• l’année dernière
Dr William Luther Pierce -Why Society Is Nuts -Jews and the White Slave


00:00 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1998.
00:11 Why Society is Nuts.
00:15 Hello.
00:16 I spoke with you last week about the question of sanity.
00:21 About how to decide whether it's you or everyone else who is nutty when everyone or nearly
00:29 everyone else is doing things or expressing opinions which seem clearly insane to you.
00:38 And to be honest, I was using the terms sanity and insanity a bit loosely.
00:45 A clinical psychologist probably wouldn't classify people as insane just because they're
00:52 saying or doing things that objectively don't make sense.
00:58 Most people who say or do things which seem crazy aren't clinically insane.
01:04 They're just following the herd.
01:07 They're just being fashionable.
01:10 They have such a strong compulsion to be like everyone else and such a weak grip on objective
01:17 reality that they will behave in a nutty way if they perceive others behaving that way.
01:25 They care more about doing, saying, and even thinking like the people around them than
01:33 they care about what makes sense.
01:37 Technically speaking, they're not insane.
01:40 But still something is clearly wrong.
01:44 When a herd of cattle stampede over a cliff to their deaths, the individual cows may be
01:50 perfectly normal, but still something has gone badly wrong for the herd.
01:57 And that's sort of the way it is with our society today.
02:01 Collectively, we're doing a lot of things which not only don't make sense, but which
02:08 ultimately will destroy us.
02:11 And millions of people who are intelligent enough to see this will not see it because
02:17 they don't want to be out of step with the herd.
02:21 They are terrified of being out of step with the herd.
02:26 Let me give you some specific examples of the sort of collective nothingness that will
02:33 destroy us if we don't do something to get the loonies back in their cages, or at least
02:40 get the herd stampeding in a different direction.
02:45 Consider the dumbing down of America's schools.
02:50 I first encountered this back in the 1960s when I was a physics professor at a West Coast
02:57 University.
02:59 The problem was really a very mild one then.
03:03 My habit was to give passing grades only to those students in the physics graduate courses
03:11 I was teaching who demonstrated at least minimal evidence that they would be able to compete
03:18 successfully in the rather rigorous world of professional physics if they were given
03:24 an advanced degree and turned loose.
03:27 I thought that my practice was a reasonable one, both from the standpoint of upholding
03:33 the standards of my profession and from the standpoint of being merciful to the students
03:40 by not throwing them into an arena where they couldn't compete.
03:44 I was giving them an early chance to change their career plans.
03:50 But I was put under considerable pressure by the university administration to lighten
03:56 up and stop flunking graduate students.
04:00 I was ruining the lives of the students I flunked, they told me.
04:06 I responded that the only reasonable way to flunk fewer students was to tighten up admission
04:13 standards for our graduate school.
04:16 We were accepting many students who never should have been given a bachelor's degree.
04:22 That was the trend, the administration told me, and you can't fight the trend.
04:28 Well, indeed it was the trend.
04:32 And I understand now that I was at least partly wrong in thinking that I was being merciful
04:37 to students by not letting them enter an arena where they couldn't compete.
04:42 The trend has made that arena a much kinder, gentler place than it used to be, and many
04:50 are competing in it now who wouldn't have been able to survive in it earlier.
04:56 But what has happened to the standards in physics is nothing compared to what has happened
05:03 to university standards generally.
05:06 Physics has been spared the worst of the dumbing down because it is not the curriculum of choice
05:14 for most students, especially not for non-white and female students.
05:21 Another reason that some of our universities still are able to turn out a few good physicists
05:28 is that physics is relatively non-political.
05:32 Whether a particular hypothesis in physics is verified by experiment or not has very
05:39 little impact on the sorts of ideas and issues of concern to feminists, homosexuals, blacks,
05:48 democrats, and so on.
05:51 The people at our universities who have really suffered have been those who wanted to teach
05:57 or to learn history or literature.
06:02 From the viewpoint of the "red guards," those are dangerous subjects, and they've had to
06:08 clamp down hard on them in order to keep politically incorrect ideas from being propagated.
06:15 Actually, the less history and literature taught, the better from their standpoint.
06:20 And they have arranged for this outcome by doing away with required core courses for
06:27 undergraduates and substituting a huge number of completely trivial optional courses in
06:35 their place.
06:36 A great many 18-year-olds, when given the choice between a fairly solid and rigorous
06:43 course in European history and a nice, fluffy course titled "Sexual Meanings," say, or "Coubadours
06:53 and Rock Stars, a Comparison," will choose one of the latter, especially since the latter
06:59 will give them just as much credit toward a degree.
07:03 Those two nice, fluffy courses I just named, by the way, are both offered for credit by
07:09 Yale, and they are only two of many which may be taken instead of history or any other
07:17 old-style course with substance and rigor.
07:22 And if you want to study literature, more and more of our schools are phasing out the
07:29 real literature of our people and phasing in the Freudian angst-laden trash novels written
07:38 by Jews or homosexuals, and they're beating the bushes for resentment-filled feminist
07:45 diatribes or pretentious anti-white stuff written by various third-worlders.
07:52 All of it's pretty depressing fare for any normal white person.
07:57 And the impression it leaves on impressionable young people is that writing significant literature
08:03 is pretty easy work.
08:06 All you have to do is have a glib tongue and learn the fashionable cliches.
08:13 On top of this general dumbing down of our schools is the almost total loss of academic
08:20 freedom.
08:21 When I was a professor, the academic freedom issue was about the right of Marxists, homosexuals,
08:29 and other marginal types to introduce their biases into the courses they taught.
08:36 A lot of traditional-minded professors thought that such biases had no place on a university
08:42 campus, but the liberals, especially the Jewish liberals, supported the claims of the Marxists,
08:50 the homosexuals, and so on, to teach whatever they wanted to teach.
08:55 Well, the liberals won, and now there is no such thing as academic freedom.
09:02 If a history professor at virtually any American university, for example, says in a course
09:09 on the history of the Second World War that the Jews claim that six million of them were
09:15 killed in so-called "gas ovens" by the Germans is somewhat exaggerated and not to be taken
09:23 literally, he will be out on his ear in a minute, labeled a "Holocaust denier," and
09:30 will be unable to find employment as a professor anywhere else.
09:35 If a professor in a psychology course suggests to his students that homosexuals, as a general
09:42 rule, have psychological problems that go far beyond the question of sexual orientation,
09:49 he too will be looking for a career in another field.
09:54 If a biology professor is not very careful what he says in talking about the differences
10:00 between men and women, he will join his colleagues from the history department and the psychology
10:07 department in the unemployment line.
10:11 The mental blinders put on students are just as restricted.
10:15 At a growing number of universities, students are expelled if they say anything in public
10:22 which is politically incorrect or which offends someone in one of the favored racial or sexual
10:30 categories, and these people are very easily offended.
10:36 Stick your nose into the student newspapers published at most universities today, and
10:42 you'll get a good whiff of this politically correct atmosphere.
10:48 What's been done to our universities is the equivalent of stampeding our society toward
10:55 a cliff.
10:56 The quality of the higher education in America, the quality of the training we provide to
11:02 our university students, is vital to our being able to remain competitive in a competitive
11:10 world.
11:11 Ultimately, it is vital to our survival as an independent nation.
11:17 And similar things have been done to many other institutions in American society.
11:23 Our armed forces, for example, where the requirement for politically correct attitudes on such
11:29 matters as race and sex has led to situations which would be laughable if they weren't so
11:36 dangerous.
11:37 Pregnancies of female soldiers and sailors have become a major impediment to military
11:44 readiness.
11:46 Some units come back from a tour of duty with more than 10% of their female personnel pregnant.
11:53 The bending of rules and the lowering of standards to accommodate women has had a major impact
12:00 on both combat readiness and morale.
12:05 Dealing with and trying to prevent sexual harassment keeps many military commanders
12:11 tied in knots.
12:13 And it's all completely unnecessary.
12:17 An all-male military establishment would be much more effective and would make much more
12:22 sense than the present military experiment in sexual equality on just about every ground
12:29 except that of political correctness.
12:33 But it is political correctness which prevails.
12:39 Affirmative action has done about as much damage to American society and the American
12:43 economy as any of the other lunatic schemes imposed on us by the minions of political
12:52 correctness.
12:53 Three decades of admitting, hiring, or promoting less qualified people on the basis of race
13:01 or sex has lowered standards in our professional schools and reduced our economic efficiency.
13:09 We are becoming a less competent nation.
13:13 And that doesn't make sense either.
13:16 I could talk about immigration.
13:18 It is really crazy that our government refuses to enforce its own immigration laws or control
13:25 our borders.
13:26 A flood of non-whites from the third world continues to pour into this country, both
13:33 legally and illegally.
13:35 The government makes a pretense of stopping the flow of illegals, but it refuses to do
13:41 anything really effective.
13:43 And America's cities become darker and darker.
13:48 Or I could talk about our courts, which have become one of my pet peeves.
13:54 It's clear to every knowledgeable observer that the court system is broken, but no one
14:01 will say so.
14:03 In those parts of the country where non-whites make up a majority of the jury pool, the courts
14:09 have gone nuts.
14:11 The sort of thing which happened in the O.J. Simpson trial happens every day, with juries
14:18 handing down judgments which make no sense at all.
14:22 Many of these judgments are in civil cases, with non-white juries deciding on astronomical
14:29 judgments against companies based on frivolous claims of injuries.
14:35 Every such judgment runs up the cost of doing business, and that cost is passed on to all
14:41 of us.
14:43 It's not just the formal courts of law.
14:47 There's a growing number of quasi-judicial committees and commissions and boards springing
14:55 up in the name of "human rights" and exercising punitive powers against political incorrectness.
15:03 A news clipping from the Toronto Star I have in front of me now is about the recent decision
15:11 of the Human Rights Commission of Ontario, Canada.
15:15 This commission has just levied a fine of $10,000 against the mayor of London, Ontario,
15:22 for refusing to proclaim a "gay pride day" as ordered by the commission.
15:30 We tolerate this insanity.
15:32 The normal white people of the United States and Canada tolerate it, and that doesn't make
15:38 sense either.
15:40 All of this insane behavior in our schools, our armed forces, our government, our whole
15:46 society, is based on two ideas, two motives, firmly rooted in a portion of our population.
15:57 One of these ideas is that everyone is equal.
16:02 That is, everyone has the same capabilities and characteristics.
16:07 Children are equal to men, children are equal to their parents, students are equal to their
16:13 professors, blacks are equal to whites.
16:17 The other idea, or motive, is resentment.
16:22 The idea that if you have something I don't have, then it's your fault and you owe me
16:29 something.
16:30 If there are more whites in law school than blacks, it's because potential black lawyers
16:37 are being held down by whites.
16:41 If there are more men in medical school than women, it's because men don't want women to
16:47 become doctors and are oppressing women.
16:51 It's not fair that you should have a better education than I, or better grades, or a better
16:57 job, or a higher social status, or a nicer house.
17:02 Since we're equal, I should have everything you have.
17:06 And if I don't, then the government, or the school administration, or the police, or the
17:11 local human rights commission, or somebody must do something to change that.
17:17 Heck, if you're better looking than I am, or if you're healthier, then you owe me and
17:23 you should feel guilty for it.
17:26 These two motives, egalitarianism and resentment, were the driving force for the social revolution
17:35 of the 1960s.
17:38 Supported and encouraged by the Jewish mass media, and led to a very large extent by Jewish
17:44 activists among feminists, among students, and among homosexuals, a coalition of resentful
17:52 egalitarians and resentful losers managed to turn American society upside down.
18:00 The lunatics managed to gain control of the asylum.
18:06 There was no really effective opposition to these people.
18:10 Some universities held out longer than others, but none of them really put up a fight.
18:17 Some military leaders saw where things were going and simply retired, while others went
18:23 along with the trend.
18:25 Basically, the reason that nobody put up a real fight against these deranged egalitarians
18:34 is that the Jewish media were backing them 100%, and the media bosses are masters of
18:42 propaganda.
18:44 Everybody who opposed the lunatics was blasted as a "hater" or a "bigot" or an "extremist."
18:54 Most people, even if they weren't persuaded by the egalitarian propaganda, figured it
19:01 was safer to go along with the lunatics than to oppose them.
19:06 Their whole society has paid an enormous price for that lack of courage and lack of principle.
19:15 After their initial successes, the coalition of those who felt that they had been dealt
19:21 a poorer hand than they were entitled to grew to include new categories of losers and victims
19:31 who were convinced that they were being oppressed by society unless society gave them something
19:37 to make up for what nature hadn't given them.
19:41 Old people were owed something by those who were not old.
19:45 Disabled people were owed something by those who were not disabled.
19:49 People with AIDS were owed something by people without AIDS.
19:54 It has gotten to the point where even drug addicts and alcoholics and criminals are owed
20:00 something by the rest of us.
20:04 It's truly a crazy situation.
20:08 I'm not implying, of course, that all elderly people or all people with some physical disability
20:15 have let themselves be persuaded that society owes them something, any more than all women
20:21 have let themselves be persuaded by the feminist lunatics that they are oppressed by men.
20:28 But enough people have joined the coalition of convinced victims and losers to elect Bill
20:35 Clinton twice despite his criminal behavior, or perhaps because of it.
20:43 And that is really crazy.
20:46 So here we are, stampeding toward the cliff.
20:51 What can we do about it?
20:53 Well, for one thing, those of us who are still able to think for ourselves don't have to
21:01 go along with the stampede.
21:05 Opting out of the stampede, of course, exposes one to some danger of being trampled by the
21:11 rest of the herd.
21:12 That danger is the cost of doing what is not only sane, but what is right.
21:20 But let's not exaggerate that danger.
21:22 Let's not let it frighten us into inactivity, because there's also a reward for doing what's
21:29 right.
21:30 That reward is called self-respect.
21:35 And of course, doing what's sane is a first step toward dealing with the herd's stampede
21:42 toward the cliff.
21:44 The ultimate reward for solving that problem is racial survival.
21:51 And so another thing we can do now, besides keeping our own thinking straight, is make
21:57 a realistic plan for changing the direction in which the herd is stampeding.
22:04 Remember, most of the cattle are not really crazy.
22:09 They just let themselves be misled by a relatively small, hard core of resentful egalitarians
22:17 and by the Jewish media bosses who have engineered the whole stampede.
22:24 If we had control of the media, it would be a fairly simple matter to separate most of
22:30 the herd from the hard core lunatics.
22:33 The lunatics could go over the cliff or back into their cages, while the rest of the herd
22:39 stampeded in a more reasonable direction.
22:42 Unfortunately, of course, we don't control the mass media.
22:47 Just this radio program and a few printed periodicals and a book publishing service
22:53 and a few other things.
22:55 Not much compared to Hollywood and the big networks and the New York Times and MTV, but
23:04 it's a start.
23:06 It is a voice of sanity in the lunatic asylum.
23:10 Our voice doesn't have much effect on the lunatics or on those firmly in the grip of
23:16 the stampede.
23:17 But you would be surprised at how many reasonable people there are scattered here and there
23:23 in the herd who do listen.
23:26 If you join your voice to ours, even more people will listen.
23:33 Thanks for being with me again today.
23:38 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1998.
23:49 Jews and the White Slave Trade.
23:53 Hello.
23:55 Steven Spielberg's pseudo-historical film about a 19th century mutiny and massacre aboard
24:02 a Spanish slave ship, Amistad, and the subsequent trial of the black mutineers is being praised
24:12 by the reviewers.
24:14 Spielberg, one of the wealthiest and most successful of Hollywood's Jewish filmmakers,
24:22 also is being praised by his kinsmen and various so-called human rights organizations for using
24:30 his propaganda skills to sensitize white gentile audiences to the horrors of slavery and make
24:40 them feel just a little more guilty for treating non-whites so badly in the past.
24:48 What Spielberg's new film doesn't mention, of course, is that Spielberg's Jewish kinsmen
24:56 owned many, though not all, of the ships involved in the 18th and 19th century Atlantic trade
25:04 in black slaves, and in fact, played a very prominent role in bringing black slaves to
25:12 America.
25:13 The film rather tends to steer one away from blaming anyone for slavery except white gentiles.
25:22 This bit of misdirection is interesting in light of the fact that Jews have been dominant
25:29 in the slave trade since at least Roman times, especially the trade in white slaves.
25:39 Jewish slave dealers followed Caesar's armies everywhere, into Gaul, into Germany, and into
25:46 other northern lands, eager to buy as slaves all of the captives of the Romans, especially
25:54 the female captives.
25:57 Jews have remained dominant in the white slave trade until the present day, although during
26:03 the Middle Ages the Christian church tried unsuccessfully a number of times to stop them,
26:11 beginning in the 5th century with an edict by the emperor Theodosius II against Jews
26:18 owning Christian slaves.
26:21 After being banned from owning or dealing in slaves by one emperor, the Jews would wait
26:26 until the next emperor came along, then they would buy a charter, giving them a monopoly
26:32 in the slave trade.
26:34 Then public outrage against the Jews would grow until another emperor would ban their
26:40 slave dealing again.
26:42 Most of the time, however, the Jews were the undisputed masters of the white slave trade,
26:49 and that is still the case today.
26:53 Interestingly enough, this fact was revealed in a recent news report in the Jewish newspaper,
27:01 the New York Times of all places.
27:04 The January 11th issue has a major article titled "Contraband Women" and written by a
27:12 Jewish reporter in Israel.
27:15 The article deals specifically with the Jewish trade in Ukrainian and Russian women, although
27:22 it doesn't label the trade as "Jewish."
27:26 What the report does say is this, and I quote, "Centered in Moscow and the Ukrainian capital
27:34 Kiev, the network's trafficking women run east to Japan and Thailand, where thousands
27:42 of young Slavic women now work against their will as prostitutes, and west to the Adriatic
27:50 coast and beyond.
27:52 The routes are controlled by Russian crime gangs based in Moscow."
28:01 What the reader must understand is that these crime gangs don't have a real Russian in them.
28:09 They are entirely Jewish, but the agreed-upon subterfuge used by the newspapers in this
28:17 country is to refer to them as "Russian" rather than as "Jewish."
28:23 Thus, one reads in various news organs about the recent takeover of organized crime in
28:31 many areas of America, especially the East Coast and Los Angeles, by Russian gangs, and
28:39 of the viciousness and cleverness of these Russian gangsters.
28:45 But there is never any mention of the fact that they are not Russians at all, but Jews
28:51 from the former Soviet Union.
28:53 Jews like Mr. Clinton's supporter, Vadim Radenevich, photographed shaking hands with
29:00 Clinton at a Miami fundraiser when he was illegally in the United States, as I mentioned
29:06 in my broadcast of December 27th.
29:11 The story of the exploitation of Eastern Europe by the Jews is a fascinating and infuriating
29:20 story.
29:22 Throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern era, they focused on profiting from the weaknesses
29:28 and vices of the Gentile populations of Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, and others, among whom
29:37 they lived as a barely tolerated minority.
29:41 In addition to being the moneylenders, they controlled the liquor business and owned the
29:47 drinking establishments, the gambling dens, and the brothels.
29:52 A number of 19th century Russian writers, among them Dostoyevsky and Gogol, have described
30:00 their destructive effects on Slavic peasant society and the perpetual condition of mutual
30:06 hostility which existed between the Jews and the Slavs.
30:11 During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Jewish trade in white slaves from these
30:18 lands expanded enormously.
30:21 It has been described by the Jewish historian Edward Bristow in his 1982 book, "Prostitution
30:30 and Prejudice," published by Oxford University Press and by Schocken Books in New York.
30:38 Although Bristow's book is written from the viewpoint of one opposed to this Jewish trade
30:44 in women, it is nevertheless enormously revealing.
30:48 The Jews recruited peasant girls in Polish and Russian villages, usually under false
30:54 pretenses, and transported them to brothels in Turkey, Egypt, and other parts of the Middle
31:01 East, to Vienna, Budapest, and other major cities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and
31:08 as far away as New York, New Orleans, and Buenos Aires.
31:14 This Jewish trade in Slavic women naturally caused a great deal of hatred against the
31:19 Jews by the Slavs, and this hatred broke out in pogroms and other popular actions against
31:26 the Jews over and over again.
31:29 One would believe from the works of Mr. Spielberg and other Jewish propagandists that the hatred
31:36 the Slavs bore against the Jews was based only on religious bigotry, and that the Jews
31:43 were completely innocent and inoffensive.
31:47 One fascinating fact which Bristow's book reveals is that the center of the Jewish trade
31:55 in Polish girls was a little town called Auschwitz.
32:01 The German name for this town was Auschwitz.
32:05 I don't mean to imply that the Jews were the only ones at fault in the white slave trade.
32:12 Gentile politicians and police officials gladly accepted bribes from the Jews, and in return
32:21 allowed them to carry on their dirty business.
32:24 And in the United States, non-Jewish criminal elements such as the Mafia collaborated with
32:30 the Jews or even ran their own white slave operations.
32:35 But the trade in white slaves from Eastern Europe has been an exclusively Jewish activity
32:42 for the last 200 years.
32:46 It is ironic that another Jewish enterprise, organized Marxism, put a temporary crimp in
32:55 the Jewish trade in Slavic women.
32:58 When the Jewish Bolsheviks seized control of Russia and Ukraine after the First World
33:03 War, and of Poland and other Slavic lands after the Second World War, they clamped down
33:10 on all capitalist activity, including that of their Jewish brethren in the white slave
33:17 business.
33:18 What they did instead was establish a huge empire of slave labor camps, of which Alexander
33:25 Solzhenitsyn has written so eloquently.
33:29 Jewish slave dealers became commissars and slave camp bosses, and of course they butchered
33:37 their Gentile opponents by the millions.
33:40 The time of communism was the Jews' time for getting rid of all the Russian and Ukrainian
33:47 patriots who had hated them for so long.
33:51 Actually, some capitalist activity did survive throughout the communist years in the form
33:58 of organized crime.
34:01 Two excellent books on the subject were published in the United States, both written by Soviet
34:07 Jews thoroughly familiar with organized crime in the Soviet Union.
34:12 In fact, one of the authors, Yuri Brokin, was a former member of a Jewish organized
34:19 crime gang in Russia, where he worked as a pimp.
34:23 His book, Hustling on Gorky Street, was published in 1975 by Dial Press in New York.
34:32 The other author, Konstantin Simis, was a Jewish defense lawyer for organized Jewish
34:39 criminals.
34:41 His book, USSR, The Corrupt Society, was published in 1982 by Simon & Schuster.
34:50 Both of these Jewish authors quite frankly write about the Jewish domination of organized
34:58 crime during the communist years.
35:01 Brokin brags about it, in fact.
35:03 He says, "Russians and other slobs can only be ordinary criminals, depending on guns and
35:10 strong-arm tactics, but they aren't smart enough for successful, large-scale organized
35:17 crime.
35:18 Only Jews are smart enough for that."
35:21 A factor neither author mentions, which was more important than smartness, was the connections
35:28 Jewish criminals had with Jewish communists in the Soviet bureaucracy.
35:35 When Abe, who ran a prostitution and drug racket in Moscow, could count on his cousin
35:41 Jaime in the prosecutor's office to keep him informed about police plans for raids, as
35:49 well as a little covert assistance if matters ever came to court, he had a distinct advantage
35:56 over his Russian competitors.
35:59 Eventually, communism bled Eastern Europe dry, and with the economies of the countries
36:06 under their control on the verge of collapse, the communists switched hats, declared themselves
36:13 Democrats instead of communists, and announced a return to capitalism.
36:20 The Jewish slave dealers went back into business, and business was good for them.
36:27 Other Jewish communists went into business, too.
36:30 As the economies were privatized, that is, as state-owned factories and businesses were
36:37 sold to private entrepreneurs at bargain-basement prices, Jews used their connections with their
36:46 now-democratic kinsmen in the bureaucracies to snack them up.
36:51 Other Jews who had monopolized organized crime during the communist years remained as organized
36:59 crime bosses, but greatly expanded the scope of their operations.
37:04 Often the new entrepreneurs and the new crime bosses have been the same people.
37:12 The richest man in Russia today is Boris Berezovsky, who, since the collapse of communism, has
37:20 become a multi-billionaire by buying up banks, utilities, television networks, and newspapers
37:28 from the government, with the aid of his fellow Jews still in the bureaucracy.
37:34 Berezovsky speeds around Moscow in a bulletproof vest and an armored limousine, and anyone
37:41 who gets in the way of his business interests has a tendency to get shot, or simply to disappear.
37:50 Second only to Berezovsky in wealth is another Jewish media mogul, Vladimir Gusinsky.
37:58 Between them, Berezovsky and Gusinsky control most of the mass media in Russia.
38:05 They also exercise pretty thorough control of Boris Yeltsin, Russia's alcoholic president,
38:13 who is sort of a Slavic version of Bill Clinton plus vodka.
38:18 It was only through the support of Berezovsky's and Gusinsky's media that Yeltsin won his
38:25 last election.
38:28 If you remember, Clinton and all of the Jewish media in the United States also were rooting
38:35 enthusiastically for Yeltsin during that election.
38:39 They all were afraid that a genuine Russian patriot might beat Yeltsin, in which case
38:46 the Jewish control of Russia would have been finished.
38:50 After the election, Yeltsin appointed Berezovsky to Russia's National Security Council, but
38:56 when some of the few media in Russia which still are independent publicized Berezovsky's
39:03 connections to Jewish organized crime gangs, Yeltsin was forced to fire him.
39:10 Yeltsin has made up for that, however, by appointing another Jew, Boris Nemtsov, to
39:17 the position of Deputy Prime Minister, one of the most powerful positions in the government.
39:23 One thing Yeltsin never has done, however, is make any move to curtail the operations
39:31 of Russia's organized Jewish crime gangs, which are running rampant through the country
39:37 and displaying their wealth and power, while ordinary Russians struggle to feed themselves
39:44 and keep their homes warm this winter.
39:48 And tens of thousands of pretty but naive young Russian and Ukrainian women are being
39:55 swept up by the Jewish gangs, called "Russian gangs" by the New York Times, and shipped
40:03 off to a life of misery and degradation in Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, and Israel, as
40:12 well as to countries in Western Europe, where Jews also control organized crime.
40:19 The young women, unable to find work in Russia or Ukraine or Poland, and facing a bleak future
40:26 in countries ravaged by decades of communism, are eager for any chance at a better life.
40:34 They respond to advertisements that offer them work abroad as receptionists or secretaries,
40:42 and also promise free training and transportation.
40:46 When the girls arrive at their destinations, however, they find something quite different.
40:53 But by then, it is too late.
40:57 One of these girls, Irina, a 21-year-old green-eyed Ukrainian blonde, was interviewed in Israel.
41:07 She told how her Israeli employer took her to a brothel soon after her arrival in Israel.
41:15 He took her passport away from her, burned it before her eyes, and told her that she
41:21 now was his property and must work in the brothel.
41:25 When Irina refused, she was beaten and raped.
41:30 Luckier than most of the Slavic women lured to Israel, Irina eventually was swept up in
41:36 a police raid and sent to prison as an illegal alien.
41:41 She was awaiting deportation along with hundreds of other Russian and Ukrainian women when
41:46 she was interviewed.
41:48 She lamented the fact that the Israeli who had raped her and forced her to work in the
41:54 brothel was not even arrested.
41:57 Indeed, according to Jewish law, the rape of a Gentile woman is not illegal.
42:05 Nor is it illegal in Israel to buy and sell slaves, so long as the slaves are not Jewish.
42:13 Amazingly, the New York Times article reveals this fact.
42:20 The white slave trade is big business in Israel.
42:25 Ukrainian authorities estimate that as many as 40,000 Ukrainian women under the age of
42:30 30 are taken from Ukraine each year.
42:35 Some of these women respond to advertisements promising employment abroad, like Irina did,
42:41 and some are simply kidnapped and smuggled out of the country.
42:46 Those who try to escape from their Jewish captors are treated brutally.
42:51 Often they are butchered in front of other captive women to keep the others terrified
42:56 into doing whatever they are told.
42:59 In slave markets operated by the Jewish gangs in Italy, young Slavic women are stripped,
43:06 put on blocks, and auctioned off to brothel owners.
43:11 The most astounding thing about this whole filthy business is that most people are forced
43:18 to learn about it from a Jewish newspaper like the New York Times.
43:23 And really, you should read for yourself the article to which I referred.
43:28 It was in the January 11th issue, and the news is not likely to be repeated.
43:35 But ask yourself, why doesn't Interpol, the international police agency, do something
43:42 to put a stop to this white slave trade?
43:45 Why don't the governments of the countries from which the women are being abducted do
43:50 something?
43:51 Why don't the mass media raise a hue and cry?
43:54 Why don't powerful feminist organizations demand the eradication of white slavery?
44:01 The answer to all of these questions is easy.
44:05 They dare not do or say anything because it is a Jewish business.
44:12 In places like Germany, where the Jews have almost total control of organized crime, anyone
44:18 who announces that fact publicly will be arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred.
44:27 Germany and most other European countries have laws against what they call "hate speech."
44:34 Saying anything negative about Jews, true or not, invokes these laws.
44:40 Jewish organizations, and of course the Clinton administration, would like very much to have
44:46 similar laws in the United States.
44:49 Interpol, which has plenty of other work to keep it busy, is not eager to be charged with
44:56 anti-Semitism by going after the Jewish white slave gangs.
45:01 Even if Interpol did arrest the gangsters, it wouldn't do much good because the fix is
45:08 in nearly everywhere.
45:10 There's a huge amount of money made from selling women, enough money to pay off politicians,
45:17 bureaucrats, judges, and policemen.
45:22 Jews like to say about the so-called "Holocaust" of the Second World War, "Never again."
45:30 They like to talk about how it is necessary to stamp out anti-Semitism and pass new laws
45:37 against so-called "hate speech" so that there can never be another Holocaust.
45:44 But by their own behavior, they guarantee that there will be.
45:51 While some Jews beat the drums for more reparations payments from Switzerland, Germany, France,
45:57 and other countries they claim didn't treat them right or took some of their ill-gotten
46:02 gold from them fifty-five or sixty years ago, other Jews are still bleeding countries like
46:10 Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and the Baltic nations of money and of their young women.
46:18 Countries which suffered for decades under the brutal rule of communist commissars are
46:24 still being exploited by the same people now calling themselves "Democrats."
46:32 The Jews believe that with their death grip on the mass media nearly everywhere, with
46:39 their puppets like Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin in positions of power in the East
46:44 and in the West, with the enormous wealth they have at their disposal, and with so many
46:50 Gentiles buffaloed by "Holocaust" propaganda of the sort cranked out by Steven Spielberg
46:57 and a hundred others, they can keep getting away with their exploitation of us forever.
47:05 But they are wrong.
47:07 They themselves are building up the hatred and the resentment and the rage which will
47:14 destroy them all, the gang members, the media bosses, the advisors to Bill Clinton and Boris
47:22 Yeltsin, the professional "Holocaust" whalers, the former commissars, and all the rest, even
47:30 those who are not currently involved in any of these activities.
47:35 They are guaranteeing that there will be another Holocaust, and this time it will be a real
47:43 one.
47:45 Thanks for being with me again today, and do find and read that article on the "White
47:51 Slave Trade" in the January 11th New York Times.
47:58 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1998.
48:09 Why Society is Nuts.
48:13 Hello.
48:14 I spoke with you last week about the question of sanity, about how to decide whether it's
48:21 you, or everyone else who is nutty, when everyone, or nearly everyone else, is doing things or
48:30 expressing opinions which seem clearly insane to you.
48:36 And to be honest, I was using the terms sanity and insanity a bit loosely.
48:43 A clinical psychologist probably wouldn't classify people as insane just because they're
48:50 saying or doing things that objectively don't make sense.
48:56 Most people who say or do things which seem crazy aren't clinically insane.
49:02 They're just following the herd.
49:05 They're just being fashionable.
49:08 They have such a strong compulsion to be like everyone else, and such a weak grip on objective
49:15 reality, that they will behave in a nutty way if they perceive others behaving that
49:22 way.
49:23 They care more about doing, saying, and even thinking, like the people around them, than
49:31 they care about what makes sense.
49:35 Technically speaking, they're not insane.
49:38 But still, something is clearly wrong.
49:42 When a herd of cattle stampede over a cliff to their deaths, the individual cows may be
49:48 perfectly normal, but still something has gone badly wrong for the herd.
49:56 And that's sort of the way it is with our society today.
50:00 Collectively, we're doing a lot of things which not only don't make sense, but which
50:06 ultimately will destroy us.
50:09 And millions of people who are intelligent enough to see this, will not see it, because
50:15 they don't want to be out of step with the herd.
50:19 They are terrified of being out of step with the herd.
50:24 Let me give you some specific examples of the sort of collective nothingness that will
50:31 destroy us if we don't do something to get the loonies back in their cages, or at least
50:38 get the herd stampeding in a different direction.
50:42 Consider the dumbing down of America's schools.
50:48 I first encountered this back in the 1960s when I was a physics professor at a West Coast
50:55 University.
50:57 The problem was really a very mild one then.
51:01 My habit was to give passing grades only to those students in the physics graduate courses
51:09 I was teaching who demonstrated at least minimal evidence that they would be able to compete
51:16 successfully in the rather rigorous world of professional physics if they were given
51:22 an advanced degree and turned loose.
51:25 I thought that my practice was a reasonable one, both from the standpoint of upholding
51:31 the standards of my profession and from the standpoint of being merciful to the students
51:38 by not throwing them into an arena where they couldn't compete.
51:42 I was giving them an early chance to change their career plans.
51:48 But I was put under considerable pressure by the university administration to lighten
51:54 up and stop flunking graduate students.
51:58 I was ruining the lives of the students I flunked, they told me.
52:04 I responded that the only reasonable way to flunk fewer students was to tighten up admission
52:11 standards for our graduate school.
52:14 We were accepting many students who never should have been given a bachelor's degree.
52:20 That was the trend, the administration told me, and you can't fight the trend.
52:26 Well, indeed it was the trend.
52:30 And I understand now that I was at least partly wrong in thinking that I was being merciful
52:35 to students by not letting them enter an arena where they couldn't compete.
52:40 The trend has made that arena a much kinder, gentler place than it used to be, and many
52:48 are competing in it now who wouldn't have been able to survive in it earlier.
52:54 But what has happened to the standards in physics is nothing compared to what has happened
53:01 to university standards generally.
53:04 Physics has been spared the worst of the dumbing down because it is not the curriculum of choice
53:12 for most students, especially not for non-white and female students.
53:19 a reason that some of our universities--
