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Episod 419 My #QuranTime 2.0 Isnin 5 Februari 2024 Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 79-81) Halaman 121

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 79-81 halaman 121 ini adalah:
* Sikap Bani Israel yang membiarkan dan tidak saling cegah kemungkaran (79)
* Kaum Bani Israel yang tolong-menolong dalam kemusyrikan (80)
* Penegasan terhadap kekufuran kaum Bani Israel (81)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 79-81 halaman 121:
* Tidak berdiam diri saat melihat kemungkaran berleluasa (79)
* Beri bantuan kepada orang yang tidak melakukan kejahatan dan permusuhan (80)
* Sentiasa tolong-menolong atas dasar ketakwaan bukan kekufuran dan kesyirikan (81)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
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01:53 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:56 We meet again in My Quran Time.
01:58 Quran Salat Imfah for today.
02:00 Once again, we want to join together to
02:02 seek guidance from Allah SWT.
02:06 And today we will read
02:08 Surah Al-Ma'idah from Surah Al-Fadil Usas.
02:14 How are you?
02:15 Alhamdulillah, how are you?
02:17 Alhamdulillah, we are grateful.
02:19 We are about to enter the 7th season.
02:22 Yes.
02:23 Alhamdulillah for you who are in the studio.
02:26 Today we have our guest.
02:28 Yes, Alhamdulillah.
02:29 We are very honored to have our guest in the studio today.
02:33 Muslimat Surah Al-Amin, verse 12.
02:38 Desa Alam, section verse 12.
02:40 Sheikh Alam.
02:42 Alam, how are you all?
02:44 Alhamdulillah.
02:46 Okay, in the third block,
02:48 we will be more enthusiastic.
02:50 Yes, Alhamdulillah.
02:51 And thank you Sudi for being here today
02:54 and also the Istiqamah group for being here today.
02:57 How are you?
02:58 Alhamdulillah.
03:00 Alhamdulillah, we are very excited today.
03:02 I am sure those of you at home are also excited.
03:05 Even though the weather is cloudy,
03:08 we know that our hearts are always lit up
03:12 and fragrant with flowers and plants from the Quran.
03:18 Let us start our session with the Dua.
03:21 Subhanakallah.
03:22 A'ilmalana illa ma'allam tana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'ilma.
03:29 Let us see what the summary is for the three verses today.
03:32 Starting with the 79th verse,
03:34 which we will read shortly, insyaAllah.
03:36 The attitude of the Children of Israel,
03:38 who let go and did not prevent each other from disobedience.
03:42 Following the 80th verse,
03:43 the Children of Israel,
03:44 who helped in polytheism.
03:47 And in verse 81,
03:49 the affirmation of the disbelief of the Children of Israel.
03:53 Let us read together the three verses today
03:56 so that we can learn from each other.
03:59 In Surah Fatihah, we pray.
04:01 We do not want to be the ones who are rejected.
04:04 This is the characteristic of the rejected people.
04:07 We do not want to be the ones who are lost.
04:10 Here is a guide for us to take guidance.
04:14 Sama'u sati'r mizzi.
04:16 Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the inshallah, Mr. Fazrul.
04:18 Viewers, and all the companions who are with us.
04:21 Alhamdulillah.
04:22 We will focus on three verses that we will read together,
04:27 listen to and also listen to together.
04:29 From the 79th verse to verse 81.
04:35 We will read together.
04:39 May Allah Almighty make our affairs easier
04:42 and make it easier for us to get blessings
04:45 from this holy verse of the Quran.
04:48 Inshallah.
04:49 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:52 They used not to refrain from an evil which they had done.
05:05 Evil indeed is that which they used to do.
05:12 You see many of them taking side with those who disbelieve.
05:23 Evil indeed is that which their souls have sent forth for them,
05:30 that Allah should be angry with them, and in their torment they will abide.
05:43 And they used not to believe in Allah and the Prophet,
05:52 nor was it sent down to them that they should take them as allies.
06:19 But many of them are disobedient.
06:39 We will read from the 79th verse to the 81st verse
06:43 to understand what has been discussed in the previous verses.
06:48 At the end of the 77th verse, Allah said that
06:51 there are people who are too much in their religion.
06:54 They are misguided, following their ancestors.
06:58 They are also misguiding others.
07:00 That is why when we are in religion,
07:03 we should not be too much in our religion.
07:05 This is the definition in the previous verse 77,
07:08 which calls for the curse from Allah through the tongues of the Prophet Daud and Isa.
07:16 This is what we have learnt so far.
07:18 And in the 79th verse, Allah said,
07:22 why did the Prophet Daud and Isa curse the disbelieving Israelites?
07:31 Because they did not prevent each other from the disobedience they did.
07:44 What happened in the incident of Sabtu,
07:47 that is, they were forbidden to catch fish,
07:51 and also in the incident of the time of the Prophet Isa,
07:54 they were given a meal.
07:56 This meal is a dish from the heavens.
07:58 We will discuss the end of this verse.
08:00 So when they got the meal,
08:02 they did not do what should be done.
08:05 That is why if we get a blessing,
08:07 our salary is high,
08:09 we get a house,
08:10 we get all kinds of facilities in life.
08:13 It was difficult in the past, but now it is easy.
08:15 That is a clue that I need to fulfill the promise to Allah.
08:23 I cannot sit still.
08:24 If I sit still, I want to spend time with my family,
08:29 go on vacation, buy a car,
08:32 add a car, add a house,
08:35 and all of this is only for myself and my family,
08:39 then Allah is ready to bring problems from outside the house into our house.
08:45 So, based on that, how can we avoid it?
08:48 If Allah has given me a high salary, a big house,
08:51 everything is easy in my life,
08:53 we have to help people who have problems outside our house.
08:57 If we do not do that,
08:59 the problem will arise.
09:01 Our good children will become stubborn,
09:03 our happy children will become messy.
09:06 Why?
09:07 Because this struggle in life needs to be continued
09:10 when Allah makes our affairs easier.
09:13 But what happened to the children of Israel?
09:15 [Al-Quran 17.1]
09:20 They did not rebuke each other.
09:22 [Al-Quran 17.1]
09:24 What they did was very bad.
09:27 Allah reproached them for what they did.
09:30 On Saturday, when someone had a problem,
09:32 some of them said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter."
09:34 They were the ones who had a problem, not us.
09:36 When they said that, people said,
09:38 "Don't be so biased."
09:41 When they used that term, what did they get in the end?
09:43 Allah punished those who committed crimes and also those who kept quiet,
09:48 those who did not rebuke anyone among the religious leaders,
09:52 the scholars, they kept quiet.
09:55 They did not want to rebuke.
09:56 Because if they rebuked more, people would say,
09:57 "It's okay, a little bit is halal, haram is halal, haram."
10:00 But it's not just that.
10:01 Because we want our society to be back to the rule of Allah.
10:11 We will see more after this.
10:14 What is the effect when we do not rebuke each other,
10:17 we will take a break.
10:18 We will be back again with Quran Time.
10:20 Quran Salam.
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13:54 Welcome back to Quran Time.
13:56 Quran Salat Imfah.
13:57 We will see together verses 79 to 81
14:00 to reveal what caused the people of Bani Israel,
14:04 among the Jews and Christians,
14:06 to be cursed by Allah.
14:09 And this curse was also conveyed by Prophet Daud and Prophet Isa.
14:15 Prophet Daud cursed those who did kumar,
14:19 when Allah said, "Do not work on the Sabbath."
14:25 But the people of Bani Israel were still stubborn.
14:28 They put a trap or a tool to catch fish on Friday,
14:33 and they caught it on Sunday.
14:37 If we have a rule, we will corner.
14:41 Some people cornered the prayer.
14:44 They said, "It's okay, we are travelers."
14:47 So they went to gather all together.
14:49 The prayer was in one time.
14:51 That's one.
14:52 Another is the term, "Jama'at Ta'yah."
14:54 "Jama'at Ta'yah" means "Jama'at Tak Payah"
14:57 "Do everything."
14:58 So, these things, dear viewers,
15:00 that Allah has told us, we have to be careful.
15:03 Do not play with the rules from Allah.
15:07 Because this is what was done by the people of Bani Israel,
15:10 and finally they were cursed.
15:12 They were cursed,
15:13 and they were cursed by Prophet David to become a pig,
15:17 and Prophet Isa to become a pig,
15:20 and those who were given the table were cursed.
15:23 And in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
15:25 it was stated that at the end,
15:28 there will be people who will be resurrected.
15:31 There will be people who will be resurrected from the grave,
15:34 in the form of a pig and a pig.
15:36 From my people.
15:37 Not from the people of Bani Israel,
15:38 but from my people.
15:39 Those who have cursed, why?
15:41 Cursed are the people who are ill,
15:43 who are silent from their prohibitions,
15:45 while they are able to do so.
15:48 This is a big message, actually.
15:50 How we do not want the people of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
15:55 to become a people who repeat history.
15:57 And what is the effect when they do not follow the guidance of the Quran,
16:04 or from the Sunnah of the Prophet?
16:06 The effect is stated in the 80th verse.
16:10 We will read it together with Al-Fatiha.
16:13 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
16:17 You will see many of them
16:27 teaching those who disbelieve.
16:36 You will see many of them
16:46 taking the side of those who disbelieve.
16:56 Evil is that which their souls have sent forth for them,
17:08 that Allah should be angry with them.
17:17 And in their punishment they will abide.
17:28 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
17:30 We will read from the 80th verse.
17:32 When they do not rebuke each other,
17:35 they are the people who were sent by the Messenger.
17:38 He gave the Torah, the Gospel,
17:41 but even though there is a book,
17:44 it was sent by the Messenger,
17:45 but they did not do the task of 'Aqamu.
17:48 Before this we met the term for
17:51 'Tukimu Tawra Tawal Injil'.
17:54 They did not establish in themselves and in the community.
17:58 One of them is not rebuking the rebellion that took place.
18:02 The effect is that after that,
18:04 they were able to 'Tumma kathiram minhum'
18:07 many among them,
18:08 'Yatawallau nallari nakafaru'.
18:10 They were able to support the disbelievers.
18:15 So we can see how much of a logical progression
18:18 they have,
18:20 or how they have progressed step by step.
18:23 How could someone who was sent by the Messenger,
18:26 given the book,
18:27 be able to support the disbelievers.
18:30 Originally, because they like to hear lies,
18:35 they like to hear about scams,
18:37 or the wrong concept.
18:39 When they hear about these things,
18:41 they are involved in eating the forbidden things,
18:44 getting the wealth,
18:45 wanting to live longer in this world,
18:48 being afraid of death.
18:50 The effect is that they are not able to deny
18:53 each other.
18:54 "The rice will run out, Ustaz."
18:56 If we deny,
18:57 "I deny my boss,
18:58 then my boss will be fired."
18:59 If Ustaz denies the leader,
19:01 then he will not be allowed to enter the mosque.
19:03 For example.
19:04 So that is what was feared in the time of the Prophet Israel.
19:08 Finally, they spread the falsehood to the disbelievers,
19:14 especially to the "Qaddamatulahum anfusuhum an sahitallahu alaihim"
19:18 Actually,
19:19 what they have spread is very bad.
19:22 What they have tried to do,
19:25 to plan for the future,
19:27 is to bring about the "Kemurkaan"
19:30 "Sahitallahu alaihim"
19:31 Firstly,
19:32 and secondly,
19:33 "Wa fil 'adhabihum khalidun"
19:35 "You will be punished continuously."
19:38 This, once again,
19:39 is a warning from Allah
19:42 to the people of Israel,
19:44 to the Jews and Christians.
19:46 We remember that this surah was revealed
19:48 after the Prophet had emigrated,
19:50 and had done the Fatwa of Mecca.
19:51 So, this is a Da'wah in the form of a warning.
19:55 As we know,
19:56 if Surah Al-Baqarah is still in the early days of Madinah,
19:59 the Prophet taught with full mercy to the Jews and Christians.
20:04 "Rahmah" is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah many times.
20:07 19 times.
20:08 But in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
20:09 it is only mentioned 5 times.
20:11 What is the reason?
20:12 Because,
20:13 if it is given a lot of opportunities,
20:15 and it is still stubborn,
20:16 what is the reason?
20:18 It is to give a little bit of a warning to them,
20:21 so that they do not be given a warning,
20:24 and it is too late
20:25 when they are already facing the punishment of Allah.
20:28 "Nawata'ala"
20:29 So, this,
20:30 even though we see it as a warning,
20:32 what is the reason for Surah Al-Ma'idah?
20:33 It is too stubborn.
20:34 It is too stubborn and too harsh,
20:36 it is better before the punishment
20:38 is given to someone or a community.
20:42 We do not want to,
20:43 when we are already facing the hellfire of Allah,
20:46 then we say,
20:47 "Oh, I actually saw it,
20:49 Ya Allah,
20:50 we heard it,
20:51 please bring it back."
20:52 That is the word that is recorded by Allah in Surah As-Sajdah.
20:57 "Absarna wasami'na farji'na na'ma salihan inna muqinun."
21:02 Now, we are certain.
21:03 This certainty needs to be built now,
21:06 because it talks about the characteristics of the people of taqwa,
21:08 in Surah Al-Baqarah,
21:09 the fourth verse, for example,
21:11 "Wa bil-akhirati hum yu'ukinun."
21:14 "I am certain of the hereafter now."
21:15 They have already reached the hellfire,
21:17 and they are just about to be certain,
21:18 like a small child,
21:20 his mother said,
21:21 "Do not play with the edge of the cage,
21:22 do not play with the edge of the cage."
21:23 He has entered the cage,
21:25 broke his hand,
21:26 and said, "Mum, it is true,
21:27 this mother is really my mother,
21:29 I am certain."
21:30 It was too late.
21:31 His hand was broken.
21:32 So, Allah loves,
21:34 Allah has given this command to the Children of Israel,
21:37 for us to take action,
21:40 do not support the disbelievers,
21:43 and nowadays, it is boycott.
21:45 Even though some people say,
21:46 "What is the effect of boycott?"
21:48 Eh, the effect is great.
21:50 The effect is great,
21:51 even though a little,
21:52 the hope is like, what?
21:54 Like a bird's nest that tries to put out the fire of Prophet Abraham.
21:58 Not much, not even put out,
21:59 but the hope is accepted,
22:01 Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala's hope.
22:03 Bringing to the word of choice today,
22:05 we see,
22:07 the word, "An sahihetallahu alaihim,"
22:10 the word "sahihetah" means,
22:12 "revenge, anger,"
22:14 it is only mentioned four times in the Quran,
22:16 it appears in Surah Ali Imran,
22:17 Surah Tawbah,
22:18 and Surah Muhammad,
22:19 as we know,
22:20 all of these Surahs are Surahs of Madaniyyah.
22:23 Allah is revenge,
22:25 when Allah has given a chance,
22:27 given a chance,
22:28 given a chance,
22:29 and still,
22:30 Allah's revenge is in the form of a warning,
22:32 not directly punished,
22:34 because Allah wants to tell,
22:36 "Don't let,"
22:37 if it is a child,
22:38 "Don't let the mother get angry."
22:39 Ha ha, right?
22:40 But the mother does not do anything else.
22:42 Only as a warning,
22:43 because there is a time when humans need good news,
22:46 good news,
22:47 there is a time when we need to be a little bit humble,
22:49 give a warning,
22:50 if not,
22:51 until it is very stubborn.
22:53 We take a break first,
22:54 Maikurran time,
22:55 Quran Salahuddin.
22:56 Faham, Inshallah.
22:57 [Music]
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24:28 As usual,
24:30 we mentioned earlier that
24:31 some people think that
24:33 the night happened at one time only.
24:35 This is not true,
24:36 because it is not true based on the hadith,
24:38 and it is also not true based on the Quran.
24:40 The second thing that people usually say,
24:43 the sign is the tree of sujood.
24:46 The tree of sujood,
24:47 and many other things.
24:48 The mosque was overturned.
24:51 It was overturned on the ground.
24:52 These are all signs that are not in the hadith.
24:55 Maybe it is based on experience.
24:58 That is what I said,
24:59 the experiences of those people.
25:00 They told their experiences,
25:01 but we do not know.
25:02 Actually, their experiences are based on
25:03 the trees that were really fallen down.
25:05 It is complicated.
25:06 Someone said,
25:07 I put a piece of canvas on the roof,
25:11 and tomorrow morning,
25:12 I look at the roof.
25:13 Maybe the night was complicated.
25:14 We do not know.
25:15 The same tree that was overturned,
25:16 we look at it,
25:17 it is on the roof.
25:18 That is one of the beliefs that people remember,
25:21 that is the sign of the tree of sujood.
25:23 But it is not.
25:24 It is not the sign of the tree of sujood,
25:25 maybe it is based on different experiences.
25:28 That is the sign.
25:29 (Music)
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25:53 (Prayer)
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26:02 (Prayer)
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26:55 (Prayer)
26:58 Alhamdulillah,
27:04 we are back to play Quran Time,
27:05 Quran Salat Ifaq.
27:06 And we thank all the viewers
27:09 who are always loyal to play Quran Time,
27:11 Quran Salat Ifaq.
27:12 Once again, we will pass by
27:14 from Muslimat Surah Al-Amin,
27:16 verse 12,
27:17 Alam section verse 12,
27:19 Alam,
27:20 which is the same as us,
27:22 in the studio to entertain again,
27:24 Alhamdulillah,
27:25 give us the spirit,
27:27 in continuing again,
27:29 our momentum,
27:31 our daily life,
27:33 together with the words of Allah,
27:35 Al-Quran Karim,
27:36 which means,
27:37 this is the path,
27:39 the guidance,
27:40 which will lead us to the path,
27:42 which is,
27:43 Ihdith Siratal Mustaqim.
27:46 Alright,
27:47 InshaAllah,
27:48 we want to see a little,
27:49 where the words,
27:50 which we can correct again,
27:52 to be tidied up again,
27:53 the words,
27:54 so that we can add again,
27:56 our knowledge,
27:58 about the common mistakes,
28:00 which can happen,
28:01 and we want to avoid those mistakes.
28:04 I ask for permission,
28:05 my brother,
28:06 to stand up.
28:07 Alright,
28:08 which verse was it just now?
28:10 The verse,
28:11 which is,
28:12 verse 79.
28:13 "Kanu,
28:14 Kanu,
28:15 la yatanahau na'amun kalifahluh"
28:18 "Kanu,
28:19 la yatanahau na'amun kalifahluh"
28:23 We focus on the first part.
28:27 "Kanu,
28:30 la yatanahau"
28:35 "Kanu,
28:38 la yatanahau"
28:43 One,
28:44 two,
28:45 three.
28:46 "Kanu,
28:49 la yatanahau"
28:53 InsyaAllah.
28:54 Have you eaten yet?
28:56 "Kanu,
28:58 la yatanahau"
29:03 "Kanu,
29:05 la yatanahau"
29:09 What I want to focus on here,
29:11 are some of the maths rules,
29:12 which are read in as many as two letters.
29:14 "Kanu,
29:16 la yatanahau"
29:18 Okay, read it in two letters.
29:19 Which means,
29:20 the mistakes that we need to avoid,
29:22 we must implement,
29:25 what is it called?
29:27 "Taswiyatul mudud"
29:29 The long equation.
29:32 The two,
29:33 two, two,
29:34 we must read it in one letter.
29:36 We can't read it like half-half readers,
29:40 who have become tabi'at when reading the Quran.
29:42 "Kanu,
29:44 la yatanahau"
29:46 Read it like that.
29:47 We don't want it like that.
29:48 "Kanu,
29:50 la yatanahau"
29:51 Some places are good,
29:52 some are the longest.
29:54 Some are the shortest.
29:56 It's all mixed up.
29:58 Right?
29:59 That's the verse.
30:00 So,
30:01 if we put it,
30:03 and pair it with an irama,
30:05 for example, we use the irama "nahawan",
30:07 our people are close to the song "nahawan".
30:09 If we notice,
30:11 Allah is Merciful,
30:13 Piramdi,
30:14 Pir Tansi Piramdi,
30:15 has a lot of "nahawan" songs.
30:17 That's the "nahawan" song.
30:22 But that song is popularized by Arab singers.
30:25 But because Piramdi,
30:27 likes to use the Quran songs to make his songs.
30:30 That's the "nahawan" song.
30:35 But we are used to it.
30:37 I don't want to be a headache.
30:39 Okay, let's try.
30:41 "Kanu,
30:43 la yatanahau"
30:47 "Kanu,
30:51 la yatanahau"
30:53 "Kanu,
30:57 la yatanahau"
30:59 "Kanu,
31:05 la yatanahau"
31:07 So,
31:09 we have two words.
31:11 "Kanu,
31:13 la"
31:15 "Kanu,
31:17 la"
31:19 "Kanu,
31:21 la yatanahau"
31:23 "Kanu,
31:27 la yatanahau"
31:35 "Kanu,
31:37 la yatanahau"
31:39 Focus on the "mat" balance.
31:45 Wherever the words are like that,
31:47 we read.
31:49 Don't have two words.
31:51 Or even more,
31:53 "Kanu,
31:55 la yatanahau"
31:57 We hear the sound is different.
31:59 Because that's the discipline.
32:01 If we sing,
32:03 we hear the notes,
32:05 the tempo.
32:07 In Quran, there is "mat".
32:09 There is a movement.
32:11 There is a movement.
32:13 If it's more, we feel bad.
32:15 The problem is,
32:17 we don't feel more.
32:19 That's the problem.
32:21 Okay, let's try again.
32:23 "Ammum karim fa'aluh"
32:31 "Ammum karim fa'aluh"
32:51 All three words are "Nu" in Malay.
32:55 "Am" is "Nun" meets "Mim"
32:57 "Mung"
32:59 "Nu" meets "Kaf"
33:01 What is the discipline?
33:03 "Ikhfah"
33:05 "Tanwin" meets "Fa"
33:07 "Ammum karim fa'aluh"
33:23 Let's read from the beginning.
33:25 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
33:51 Let's try again.
33:53 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
34:09 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
34:23 The sound is the same.
34:25 So, we don't need to follow the voice.
34:27 We know the movement of the mouth.
34:29 With our reading.
34:31 The slow reading.
34:33 The slow counting.
34:35 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
34:51 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
35:07 Like that.
35:09 Our reading is the same.
35:11 If we are slow, it's because the breath factor is exhausted.
35:13 When we breathe long, we can breathe calmly.
35:17 When we breathe short, we run away.
35:19 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
35:29 We don't want to do that.
35:31 If our children read like that.
35:33 If our grandchildren read like that.
35:35 If our neighbors read like that.
35:37 We need to tell them.
35:39 "Selalu" means "always".
35:41 "Segera" means "immediately".
35:43 "Selalu" means "immediately".
35:45 Don't read like that.
35:47 Sometimes we call it "Ihtilas".
35:51 We say the movement is unclear.
35:53 "Fa'aluh"
35:57 Suddenly, "Fa'aluh".
35:59 There is no long "Fa'ah".
36:01 But we say a part of the movement.
36:05 Not the whole movement.
36:07 "Kanu la yatanahau na'ammum karim fa'aluh"
36:35 "La bi'sa ma'akanu yaf'aluh"
36:51 InsyaAllah, whether we are aware or not.
36:53 We have learned the Irama.
36:55 The Irama of the song "Naha".
36:57 Hopefully, we can read the Quran with a good voice.
37:01 A good Irama.
37:03 To increase our confidence in reading the Quran.
37:07 Don't go anywhere.
37:09 We want to take a break.
37:11 My Quran Time.
37:13 Quran, Salat, Imfah.
37:15 [Music]
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40:10 Welcome back to my Quran Time.
40:12 Quran, Salat, Imfah.
40:14 From the verse 79 to verse 81.
40:18 How Allah gives us guidance.
40:22 How to not become a failed nation.
40:26 When the Israelites were given a Messenger and a Book.
40:30 These two sources are a guidance that is needed in our lives.
40:35 To be on the straight path.
40:38 At the same time, it is a guidance for us.
40:40 We already have the Quran.
40:42 We have the Messenger.
40:44 We need to hold on to it as best as we can.
40:46 Why?
40:48 Because if it is not done,
40:50 then there are those who make mistakes and are not accused.
40:54 Then it will cause someone to no longer choose the path of faith.
40:59 This is recorded in verse 80.
41:01 When Allah says,
41:03 [Arabic]
41:07 Among the believers and the disbelievers,
41:10 the Jews in Medina chose to ally with the disbelievers
41:15 who worshiped as a sign of worship to attack the Muslims.
41:19 This is what is happening in this day and age.
41:21 Actually, it is the same.
41:23 The Jews, if they say they are from the lineage of Prophet Moses and Prophet Abraham,
41:28 they should support the Muslims.
41:30 Because the Muslims are from the same lineage.
41:32 From Prophet Muhammad,
41:34 then from Prophet Ismail to Prophet Abraham.
41:37 But why?
41:39 Because what they have is not the path of guidance,
41:43 but the path of error,
41:45 the path of error that is stated in verse 77.
41:49 So in verse 81,
41:51 once again Allah insists on what needs to be done
41:55 to ensure that someone is not mistaken in choosing
41:59 'walak' or 'awliya'
42:01 which causes someone to either go straight to heaven
42:05 or be punished by Allah.
42:08 Let's listen to verse 81 together.
42:11 Let's listen to a poem.
42:14 Even if they believed in Allah and the Prophet
42:26 and what was revealed to them, they would not take them as allies.
42:48 But many of them are disobedient.
43:09 May Allah bless us.
43:10 We have read verse 81.
43:12 Allah explains,
43:13 Even if they believed in Allah,
43:26 and what was revealed to them,
43:30 they would not take them as allies.
43:38 They would not take as allies those who disbelieve in Allah.
43:46 But what happened?
43:49 But many of them are involved in 'fasiq',
43:55 which is to follow the guidance of Allah.
44:00 So 'fasiq' is an activity of committing sin,
44:05 sinning and not repenting.
44:08 If someone commits sin and repents,
44:11 it is not called 'fasiq'.
44:13 But if he commits sin, he feels like,
44:15 "Why are they accusing me?"
44:17 Or among their scholars,
44:20 their Ustaz,
44:21 they say that one should not accuse.
44:23 If one accuses, they will be angry.
44:25 If one accuses, they will be angry.
44:27 No need. Just be quiet.
44:28 So because of this culture,
44:31 the effect is that the society is filled with sin, sin, sin,
44:36 and feels that sin is a beautiful thing.
44:39 That is dangerous.
44:40 If you say on Facebook,
44:42 if someone wants to slander,
44:43 he feels that if he does not slander,
44:45 if he does not hide in a coffee shop,
44:47 he feels like it is not good.
44:49 If that happens,
44:51 then it is called 'fasiqun',
44:53 those who commit the sin of following Allah.
44:59 So what we learn from this verse 81 is
45:02 we must avoid being a 'fasiq' person.
45:05 Meaning if we make a mistake,
45:06 we make a lot of mistakes.
45:08 Sometimes we hear people slander,
45:10 sometimes on Facebook or news,
45:13 the news is not true,
45:15 or just a clip to attract,
45:17 to slander us, to read.
45:20 And we know that there is something wrong,
45:22 then we need to admit it.
45:24 Meaning, either we do not read anymore,
45:26 or we contact the author,
45:30 and say, "You should not write like this.
45:32 This is slander.
45:33 This is a disturbance to the organization,
45:38 or institution, or family of others.
45:40 It should not be done."
45:42 If it is not clear,
45:44 if it is not clear,
45:45 then what happens, my dear friends?
45:47 "Wa laukad yu'yubinu nabillah."
45:49 Faith in Allah,
45:50 faith in the Prophet,
45:52 or faith in the Quran,
45:54 we have the Quran,
45:56 it will become weak, weak, weak.
45:59 And finally we feel,
46:00 "Ah, it's okay,
46:01 who are we to support?"
46:04 So finally,
46:05 this heart has become hard.
46:08 That is the term for the Jews
46:11 who were touched by Surah Al-Baqarah.
46:13 They, in the hadith,
46:15 what did they do?
46:16 On the first day,
46:17 they saw that among the Jews,
46:19 they did wrong.
46:20 They were reproached.
46:21 They were reproached with ta'zil.
46:23 They were punished.
46:24 But, after that,
46:26 whether the person was punished or not,
46:28 the one who reprimanded was mixed up.
46:30 "Makan sekali."
46:32 In the modern era,
46:33 "Mengetihlah."
46:34 "Mengetih" with someone who
46:36 did a sin that we reproached
46:38 and he did not want to change.
46:40 Then that will cause,
46:41 "Lambat laun,"
46:42 we feel, "Ah, it's okay."
46:44 "Nah, what can we do?"
46:45 We cannot change our hearts.
46:47 It was like that in the beginning,
46:48 but in the end it became normalized.
46:50 It became normalized,
46:51 we felt like,
46:52 "Okay, maybe it's because I was late,"
46:53 or maybe a little bit of deception,
46:55 or maybe someone scammed me,
46:57 or maybe I came to work late.
46:59 All of those things will become normalized
47:01 because,
47:02 one, we reproached,
47:03 but when we reproached,
47:04 reproaching has one effect,
47:06 we are worried that we will be
47:08 marginalized.
47:10 It is normal for people who are reproached
47:12 to be hurt,
47:13 to be hurt.
47:14 But sometimes,
47:15 even the reproachful person feels,
47:17 "If he replies to me,
47:19 what will happen?
47:20 He is a friend."
47:22 But that is what Allah has provided.
47:24 If we choose Allah's will,
47:26 Allah's pleasure,
47:27 then we know that this is the way,
47:29 and this leads to our resolution
47:31 today.
47:32 We will witness.
47:33 First,
47:34 do not remain silent
47:35 when seeing the
47:36 exaggeration.
47:38 That is what we learn
47:39 from the verse 79.
47:42 The first.
47:43 The second,
47:44 give help to people
47:45 who do not commit
47:46 evil and hostility.
47:47 Give support,
47:48 give encouragement,
47:50 because even good people
47:52 need that strength.
47:54 The second.
47:55 The third,
47:56 always help on the basis of
47:58 righteousness,
47:59 not of infidelity and
48:00 division,
48:01 because good people
48:02 need to be helped,
48:03 need to be helped
48:04 really,
48:05 because if not,
48:06 then good people
48:07 feel,
48:08 "I don't have to do work."
48:09 Really,
48:10 not even appreciated.
48:11 And finally,
48:12 transferred to
48:13 bad things,
48:15 and the peak
48:16 to infidelity and
48:17 division to Allah.
48:19 We pray to Allah SWT
48:20 so that we become
48:21 people who always
48:23 prioritize Allah's view,
48:25 and willing to
48:27 have a little difficulty,
48:29 but inshallah,
48:30 will be rewarded
48:31 in the hereafter.
48:33 Insha'Allah.
48:34 We pray with Ustaz Timizzi.
48:35 (Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah)
48:38 (Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah)
48:42 (Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah)
48:45 (Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah)
48:49 (Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah)
48:53 (Reciting Surah Al-Baqarah)
49:21 Amin, amin, ya rabbal 'alamin.
49:23 May Allah grant us
49:24 our prayers today.
49:25 May He continue to accept our deeds,
49:27 even though there are many mistakes.
49:29 May Allah forgive us.
49:30 And one of the signs of our sincerity,
49:33 we support the good.
49:35 One of its platforms is
49:36 Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran
49:37 as a space for you to donate,
49:39 and you can also
49:40 contact the number in the description,
49:42 so that we can continue to share
49:44 what projects to ensure
49:45 the value of the Quran is implemented,
49:48 and support.
49:49 Support each other
49:50 because we know
49:51 that this is the saints of Allah
49:54 who will get the victory
49:56 from Allah SWT.
49:58 The rain is in the middle of the city,
50:00 until a while in the food shop.
50:03 Allah, Allah, Allah.
50:05 Continue to support us
50:07 so that the blessings that Allah gives
50:09 continue to last.
50:11 See you again in My Quran Time,
50:13 Quran Salat.
50:14 See you, Inshallah.
50:16 Allahumma arhamna bilquran
50:24 wa aj'al lana imaman wa nuran
50:30 wahudan wa rahman
50:36 Allahumma dhakirna
50:40 minhuma nasina
50:44 wa 'allina
50:48 minhuma jaina
50:53 waruzukna tilawatahu
51:00 ana al-layli
51:05 wa atrafan-na
51:11 wa ja'alhu lana hujjatayn
51:20 Al-Fatiha.
51:23 [Music]
51:37 [Music]
