• 8 months ago
Wallo267 | Million Dollaz Worth of Game
00:00:00 Million dollars worth of game. We love all our supporters out there for rocking with us for so many years. We got everything going on
00:00:04 Wherever you like Gileon sports, where's wallow?
00:00:07 Adventures, whatever it is what you need to do right now
00:00:09 I need you to push the subscribe button, but also share like go down below get some merch share like get some merch subscribe
00:00:16 We got more to come subscribe right now million dollars worth of game. Ah
00:00:21 And you know you're now tuned into me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me million dollars worth of
00:00:27 Game man, I wallow to six seven this right here is Gilly the nut, but you know, that's that's here there
00:00:32 You know, I mean we got kiss in the building. Yes. I mean sure j-ones in the building. Listen, it's going down man. Listen
00:00:38 one of the reasons we have in this episode because it's important is
00:00:42 very really very rarely do I run into a
00:00:48 Young cats that respect a dad that love a dad out loud and I honor the dad, you know
00:00:53 I grew up at a time where as though your dad was anything and if you had one in the neighborhood
00:00:57 That dude was this blessing ahead of his dad in his life because you know when we grew up a lot of dudes ain't had a
00:01:03 Dad and sometime that dad I'll be the dad of a bunch of us in the hood
00:01:06 You know come through our moms might call him. Could you come talk to him? They you know a
00:01:12 Basketball coach football coach just doing anything to keep him involved. So when I first met, you know kiss son
00:01:18 He was at a vent shout out to James Lindsay rap snacks. I was down there
00:01:21 Man, this this young brother came across so much respect so much mannerism. He was a conversationalist
00:01:28 He you know, he was well-groomed. He had his head up high. He wasn't looking down. He looked me in the eyes
00:01:34 I I had kissed the meeting. I'm like yo, man. Yes, I don't point man. Congratulations, man
00:01:39 You should be proud a lot of times. We don't honor the father no more. Everything is mother mother mother mother mother
00:01:44 I understand the welfare. They put the black man out the house
00:01:48 There's a lot of things that took place in the 80s to crack academic
00:01:51 Prison a lot of us trying to figure life out as men
00:01:54 so a lot of time these young these young boys they lose their father and you know that that that
00:02:01 Structure that discipline is gone
00:02:03 But to see kids I just want to commend you kiss
00:02:06 For just being a real father and and we don't talk about it so much
00:02:09 So we go over look like it's not important. It is important because so many brothers is falling short to the streets
00:02:14 Selfishness drugs or whatever it may be so to be able to raise yours, right?
00:02:19 Man, I got a salute you man, because we don't see that all the time man, you know, appreciate that, you know
00:02:25 Like you said coming up and I ever it was a lot of single-parent
00:02:30 households with a lot of time that dad wasn't there like you said, uh
00:02:36 Somebody else data be at the helm of everybody or your football coach or your basketball coach or something like that
00:02:43 So I just know the importance of it. Um
00:02:46 me being
00:02:49 with my dad being in my life like
00:02:51 I went through a spell when I ain't talked to him for years in the crib
00:02:55 He's in the right in the same crib and my mom's had to be like the referee
00:02:59 talking through each of us and that was driving her crazy and um
00:03:05 You know, I'm just like now I want to make sure
00:03:08 Anything could happen to any day you only get one of each parent. I mean you only get one life. So if you could
00:03:16 You could have a relationship
00:03:19 With both of your parents if you blessed to have them you should try that as none corny about that is none
00:03:26 you know like we was kicking it early or low and a lot of dudes is like a
00:03:31 Lot of these a lot of dudes was real live animals
00:03:35 Yeah, and they day and now their sons is like and my dad is washed up on you
00:03:41 He got to show me what he used to doing that
00:03:44 That's a sign of disrespect for one if your dad was an animal or not. He's still your dad
00:03:49 So you supposed to have a level of respect that's supposed to be there just off that but um
00:03:56 Yeah, you know just trying to just try and make the best out of life if you which is seeds is everything
00:04:03 so, you know if you can you can create memories and
00:04:07 Build generational wealth and do things like the other people do that. They don't expect us to do
00:04:13 Is more than we we overdo with doing things like this. So, you know, I mean just try to love yours
00:04:20 Let me get a young in some game to write to all the young as does up-and-coming
00:04:25 If you got a dad in your life, and he took care he raised you
00:04:30 He raised you up to be the man that you is and then all of a sudden you get to a certain age and all of
00:04:35 A sudden your dad another ass
00:04:37 Now your dad don't say don't mean and you know, that's just crazy to me
00:04:43 Mm-hmm, and a lot of times you got a lot of young ins who was raised by a good dude
00:04:48 Whether he was in the streets wasn't in the streets. He was raised by a good dude
00:04:52 He put a solid foundation on you. He gave you some good game coming up. He was at all you
00:04:58 Graduations, he was a part of your life and then he you get to a certain age and then you'll take advice from a motherfucker
00:05:05 That didn't play no role in your life your age your age
00:05:10 And now now your dad which he said he he washed up. He oh, he'll know what's going on out here
00:05:17 He y'all need to stop this man real talk a lot of y'all be in a better position
00:05:22 If you had a real old way that you will listen to that's a take some game from
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00:07:02 most of the young cats, you know, and
00:07:05 I'm speaking from a different point because I
00:07:09 Remember when I was young me and my brother used to go see my step pop in prison at Dallas
00:07:13 You know a penitentiary
00:07:15 This was in and I got to share this story
00:07:17 I shared it before but this was in like the 80s the late 80s
00:07:20 We used to go to see me and Steve me Steve my little brother Jal out
00:07:24 This is my little brother Jal out dad rest in peace to hit rest in peace and my big brother Steve
00:07:27 So all three of us used to go up there my mom the scene we go up to the prison to see him
00:07:32 I used to love to come back. Hey, can we go on smile? We gonna see hip we go up there
00:07:36 I got a picture with his we on a visit is me
00:07:39 Steve July I hit in the prison yard
00:07:43 This was in the late 80s
00:07:45 1998 me and my step pop was cellmates in that same prison
00:07:51 2000 and
00:07:54 2005 me and my brother was cellmates in that same prison that we came to see our step pop at so you were talking about
00:07:59 Generational incarceration. Don't he wanted to make it was my little brothers. He was smarter than all of us
00:08:04 so a lot of times you had these defile is coming out of prison and
00:08:09 And and I talked to a lot of young cats like you'll take it easy on your dad
00:08:12 Lot of y'all be mad at your man in here because he went to jail when he was 15 16
00:08:18 He just had you he was a kid
00:08:19 How do y'all fathers go to the penitentiary when they kid come out try to establish them y'all looking at him like man
00:08:24 He left you whatever he didn't even know life
00:08:26 You some saying so it'd be like a lot of times
00:08:29 Y'all fathers be trying to stop y'all and stop the curse of that that that incarceration that live in been our thing
00:08:35 That's just like your dad saying hold man. Don't get high man. Don't do this or don't do that
00:08:38 He's just trying to tell you and protect you but a lot of y'all don't listen and then a year later a month later
00:08:44 I'm getting a phone call on the three-way and you calling me with your uncle or your mom
00:08:48 Cuz you want to holler oh here wallow that and told you when I pulled up on you when you was on the corner and you
00:08:53 Had to switch it whatever you had on you and you was doing you and I told you that was there now
00:08:57 You got 30 to 60 years and you tell my own man. You was right too late. I
00:09:02 Mean, I see you when you I see you when you're 60 or 50 something
00:09:07 So, you know, it's just a blessing to see this man and it's important and one of the things that I like that
00:09:11 Y'all got going on not just your son on point. Listen to y'all got a business together
00:09:15 Yeah, kiss kiss cafe and I'm like, oh man, this is just that is just magical
00:09:21 You know to be able to raise your kid he on point and now y'all get money together
00:09:26 Tell me about this kiss cafe, man
00:09:28 It all connects with what we saying because in the beginning like I said me and my me and my dad had a lot of turmoil
00:09:34 in the house and
00:09:37 Even he was in coffee. He raised me off working for coffee work. He came up here from Memphis
00:09:44 He met my mom's they had me he worked for General Foods of the coffee
00:09:50 Division the coffee division of General Foods
00:09:53 Um, oh so he learned he started behind is he started? Yeah, he got 40 some years in coffee
00:10:01 he started on the
00:10:04 Selling and trading coffee
00:10:06 but he would always
00:10:09 He would always like yo, you got to do you got to do a coffee
00:10:13 We should do one and I will brush him off like man ain't doing no coffee
00:10:17 I mean, but he wouldn't get mad
00:10:21 He just keep doing his thing and then once once he finished he graduated Clark Atlanta
00:10:27 his vision was for him to take over the company and then
00:10:32 unfortunately, like
00:10:34 Granddad I was nice and I know office. I don't want to do this evil. I know I
00:10:39 Thought did the first verses with fab. I was jaded drunk
00:10:43 And my kids was over over my mom and dad's crib
00:10:48 And they was letting them look at the comments and they like yo get kiss some water
00:10:52 I'll get him some coffee or something. That's the idea came back in his brain
00:10:57 He like yo, maybe you need to do a coffee for when you get a hangover
00:11:01 Then we scrapped that whole idea. We didn't want to you know affiliated with the with being off being drunk or inebriated
00:11:08 Or anything like that
00:11:10 So then after the other the second verses with dipset
00:11:13 The phone the phones is ringing off the hook. He like yo, you're getting a lot of a lot of money
00:11:19 A lot of momentum a lot of traffic. I think it might be a good time
00:11:23 Let's launch a brand now and um me him and my dad sat down
00:11:29 We started thinking, you know creating the blends. He was making them right there roasting them right there in the office. We kept
00:11:35 Naying them today was right
00:11:38 We called in set free and his wife and compound and do the marketing, you know, keep it in house with our people
00:11:45 Mm-hmm, and um, we don't set free Philly. We're going on a year
00:11:50 Yeah, this is our second year. We going on two years now, but um, yeah, the response has been great
00:11:57 You know, we people love the coffee is not like a money grab
00:12:01 But it's really like I'll chop all coffee like one of the only black people on it in the coffee game
00:12:08 That that's really sound and really knows a lot about coffee. So it's a quality product. It's been great
00:12:15 Yeah, now what I like about this is if you pay attention to our stories and uh
00:12:19 Coming from the ghetto. I just told you about three different three three generations of incarceration
00:12:25 And they just told you three generations of doing business together now, they don't business. There's three different generations
00:12:31 We got to support stuff like this because one thing about us. We love supporting anybody else. We love devaluing ours
00:12:37 Oh that you know this logo. I only respect we got a thing
00:12:41 We're respecting certain logos and we had devalue ours damn you kiss got a clothing on this person got a clothing line
00:12:47 I ain't gonna pay 75 he was 75 hours for a t-shirt
00:12:51 You just paid 1100 1200 for Gucci t-shirt and it's the same man. In fact is the same feel
00:12:56 Like we got to stop devaluing our stuff and start valuing our stuff
00:13:00 Because you know if you don't bring value to value devalue value, we always wanted we want we want all this. Oh, yeah
00:13:07 I'm this I'm this how you how you this you know
00:13:09 You don't even believe that you - because if you believe you - you don't believe that what we create and what we make is this
00:13:15 But you think oh, that's less thin
00:13:17 No, the packaging is right. The branding is right. You know, I mean, this is real stuff by the one thing
00:13:23 We could guarantee is the coffee is right. I've been doing this
00:13:25 He's a expert 45 45. He's an expert in the field. I was - when he started this
00:13:32 He's a he's an expert in the field. So you need to go grab some of this kiss cafe
00:13:37 Listen, all the all I'm talking about all the I'm talking about all the cafes coffee shops, you know around the country
00:13:44 I just talk about black coffee shots. I don't care
00:13:47 Coffee shop you love him and then you love hip-hop and you love us support
00:13:51 cafe coffee
00:13:54 Order up kiss cafe coffee.com y'all got wholesale
00:13:59 They got any time of day. You just want to get some for the crib?
00:14:03 We got merge merge. We got beans. We got roasted. We got the kiss cups
00:14:10 Cups with a the kiss cups for the you know, I mean you want to just make it right in the machine
00:14:16 We got it all right. That's what I'm talking about. Man. What's the what's the what's the website one more time kiss cafe coffee?
00:14:22 calm kiss cafe coffee
00:14:24 Calm so right this episode of me and I was worth a game is bought to you by no other than new amputee box
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00:14:32 shot a new Amsterdam vodka
00:14:35 Caught you bitch cheating today
00:14:39 shot a new Amsterdam vodka
00:14:41 You thought them Eagles was gonna win and didn't go your way
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00:14:55 on the rocks
00:14:57 Juice, I'm always some kids cafe. Mmm. They make you a little martini a little wake up. Yes
00:15:04 Yes, I like that. Well, you could drink you could drink this with juice soda straight up on the rocks
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00:15:14 Yes, but either way when you out about at your local liquor store, don't you walk past this bottle? Yeah me
00:15:21 You pick it up like a goddamn fumble in the playoffs
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00:15:31 But just make sure you enjoy it New Amsterdam vodka official vodka for bar stool sports shout out to the New Amsterdam Queen
00:15:37 I like that
00:15:39 Now kiss, I mean, you know, did you ever think you would still be here this long relevant in the culture of right now?
00:15:47 It's a good question, I think so, but I don't know if I would still be around with this much fluidity
00:16:00 But I think I would be because I think myself
00:16:04 My brother's the locks a couple of us
00:16:07 That's left. We embrace
00:16:10 We embrace the new cats. I mean we embrace the new stuff
00:16:14 We we don't mind giving them game the ones that don't mind listening and um, I think that gives us legs
00:16:21 Besides staying in the stool. You gotta anything you do
00:16:26 Competitively you're gonna become a master at it like you two brothers
00:16:29 You know, I mean I got in this game and became masters at at your craft. Thank you. Um
00:16:35 So I think definitely staying in the studio keep you around on I knew with us owning our own studio
00:16:43 You know being in it a few times a week. Damn every day you go
00:16:47 Stay on your a-game
00:16:49 but if you listen to what's going on and kick it with some of the youngsters and
00:16:54 You know, I mean some of the good ones
00:16:56 Man, it helps your career
00:16:59 Now J. We like snap. Yes. Hey, what what game you know, you come up watching a legendary
00:17:07 Legendary hip group right? What what games you got from watching your dad and your own like that you utilize right now
00:17:16 Gotta be patient
00:17:20 You gotta get people around you that's loyal that like really want to see you when that's in it for you
00:17:25 Like they got to believe in you push you when you feeling lazy or not
00:17:29 Like you don't want to do nothing. Those are people that have around you. Those are people I keep around me
00:17:33 I don't really like nobody. I just want to kick it with me and we ain't building we ain't doing what we doing
00:17:38 How I'm helping you how you helping me how we gonna win so you gotta have those type people around you
00:17:42 Hmm, it was a hard growing up being kids. So
00:17:46 Nah, not in Yonkers. Everybody in Yonkers is family. So for me, it was regular wasn't none of that
00:17:52 You don't really get that in Yonkers too much you get it, but it is more so that's family back home
00:17:57 What was some of the perks?
00:18:00 Like I'm gonna come with niggas of all my palms, yeah
00:18:06 Couple old things bless my piece
00:18:10 Kiss you dead
00:18:15 I never know the old older chicks like me like that
00:18:19 He probably know. I mean it depend it depend on this in the arm scenario the situation whatever the case is for real for real
00:18:28 We try me my you tell me I really do I can't think about it really the pain recklessly
00:18:34 Yes, my sons with that one day would have told the truth. No, we got in all the concerts for free
00:18:40 We got all nice like that. Yeah, cuz we ran right up Gilly my dad. Oh, yeah, come on
00:18:46 So you was in a different space than all of the kids
00:18:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I start using that
00:18:51 Older like I don't really like using that. It's more so like we're gonna come around we're gonna come around we're gonna vibe
00:18:57 It's how you carry yourself. That's really the main problem when you're young Oh young like what age though?
00:19:05 14 oh now I wasn't knowing that if you knew you knew but I was fly. That was the best perk you gonna stay fly
00:19:13 You always gonna be sharp. Oh, I'm gonna turn down. Nobody ain't fly. Okay?
00:19:17 Yeah
00:19:18 Talking it. So let me ask you a question. Is you a new rapper or do you you got a little bit of
00:19:24 Old-school in you like like if I was like no spit give me a 16 right now
00:19:29 Could you go right in right now? I could do that
00:19:32 What's 16? What you waiting for?
00:19:35 I'll tell you how it feel if it's not used against me
00:19:38 They say they don't but I know deep inside they do resent me young and he do be spiffy any keep a cougar waiting
00:19:45 I mean she old but for me, this is the newest kitty
00:19:48 I left the butter alone bird brain on the other phone kept the ball
00:19:52 I kept the hat cut the bad line off cuz Burberry mad. I'm at my other home. I'm a dog true
00:19:58 I'm just looking for another bone another day tomorrow. Should I probably have another zone?
00:20:04 Yeah
00:20:05 But he liked the mole chicks here
00:20:07 No, you're not around clear young
00:20:12 Kiss you that he did regular rap though. No, I'm just proud of
00:20:18 He I'm right. I'm crazy. No, you sound like he's on me sound like it from the
00:20:24 Some of your favorite rappers my funny my favorite rappers called my favorite rapper. That's my number one J Cole J Cole
00:20:30 Your name Cole Nas
00:20:32 Cause my pops that's what I'm Tom styles. Um
00:20:35 Fab you listen to me little baby. I like rappers like I like real rat code as nice
00:20:42 Yeah, I get down there to my goal as you tell is your pop top five dead or alive
00:20:47 Yeah, he went up. Oh, I well see your top five to say Cole. Oh guys
00:20:52 Mmm
00:20:58 Last to get shaky. Oh, we don't put yay in it. Okay. Oh, okay in it
00:21:05 We might put SP. I've been listening to a lot of SP. Okay now to kiss the kiss. Uh, I
00:21:13 Every time I see I'm like yo, what's up?
00:21:17 I need a mixtape album like can we get something could be like we out here starving like what's going on?
00:21:22 Like, you know, I mean is we gonna give it to for one right now. Oh, we get a lot. Oh
00:21:27 Oh, I mean, it's Camden Macy's
00:21:30 Don't miss nothing. I'm trying to drop two projects. Oh, you know, I mean I'm having some meetings right now with Def Jam
00:21:38 I actually got one tomorrow with them. Oh just to get all of the as I don't like that. I like to just
00:21:44 You come from the streets and being a hustler. You just want to be transparent. That's this is what we gonna do. I
00:21:53 Mean, let's look each other in the eye and and then the liver and go from there. I mean, we don't got a lie
00:22:00 Do a bunch of lying do a bunch of we don't have to go to for leaps and I mean bunch of smoking mirrors
00:22:08 I mean, it's more like a
00:22:11 Almost like jail. Oh, yeah two projects. Hey, I go
00:22:16 Handshake
00:22:20 Didn't figure it out after that sayonara, I mean
00:22:23 Yeah, but I'm coming this year. Definitely. Let me know if you need any, you know, need me to feature on something
00:22:30 You know
00:22:32 Come on, man. I'm just saying I might get the million dollars worth of game feature on there
00:22:36 How many albums I've been on already because I don't want to be corny I
00:22:42 You you just you you talk about talking. I'm Thomas bitten
00:22:46 Oh
00:22:48 I got a good. I know I got a hard 16 if kiss a he gonna be low
00:22:53 I'm gonna go and put a hard 16 to go. Yes. Don't you even entertain it?
00:22:58 I'm just saying I can't me. Yeah me I go down in the right form. You understand I go down in the books after that
00:23:04 I get on kiss joint is a rat. I'm a hip-hop is story. You win all the prison talent shows
00:23:10 But you he wasn't rapping though he was singing can you feel it?
00:23:15 Do you feel it? What can you feel it?
00:23:18 That's a pause right
00:23:22 That's all true
00:23:24 I'm saying what you say. I never think like this. Oh
00:23:27 Never see the shit, but no I want some real
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00:24:52 I'm Tomo tapes cassettes
00:24:58 Well, she's a run around listen to you
00:25:01 All the time in jail like it was just like classic when y'all first came up like I told him
00:25:07 When when y'all first came out when the desert storm mixtapes came out
00:25:10 I was the first one to bless him with cuz dudes wasn't even up on him like that
00:25:13 There's a storm when they was coming out looming Ali all that's cool. It was like y'all was 16 bar bar bearings back then
00:25:20 Was it easy for you?
00:25:23 Cuz I always said it was easy like and when I first first started managing Gillian poured them in and we became a group
00:25:29 Yeah, no on some real stuff. I always liked it
00:25:33 to be in a rap group versus to be by myself because
00:25:36 All I got to give we just battling 16s
00:25:40 I mean, I know y'all had some of the historical moments when y'all was just in there. Was it much more easier as
00:25:47 The group dinner didn't win the solo King definitely without it without it without a question is on I
00:25:54 Mean you don't want to get your ass chewed up, but it's also like motivation
00:26:02 It's easier when is you know, I mean
00:26:04 When you're there alone, then you got to create on create something is a little bit harder opposed to
00:26:12 Being in there with styles and luge and here what they say and then they make you it keeps you you saw it sharp
00:26:19 I mean, you know, nobody wouldn't be to say you had the least best verse of the song
00:26:25 Which makes this song better because everybody's feels that same
00:26:31 I mean same shit with the figures same state property same shit with
00:26:36 I mean somebody come out of that booth. I just said that you won't go in the corner and
00:26:42 Make sure I never had that problem with me and Gil. I always I do my shit. Let him go
00:26:48 I let him anger to join it
00:26:50 I was like man
00:26:50 He's still worrying about what I see about time he can wait to anchor the song
00:26:54 He's I'm sick of you cuz you know when a month anger the song they gonna go crazy at the end
00:26:59 Cuz you know you got that last, you know me why you let me anchor it. Oh, but you ain't never do nothing
00:27:03 Look, I don't you ain't never had well, I'm like Dan. Are you gonna do my shit over bro?
00:27:07 Yeah, he'll go after me do it then do it over again
00:27:10 Like that's how he was in the studio like
00:27:13 Do this though. He's like no
00:27:16 He'd be like no like that kiss you ever did a verse over
00:27:19 Yeah
00:27:21 Who you was doing the song with I
00:27:24 Think I did verses over
00:27:28 For my own on my own I
00:27:31 Threw away versus that dudes would probably went to the label and said make this my single
00:27:38 But I got a Kodak. I did a verse over for Kodak. It was funny because it's the song is like about our moms
00:27:45 Mm-hmm. So I'm like with it
00:27:48 You want me to go deep into my?
00:27:51 Kind of lotion
00:27:55 I
00:27:57 Could I was a yeah
00:28:01 It's like their mom, mm-hmm you expecting Kodak to say you some shit some other type of
00:28:20 Kodak hottest shit man free Kodak to any luck the react if we yeah
00:28:24 Yeah, you're watching another episode of me and I was working game been the spotlight
00:28:28 Will we give you the information that you need more than anything?
00:28:30 Listen man to all those Hall of Fame couch warriors and basement warriors out there is doing nothing. You got a girl
00:28:37 She come to chill with you over your mom crib. Mm-hmm. You living in the basement you on the couch you playing a game
00:28:42 You playing a game so that means a man and your life you playing a game slick
00:28:48 Now what's gonna happen is?
00:28:50 Ricky
00:28:51 Ricky romance is gonna come and take her
00:28:53 Because you're gonna take it to a restaurant that you can't take it to the donut glaze
00:28:57 Yep
00:28:57 You keep eating leftovers at your mom crib throwing them in the air fryer in the microwave
00:29:01 Mm-hmm playing all you know
00:29:03 You didn't you didn't beat all records a man and all that you keep inviting it to the basement on that couch
00:29:07 That's your uncle used to sleep on you know, I mean when he used to stay at the house
00:29:11 Well, we got more than it more dense than a fucking 86 hundred
00:29:16 All that but the day you get down with that millennium money, right? I mean and uh,
00:29:19 Melanin money, you know, I mean, you know, but you know, you still he got his first read his first book in prison
00:29:25 Yeah, I did actually I don't really know it was it was a great read
00:29:28 Mm-hmm. It was a it was a street novel, but I will say this today
00:29:32 We got my man George action pack up here
00:29:33 His name is something else, but you gonna call him whatever you want to call him
00:29:36 But he's actually packed with this financial information. He giving you his flagship investment portfolio that he's gonna put you down with
00:29:41 He's just gonna give you that so you could do your own play
00:29:43 And what you got to do is you got a text MDW G to 704 to 706 477 704 to 706
00:29:50 477 now listen George give him the game and tell him who you are
00:29:54 Tell him what you got going on
00:29:55 But listen
00:29:56 You got to tell him your proof of concept because what happened out here is a lot of thing ever since they gave people a microphone
00:30:01 Mm-hmm in a
00:30:03 How can I say a username?
00:30:05 Everybody always saying what they can do what they will do what they might do what they thinking about doing
00:30:10 But ain't nobody telling about the proof the proof of concept what they done
00:30:13 So basically you saying people saying a whole lot, but ain't saying nothing a lot of people was capping
00:30:17 So so George tell us why you not cabin and why everything you're talking about today is real. That's a big fact
00:30:22 So thank you for having me on the pod. So number one
00:30:24 There's about a hundred thousand investment advisors in the world and I'm one of the top 100 you can google that
00:30:30 Well Forbes contributor, right?
00:30:32 So Forbes vets you have to determine who is the best in the industry who is qualified to get the information away?
00:30:37 And some of Forbes contributed every single month. I write articles for Forbes, but more importantly
00:30:40 I've helped hundreds of people invest millions of dollars and build wealth
00:30:45 Most importantly my sister whose birthday was just earlier this week just turned 40. She's retired from corporate America
00:30:51 So it's not something that you got to be entrepreneur, you know doing nothing funny on the internet
00:30:54 Like she's a regular employee and retired on her 40th birthday because of the help that I help up to it
00:31:00 Now what have you done though? What have I done? Yeah, tell him all the moves you made. Yeah, absolutely
00:31:05 So I've been a financial advisor for the past 12 years and I own and operate an investment advisory firm
00:31:10 But the thing is we can only help clients one-on-one. So I wanted to figure out a way
00:31:13 How can I help more people right?
00:31:14 And so I launched an education platform called melon and money and our goal is help a hundred thousand people to look like us
00:31:19 Achieve their first 1 million in net worth so we can close the wealth gap by a hundred billion dollars now now this information in
00:31:25 The flagship investment portfolio. What type of game is you giving up in there?
00:31:29 Well, here's the thing everybody on the internet wants to overcomplicate investing in stock market. It's really not that deep, right?
00:31:34 So if you if you look at McDonald's right McDonald's spends millions of dollars in research trying to figure out where they gonna put the
00:31:39 next McDonald's
00:31:40 Mm-hmm. How does Burger King figure out what they want to put next Burger King?
00:31:43 They put it across the street from McDonald's McDonald's already has already done the research. So with my investment portfolio strategy
00:31:49 I look at Vanguard
00:31:50 I look at all the top people all the top firms would put
00:31:52 Millions of dollars in the research to figure out what needs to go in these funds and I just dive in and say, okay
00:31:57 Well shoot if they've already put all the money into determining what should go in this fund
00:32:00 It might make sense if I use that as a base for my portfolio
00:32:04 Mm-hmm, so 50% of my portfolio is just buying funds that have been heavily researched right by the top companies then from there
00:32:11 I dig a little bit deeper. I'm like, okay. Well, what are the top?
00:32:14 What are the what are the investments that are really keeping this fund up? Right? Is it Apple?
00:32:17 Is it Matt? Is it meta? Is it Google's at Facebook? And then from there I buy a little bit more of those
00:32:22 So now I have this what you call a core satellite strategy
00:32:25 Well now I have a base that is doing well and on top of that
00:32:29 I'm buying the individual companies that are outperforming all the other ones and that's how I'm able to beat the stock market every single year
00:32:33 How much money you need to get into the stock market? That's the beautiful thing
00:32:37 You can get you can start investing for as little as $100, right?
00:32:39 You don't you don't need you don't need good credit, right?
00:32:42 You literally can open up account in five minutes and start investing right? It doesn't take much you can invest $50 a month
00:32:47 You don't have to have a ton of money to get started. You just got to get started
00:32:50 All right, what's the first thing you got started on first thing?
00:32:53 I got started on actually my first like serious investment than what I kick it was Apple. Yeah, so back in 2013
00:32:59 I bought shares of Apple never sold them
00:33:02 And of course, I mean some of it is common sense, right?
00:33:05 We all all of us right now everybody in this room has a everybody probably has a hot pot
00:33:09 Everybody has a laptop
00:33:10 So some of it's just common sense in me like do I believe this company's going to be here for the foreseeable future?
00:33:14 Right, if so, does it make sense to not just be a consumer and actually own a piece of it, right?
00:33:20 Mm-hmm. So you get you can invest in Apple. So what is the competitor because
00:33:24 That a lot of people do got him but there's more Android users in the world than it is
00:33:29 Apple right. So who is that company that you invest in? Who like who is the who's a competitor of Apple?
00:33:34 Yeah, Microsoft what a thing? Well Microsoft I want to say is a competitor of Apple. I kind of look at Microsoft as
00:33:40 the like more so like
00:33:43 B to B right and I look at Apple is B to C, right?
00:33:46 Like they go to explain B to B and B to C for though. Yeah. So so so yes to me
00:33:51 So so B to B is what y'all do, right?
00:33:53 So like y'all give out all to get me and I throw the game every single week, right?
00:33:56 But we're doing a corporate sponsor wants to come in and write a check. Oh, yeah
00:33:59 I got a tax y'all right so B to B
00:34:01 I thought Microsoft is more heavy in the B to B space, right?
00:34:03 Whereas Apple is more heavy in the B to C like all of us have cell phones, right?
00:34:07 So they're selling their target market is us right? Whereas Microsoft target market
00:34:10 I feel like is more so businesses and not individuals
00:34:13 All right now but but who is that that you would go in cuz you like you said if the bird if McDonald's already do the
00:34:19 Research they already got the McDonald's
00:34:20 I'm gonna put a Burger King right across the street from them because we know the people looking for that type of they already did
00:34:25 The research to say it's traffic coming through here people gonna want McDonald's is a big chance
00:34:29 They might want Burger King because they flame-broiled and all that type of sick as he loved a burger
00:34:32 You know, he loved Burger King and the fries tomato chicken fries
00:34:38 You love it
00:34:41 No, they had a look you go good vegan eat
00:34:44 The plant-based sports drink
00:34:48 Yes, I will I eat the fries and drink a pure fuel
00:34:52 Love answers a month now now now know the reason I'm saying is like who is that?
00:34:57 Who was similar because it's more Android you just but the thing is I'm glad you said it's not about who's similar, right?
00:35:03 It's about who's the best because the only reason why you'd want to invest in a company individually is you've identified that they're the market leader
00:35:09 Right. The thing about the index fund is like investing in a mall, right? You go. What's the popular mall here? King of Prussia?
00:35:14 Can you pressure right? It's probably hundreds of stores in there, right?
00:35:16 Yes, if one or two or three of the stores closed down as the mall gonna close down
00:35:19 No, right
00:35:20 So hmm, you only want it and when you pick an individual company, you only want to pick the best
00:35:24 You don't want to pick the old a also got market share, right?
00:35:26 Cuz market share doesn't always mean that it's a great investment right lift uber have great market shares
00:35:32 I don't think they're great investments, right?
00:35:34 So you want to pick the best that's the best investment and a market leader if it so happens
00:35:38 And those are the only companies you want to invest in individually everything else
00:35:40 You just want to buy them all because if they swap those stores out, it don't matter the mall still gonna perform
00:35:44 Well, which is why I let Vanguard Blackrock all them do all the heavy lifting on that and I figure out
00:35:49 What are the few individual companies I need to invest in that are the market leaders now?
00:35:54 What is uh, like you said?
00:35:56 At the end of the day why lifting uber is not because you because people look at lifting uber and say they don't anything
00:36:02 So what's the issue? Yeah, look at the actual business, right? It's a low margin business, right?
00:36:06 So they do a lot of volume but the business model itself right uber a little better than then lift
00:36:11 But the numbers don't necessarily make sense. It's not enough margin for it to be really really really profitable, right?
00:36:17 Whereas Apple has a brand ecosystem, right? They're selling you the air pods. It's not you to iPhone. It's not you to laptop
00:36:24 It's not only you to Apple pencil. It's a brand ecosystem at the end of the day
00:36:27 They had this thin margin on one main service. Just that's kind of hard to make it work
00:36:31 All right
00:36:32 Now now in this flagship investment for you, what's all in there if I'm just walking in there?
00:36:36 I'm Johnny Johnny know nothing. I don't really know what's going on
00:36:39 But as you know, I said, I'm gonna go I'm a Texas number so I get this information
00:36:41 I'm gonna text MD WG to 704 to 70 64 77 to get this flagship investment portfolio
00:36:49 And as I'm getting a free course anything, yes, you do a free workshop every single week
00:36:53 But I got one to leave with value
00:36:54 I want you to literally come to the classroom results, right?
00:36:56 You can plug in that portfolio and then before you come to the class already have your investments
00:37:00 Then just come to the class to ask questions. Yeah, we do a free workshop every single week
00:37:03 So when you text that number, we'll see that information as well. We want to make sure that you got that first
00:37:07 All right. Now, what are you doing? You put down a nice investment on that watch?
00:37:11 Well, yes, you did get that
00:37:14 With that plain Jane
00:37:17 My first investment was a
00:37:21 Vested 70,000 in his watch. No, so so no this play. I've seen it. Yes. He did was inside of that. Yeah
00:37:29 Yeah, so what's inside of it is we have as individual companies Apple Tesla inside here. Yeah, Apple Tesla Google
00:37:37 Amazon and then we own two index funds
00:37:40 So VOO, which is a popular index fund if I can Google that mm-hmm, right and also qqq
00:37:46 Right. So those are the main holdings and also a company called Eli Lilly, which is in a pharmaceutical space. No, so y'all just kill me
00:37:53 Yeah, it's cool. Matter of fact, you know
00:37:57 I
00:37:59 Love when you do that see I made 42 million and last year. This is just one of my this is one of my accounts, right?
00:38:05 For the year, right? So when you look at you today
00:38:08 That's that's the return
00:38:11 Right, just long term nothing fancy not trading options not having to be an investment guru. Just buying high quality companies at the right time
00:38:20 Screenshot this
00:38:26 I'll set it up for y'all. I'm just anything he invested in screens. Yeah. No, you just say that everything you said is here
00:38:31 Yeah, and I'll log into the actual portfolio. Yeah, you got Tesla you got Amazon. Oh, you're not playing
00:38:36 Yeah, so you make some people want to overcomplicate it. So you have to go through them
00:38:40 I don't see that through me right? I want you to like look it's not that deep
00:38:43 This is how you do it and that's why I want to give that to you first
00:38:45 So once you get proof, oh man, it's really not that hard now
00:38:48 What I want to do the other things like I want to set up an estate plan to build generational wealth. Okay, cool
00:38:52 Boom, I want to get my life insurance cool
00:38:54 You can do those things but I want to leave without you first to show you it's not that hard to do
00:38:57 I like that. Yeah, listen
00:38:59 Well, if you want to get that melon and money man, what you need to do
00:39:01 You need to give my man George a case pen out your name, right?
00:39:04 George can I call him George action pack is everything he's teaching you is action in his pack with knowledge
00:39:08 It's George action pong. You can find me on Instagram same George action. Boom. I Jim. Yeah
00:39:14 Pong yeah, you know Indian in you got it. Huh?
00:39:19 Ghani Oh God, he thought it was action action pong
00:39:22 No, no, no Indian anymore. You need to do is on a 7-eleven
00:39:27 If you wouldn't listen man, you want to get down man?
00:39:30 You need to get that flagship investment portfolio any gonna get how many often do you do the course like the fair dream every single?
00:39:35 Week and we got it. We got a podcast is every single week
00:39:37 There's a podcast the melon and money show and no money money
00:39:41 You got you see that logo on a double let me if it's not if it's not there's no
00:39:44 It's a not ball. It's not you to make them the black dollar, but it's really green
00:39:48 Yeah, the end of the day man, which I need to do is check to get this flagship investment portfolio
00:39:53 You need to text MDW G the 704 to 70 64 77 listen man. Check my man out man. He's not playing no games
00:39:59 He doing this thing and listen, man. I
00:40:01 Might though, you know might go ahead and man
00:40:04 Go buy some Apple man and some awesome a couple other things. Hey, you know, it's crazy
00:40:09 Why people don't just give everything that they buy the most
00:40:11 People are just trying to be consumers. There's so much stuff that we
00:40:18 Using the iPhone right
00:40:20 Everything is mine. I'm using the iPhone. I had a Tesla. I'm on Amazon a thing buying something
00:40:25 People just gotta get on the right side of the equation
00:40:28 Yeah, that's crazy people are always consumers, but they don't think - how can I get a piece of that ownership?
00:40:32 Right rich people do the right things wealthy people own the right things. Mmm, it's okay
00:40:37 And so if you know if you have a high-income skill set cool
00:40:40 You can go out run it up make as much money as possible
00:40:42 But at the end of the day if you get hurt if you get sick if you get depressed
00:40:45 If you stop working the money stops, right?
00:40:47 But when you own assets, right that produce cash flow
00:40:50 Ideally then you really when I even really get into the sauce of like how I'm able to help people build wealth three times faster
00:40:56 This is this is that's just the starting point, right?
00:40:57 The real sauce is when you invest in a portfolio like that
00:41:00 It's earning 57% in a year you take that money and then you go buy something like real estate, right?
00:41:05 That real estate property is gonna cash flow
00:41:07 But if you don't you still run an active business, you don't need that cash flow right now
00:41:10 So you take that money you reinvest it back into the portfolio
00:41:13 So now you got the original portfolio earning 57% a year in this in this example, you go buy real estate just producing cash flow
00:41:19 That's investment number two. Then you reinvest that cash flow back into the portfolio
00:41:22 So now you're getting building wealth three times faster off the same dollar. Listen, man. Well, you heard that man
00:41:27 This is another episode of million dollars for every game man. Listen, man. Listen, my guy George action palms George
00:41:33 I mean, he's a beast maze. Don't you?
00:41:40 Get money my name is
00:41:42 I feel the money coming. That's hilarious. Once again, man. I want y'all to text MD WG to 704 20 to 70
00:41:51 64 77 man get that flagship investment
00:41:55 Portfolio and make it happen. This is another episode of me and I was with a game man
00:41:58 We're not playing no games get the game get off the couch is just like that
00:42:01 - Jane
00:42:05 The way the way you rap you rap rap
00:42:10 Do you find it difficult for you right now in your generation to come up outside of kiss being your dad?
00:42:15 because
00:42:18 No, no, but what I'm saying is
00:42:22 It seemed like I'm listening off your foundation the pieces. I listen to the foundation is real. Do you find it the jerk?
00:42:30 Do you find it difficult?
00:42:32 Like when you moving around trying to you know
00:42:34 Figure you you've been inside of things out with the labels and all that
00:42:37 Do you find it difficult in this time when they when a different, you know every day a different sound is being promoted
00:42:43 We don't know what's gonna be promoted and ran through the matrix. Those crazy. I just had that talk with my man yesterday
00:42:49 I was like, oh sometimes it might feel discouraging but not be fun because it's like nobody else is doing it
00:42:54 Everybody else sound the same. So you hear like you're not I saw he yo, they asking for beats
00:42:59 Let me get a such-and-such type beat or I'm gonna do this type flow and it's like that's cool
00:43:03 But I'm over here doing this like you feel me ain't nobody doing it. So it's comfortable. It's cool
00:43:09 It's refreshing like I can't hit my stuff and be like I didn't go ahead if I want to hit that
00:43:14 I might not want to hit it from you. I can't hit from this person. You're not gonna hear what I got from nobody else
00:43:19 So damn has major and I'm gonna keep it all the way real - that's used to turn me off when producers do this
00:43:25 Send you a beat and that's a beat. It's a like somebody else's such-and-such type of baby
00:43:33 Send that to such-and-such
00:43:35 You was thinking about this when you made this beat for this
00:43:41 He don't want it. So, you know, you sending me such-and-such type of beats
00:43:46 Send me a ghillie type of artists to ask for that though. I know you know, they got that right now
00:43:52 They could punch in the guilt. I'd be ghillie the kid type. You got that type
00:43:56 Right now you - the AI
00:44:01 Oh
00:44:03 They got you can
00:44:07 Bet you we pumping what punching wallow type of beat. There's gonna be a drum and a snare and it's in a
00:44:13 Everyone it's all in me anything
00:44:21 You want now baby?
00:44:23 Should it be next? Oh, I
00:44:32 Got listen. Listen, I got a cat. I got my catalog is stronger than yours. That's got it
00:44:38 Let's just get let's just get that simple
00:44:40 If you if you look at it, let me go right here cut this off. My catalog is stronger than yours
00:44:44 Look, I got real features. I'm on Conway a big song on Conway. I'm on all these different Jones
00:44:50 I got a song on lag June
00:44:52 Album, I got I got songs all over look at my look at my OTC. I'm on to see John OT the real
00:44:59 I got big-time features bro. Like like my like my catalog is
00:45:03 He's mad with you wrong with you you ain't read one verse ain't none of them Conway Conway Conway, but what you mean?
00:45:11 Okay, ain't none of these called you for a rap. They call you yo, I got a song low
00:45:16 I'm like, I'm like Gil Scott hand around on these jokes talking that I got a joint with uh, everybody like
00:45:21 I'm like if kiss you so you gonna call you you I got a song. Oh, no
00:45:24 They go my biggest single to right here dripping. That was my biggest single right there
00:45:27 This is my biggest single kids they all be a by want me to perform this
00:45:33 Yeah, look at the cover
00:45:42 Dripping
00:45:46 I
00:45:48 Mean the young will be is up in the studio
00:45:50 Kiss that was a hit let me know you want to do the remix
00:45:55 I'm just saying man
00:46:02 Like if you want to jump on that John listen a lot of people hit me up about that John so, you know
00:46:07 But I gotta hold it when you do this and crack it down
00:46:12 No, I forget. I just did it somebody snatched it off it and remixed it sway to remix guys
00:46:17 Shout out to you your big-time producer baby big things is gonna happen for you. Yeah, but no, it's like man
00:46:22 I'm just saying I got to give me a shout out. You see people don't acknowledge they producers
00:46:26 I mean he down to land up doing big beats, but no so so
00:46:30 At the end of the day, you know, I mean
00:46:33 Gil say all this
00:46:35 All is the first album Gil ever had rap record he ever had owned himself
00:46:42 Was the one the only vanilla ice ice ice?
00:46:45 Don't believe it was in W8
00:46:48 Vanilla ice wasn't the first joy you had no was you were like put that on everything as you put it on the bitch
00:46:53 But put it on a thanks on everything
00:46:55 You talk about this for life
00:46:58 You never had a nice I had a state all right say no more
00:47:08 Say no more now somebody had it out. I go you thought she was ice ice, baby
00:47:12 So I got it and my 5.0 with a rag town down so my hair can blow
00:47:16 Everybody did but you had this because he had a cruise in it a 5.0 the rag top down so his hair can blow
00:47:36 That was a legendary song it was
00:47:38 babies a hit
00:47:41 Like like like it's certain songs that
00:47:44 100 years mom still gonna be a royalties offer because the certain songs and playing places
00:47:50 We don't even dig it like sure got that right? Yeah, sure
00:47:53 Sold that yeah, you know
00:47:55 He wouldn't figured it out. I mean, but uh, the whole thing is like
00:48:01 Did you ever run into sugar in your days? Oh, yeah. How was the how was the interaction?
00:48:06 It's cool. It was no sugar sugar
00:48:09 You know about life like real issue. We don't recognize real whatever, you know
00:48:15 He had he already had a relationship with D&Y so it was already like a
00:48:22 established respect level there for
00:48:25 Whenever I would be over there it was no I was cool
00:48:29 But then it was a time like he was popping up everywhere. I was that
00:48:35 She was crazy. What do you mean?
00:48:37 Like say I have a West Coast trip and we just be anywhere
00:48:42 So sunset anyway, and he had just beat he just it's like somebody was calling them telling them
00:48:49 Anyway, I was that I think he was trying to get me on a song
00:48:53 But he was doing
00:48:56 He was doing it a little weird, but never happened. Anyways, he was better off just calling somebody or saying I need kids or
00:49:05 I got this much money and this is the song
00:49:07 He was really trying to like
00:49:10 Mafia
00:49:13 Mafia the verse out of me, but that's didn't work. No, but you know, what's crazy is funny you say that because
00:49:18 one thing about LA
00:49:21 LA ain't like it's like nowhere else because you'll be in LA in
00:49:28 The dude at the airport the uber driver be from a set so they know when you
00:49:35 Tell Bell man everybody from a set somewhere, but you just don't know and they'd like yeah, you know, you may and I'm up
00:49:43 Call you man. You know what? You wanna you you wanna London you what's the name? Yeah, you wanna
00:49:48 My home to home to home. He got you
00:49:51 So so, you know, that's why I have good relationships
00:49:57 People yes, I would know I'm in the day when I was on cash money at the month social wars
00:50:02 She got us to fuck about that joint
00:50:05 Jimmy I
00:50:08 Don't know why we ran out of it. So you ran from shit
00:50:11 Did you tell me I'm a call shit man? I gotta talk to shit
00:50:14 No, man, she'll look at me and she'll know I'm busted up after that then talked and I was on cash money
00:50:21 We was at the awards
00:50:25 We sitting right here
00:50:27 Snoop kind of sitting behind us
00:50:29 Stream out like that then walked up. Yeah, the cigar in his mouth for one. He just stood there
00:50:35 This whole month area was nervous
00:50:40 Somebody stood up and say something to him. I don't know if it might have been Snoop or something. I just stood up see some toy
00:50:50 Next day, I know they just passed the motherfucking, you know, I'm from Philly. So I know snoop sugar ain't got no beef with me
00:50:57 So I'm like damn I'm looking like yo, that's shit like
00:51:00 My scene even like that's yeah, I was like that should use the fan. Well with you it didn't
00:51:07 It just went down the line
00:51:10 You'll be about to get up leave
00:51:12 I'm talking the words just started. I'm like wow cuz we leave and shit ain't with us
00:51:19 Yeah
00:51:21 Play telephone. Yeah, we pay they pass that shit down online next day. I know them got up and left you ran out - no
00:51:28 We we walked out. I
00:51:30 Did start running with stunner and slim dove than a muff taxi you right we came in muff in limos
00:51:37 Sure, you see the muff and CEO tub. Oh
00:51:40 Taxi
00:51:42 I'm jumping into
00:51:49 You jump to the taxi and right you jump. Listen, how did how did you lay you?
00:51:54 You jump through the window on the door
00:51:56 How did you do this with the window of the doors of all dogs?
00:51:59 Go to shoot in my mind he not beefing with cash money
00:52:04 So I'm confused - why we even leave no wards in awards just started
00:52:10 Like this just started like let me get the break. Let me record so when we when we finally
00:52:17 They get up baby get up slim get up. They walk in we follow them out and then we get out the building
00:52:25 to where this that in the motherfucking the CEO and the other and I run the label say
00:52:32 We came in limos together
00:52:34 Dog listen, I know you always be no listen. Yeah, you won't think listen this will sound outrageous to you, bro
00:52:59 It was 63 of us. Oh, yeah, you lying
00:53:04 Hey cuz this is a wow man, bro 63, bro
00:53:13 That sound like a car cuz he was in the West Coast. He's that number. Oh most all of the niggas was up the top
00:53:19 It was just the artist was down the bottom
00:53:24 Everybody we came with was up the top. Why they were still there. It was just yeah, they were still today
00:53:29 They didn't even know we ran out the joint. Oh
00:53:31 You did run. So let's establish that. Oh, I told you when I ran
00:53:36 Did you dive through the window was the door I jumped in it
00:53:44 Now I leave this guy didn't leave Cali
00:53:54 Right. No, we went to the hotel. Oh
00:53:56 Everybody got the back to the hotel
00:53:59 Listen whether we whether we came on a tour buses what we all came together my
00:54:07 Mm-hmm. Would you see muffling the CEO to a taxi?
00:54:12 Hey, and then pull off and you watching that mother pull off you like wait, hold on is we beefing with these nicks?
00:54:19 So you ran and you was scared based off of illusion or you wasn't sure I wasn't scared
00:54:24 I knew I was getting the fuck out of there. I just need to know
00:54:26 Okay, hold on let me just say this if
00:54:34 You had a stadium right kiss
00:54:37 And you look up
00:54:40 And you see the whole month stadium running this way
00:54:43 The fuck you gonna do kiss getting up and running that way, okay
00:54:49 So kids don't even know what the fuck happened. Yeah, I ain't gonna stand around but you go stand around the fuck me
00:54:55 That's a fact. I didn't know we I didn't think we was beefing with death rope
00:54:59 But when the miss dived in that cab like it was a pool
00:55:02 I
00:55:04, I
00:55:06 Think I did the car
00:55:08 It was a yo-ho, I want to don't tell don't say no tough to me ever again
00:55:34 No, don't try to check
00:55:36 I'm not
00:55:37 Don't you wanna I really is he is leader
00:55:40 She'll call me then was like what's up? Gilly? I'm like, what's up, dawg? He say yo
00:55:47 Cash money. Oh you some money you want to go get that? Let's go get that. I was like
00:55:52 I said a lot of shit about the big guy. You never seen him. Don't be nobody
00:56:01 Take your money get your publishing that's all got it one thing. I never said was no no me nobody
00:56:07 What type of do what I'll be?
00:56:09 Me some money you talking about me
00:56:11 Anyways, get back to J. Yeah
00:56:14 That was a while it don't bad. I wish I was a while see he would it cuz it's a movie
00:56:19 It's like a movie like you said I go that have been a crazy movie man
00:56:23 63
00:56:26 The wait till after the awards for them to leave and all of that
00:56:29 You want me to call Mickey right now?
00:56:31 Call me and ask him
00:56:34 Did we did we run out the motherfucking awards cuz it should
00:56:37 Fuck you talking about pretty sure Mickey was there
00:56:42 63 individual no, it wasn't all together though. It was up top
00:56:47 It was just like six artists seven artists eight people maybe something like that right here me maybe so for the call
00:56:54 Got it, but you was a part of the track team that day
00:56:59 The California the California track team music track man. Oh how many people was which should?
00:57:04 Listen I didn't see nobody else with it. I just see who's standing up in the motherfucking like this. I
00:57:18 Ain't see nobody else with it. I'm pretty sure you had with him, but he was just standing up it was
00:57:25 Man, listen to me man. We got out of there man. It wasn't back in the day
00:57:29 You know that West Coast was different man
00:57:31 That wasn't from the West Coast was they wasn't with the West Coast like that
00:57:35 He was full because the niggas was food like Waldo said they knew where you landed
00:57:40 They knew where you stayed they knew all this you was on a menu that night
00:57:43 Yeah, everybody was on the menu barbecue ribs or was you seafood first of all kiss?
00:57:49 Let's keep it real bro when you touch down to LA if you wasn't know some certified
00:57:55 Who had no so out that month?
00:57:57 Everybody was food. I told you I was on vacation with a certain mother and call me turbo
00:58:04 We got such-and-such right here. What can we do with them?
00:58:08 That's how this used to be you gotta understand before Instagram and all that is didn't want fame
00:58:19 This one at your chain
00:58:22 Now they want to be a team. No now the gang a lot of the time the gangsters don't turn dinner
00:58:28 - they just want that picture to put on that month Graham
00:58:31 They don't want nothing from you. They won't be down there like this and put a muffled caption as a lion kiss told me
00:58:38 I'm the real raspy now. No
00:58:47 So it is different now back then it was no fame it was no this was hungry
00:58:53 It was certain packs of that once of the club for one specific reason
00:58:58 You're why long?
00:59:01 Let me ask you a question about New York City, right?
00:59:04 Do they need do they need spots like the tunnel to come back like not the tunnel but spots like that
00:59:15 You know what's ill about that because I would love for it to come back
00:59:20 But the music gotta change
00:59:26 because if it opened with the current state of music I should just like a
00:59:31 slaughterhouse
00:59:34 Play a bunch of that crazy shit in there. It's just
00:59:37 It's good. It's gonna be some I was into dead bodies in
00:59:42 the music
00:59:45 Would have to I would think some would shift a little bit
00:59:50 Okay, you feel me I think I'm saying you that energy yeah, it's the energy the people that's there the things they years yeah
00:59:58 That's it. Of course. We need is a definitely scarce on good clubs and
01:00:04 Dance, it's no more dancing. There's no
01:00:09 Whenever you get to them parties that's playing that shit that we like to hit that music that good feeling music
01:00:16 That's no longer. Well, he means your house stripping
01:00:19 You mad cuz I huge attracts don't use a Los Angeles
01:00:27 Angeles track team that's why you man. You know, you was down with the Dallas Penitentiary
01:00:31 Give us a crazy name
01:00:36 Now
01:00:38 You want to do stripper
01:00:48 The liar but no, you know, no the reason I actually that because it seemed like
01:00:54 It's so many now. It's like they broke it down to the point. Where's there was so many
01:00:59 Lounges and what's the name? He broke the clubs down. They go by my because of the music though. Hmm
01:01:06 because
01:01:08 It wasn't never
01:01:10 One club might get shut down and some happened with the the lease or the some no
01:01:16 I mean it might have been moving something in there, but it was never it's just lounges, right?
01:01:21 Yeah, no lounge walk. It's all lounge. Yes lounges and
01:01:26 Speakeasies issues like that. Let me ask you a question. Don't do you think that's that's gonna
01:01:30 play a
01:01:32 part in and you know trying to fuck it pop up because the domain the main source of
01:01:38 Income for hip-hop artists is the club
01:01:42 facts
01:01:44 torn
01:01:45 No the club
01:01:47 Why you see the club because no, but now it's wish to more venue like let's be for real small venues like that smaller artists
01:01:55 But for they ever hit a venue they hit the club. Yeah, you're getting them booking. They get that
01:02:00 5,000 that 3500
01:02:03 No, they get all they putting you straight up from the incubator to TLA now. I'm on my way. I got 15
01:02:11 Hey reds, happy birthday, I'm getting you a karate suit I got some I got some money for you, okay
01:02:19 All right on my way
01:02:24 He'll interrupt one of my karate session I'm gonna get looking for me I'm on my way
01:02:28 Yeah, you interrupted my karate session with him. Not a dad was teaching him karate. You just told me get away from them
01:02:34 You actually mean jail jitsu
01:02:37 jail jitsu
01:02:40 Like what you was talking about they skipping it though. Yeah Gil talking about our process. Mm-hmm. You get booked on the club
01:02:49 As you getting hotter you now you start doing small venues didn't work your way up and the numbers go up
01:02:56 now they going
01:02:59 Incubator straight to TLA
01:03:01 Yeah, it's no
01:03:06 You know, I'm gonna miss the money. Yeah, you still want to after party money going on now everybody so bougie
01:03:13 Guess who's catching all the club money?
01:03:17 Well, those you get to a point that they too big to go in the club
01:03:21 I know some dudes that don't go to club
01:03:24 Y'all gonna book me right now for my single dripping if y'all want to book me. I'm coming all the clubs
01:03:28 I got the promo platform. So what I'm gonna do is I got you and me we go promo
01:03:39 I take 12 12 50 right now now, you know, I'm 50. Yeah, 200 200 12,000
01:03:46 512 5 listen this what I'm saying
01:03:48 50 but you know, I'm nice is 12,000 and 50
01:03:52 Listen for real for real. I'm really I really just want to a dime so I'm cool
01:04:04 So we going no, I've got it. Come on run it. Let's get it
01:04:07 I'm on my way to and I'm a tit listen as a
01:04:09 Artist, I don't care who you are in the country
01:04:12 One of the best places on the artists coming up the B is from
01:04:15 Right here in the East Coast the Philadelphia Jersey area and I'm gonna tell you why this is the only place in America from New
01:04:21 York down where you can hit five cities in three hours. You got New York. You got the whole Jersey
01:04:26 You got Philly you got Baltimore you got DC and a thing in between Delaware Connecticut. Listen, listen, you go up there to start
01:04:32 Then this in the DC if you could get popping over here, you could be a millionaire just from over here
01:04:39 Because the streams and all that stuff to be they booking you they will book you to death in Jersey, Delaware
01:04:45 Maryland back DC v8. They won't book you
01:04:49 It's so many and you could kill it. You could be a you could be a I'm talking about a lounge legend
01:04:54 You could be a lounge legend a lounge legend
01:04:56 Cuz the boys the boys gonna pay you just because a lot of them dudes
01:05:01 They go if you all you got to do is get pop a lot of them dudes
01:05:04 They some dudes ain't even worried about the return of investment. They just want to be the dude
01:05:08 Yeah, I'm the first one to bring the first one that bungalow shoot him up down here ain't nobody breaking
01:05:13 So now you can book you that's why youngins make sure you got a good manager
01:05:18 If you got a song that's popping and you ain't a lounge legend
01:05:21 If you ain't running through them lounges getting them books and then now the game is so crazy
01:05:25 You got so many different marketing games. You got the balls and selling the sneaks. They need promo. Everybody want promo
01:05:31 They want to bless you. They want you to everybody got a bag out there
01:05:34 So if you you're a young cat you rapping and you ain't running around a lounge legend get rid of your manager and call me
01:05:40 So Jay, what you got going on, bro?
01:05:42 Got some new music coming out more music when I saw videos coming out top of the year
01:05:49 We in the top of the year, so I'm thinking
01:05:51 February end of February early March. Yes got two projects done right now
01:05:56 Just waiting to drop a lot of features got some out right now with Capella gray and dream dog. Oh
01:06:02 Soran that's what I'm a
01:06:04 Word you shooting a visual for that? Yeah, we working on that. That's his song actually we working on that
01:06:10 Then I'm working with a new artist on from the Bronx named Apollo Ray. He tough. Mm-hmm
01:06:14 Yeah, now I'm a big move on the coffee side coming to we bought the purchase of a nice a nice piece of property
01:06:22 Brooklyn, okay. Um, it's gonna be nice. Look out for the grand opening information
01:06:28 We got to finish the paperwork on the building
01:06:31 Well, I mean that we coming through man. Yeah
01:06:34 Definitely need this cafe. This cafe coffee dot I like a DJ to join me. You know, I do DJing on
01:06:41 Anything dealing with hip-hop I care I'm a book you want you to graffiti. Yeah, I mean I'm graffiti
01:06:48 I mean, I might just want to write a blowout. I just I just like you know, I might want a one-stop shop
01:06:54 DJ artists and
01:06:57 Whole seminar speak. I need you to speak rap in DJ now the speaking part
01:07:04 stage DJ
01:07:07 You kiss baby shorts because it's you kiss
01:07:10 I'm gonna break it down the speaking joiners where you heck to get
01:07:13 But it's speaking that 45 minutes question answer the red of 15. That's anywhere from 40 to 75,000
01:07:20 So we're gonna wipe the I'm gonna give you a budget
01:07:22 All right, the flat number now my single it ain't is a little cold right now
01:07:27 So I ain't gonna hurt you on that bitch been cool. I could do that for 25
01:07:31 I do the single the DJ joint give me you give me 500 for that
01:07:35 box of noodles
01:07:38 Just because if it's for the kid, oh
01:07:41 550
01:07:43 45,000 $50 $75. Come on 45 75. Yeah, let's get shake on that. He tried to show the young I negotiate
01:07:50 He won a $25. No $40,000 drink
01:07:54 No
01:07:58 Negotiations, that's like a mother say I give me now is right now and say
01:08:03 Give me man, honey
01:08:08 I'm just saying man, you know, I gotta get my I gotta get my name out there
01:08:11 This is all young boys out of do fucked up negotiate. You know, they come and get with me. They're gonna be rich
01:08:15 now now to Nef
01:08:18 You and your dad
01:08:23 Y'all got a song together, right? No now when this song happened, you know
01:08:28 I'm not even I didn't even engage in his I didn't he do everything on his own
01:08:35 Alright now if you get on the Joan how many times you gonna rewrite that rap when you get on the Joan with your dad
01:08:39 You ain't gonna never had to rewrite you just coming in one night. No, I'm just cold what I feel is on my heart
01:08:45 Yeah, I might have to give it to him and let him sit with it. Okay, damn. No, I don't give
01:08:51 He gave it to you for the five years and after you know, you're getting baked, right?
01:08:54 No, I gotta keep it real. I'm put my money on this Nef is getting barbecue
01:09:01 Sport this ain't a one thing about you daddy. I'll cook your mom
01:09:05 Time with
01:09:19 D fucked you up like that. That's like saying yeah, I'll cook your mom
01:09:23 I'm a love the only one that can show you step by step by she's making it you do the same day and they come
01:09:29 out hard
01:09:30 I'm here come out marvelous. You should taste like you cooked it with rocks. That's what I'm gonna say with it, though
01:09:37 You're gonna sit with it you gonna come with your best shit facts that's gonna be your best getting barbecue baked now
01:09:49 I
01:09:51 Shoot the video when y'all had a new spot
01:10:02 Have a deep Joan have it and see the way not to get cooked
01:10:05 You come up with a song talking about some some family or not
01:10:09 You need to see you trying to give him a bitch ass route out. No, this is about competition come talking a shit
01:10:15 Your dad won't barbecue bakey. There's gonna be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You go ahead of beat
01:10:19 You already know what you ain't you gonna take the Leo had a shit for me
01:10:22 I take you when you come to him. You're gonna be like dad. Yeah, I'm ready
01:10:25 You know what? Let me hear what you got when you talk this shit. This won't be a shot
01:10:29 Oh, I got you then when he jumped on that just was about back
01:10:33 First of all, you daddy he gave you some flow. He gave some game. He gave some flyness
01:10:38 You know what your dad did not give you
01:10:40 the voice
01:10:44 Let me say this now
01:10:46 Just keep this in a bit in the event when you ready to do this song
01:10:51 Get with me, you know, I wrote a lot of his stuff. I was right
01:10:54 Man you gonna stop respecting me right? I love any gangster. I'm a lot of his not that
01:11:02 I wrote like two bars out. I just any rap from home
01:11:10 But man, we just want to thank y'all for coming in man
01:11:12 Don't support it. Listen kids can't make coffee that car get with that man and I'm about to get out of here man
01:11:21 I gotta go. Yeah, that's you looking for Gil. Yes
01:11:23 Appreciate my brothers for life. Yes, sir. I show love not only on camera off camera
01:11:32 You know nothing's going on, you know, maybe we tap in we locked in
01:11:37 Real sincerity over it. Yes. Yeah, I mean a guy just step your game up step your frame up
01:11:45 Yes. Mmm. Yes, sir. Ski. I'll show you how to step the flame. Oh, hey attention
01:11:51 That's it you gotta see them and it's just like that right
01:11:57 You
01:11:59 [BLANK_AUDIO]
