Episod 417 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 3 Februari 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 65-76) Halaman 119-120 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan
Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 65-76, halaman 119 hingga halaman 120. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Pengasas & Pembimbing Tadabbur Akademi Tadabbur Malaysia, Ustaz Mohd Yusof Arbain.
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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 65-76, halaman 119 hingga halaman 120. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Pengasas & Pembimbing Tadabbur Akademi Tadabbur Malaysia, Ustaz Mohd Yusof Arbain.
Untuk menonton episod sebelum ini, sila klik di link berikut:
YouTube: https://bit.ly/mqt2youtube
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Untuk informasi terkini sila Like, Komen laman-laman rasmi kami:
Sumbangan Tabung Gerakan al-Quran boleh disalurkan ke akaun MAYBANK: 5642 7653 8528 rujukan: Tabung Quran (http://bit.ly/TabungQuran)
Dapatkan buku-buku Nota My #QuranTime secara online di: https://myqurantime.org/merchandise/ atau Whatsapp 019-229 7227 (Isnin-Jumaat 9pg-5ptg).
My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:12 The Quran is a source of knowledge from Allah SWT,
00:16 providing guidance on how we interact with ourselves,
00:20 family, with people, with religions that are different.
00:24 Follow the discussion of this time.
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00:53 And if only the People of the Book had believed and been righteous,
01:05 We would have removed from them their evil deeds,
01:15 and admitted them into the Garden of Eden.
01:32 Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
01:34 Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala Rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala
01:38 Shariah la ilaha illallah, shariah na muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh
01:41 wa inna ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'duhu
01:46 How are you ladies?
01:47 May Allah's mercy be upon you.
01:48 We meet in My Quran Time.
01:49 Quran Salat Imfaq today.
01:51 Together we want to review two pages,
01:53 page 119 and 120 of Suratul Ma'idah,
01:58 which provides guidance to us on how to manage the blessings of Allah SWT
02:04 is to complete the promise to our Creator.
02:08 And today we will study the verses one by one from the Divine Palm,
02:13 together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Yusuf Arba'in.
02:16 How are you Ustaz?
02:17 Alhamdulillah.
02:18 Alhamdulillah.
02:19 Welcome.
02:20 Is this the first time or the second time?
02:22 This is the second time in the new studio.
02:24 Alhamdulillah.
02:25 Welcome and also Ustaz Tir, how are you?
02:27 Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
02:29 Alhamdulillah.
02:30 We are together with our friends in the studio too,
02:32 who want to study together,
02:34 we want to listen to the verses of the Quran.
02:36 Where are you from, Ustaz?
02:38 Alhamdulillah, we are very happy and grateful for the visit of Muslimah Masjid Rahmaniyah,
02:45 Kampung Ulu Cepo.
02:48 Is that right?
02:49 Ulu Cepo.
02:50 Ulu Cepo, Cemo, Perak.
02:52 Oh, this is where I went to school in the middle of the river, Ustaz.
02:56 Camping, camping.
02:57 It's near this place, right?
02:59 Alhamdulillah.
03:01 How are you all?
03:02 Alhamdulillah.
03:04 And also our friends in the studio,
03:06 who are here today,
03:08 who are in the studio with us,
03:10 and also those at home,
03:12 who are in the studio with us,
03:14 and who are in the content of the Quran.
03:16 We will start our session with the prayer,
03:18 "Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma"
03:25 Together we look at page 119,
03:27 the verse that was read a while ago,
03:29 the 65th verse,
03:30 "And if the People of the Scripture believe and are righteous,
03:33 we will surely remove their sins,
03:36 and we will put them into a heaven
03:38 full of bliss."
03:40 We continue with Al-Fadlul-Ustaz Yusuf
03:42 to explain the offer from Allah to the People of the Scripture.
03:45 Usually, the People of the Scripture, the Jews, the Christians,
03:48 we would curse and so on, right?
03:50 But this verse seems to have an offer.
03:53 How do we learn to practice it?
03:56 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
03:59 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
04:03 Alhamdulillah rabbil 'alamin wa salatu wasalamu 'ala ashrafil anbiya wal mursalin
04:07 wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in al-mabak.
04:10 To Mr. Fazrul, Ustaz Tirmizi,
04:15 the audience, the listeners, may Allah bless you all.
04:19 The question that was raised earlier
04:22 is about the People of the Scripture
04:26 that consists of Jews and Christians.
04:29 When we find the term "The People of the Scripture",
04:33 "The People of the Scripture"
04:36 it will refer to the Jews,
04:38 it will also refer to the Christians.
04:41 If we open the Quran,
04:43 Allah repeats the words "The People of the Scripture", "The People of the Scripture",
04:46 there are 31 verses in the Quran.
04:50 One of them is in verse 65.
04:53 In this verse, there are two great offers
04:56 that Allah wants to offer to the Jews and Christians.
05:01 Even though they are,
05:03 we call it, their level of disbelief is very heavy,
05:06 but Allah, the Most Merciful,
05:09 Allah, the Most Merciful,
05:11 offers them two things.
05:14 These two things are in the verse
05:17 "Lakafarna 'anhum siyatihim"
05:21 This is the first offer.
05:23 It is an offer that Allah gives them forgiveness
05:28 from all the sins that they have committed.
05:31 What sins have they not committed?
05:33 But Allah offers to be erased.
05:36 The second offer is that Allah will put them in heaven.
05:41 It is in the verse "Wa la'adha khalna'hum jannatin na'im"
05:47 But there are conditions.
05:49 There are conditions that must be met.
05:52 It is in the verse "Amanu wa taqaw"
05:56 They must believe in the true faith
05:59 and they must act.
06:02 That is, to be righteous,
06:04 which means to follow what Allah has ordered,
06:07 and to leave what Allah has forbidden.
06:09 If these two conditions are met,
06:10 "Amanu wa taqaw"
06:12 Allah offers blessings.
06:14 In the world, there is no sin-erasing.
06:16 Allah offers them,
06:18 and He puts them in heaven,
06:20 which is full of blessings.
06:22 May Allah give us that offer too.
06:26 The conditions are "Amanu wa taqaw"
06:29 I would like to explain to Al-Fadl Al-Ustaz Iyissuf
06:31 about how Allah loves to give opportunities to the people of the scripture.
06:36 If we want to tell the story of the Jews,
06:38 there are many things that He did in life.
06:41 And if we follow the human habits,
06:45 it is difficult to give opportunities to people who have done something bad to us.
06:52 But for Allah,
06:53 even though they have stolen Allah,
06:56 the various kufr that were done,
06:58 there are still opportunities.
07:00 And that is the spirit that we need to revive.
07:03 To give opportunities,
07:04 to give hope with love,
07:06 even to those who have been wronged in life.
07:11 In the 66th verse, there is a continuation of this matter.
07:14 The story is expanded further.
07:17 We read the 66th verse with Al-Fadl Al-Ustaz Iyissuf.
07:21 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
07:24 And if they had established the Torah and the Gospel
07:37 until it was revealed to them from their Lord, they would have eaten from above them and from under their feet.
08:01 Among them is a community of moderate,
08:12 and many of them are evil in what they do.
08:29 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
08:31 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
08:32 And if they had really carried out the law of the Torah,
08:35 the Gospel and the Quran,
08:36 which was revealed to them from their Lord,
08:38 they would have eaten from above them and from under their feet.
08:44 Among them is a community of moderate,
08:48 and many of them are evil in what they do.
08:52 This is another offer from the 65th verse,
08:56 continued in the 66th verse.
08:58 Of course, there must be a condition.
09:00 The condition above is "Amanu wa taqaw"
09:03 "Believe and be righteous."
09:05 We want to see what the people of the Scripture need to do
09:10 to get the term "Kalu minfauqihim wa min tahti arjulihim"
09:15 What does it mean to eat from above and from under?
09:19 Usually people say that they can eat from the right, left, front and back.
09:23 But what does this mean?
09:25 We will take a break and return to understand the 66th verse of Quran Time.
09:30 May Allah bless you.
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12:25 Welcome back to Quran Time.
12:27 We are together to review pages 119 and 120.
12:32 We have just listened to and read the 66th verse.
12:37 "Wa law an-nahum aqamut tawrah ila ahir ayah"
12:41 Which brings to us the offer from Allah to the people of the Scripture.
12:46 We are together with Al-Fadlul-Ustaz Yusuf to explain the next offer in verse 66.
12:52 When it is said "laaqalu minfauqihim"
12:55 Why is there the word "aqala" in the word "makan"?
12:58 This is in the verse "maidah" which is about food.
13:02 What are the conditions to get it?
13:06 The 66th verse is used to explain the 65th verse.
13:16 In verse 65, we are looking for the answer.
13:20 What is the people of the Scripture?
13:22 What is the Scripture?
13:24 Some get the Torah and some get the Bible.
13:28 In verse 66, Allah explains the characteristics of "amanu"
13:34 which is believed in verse 65.
13:38 "Amanu" is "aqamu"
13:42 Which means to practice all that is in the Torah and the Bible.
13:49 So if they practice all the laws of the Torah and the Bible,
13:55 they are also called "taqwa"
13:59 like in verse 65, "wat taqaw"
14:02 Why is it mentioned about food?
14:06 As Mr. Fazl said, this is called the adjustment of the name of the surah
14:14 with the discussion of the verse in the surah.
14:17 "Alma'idah" means "food"
14:20 So Allah adjusted it with the topic of the discussion of the word "food"
14:24 and Allah mentioned the word "ne'mat makan"
14:27 The scholars of interpretation said that verse 66 is the blessing that Allah bestowed on the world.
14:33 Allah has given the blessing to the world.
14:36 If verse 65 is the blessing of the world, it is the blessing of the hereafter.
14:41 But verse 66 is the blessing of the world.
14:43 The meaning of "makan daripada atas"
14:47 is the blessing that Allah bestowed from the heavens.
14:53 "Yang makan daripada bawah arjulihim" is the blessing that is on earth.
15:00 So in the heavens, Allah bestowed rain.
15:03 From the rain, He can increase the sustenance.
15:06 Because Allah has called the heavens "wafissama'i rizququm"
15:10 The heavens have sustenance.
15:13 And below that, we understand that on earth there are trees, plants, and many other things.
15:19 So the meaning of "atas" is the sustenance from the heavens.
15:22 Below that is the sustenance from the earth.
15:26 If you want to find other verses that can help you understand "atas" and "bawah"
15:33 You can find it in surah al-A'raf, surah number 7.
15:38 Verse 96, surah number 163 in Al-Quran.
15:42 Look for it in the first line.
15:44 Allah explains it.
15:46 "Barakatin minas sama'i wal ardi"
15:50 Allah blessed what is in the heavens and what is on earth.
15:55 But with what conditions?
15:56 "Al-qamu"
15:58 Which is to practice what is in the Torah and the Bible.
16:02 The scholars also use this verse as a key to their sustenance.
16:09 People always say, "What is the key to sustenance?
16:11 To get more sustenance?"
16:13 The scholars say, "If you want to get sustenance from the heavens and from the earth,
16:18 what do you do?
16:19 You must have faith and righteousness.
16:21 So Allah uses the sustenance from the heavens and the sustenance from the earth."
16:26 Thank you, Ruchakhan, for explaining verse 66.
16:31 For those of you who want to find the key to sustenance.
16:33 People from Chemo.
16:35 If you want to find it, some people ask,
16:37 "How to become a magnet for sustenance,
16:40 to get sustenance?"
16:41 There are many topics in the programs.
16:44 So, verse 66 explains, 65 and 66, faith and righteousness.
16:48 And when we say faith and righteousness,
16:51 some people say, "Faith and righteousness, how do you get sustenance?"
16:54 But we have explained earlier that when we say faith and righteousness,
16:59 we actually ask from the source of sustenance,
17:02 which is from Allah.
17:03 Allah wants to give it to us.
17:05 It's easy.
17:06 And of course, the sustenance that is blessed,
17:09 which ultimately enables us to get sustenance,
17:12 reaches Allah's heaven.
17:14 That's why talking about faith and righteousness is very important.
17:19 It has become a big topic in verse 67.
17:24 Let's read together with Fadhil Usafti.
17:26 Let's start.
17:29 [Quran Recitation]
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17:35 [Quran Recitation]
17:37 "To what has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not do, then you have not conveyed His message.
18:01 And Allah protects you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people."
18:29 Surah Al-Nazim, that is the recitation of the 67th verse.
18:33 "O Messenger, return and convey to me what has been sent down to you from your Lord."
18:41 In this verse, we meet with the words "O Messenger" and in another verse, in the Quran, we will meet with "O Prophet"
18:49 "O People"
18:52 We want to see, perhaps, talk about interacting with the Quran, one is the message, but the Quranic knowledge, how to understand "O Messenger" "O Prophet" "O People" and so on. Please.
19:04 Verse 67, if we refer to the Quran, from the 5th to the 7th line, we will find the word, the call, "O Messenger"
19:18 If we look for the verses, this is called the verse "An-Nida", the verse "Sarwan"
19:24 If we want to talk about the verse "Sarwan", it is a long topic, but we can take the summary.
19:32 The verse "Sarwan", if in the Quran, there is something that Allah has pointed to the Prophet SAW,
19:40 for example, if in the Quran, we can find Allah pointing to the Prophet SAW, it is repeated "Ya Ayyuhan Nabi" "Wahai Nabi"
19:51 If we look in the Quran, it is repeated 13 times "Wahai Nabi" "Wahai Nabi"
19:57 And there are only two places in the Quran, Allah mentions "Ya Ayyuhan Rasul" "Wahai Rasul"
20:07 Those two places are interesting because they are only in Surah Al-Ma'idah, which is the call "Wahai Rasul"
20:18 which refers to the Prophet SAW, the 41st and the 67th verses that we are discussing.
20:25 In Surah Al-Ma'idah, the most interesting thing is that the most repeated Surah "Ya Ayyuhan Ladhi Naamanu" is 16 times.
20:39 If you have time to open the Quran, look for it. In Surah Al-Ma'idah, there are 16 times "Wahai Ora Ora Yan Beriman"
20:48 In the whole Quran, Allah mentions "Wahai Ora Ora Yan Beriman" in 89 places, but the most is in Surah Al-Ma'idah.
20:59 And now we are discussing the sixth part, we only find it 9 times.
21:07 To know the rest, you have to follow the seventh part.
21:11 In short, if Allah uses the call "Wahai Rasul" like in Surah Al-Ma'idah, the 67th and 41st verses,
21:24 if Allah calls "Wahai Rasul", the emphasis on that call is to focus on discussing about "Ar-Risalah"
21:35 which is about the Prophethood. That is why in Surah Al-Ma'idah, we find the word "Bal-Lew" which means "to convey".
21:45 So the Prophethood, his duty is to convey what Allah has revealed. That is the difference.
21:52 But if Allah uses "Wahai Nabi" if Allah calls "Ya Ayyuhan Nabi", in that call, he is not focused only on discussing about the Prophethood.
22:04 He can mean in general. For example, Allah says in Surah Ya Ayyuhan Nabi,
22:11 Ya Ayyuhan Nabi is often found in Surah Anfal and Surah Al-Azhaq.
22:15 For example, Allah says "Ya Ayyuhan Nabi, Haridil Mu'minin Al-Qikal"
22:22 Allah says "Wahai Nabi, motivate them so that they go to war".
22:27 Meaning if Allah uses "Ya Ayyuhan Nabi", his topic is not to focus on conveying, not discussing about the Prophethood.
22:36 But if Allah uses "Rasul", he is focused on discussing about the Prophethood.
22:42 That is the difference between Allah using "Ya Ayyuhan Rasul" and "Ya Ayyuhan Nabi".
22:50 If we want to discuss about "O believers", it is a long topic.
22:55 But we can say this, if we find 89 places in Al-Quran, 16 places in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
23:03 if we find "O believers", after that Allah will make it clear.
23:08 Whether Allah says "You must do it" or "Don't do it" or both.
23:14 Why is there a call for "O believers"? If we want to get a status of believers, we must do it after that.
23:20 Either we must do it or we must leave it.
23:23 Wallahu ta'ala ala.
23:25 Thank you Ustaz Yusuf for explaining about the use of "Andidak" in Al-Quran.
23:30 "Ya Ayyuhan Rasul" or "Ya Ayyuhan Nabi" or "Ya Ayyuhan Lazina Amanu" or "Ya Ayyuhan Nas".
23:35 Which is one of the knowledge of Al-Quran that we need to know when we meet with these verses.
23:42 We will take a short break.
23:44 We will be back after this to re-study page 119, 120 of Quran Time, Quran Salat and Ifaak.
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