• 9 months ago
SinglePoint, Inc. is a renewable energy and sustainable lifestyle company focused on providing environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and healthy living solutions.
Still committed to our original focus of modernizing the traditional solar and energy storage model, SinglePoint is also actively exploring future growth opportunities and acquiring leaders in air purification, electric vehicle charging, Energy as a subscription services, building safety and additional energy efficiency solutions and products that enhance sustainability and health. For more information visit singlepoint.com
00:00 Single Point is looking to make our world a better place by making air and
00:04 power cleaner and more efficient. Joining me is Single Point CEO Will Roston to
00:10 share how they are doing that in a very special way with schools but also at
00:15 home too which is so important. So how are you doing Will? I'm doing great.
00:18 Thanks for having us on this morning. Tell us about Single Point and a little
00:21 about the history here. Absolutely. So we're focused in two really important
00:25 industries. The air quality that we breathe every day in schools and then
00:29 creating a sustainable future by installing residential and small
00:32 commercial solar systems you know throughout the nation. So that's what
00:35 we're focused on. We were recently listed as the first US company to list on SIBO
00:40 which is extremely exciting for us. Yeah and let me remind what SIBO is for those
00:43 that don't know. It is the Chicago Board of Exchange. Yeah very similar to NASDAQ,
00:46 New York Stock Exchange. It's that third you know entrance into the market. We're
00:50 the first ones to have accomplished that achievement. I love it. It's very
00:53 important. I know you guys deal with solar which is you know a big thing
00:56 going on now but also air quality is so important especially in our schools and
01:01 you guys have started to really go into schools to make sure kids are of course
01:05 having a healthy environment when it comes to breathing right. Well our air is
01:10 dirty and so many of us struggle with allergies, asthma, the annual cold and flu
01:15 and the pandemic really changed how we all think about our indoor air quality
01:18 when we're sharing air and we're congregating in these places and what we
01:21 what we found in my personal experience and why we got into this was I was in a
01:25 conference with 12 other people all of us came out having COVID. Wow. And I said
01:30 you know what we have to solve for this. We have to get the kids back in schools,
01:33 create a cleaner environment for our teachers to teach in and from that
01:36 everything started to just snowball. Studies coming out about cognitive
01:41 abilities and how much better it is for you to be in you know learning in an
01:44 environment where you have clean fresh healthy air. And that comes into this one
01:48 right here which is a smaller version what we've seen in schools and buildings.
01:52 Correct. But people can have this at their home right? Yes that's correct. So
01:55 this is the smallest unit and really what makes us different is we use a
01:58 certified HEPA filtration system. The HEPA filter is good for between five and
02:02 seven years depending on what model you have and it's every single one is tested
02:08 before it leaves the facility ensuring that it's 99.99% clean air coming out of
02:13 that filter before it leaves. Right so what happens with let's play a little
02:16 bit so the air kind of circulates there does it really look to pull the air here
02:20 to work? So that's a really interesting question actually. The engineer behind
02:24 this actually designs semi clean room facilities and also has a NASCAR design
02:29 for them. So it's really unique understanding of airflow dynamics and filtration. So what
02:34 they've been able to engineer here is a unit that actually is pushing air down
02:39 to bring the particles down it's while they make their way to the filter to
02:43 then bring up clean air through the filtration. Wow this is amazing and so
02:47 important and so you're letting know that you know what if you want to have
02:50 one in the house that's great but also you know that business especially those
02:53 who are building new but going into schools because schools also need
02:57 financial help to get one of these don't they? Yeah so schools are our number one
02:59 market right now we've got a five million dollar grant out of California
03:02 we've sold in North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas there's been a hundred
03:07 and twenty one billion dollars dedicated by the federal government for K through
03:10 12 schools and additional money for commercial buildings, colleges, everywhere
03:16 you need clean air it needs to be happening. How many do you recommend to
03:19 put in the house? Do you recommend every room or just one room for for this? Yeah
03:22 you would want to put them in as you know depending on how your house is
03:25 broken up you know you'd want one kitchen get all the you know cooking
03:28 oils and greases and everything like that make sure you're filtering all that
03:31 out of the air and then your bedroom because you you know you want to sleep
03:33 and breathe you know we're breathing so much every every day and every night but
03:37 so any environment where you're spending a significant amount of your time in I
03:40 would I would recommend having one in there. This is great at Single Point and
03:44 of course where could they find more information? Well you know what at
03:46 singlepoint.com you can also follow us on x at underscore single point
03:50 underscore and of course you know we'll be hopefully back here again. I'm hoping
03:55 to and we can we talk more about this because it's amazing how this is all
03:57 going about so well thank you very much. Wonderful thanks for having us. Stick
04:00 around here we're gonna talk to you about this. So also I want you to stick
04:03 around because we have more of the mix after this.
04:08 you
04:10 you
04:12 you
04:14 you
04:17 you
