00:00 >> Your partner in crime earlier, he raved about it, but what was your trip like?
00:05 >> It was a great trip today, just got to be more personal with Coach Tocars today.
00:10 Pretty much spent all my time here with him, got to get on the board,
00:14 he taught me a little bit.
00:15 Just football, the aspect of football,
00:17 just teach me how he teaches the quarterbacks here at FSU.
00:21 Just getting that personal feeling with them today, it's great to be here.
00:25 >> And do you have any kind of new experience today?
00:28 >> I got to go to the weight room, be more specific to quarterbacks,
00:33 what they do with arm care, how they lift, what they do off season and
00:37 in season in the fall.
00:39 And just what they do, that's pretty much what I did.
00:42 >> DJ was in the building, you got to talk to him today?
00:44 >> I did, I introduced myself, saw him today, he's a big guy.
00:48 >> [LAUGH] >> I can't do it, but
00:51 I got to introduce myself, he's a pretty nice guy, well mannered.
00:56 >> We've talked many times with you about that you really wanna lead this class,
01:00 I think you said it's gonna be one of the best classes.
01:02 What guys were you talking to today?
01:03 How are you feeling about some of those guys that were here today?
01:06 >> Obviously Jamie was here, I don't know what he said earlier.
01:09 >> He's very positive.
01:10 >> Very positive.
01:11 >> Good stuff.
01:13 >> Got another receiver, Ronell Brown, I don't know what Randall.
01:16 CJ Wiley was also here, I know he's out of Georgia,
01:18 they just went to state this year.
01:20 Great guys, great receivers, great size, great speed.
01:24 Also we had no one linebacker here also, I gotta hit him up,
01:29 see what he's thinking, but there's great guys here.
01:33 They're able to be a part of this class, I think you can have to in the class.
01:36 >> Any overall feeling of how they were enjoying it?
01:39 >> I feel like they were enjoying it great.
01:40 They were interacting with Coach Norville, Coach Norville's an energetic guy.
01:44 They were really interacting with him very well, so I feel like they're doing great.
01:48 >> What are you kind of gonna tell the people that maybe haven't visited FSU?
01:52 What do you tell them about FSU since you know you've been here so many times?
01:56 I mean, what would you tell them?
01:57 >> I mean, I'd tell them it's different.
01:58 It's just a different vibe here, different.
02:00 The people, all the people in the building, they're great people.
02:04 I mean, there's no place like it.
02:07 The tradition, the fans, the fans are great.
02:11 I mean, I just tell them, come see for themselves.
02:14 >> Right. >> Come see for themselves and
02:15 they'll be pleased for sure.
02:16 >> Have you always been an open guy or you're not afraid to go to people and
02:19 talk to them?
02:20 Like, hey, this is, I mean, have you always been like that?
02:23 >> I mean, not always, but I come out of my shell a little bit,
02:26 cuz I really have to.
02:27 I mean, if I want the class to be great, I guess they gotta be more vocal,
02:30 talk to the guys.
02:31 >> Do you see what Luke did kind of as a leader of the 2024 class,
02:35 try to apply that to the 2025 class?
02:38 >> For sure, what Luke did was great.
02:40 He really made a great class.
02:41 I wanna redo that, but maybe better.
02:44 >> Maybe better. >> For sure.
02:45 But Luke, he's a great leader, very vocal guy.
02:49 He has a great personality.
02:51 We get along very well.
02:52 We've known each other for a long time.
02:54 So just seeing what he did to the tribe 24,
02:57 that really just puts like, he sets the standard high for sure.
03:02 >> As a quarterback, you alluded great about just what this offense brings and
03:06 gives you.
03:07 What is your opinion of how would this offense just translate to you with
03:12 your skills?
03:13 >> I mean, Coach Norvale and Coach Tokars, they really,
03:17 the way they call plays to certain play styles of quarterbacks is really what they
03:21 thrive on and on the way to get their receivers in one-on-one position to win.
03:25 The run game, the offensive line, just getting their players and
03:29 their athletes in the best situation for them to succeed is a way I think they do
03:34 very well.
03:34 >> One thing, a unique thing too, I was just gonna say is like with Luke,
03:38 it's that you're a different type of quarterback.
03:39 It's like you're really big on pass.
03:42 I mean, explain your skills and
03:44 maybe some things that you wanna get a little better at.
03:46 >> I'm a very accurate passer.
03:48 I feel like I can go out of the pocket with my feet set up for
03:52 another playmaking ability, so I actually have a sneaky run.
03:55 I haven't really ran throughout my high school career like that, but
03:58 I think I'll probably add that element to my game this year a little bit.
04:02 And something is I'll be able to work on probably staying in the pocket a little
04:05 longer, be able to take those hits and deliver an accurate ball across the middle
04:09 of the field.
04:10 But that's just something that comes with more repetition and
04:14 having to do it a little bit more, I think that would come.
04:18 >> Is that something like toe cars and
04:19 some of that kind of talk to you about too, like what you really should be working on?
04:23 That sort of stuff.
04:24 >> I'm just saying just keep being me, keep doing what I'm doing.
04:27 I had a great, not saying I had a not a great season, but
04:31 just things that I think I had a good season overall.
04:34 We got to the state championship, but we didn't quite do what we wanted to do in
04:39 that game.
04:39 We're gonna be back next year for sure.
04:41 But I just feel like I can keep adding on and do better next season.
04:45 And just say keep being me and keep doing what I'm doing.
04:48 >> What's every day school still try to talk to you?
04:52 You've had to go through that as well and eventually lock it down.
04:55 Where are you kind of at with that?
04:56 Are you just pretty much just forget I'm doing that for you?
05:00 >> There's one school in particular that's good reach now is Florida.
05:04 I might be visiting next week, maybe.
05:07 >> Okay. >> Maybe, but it's not set in stone yet,
05:09 but that's pretty much the only school that's really hard.
05:12 Coach Napier was at our school.
05:14 Was it yesterday?
05:16 Yeah, he was yesterday.
05:17 Probably talked to him for a long time.
05:20 >> You feel locked in with FSU?
05:21 >> Yeah, but I'm locked in for sure.
05:23 100% locked in.
05:25 No doubt in my mind.
05:26 >> What locked you in so much?
05:28 >> How much they want me, how much they truly care.
05:30 You see Coach Garvelle came to our school, first stop in January.
05:33 First stop he's ever been.
05:35 As soon as he shut down that deal with FSU not to leave to go to Alabama.
05:38 He was right here.
05:40 There to see me, there to see Jamie and Drake.
05:42 So, it just shows.
05:45 >> I know Jamie's your teammate, and so is Drake.
05:47 But how long have you known those guys?
05:49 I mean, where's that relationship started?
05:51 >> I've known those guys for a long time, ever since, I think seventh grade.
05:54 >> Okay. >> It's a long time, but
05:56 I've known those guys for a little minute now.
05:58 We're very personal.
05:59 We share a lot of things with each other.
06:01 So just being able to go, might be able to go to the same college with each other.
06:07 I mean, I think that's a blessing.
06:09 >> Yeah. >> Thank God put us here.
06:11 God put us at the same high school and the same predicament for a reason.
06:14 So, that's why it's great.
06:17 >> That's right.