Tanpa kawalan harga, adakah harga barang akan naik?

  • 8 months ago
Tindakan melaksanakan apungan harga terhadap beberapa barangan menyebabkan kerajaan tidak perlu lagi memberi subsidi dan penjimatan itu boleh digunakan untuk pembinaan sekolah dan hospital yang boleh memanfaatkan rakyat.

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#BeritaFMT #ApunganHargaBarang #Subsidi #STR


00:00 When the price of goods rises, many will feel affected.
00:06 You may think the government will control the price, but on the contrary.
00:11 What we see is that the government is lowering the price,
00:15 where the government will no longer try to control the price of some goods such as chicken and diesel.
00:22 It is expected that the price of sugar and oil will also not be controlled.
00:26 What is the logic behind this action?
00:29 Isn't the price of goods going to continue to rise if there is no price control?
00:35 In the ministry, we will work together to ensure the interests of the people can be protected.
00:47 In the economy, the price has been intended to leave the market power and not the government control to determine the price of goods.
00:56 The price of chicken and diesel has also been reduced.
01:00 This is important because the price of chicken can lead to a shortage of supplies.
01:06 As we know, the cost of goods will usually rise from year to year due to inflation or increase in demand.
01:14 However, when the issuer cannot raise the price as a response to an increase in costs or demand,
01:22 this reduces the incentive to produce the goods.
01:27 As a result, they have to close the shop.
01:30 This is what will cause a shortage of supplies.
01:33 In addition, the shortage of goods can also occur if the price of goods controlled is lower than the price of foreign markets.
01:44 This is because many will sell our cheaper goods abroad to be sold there at a higher price.
01:54 Amir Ali Maiden from Maiden Muhammad Holdings Perhat also encouraged the price of sugar to be lowered.
02:02 Sugar is going to be the next big problem.
02:04 We are talking about sugar shortages.
02:06 So if you try to subsidize sugar and maintain the price control of sugar, the sugar is just going across the borders.
02:13 We have lost billions in subsidizing cooking oil.
02:17 The package of cooking oil, we are subsidizing $1.5 billion.
02:22 And you can go across the border.
02:24 That subsidy does not work.
02:28 So, can price control solve the shortage of goods?
02:33 If the government does not control the price,
02:36 then exporters can increase the price of goods to a level that they feel is worth continuing the business.
02:43 Yes, the price of goods will rise, but this situation is only temporary.
02:50 Because if exporters can reap the benefits,
02:54 more people will join in doing the same thing.
02:58 This will cause competition to be more fierce.
03:02 They will compete to offer the lowest price to a higher quality.
03:08 This is how to stabilize the price of goods.
03:12 At the same time, the government can also save money because they no longer control the price of goods
03:19 because they no longer need to give subsidies to exporters to cover the losses they have experienced.
03:26 The money saved can be spent on more necessary things,
03:32 such as targeted subsidies for B40 and M40 groups,
03:36 and also for construction expenses such as schools and hospitals used by the general public.
03:43 What is happening is that a large amount of subsidies are giving benefits to the rich.
03:49 It is hoped that by improving the level of subsidies, the results can be distributed to the people,
03:56 including increasing the wages of the workers.
03:59 This is what is meant by rationalizing subsidies.
04:04 Petronas gave us 75 billion a year, this is what I call it,
04:10 we have to give it to subsidies.
04:14 We are burning money every day, and that money that we are burning,
04:20 unfortunately cannot be used for productive use.
04:23 God forsaken, we are so lucky we have got Petronas out there,
04:26 giving billions of dollars back to the government,
04:29 while other countries, we use that fund as wealth for the country, for the future of the country.
04:37 But, the rationalization of subsidies has given a huge cost to the government.
04:44 PM announced that they are going to give cash handouts directly to the B40, which is the right thing to do.
04:50 The distribution of STR will benefit 9 million recipients.
04:54 The demand for STR has increased to 10 billion ringgit.
04:58 The government has decided to distribute the benefit of SARA to 700,000 STR recipients,
05:03 who will receive an additional RM100 per month for a period of 12 months.
05:08 In theory, the action to raise the price of goods can achieve 3 main objectives.
05:15 First, to stabilize the price of goods.
05:19 Second, to avoid shortages of goods.
05:23 And third, subsidies can be distributed to those who need it the most.
05:29 In reality, will the mechanism of price distribution be effective?
05:35 We will wait and see.
05:37 Najah Azmi, Berita FMT.
05:40 FMT.
