"I'm surrendering to fun."
03:35The bad acting and awkwardness only makes it extra endearing,
03:39as they do take after take after take.
03:41Honestly, we're not even sure if they ever actually finished it.
03:44But no matter, we're really just here for Ferdinand T. Flag.
03:48-"Why is there a face on that flag?"
03:52-"It's Ferdinand T. Flag. I thought he might help bring in some younger viewers."
03:56-"Confound it! You're right, it's brilliant. Let's take it from the top."
04:00Number 26. Manipulating Sheldon into liking her more.
04:04Sheldon never had much respect for scientific fields beyond physics,
04:09even openly mocking his girlfriend's study of neurobiology on numerous occasions.
04:14-"Oh, I see why you're confused. No, her news sounded important, but what you're forgetting is
04:19it was an achievement in the field of biology. That's all about yucky squishy thing."
04:23This includes when Amy tells him outright that she has a number of experiments planned
04:27to make him become more emotionally attached to her.
04:30-"I'm going to attempt an experiment that will get you to transfer those feelings to me."
04:35-"Well, seems what's on the menu tonight is malarkey with a big side of poppycock."
04:40While Sheldon's initial response involves the words malarkey and poppycock,
04:44he quickly changes his tune when Amy puts her plan in motion.
04:48The kicker is Sheldon's reaction when he realizes it's working,
04:52and the big Cheshire Cat grin on Amy's face in response.
04:56-"We should do this more often."
05:07Number 25. First meeting.
05:10In case you forgot, it was Raj and Howard who played matchmaker for the future Shami.
05:15Well, it was actually a dating website that connected them,
05:18but it was Howard and Raj who created a profile for Sheldon
05:21and entered all the info exactly as Sheldon would've.
05:25For those who, up until then, couldn't imagine anyone being right for Sheldon,
05:30it was pretty obvious he had met his match
05:32from the first moment Amy Farrah Fowler appeared on screen.
05:35-"I'm being blackmailed with a hidden dirty sock."
05:39-"If that was slang, I'm unfamiliar with it.
05:43If it was literal, I share your aversion to soiled hosiery."
05:46Her intelligence, her bluntness, her social awkwardness,
05:49and her disinterest in any kind of physical relationship
05:52was exactly what Sheldon didn't even know he wanted.
05:55-"Now before this goes any further, you should know
05:57that all forms of physical contact up to and including coitus are off the table."
06:04-"May I buy you a beverage?"
06:06Number 24. When they break up.
06:09As compatible as they were, and as much as they really did love each other,
06:13Amy and Sheldon's coupling wasn't without its challenges.
06:16They came on both the physical and emotional planes,
06:20which, at the end of Season 8, led Amy to tell Sheldon that
06:23she needed a break from their relationship.
06:26It was a move that many fans certainly didn't see coming.
06:29-"I love you, but...
06:32I need some time to take a step back and re-evaluate our situation."
06:37Although the shock of the breakup paled in comparison to the surprise reveal
06:41that Sheldon had an engagement ring at the ready,
06:44we understood Amy's decision, but this season finale was utterly devastating.
06:49-"Well, Gollum...
06:53You're an expert on rings.
06:57What do I do with this one?"
06:58Number 23. When Sheldon shows Amy his storage unit.
07:03No, that's not a euphemism. Sheldon really did have a storage unit,
07:07and he really did show it to Amy. And what was in it? Everything.
07:10And we aren't really exaggerating when we say that.
07:13-"Everything I've ever owned.
07:17Every book, every t-shirt, every piece of broken electronics, just... all of it."
07:24While Sheldon's various idiosyncrasies and obsessions were well-known,
07:28the fact that he has literally held onto everything he's ever owned
07:32went beyond even our most exaggerated imaginations.
07:36And from the look on Amy's face, hers as well.
07:39As bad as Sheldon felt about his fortress of shame,
07:42the fact that he showed it to her says a lot about how much Amy means to him.
07:46-"That's me, your emotional outhouse.
07:51You know, if you ever decide you want to do something about this, I'm here for you."
07:57Number 22. Dressing up as Howard and Bernadette.
08:01They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,
08:04but Sheldon certainly didn't feel flattered when Howard showed up at work on Halloween
08:09dressed as him.
08:10-"You are being so annoying, stop it. Why are you two laughing?"
08:16-"Sheldon, he's being you. He's dressed as you for Halloween."
08:20Amy's attempt to get Bernadette to make her husband apologize fell on deaf ears as well,
08:25which led to Sheldon and Amy doing their own flattering
08:28of Howard and Bernadette at the Halloween party back at the apartment.
08:32-"Happy Halloween!"
08:39-"Who wants to see a magic trick? Oh, that's right, no one."
08:43While Sheldon's impression of Howard is a tad wooden, it's still hysterical,
08:47and Amy really dives right into her Bernadette character, voice and all.
08:52-"I want you to go back to your apartment and put on your other costumes."
08:54-"Oh, but it's so far away and I have such teeny tiny legs."
08:58Number 21. Sheldon asks Amy to be his girlfriend.
09:02For more than a season after they met, we had to hear Sheldon describe his
09:06relationship with Amy as a girl who was his friend, but was not his girlfriend.
09:11-"Yes, I have a friend named Amy Farrah Fowler. Yes, she is female.
09:15Yes, we communicate on a daily basis, but no, she is not my girlfriend."
09:20Sheldon seemed pretty happy with the situation as it was,
09:23until Stewart asked Amy out and she said yes.
09:26It's then that Sheldon realizes Amy's more to him than just a friend.
09:30While he initially tries to ignore and mask his jealousy,
09:33he eventually gives in to the feelings and asks Amy to be his girlfriend.
09:37-"I would not object to us no longer characterizing you as not my girlfriend."
09:46Unfortunately for Stewart, he does it in the movie theater while he and Amy are on their date.
09:51Number 20. Sheldon's prowess is revealed.
09:54For a guy who started out abhorring all forms of physical contact,
09:58you might not expect Sheldon to be so adept between the sheets.
10:02-"I look forward to your next birthday when we do it again."
10:08-"That works for me."
10:09But to reappropriate a Leonard quote, Sheldon isn't just a genius out of the bed.
10:14From the sounds of it, when Amy gets her shelled on, it's definitely a fun time.
10:19-"My goodness, that form of stimulation is highly efficient."
10:22Sheldon's stamina is something that's noted on a number of occasions,
10:26including when Amy confirms his prowess during a game of Never Have I Ever,
10:30when Sheldon has to drink because he has rocked his girlfriend's world in bed.
10:35-"Never have I ever completely rocked my girlfriend's world in bed."
10:44-"You know the rules, drink."
10:45Maybe the show's title was trying to tell us something.
10:48Number 19. Wedding time.
10:50-"Fine. Wedding toasts in Latin."
10:54-"Great. Vows in Klingon."
10:56When wedding planning just leads to arguments,
10:59Amy and Sheldon decide that the smart thing to do is just forget the big ceremony
11:03and go get married at City Hall.
11:05-"So let's pick a day and just go do it."
11:11-"How about tomorrow?"
11:12And while that is what their heads were telling them,
11:14Sheldon's heart was telling him something else.
11:16When you meet that special someone who's even better than dark matter,
11:20you just can't go down to City Hall and get married.
11:22-"Wait. I want to have a first dance with you."
11:28-"Right here?"
11:30-"At our wedding."
11:32-"This is our wedding."
11:33-"No. I want a real wedding."
11:37You need to have a real wedding with all your friends and family,
11:40cake, gifts, and a first dance.
11:43-"But I want to do this right."
11:44-"Me too. Let's go plan a wedding."
11:52Number 18. The Art of Seduction
11:55When the neutral network achieved from combining the skin cells of you and your girlfriend
11:59shows advanced processing capabilities,
12:01there's really only one logical next step.
12:04Making a baby together.
12:06-"And you realize what the next step is?"
12:07-"Set up a second culture and try to replicate our results."
12:12-"Uh, no. We lock that door, lower our underpants a little, and make a baby."
12:17Which is exactly what Sheldon wants to do with Amy
12:20in the hopes of creating the next step in the evolution of mankind.
12:23Amy, however, isn't on board with the idea.
12:26So Sheldon spends the rest of the episode trying to seduce her into procreational activity.
12:31-"Oops. How clumsy of me. You know what? Let me get that."
12:34He pulls out all the stops from rose petals and smooth jazz to deer musk and flamenco.
12:39-"Well, hello."
12:40And it almost works.
12:42Number 17. Taking Care of a Sick Amy
12:45When Amy gets sick, Sheldon is there to take care of her.
12:48Because the relationship agreement says he has to, and he cares about her well-being.
12:52-"Thank you, Sheldon."
12:53-"You're welcome. Let's get this over with."
12:56For a guy as selfish and germophobic as Sheldon,
12:59it's a pretty big deal for him to put himself in such a germ-infested situation for someone else's needs.
13:04-"Still have to put a cold rag on your head, sing to you, and apply VapoRub to your chest."
13:11And once Amy gets a taste of this caring, VapoRubbing, bath-giving side of him,
13:15she doesn't want it to end.
13:17-"Now, you may notice some tingling."
13:20-"Oh, I'm counting on it."
13:23So she pretends to still be sick, even after she's recovered completely.
13:28Sheldon figures it out and decides to punish her with a spanking.
13:31Although it isn't quite the punishment he thinks it is.
13:34-"Oh, my."
13:36-"Excuse me, you're not supposed to be enjoying this."
13:41-"Then maybe you should spank me harder."
13:43Number 16. Sheldon tries to ruin Amy's Christmas.
13:46-"She knows I don't like Christmas, and yet every year she forces me to celebrate it."
13:51Sheldon isn't a fan of the holidays, and Christmas certainly brings out his inner grinch.
13:56He's annoyed when Amy decides to throw a Victorian Christmas party,
13:59and decides to seek revenge by finding Amy the perfect gift to make her miserable.
14:04-"Oh, I've got it. This is good."
14:09He relays his plan to the mall Santa,
14:11who responds that dating Sheldon may already be punishment enough.
14:15-"There's an argument for that, but I want to make sure."
14:21It comes as no surprise that Sheldon fails to ruin Amy's Christmas with his present.
14:26And then when Amy gives him a beautifully thoughtful gift,
14:29it makes his heart grow three sizes.
14:32-"It tastes like her hugs."
14:36-"Merry Christmas, Sheldon."
14:38Number 15. Meet the parent.
14:40-"I'd like you to meet my mother."
14:42-"I see. Can I get back to you on that?"
14:45-"Certainly. Good night."
14:47-"Good night."
14:52Meeting the parents is a big step in a relationship, and can make anyone nervous.
14:57Just ask Greg Falker.
14:59So in season four, when Amy asks Sheldon to meet her mother, he gets a little freaked out.
15:04Well, first he asks Leonard what it means, then he gets freaked out.
15:08-"She obviously wants to take your relationship to the next level."
15:11-"I don't want the next level. I like this level. Fix it for me."
15:16At this point, Amy isn't even his girlfriend, just a girl who's his friend.
15:20And that next step is not one Sheldon wants to take.
15:23The lengths he goes to in attempting to hide from his girl-slash-friend
15:27are way over the top, and they don't work.
15:30-"Excuse me, madam?"
15:36But as it turns out, Amy doesn't want to take that next step either.
15:40She just wants Sheldon to help her get her mother off her back.
15:43-"All I want to do is present you as my boyfriend to my mother,
15:46so she'll be satisfied that I'm in a relationship."
15:49-"So we'd be perpetrating a ruse?"
15:53-"And you haven't fallen hopelessly in love with me?"
15:56-"Don't be absurd."
15:57Number 14. Sheldon makes Amy his emergency contact.
16:02-"Amy will be here shortly, expecting the perfect Valentine's gift.
16:06So, you're up, kid. Dazzle me, go."
16:10We all know how Sheldon feels about Valentine's Day.
16:13So nothing could be more romantic than Amy revealing that her present to him
16:16is canceling their Valentine's Day plans,
16:19and even telling him he can return whatever he bought her.
16:22He's so moved by this that he decides that the least he can do is give her a present.
16:26-"In case of emergency, please contact Amy Farrah Fowler."
16:34Amy could have had a number of perfect presents,
16:37but nothing quite beats being Sheldon's emergency contact.
16:40That is, until she realizes what a tiresome role it actually is.
16:44-"I seriously doubt he was bitten by a Chinese bird spider."
16:49Number 13. Moving in together.
16:52-"Cohabitation with my girlfriend? That's a great deal to process."
16:56After Amy's apartment gets flooded, she and Sheldon embark on a cohabitation experiment.
17:01At first, Amy isn't sure she can make it through five weeks of Sheldon,
17:04but it's not long until she's lying about her apartment still not being ready,
17:08just to prolong their time together.
17:10-"My place has been ready for two weeks."
17:12-"How could you lie to me?"
17:14-"She's enjoyed living with you. It's called being in love."
17:16Despite initially being upset with Amy's deception,
17:19he decides that he does want to live with her.
17:21And while change is always a struggle for Sheldon,
17:24Amy's just the right person to have by his side as he adjusts to this new situation.
17:28-"There could be traffic noise. I'm having to learn a whole new bus route."
17:40-"Are you trying to soothe me by singing the Star Trek theme as a lullaby?"
17:46Number 12. Building a fort.
17:48-"Do you think there comes a point in life when it stops feeling bad to be left out of things?"
17:53Date night is ruined when Sheldon won't stop pouting over being left out of an
17:57elite group of scientists invited to Richard Feynman's former home.
18:01The couple bond over how it feels to always be an outsider and decide to turn the night
18:05around by building a fort just like the one Sheldon was excluded from as a kid.
18:09-"Can I come in?"
18:10-"Yes. Oh, but enter through the side. Batman is a load-bearing blanket."
18:14Sheldon really lights up when Amy enters Fort Cozy McBlanket,
18:20and this moment marks a big step in their relationship
18:23as Sheldon decides to bend the rules and lets Amy stay over.
18:26-"That's a big step."
18:27-"It's a big fort."
18:31Number 11. Amy might not get a Nobel Prize.
18:34This sweet make-you-happy-cry moment is a great example of the culmination of
18:38Sheldon's emotional growth.
18:40-"I don't want to be the reason that you don't win a Nobel."
18:42-"You're the only reason I deserve one."
18:45Sheldon is generally a selfish person who puts his needs and desires ahead of everyone else's,
18:51and the one thing he's always wanted is to win a Nobel Prize.
18:54But when he's told that his best chance of winning one is to cut Amy out of the deal,
18:58he refuses to be a part of that plan.
19:00-"Amy and I did this together, and I will not be part of an award that does
19:04not recognize the value of her contributions. So,
19:06you either include both of us in the recommendation letter or don't bother writing one."
19:10Love, empathy, understanding, selflessness,
19:13four words that would never have been used to describe Sheldon Cooper in the early seasons,
19:17but have become a part of his emotional DNA and are on full display in this moment,
19:22and it's all worth it when they get the phone call that they've won.
19:25-"We won."
19:27Number 10. Pass the butter.
19:29We've seen Sheldon uber-focused before,
19:32but it usually involves him trying to make some kind of scientific breakthrough.
19:35-"Guys, listen up."
19:37-"Can't listen. Zone. Also don't care."
19:40This time, however, the focus is on deciding whether he should get a PS4 or an Xbox One,
19:45while all Amy wants is some butter.
19:47-"And now, after 360, comes Xbox One.
19:52Why one? Maybe that's how many seconds of thought they put into naming it."
19:57-"Can you get the butter, please?"
19:59Sheldon wants Amy to take his dilemma more seriously, so she does,
20:03providing exaggerated, overexcited,
20:05and amazed responses to his descriptions of both gaming systems.
20:09-"Although the PS4 uses cool new GDDR5 RAM,
20:13while the Xbox One is still using the conventional DDR3 memory."
20:16-"Why would they still be using DDR3? Are they nuts?"
20:20This classic shamey scene builds and builds until Sheldon asks her,
20:24"'What should I do?' to which she responds with table-banging enthusiasm,
20:28"'Please pass the butter!'
20:30Number nine. Wedding dress.
20:32This is it. This is the one."
20:35When Amy falls in love with a wedding dress that both Penny and Bernadette hate,
20:39she starts to second-guess her choice.
20:41But when Sheldon walks into the apartment and sees her in it,
20:43all uncertainty quickly evaporates.
20:46-"Guess who's no longer allowed to set foot in-
20:54You look beautiful!"
20:55The joy in Sheldon's voice, and the love in his eyes when he sees Amy in the dress,
20:59is how we all want our partners to look at us.
21:02-"Really? Because I was gonna return it."
21:06-"Why would you return it? Well, you look like a pile of swans."
21:11In case there was any doubt in anyone's mind that Sheldon and Amy were meant to be together,
21:15this moment puts those doubts to rest once and for all.
21:18-"I'm so glad you like it, because it's gonna be my wedding dress."
21:26-"I can't wait to marry you."
21:28Number eight. Spider-Man speech.
21:30-"I'm leaving."
21:32-"You can't leave. I need you."
21:38-"You do?"
21:39-"Yes. You're my ride."
21:42If sitcoms have taught us anything,
21:44it's that when you need to say something meaningful but can't come up with anything on your own,
21:48just quote from a movie.
21:50-"You either say something meaningful and from the heart, or you and I are done."
21:54Seinfeld used Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan with Susan's grieving parents,
21:59and Sheldon used Spider-Man with an angry Amy looking for some heartfelt words.
22:04-"When I look in your eyes and you're looking back in mine,
22:08everything feels not quite normal, because I feel stronger and weaker at the same time."
22:18Pro tip, you probably don't want to tell the person you're talking to that you just quoted
22:21from a movie.
22:22-"Sheldon, that was beautiful."
22:25-"I should hope so. That's from the first Spider-Man movie."
22:28Although in Sheldon's case,
22:29Amy was just happy to hear the words come from his mouth regardless of their origin.
22:34Number seven, getting back together.
22:36-"I need some time to take a step back and re-evaluate our situation."
22:42After Amy and Sheldon break up, we couldn't help but root for them to get back together.
22:46Sheldon believes he's descending into madness,
22:48as he's perplexed by a musical puzzle they can't shake off or figure out.
22:52-"Oh my god, he won't stop."
22:55-"How does he keep coming up with new ways to be annoying?"
22:59An offhand remark helps bring the puzzle together,
23:02and Sheldon realizes what we've known all along.
23:05Amy is his heartworm.
23:07Never one to be concerned with social cues,
23:09Sheldon interrupts Amy's date to profess his love,
23:12and she doesn't hesitate for a moment in taking him back.
23:16-"Kiss her, you brilliant fool!"
23:25Number six, kissing on the train.
23:28-"Uh, does this train car have the original Lincoln pin coupler,
23:31or the Miller hook and platform?"
23:34Amy organizes a special train-themed Valentine's Day for Sheldon,
23:37and all she wants in return is to spend some quality time with her boyfriend.
23:41Unfortunately, Sheldon ditches her for another train enthusiast he meets on board,
23:46and he simply can't understand why she's angry with him.
23:48-"Why do I even try?"
23:50-"I don't know. I just don't want to."
23:53Instead of apologizing for ruining her night,
23:55he gets annoyed with Amy's need for romance.
23:57But the moment they lock lips, his anger fades away,
24:00and he realizes that this night will be even better with Amy beside him.
24:05-"That was nice."
24:09Number five, Tiara.
24:11-"I have a bit of good news myself.
24:13My most recent paper on how a co-operative relationship
24:16can be a bit of a pain in the ass."
24:19-"This one all begins with Sheldon being dismissive
24:22of a rather impressive career accomplishment by his girlfriend.
24:25Only focused on himself, Sheldon is more excited about his 100 Twitter followers
24:30than Amy getting published in a prestigious journal.
24:32And as such, he needs to apologize.
24:35-"Anyway, I've been dreaming of this day for a long time."
24:37-"Yeah, me too. Triple digits. I'm not gonna lie. Feels pretty good."
24:40Penelope and Sheldon have been dating for a long time,
24:43and they've been dating for a long time.
24:45-"Yeah, me too. Triple digits. I'm not gonna lie. Feels pretty good."
24:48Penny takes him to a jewelry store to look for the perfect apology,
24:51and as it turns out, a pocket watch.
24:54Although Amy is initially unimpressed, when she opens it up,
24:57it's a completely different story.
24:59-"Sheldon, you are the most shallow, self-centered person I have ever met.
25:02Do you really think that another transparently manip--"
25:04-"Oh, it's a tiara! A tiara! I have a tiara!
25:08Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me!"
25:12Unlike the tiara that causes it,
25:14Amy's reaction to receiving said gift is priceless.
25:17-"You look beautiful."
25:19-"Of course I do! I'm a princess and this is my tiara!"
25:22Number 4. The Proposal.
25:24-"Question. Are you seeking a romantic relationship with me?"
25:29This one was a long time coming, and yet we didn't see it coming.
25:33Amy's teaching at Princeton, just as Ramona Nowitzki,
25:36finds her way back into Sheldon's life.
25:38But despite Penny's warnings, Sheldon doesn't suspect anything,
25:42until Ramona kisses him,
25:43leading him to suddenly excuse himself and embark on a mysterious journey.
25:47We're surprised to hear his infamous knock on Amy's door,
25:50but nothing comes as a bigger surprise than finding Sheldon on one knee,
25:54ring in hand, ready to make like Saturn and put a ring on it.
25:58-"I think you should make her finger like Saturn and put a ring on it."
26:04Number 3. The Prom.
26:06-"Excuse me."
26:07-"Where are you going?"
26:08-"I can't do this."
26:09-"And for your information, Leonard, the upper floor man doesn't grow up to my shoulder blades.
26:13It grows out of the belly button on my neck."
26:18When the gang decides to do a prom do-over,
26:20Sheldon freaks out when his friends tease him about post-prom mating rituals,
26:25and seeing Amy dressed up sends him over the edge.
26:28This leads to arguably one of Amy and Sheldon's most moving moments,
26:31as Amy's about to drop the L-bomb, but Sheldon beats her to it.
26:35And now it's Amy who's overwhelmed.
26:37-"I don't want you to say it just because social convention dictates that you-"
26:40-"I love you too."
26:45Sheldon normally struggles to express emotion,
26:47which makes this moment a testament to how far he's come with Amy in his life.
26:51-"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
26:54Just because I love you doesn't mean girls are allowed in my room."
26:58Number 2. The Wedding Present.
27:00-"The perfect gift for the perfect couple."
27:02-"Oh, save that card. We need to throw it back in their faces."
27:06Leonard and Penny give the perfect wedding gift to their friends,
27:10but the newlyweds are stumped trying to figure out what the present even is.
27:14Neither of them can stop thinking about the mysterious item,
27:17and even manage to convince themselves that it's part of a scavenger hunt,
27:21much to everyone else's amusement.
27:23-"If you're asking if you and Amy should spend the next couple days
27:27running all over town searching for the next clue, I'm gonna have to say yes."
27:31Despite the fact that Amy and Sheldon are finding clues that simply don't exist,
27:36it's hilarious and adorable to watch the enjoyment
27:39this adorkable couple get out of this present.
27:42It's the gift that keeps on giving.
27:44-"Gosh, this makes me happy."
27:46Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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28:021. Their first time
28:04-"Okay, well, what's the third option?"
28:06-"Wait, that I have coitus with her."
28:12When we first met Sheldon, we thought this day would never come.
28:15So when he announces that he's ready to get intimate with Amy,
28:18we knew this would be a pivotal moment in their relationship.
28:21-"You should know that Sheldon said he's ready to be physical."
28:25-"You shut your damn mouth!"
28:27Amy couldn't be more excited, but once they hit the sack, nerves take over.
28:31But Sheldon is unusually reassuring,
28:33as he puts Amy at ease by reminding her that this is a first for both of them.
28:38-"I don't know what to expect."
28:40-"Neither do I.
28:43But we can find out together."
28:47And judging from their post-coital reactions,
28:50we can be sure that this is one birthday present that neither of them will ever forget.
28:54-"Well, I enjoyed that more than I thought I would."
29:02Which shamey moment do you shamelessly go back to over and over again?
29:07Let us know in the comments.
29:09-"I thought I'd let Harry Potter make things hotter."
29:18Do you agree with our picks?
29:20Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo,
29:22and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
