Dr William Luther Pierce -The Tragedy Of Chautauqua County -Exposing the Warmongers
00:00 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1997.
00:10 The tragedy of Chautauqua County.
00:13 Hello.
00:15 A couple of weeks ago we were treated to yet another case of a black sexual predator with
00:24 AIDS infecting as many white girls as possible with his lethal disease by having sex with
00:32 them.
00:33 New Sean Williams, a small-time drug dealer, car thief, armed robber, and would-be rap
00:43 artist liked to take the bus from his Brooklyn, New York neighborhood to Chautauqua County
00:52 in the mostly white western part of New York State and find young white girls to seduce.
01:00 He had sex with dozens of white schoolgirls in the county, some as young as 13, and infected
01:09 many of them with the AIDS virus.
01:13 When AIDS cases began showing up among schoolgirls in the county, public health officials became
01:20 alarmed.
01:22 They didn't tell the police what they knew about the black AIDS carrier who had been
01:26 infecting the girls, however, because the homosexual lobby, which is politically very
01:33 powerful in New York, had persuaded the legislature to pass a law making it illegal to release
01:41 information about AIDS carriers even to the police.
01:45 Finally, as the number of young girls infected by New Sean Williams continued growing, health
01:54 officials went to a judge and got permission to inform the police and the public about
01:59 him, and so the case finally hit the newspapers earlier this month, where it made quite a
02:07 sensation.
02:09 One thing that none of the news stories about New Sean Williams mentioned was the fact that
02:16 many of his victims were white girls, that in fact he deliberately sought out white girls.
02:24 The racial angle wasn't mentioned at all, as if it weren't important.
02:29 One would have had to have access to information not available to the general public to know
02:35 that many of his victims were white, although anyone familiar with the demographics of Chautauqua
02:42 County, New York might suspect that he went there because it was a white area.
02:50 Newsweek magazine finally spilled the beans in its November 10th issue, which carried
02:57 a lengthy story on New Sean Williams, mostly trying to generate sympathy for the black
03:05 criminal by detailing his deprived childhood and the dysfunctional family in which he grew
03:13 up.
03:15 Newsweek didn't mention the racial aspects of the case either, but the two teenaged victims
03:23 from Chautauqua County who were pictured in the magazine were both white, both blondes.
03:30 Williams used to hang around the school playgrounds to pick up white girls.
03:36 He would treat them to some of his "gangsta rap" lyrics, flash some of his gold jewelry,
03:43 and promise them drugs in exchange for sex.
03:48 He had sex with literally hundreds of young white girls in this way.
03:55 Dozens of them were infected with the AIDS virus and will die a horrible death as a result.
04:03 It's interesting to study the various reactions of the media to the New Sean Williams case.
04:11 Generally there is sympathy for his victims.
04:15 Sometimes there is sympathy for him.
04:17 Nearly all of the media suggest that what we need to do in response to such cases is
04:24 teach young people to use condoms.
04:27 One or two really bold columnists willing to risk the wrath of the homosexual lobby
04:35 have suggested that the public's health is more important than the privacy of AIDS carriers,
04:41 and so we ought to consider relaxing the ban on telling the police about AIDS-carrying
04:47 criminals.
04:48 But none of the media have mentioned the racial aspects of the case.
04:55 That is an absolute no-no.
04:59 So who is to blame for what happened to those white schoolgirls in Chautauqua County?
05:06 Is it the school officials who didn't impress on them strongly enough the need to use condoms?
05:14 Is it the politicians in the state legislature who pandered to the homosexuals by making
05:21 it more difficult for public health officials to warn the public about people like New Sean
05:27 Williams?
05:28 Hardly.
05:30 One almost suspects that these issues are raised by the media as a smokescreen to keep
05:37 people from putting the blame where it really belongs.
05:42 Now I'll tell you who is to blame for what happened to those young white girls in Chautauqua
05:48 County.
05:49 It is everyone who made it even thinkable for them to have a sexual relationship with
05:56 a non-white.
05:57 Everyone.
05:58 It is the entire politically correct establishment.
06:03 It is the school officials who distribute sex education literature urging the use of
06:09 condoms, literature which has cartoon-type illustrations showing young whites and blacks
06:15 together and subliminally suggesting that one's sexual partner may be of any race.
06:23 It is the Christian ministers who preach against the so-called "sin of racism," leading young
06:30 white girls to feel guilty if they reject the advances of a black male because he is
06:37 black.
06:39 It is the "trendy" parents who want their children to be politically correct above all
06:45 else and who therefore fail to train them to have an abhorrence of racial mixing.
06:53 Above all others, the people responsible for what happened to those girls are the immensely
07:00 powerful and unspeakably evil men who control the mass media in America.
07:08 They are the men who promote "gangster rap" among young whites who don't know any better.
07:14 Men like MTV owner Sumner Redstone and Time Warner boss Gerald Levin.
07:23 They are the men who control the television entertainment industry which has such a powerful
07:29 influence in shaping the attitudes and behavior of young people today and which, with increasing
07:36 boldness, promotes the idea of interracial sex, of interracial romance as being "fashionable."
07:46 They are the owners of the syndicates which distribute comic strips and comic books for
07:51 children portraying interracial groups as the desirable norm.
07:58 Now nearly all of these powerful and evil men who control the mass media are Jews, and
08:06 they do what they do knowingly and deliberately.
08:10 Anyone who has studied them understands that their aim is to encourage racial mixing among
08:18 whites and non-whites.
08:20 But they are not the only ones to blame.
08:24 Everyone who collaborates with them, everyone who tolerates them, Jew or Gentile, also is
08:32 to blame.
08:33 For example, the advertising agency bosses and the big corporation executives who promote
08:41 racial mixing and diversity and multiculturalism because the Jewish media bosses have made
08:50 these things fashionable.
08:52 And the advertising agency bosses and the corporation executives believe that the more
08:59 fashionable they appear to be, the more money they will make.
09:04 Among these people, many of them Gentiles, who are to blame for what happened to those
09:09 young girls in Chautauqua County, are some of the richest men in the country, rich, powerful,
09:17 intelligent men, understanding the consequences of their actions, but utterly irresponsible,
09:24 caring only about their own wealth and power.
09:28 Unlike Bill Gates, for example, whose Microsoft Corporation sponsors advertising aimed at
09:37 making white people feel guilty if they have racial feelings or prefer to be among their
09:43 own kind.
09:45 And of course, there are the politicians and bureaucrats who hang on every word of the
09:51 controlled media, cater to every whim of the media bosses, and eagerly dance to whatever
09:58 tune they play.
10:00 These are the politicians and bureaucrats who gave us forced racial integration in our
10:06 schools and an assortment of so-called "fair housing" laws to force the racial integration
10:13 of our residential neighborhoods.
10:16 Politicians and bureaucrats who have legislated and enforced civil rights laws and affirmative
10:23 action programs and dozens of other programs and laws designed to multiculturalize what
10:32 used to be a white country.
10:34 A country in which it would have been unthinkable for a black criminal to be allowed to hang
10:41 around white schools trying to pick up white schoolgirls.
10:46 It would have been unthinkable for any white girl to respond to such a criminal.
10:53 These are the politicians and bureaucrats like Bill Clinton and his crew who are currently
10:59 engaged in a massive governmental program to "pull America together" as they like to
11:06 say and further encourage the mixing of blacks and whites.
11:12 They are the politicians and bureaucrats who have followed the Jewish lead and defined
11:18 any effort by white people to protect themselves from non-whites as hate.
11:26 Any sort of action by a white person against the new Shawn Williamses of this world in
11:32 an effort to protect young white girls is called a "hate crime."
11:38 Any effort by a white person even to warn other white people about animals of the new
11:44 Shawn Williams type is denounced by these politicians and bureaucrats as "hate propaganda."
11:53 I'll give you a specific example of this.
11:56 The organization I head, the National Alliance, distributes bumper stickers warning of the
12:04 dangers of sex with blacks.
12:07 It warns that sex with a black is far more likely on the average to lead to an AIDS infection
12:15 than is sex with another white person.
12:19 It warns that black males are 14 times as likely to be AIDS carriers as heterosexual
12:27 white males.
12:28 We distribute these bumper stickers because the government and the media don't warn the
12:34 white public of the danger of sex with blacks.
12:37 The government and the media don't mention that blacks are far more likely to be AIDS
12:43 carriers than whites.
12:45 They don't warn people about this because they don't want to discourage sexual contacts
12:51 between blacks and whites.
12:53 Quite the opposite, in fact.
12:55 And because the media and the government do not disseminate this important information
13:00 about the AIDS danger of being sexually involved with blacks, my organization works hard to
13:07 provide this information to the public.
13:10 And as a consequence, our stickers are denounced as "hate literature" by the mass media and
13:18 by the politicians and bureaucrats who take their cue from the media.
13:23 And these include police officials, for example, who certainly are aware of the AIDS dangers
13:30 associated with blacks, but who also are more interested in being politically correct for
13:36 the sake of their careers than they are in protecting the public.
13:42 Now, it's one thing to assign blame for this problem.
13:47 It's one thing to point out who is responsible for making our young girls willing victims
13:54 of New Sean Williams and other black sexual predators.
13:59 And it's quite another thing to solve this problem, to punish those responsible and ensure
14:06 that they do no more damage.
14:08 And let me assure you, this is a problem we must solve.
14:15 Not because one black criminal has destroyed the lives of a few dozen white girls.
14:22 After all, the girls affected were a pretty trashy bunch, the most empty-headed and fashion-conscious
14:30 of MTV fans, the sort that it's better, for eugenic reasons, to have removed from our
14:38 breeding population anyway.
14:40 No, the New Sean Williams case is important because it is symbolic of the moral rot of
14:50 our people.
14:51 It's not a black problem that we must solve.
14:54 It's a white problem.
14:56 We don't care how blacks behave among themselves.
15:00 That's their problem.
15:02 Our problem is that we permit black behavior to affect us.
15:08 Our problem is that we haven't got our own affairs in order.
15:12 We haven't got control of our own destiny.
15:16 We used to have a white country.
15:19 We used to have our affairs under control.
15:23 But we permitted the Jews to gain control of our mass media, our news and entertainment
15:29 media.
15:30 And we permitted the traitors among us to collaborate with the Jews.
15:35 And together, they led us off the correct path and into the present morass, where the
15:42 sort of thing that happened in Chautauqua County can happen and will happen with increasing
15:49 frequency in the future.
15:51 They confused and misled our people.
15:54 They persuaded us that we owed the non-whites of the world a living, that we had to take
16:01 them into our midst and let them into our schools and our neighborhoods and give them
16:06 a handout and let our sisters and our daughters run with them.
16:10 They told us that we were racists and haters if we objected to this.
16:16 They persuaded the more impressionable of our young people that black music and black
16:22 manners and black lifestyles were fashionable and ought to be imitated.
16:29 That's why the white schoolgirls in Chautauqua County let themselves be infected with AIDS
16:36 by New Sean Williams.
16:39 The white trash though those schoolgirls may have been, it's the sort of thing that we
16:45 must not allow to continue happening.
16:49 We must cut the moral rot out of our people that permitted it to happen.
16:54 We must root out of our society those who introduced and cultivated and encouraged that
17:02 moral rot and we must destroy them so that they can never do that sort of thing again.
17:09 Ultimately we must separate ourselves from the blacks and other non-whites and keep ourselves
17:17 separate no matter what it takes to accomplish this.
17:22 We must do this not because we hate blacks but because we cannot survive if we remain
17:29 mixed with them and we cannot survive if we permit the Jews and the traitors among us
17:36 to remain among us and to repeat their treachery.
17:41 Eventually we must hunt them down and get rid of them, all of them.
17:45 Their presence among us makes us more unclean and more ill than the presence of the blacks.
17:55 All of us understand of course that not all blacks behave like New Sean Williams and we
18:02 don't blame all blacks for what happened to those white schoolgirls.
18:08 We don't even blame New Sean Williams.
18:12 We blame the fact that the blacks were brought into our midst.
18:17 What happened in Chautauqua County couldn't have happened if we hadn't brought blacks,
18:23 the good ones and the bad ones together into our midst.
18:27 They must all go, the good with the bad, and work out their own destiny while we work out
18:34 ours.
18:36 And we understand that not every Jew and not every politician and not every newspaper editor
18:43 and not every homosexual approved specifically of what New Sean Williams did.
18:51 But we also understand that it was their collective policies, it was the result of all of them
18:58 working together which produced the tragedy of Chautauqua County.
19:04 And eventually we will solve our problem.
19:08 Eventually we will ensure that there will be no more tragedies of this sort by dealing
19:14 with these people collectively.
19:17 It is enough that all of these people supported the general policies which led to Chautauqua.
19:24 It is enough that they all supported racial integration and they all spoke out against
19:32 white racism.
19:33 It is enough that they kept silent when they should have warned our people.
19:38 It is enough that not one of them pointed out the racial aspects of the New Sean Williams
19:44 case.
19:45 For that, we will hold them all responsible and we will deal with them all together.
19:52 The white Christian preacher who preached from his pulpit about the sin of racism, the
19:57 white politician who catered to the minorities and danced to the Jewish tune to get elected,
20:04 the white school official or police chief or government bureaucrat who was careful always
20:09 to pay lip service to the latest trend in race mixing policy promoted by the Jewish
20:15 media.
20:17 We will deal with them all and then God can sort them out.
20:23 You know, when I have said things like this before, a lot of cautious, timid conservatives
20:30 have responded by saying that I am too extreme, that I should not talk about America's situation
20:38 in such rough terms.
20:41 They hope, even if they do not believe, that there is some nice way of arresting America's
20:49 decline, some safe and easy way of keeping things from getting any worse, some way that
20:57 will permit them to continue taking their ease and enjoying their comforts and luxuries
21:04 without scaring themselves, without taking any chances.
21:10 And so let me remind you that I am a pretty conservative fellow myself.
21:16 I am not a wild-eyed bomb thrower at all, but I do like to face facts.
21:23 I do like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend that it is something else.
21:30 And the reality of our present situation is this.
21:35 You won't be allowed to continue enjoying your ease and your comfort much longer.
21:42 The situation is snowballing.
21:46 Yesterday it was an empty-headed piece of white trash named Nicole Brown.
21:52 Today it is a bunch of empty-headed, trendy schoolgirls in Chautauqua County, New York.
22:00 And tomorrow it will be your daughter and your sister wherever you live.
22:07 They will do what the Jews persuade them it is fashionable to do.
22:13 You cannot isolate yourself from what is being done to your people.
22:18 It will be done to you, too.
22:20 You cannot continue to enjoy yourself indefinitely when the very basis for the society in which
22:27 you are living already has been destroyed, already has been rotted out.
22:34 Fortunately, more and more ordinary white men and women are beginning to realize that.
22:43 More and more of them are beginning to understand and to accept that the only way that their
22:50 children and their grandchildren will have a future in America is to have a total revolution.
22:58 They are beginning to understand that no matter how bloody and destructive that revolution
23:04 will be, just letting things go on as they have been will be much, much worse.
23:12 New Sean Williams has helped them to understand that.
23:17 And when what happened to those white schoolgirls in Chautauqua County happens to your sister
23:24 or to your daughter, perhaps you will understand it, too.
23:30 Thanks for being with me again today.
23:33 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1997.
23:43 Disposing the Warmongers.
23:47 Hello.
23:49 Every evening when I have turned on the television news during the past few weeks, the message
23:55 has had the same theme.
23:58 Saddam Hussein must be stopped.
24:01 Saddam Hussein is a danger to America.
24:04 We must destroy Saddam Hussein.
24:07 About the only difference I've noticed in these daily news messages is that they are
24:12 steadily becoming more strident, more demanding, more imperative.
24:17 We must destroy Saddam Hussein.
24:22 And in support of this message, the television people are using all of their tricks to stir
24:27 up public opinion in favor of another war against Iraq.
24:32 Day after day we hear things like, "Saddam continues to defy the United Nations.
24:39 Saddam thumbs his nose at America.
24:42 Saddam challenges us to do something about his illegal actions," etc.
24:48 And these inflammatory comments are made against a background of old film footage of Saddam
24:55 in his military uniform grinning at us.
24:59 NBC's news anchor Tom Brokaw seems really impatient.
25:04 Why don't we take out Saddam now, he asks.
25:08 Why don't we just go in there and kill him?
25:10 What are we waiting for?
25:12 That's pretty much the refrain heard from all of the news commentators.
25:18 Now exactly how is Saddam Hussein defying us?
25:25 Well I'll tell you how.
25:27 Saddam is saying, "Iraq is our country.
25:31 It's a sovereign country.
25:33 It doesn't belong to the United Nations or to the United States.
25:37 We're tired of you people sticking your noses into our business and telling us how to run
25:43 our country.
25:44 Get out.
25:45 Leave us alone.
25:46 Go away."
25:47 And of course he's threatened to shoot down our spy planes if we continue to fly over
25:55 Iraq without Iraq's permission.
25:58 Pretty intolerable behavior, right?
26:00 A pretty good reason for us to start another war and bomb Iraq back into the Stone Age,
26:06 right?
26:07 Complete justification for slaughtering a few hundred thousand more Iraqis, right?
26:13 I mean, what does this guy Saddam think in demanding that we respect the sovereignty
26:19 of his country?
26:20 I mean, we're bigger than he is, and so we don't have to respect him, right?
26:27 You know, if these television people who are so hot for a new war against Iraq would just
26:33 come right out and say that, I would find their warmongering a little easier to take.
26:40 If they would just say, "Hey, we're bigger and stronger than Iraq, and so we can make
26:45 the Iraqis do whatever we tell them.
26:48 We don't have to respect them or treat them the way we expect to be treated.
26:52 We can push them around as much as we want, and if they don't like it, we'll just kill
26:56 them."
26:58 But of course, the last thing we expect from our controlled news media is honesty.
27:05 They want their war, and they also want to make us believe that the war is Saddam's fault,
27:11 not ours.
27:12 And so, day after day, the television news people tell us about how Saddam is threatening
27:18 the security of the world, and defying America, and just begging for us to go in there and
27:24 take him out, to use Tom Brokaw's euphemism for political assassination.
27:32 If we want to begin justifying high-level political assassination, I can think of a
27:39 head of state much closer to home than Saddam, who ought to be taken out.
27:46 Someone whose elimination would really do America a lot of good.
27:52 You know, it was just 11 months ago, on December 21st, 1996, when I predicted on this program
28:02 that the Jewish media bosses would make a major effort to take us into another war during
28:09 Mr. Clinton's second term in office.
28:12 I based my prediction on two sets of facts.
28:16 First, that Mr. Clinton had just appointed an all-Jewish foreign policy team for his
28:23 second term, and second, that Clinton's second term was an opportunity that Jews couldn't
28:30 afford to miss, to use American military force to wipe out Israel's rivals in the Middle
28:37 East once and for all.
28:40 And now, I fear, my prediction is coming true.
28:44 If this current drive to start another war with Iraq is what I'm afraid it is, then it'll
28:50 involve much more than merely another attempt to assassinate Saddam Hussein.
28:56 They'll manage to escalate it into something which will wipe out all of their rivals in
29:01 the Middle East, and leave Israel a free hand to continue her policies of expansion.
29:08 And it will end up costing America a lot more than a few billion dollars' worth of military
29:13 hardware and a few thousand more unexplained cases of veterans suffering from Gulf War
29:20 Syndrome.
29:21 A lot more.
29:24 You know, there are many people, in addition to the Jews, pushing for another war to destroy
29:30 Iraq.
29:32 There are the trendy "New World Order" types who are hostile to the idea of national sovereignty,
29:40 and believe that all of the countries of the world ought to be subordinated to the United
29:45 Nations and forced to obey UN directives, by military means if necessary.
29:52 That is, they say they believe that, so long as the country in defiance of the United Nations
29:59 isn't Israel.
30:03 Israel has been thumbing its nose at the UN for years, and defying one UN resolution after
30:09 another, building new Jewish settlements on land seized by military force from Israel's
30:15 neighbors, and refusing to permit UN inspection teams to look for evidence of illegal weapons
30:22 in Israel.
30:24 And there are even more people who believe that a war against Iraq can be justified if
30:29 it will destroy Iraq's capability to build so-called "weapons of mass destruction."
30:37 The controlled media have been full of horror stories recently about the possibility that
30:42 Iraq may develop and use biological and chemical weapons capable of killing millions of people.
30:50 And let's face it, that is a possibility.
30:54 The genie is out of the bottle.
30:57 Modern technology gives even very small countries the ability to build very destructive weapons.
31:04 That's a very real danger.
31:07 But if we want to combat that danger, Iraq is not the place to start.
31:13 Israel has developed chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and
31:19 that's something that really should worry the world.
31:24 After all, Saddam may be a dictator, but he's never given any evidence of having the frighteningly
31:31 dangerous combination of hair-trigger paranoia and delusions of grandeur that afflicts Israeli
31:39 leaders.
31:40 He hasn't been caught sending Iraqi agents into other countries to assassinate religious
31:46 or political leaders with exotic biological or chemical weapons.
31:51 But Israel's current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been caught sending Israeli
31:58 agents to do exactly that.
32:02 I don't know whether Mr. Netanyahu is a religious man or not, but all too many of his fellow
32:10 Israelis are.
32:12 Orthodox Jews wield the balance of power in Israel, and their religion teaches them explicitly
32:21 that they are a chosen people, that their tribal god chose them to rule over all the
32:29 other peoples of the earth, that all the wealth of the Gentiles really belongs to the Jews,
32:36 and that anyone who refuses to submit to Jewish rule should be killed.
32:42 If you never learned that in Sunday school, find yourself a Bible and read the book of
32:49 Isaiah.
32:50 I mean, really read it.
32:53 Read it carefully.
32:55 Think about its meaning.
32:57 And then remind yourself that whacked-out, nutcase religious Jews who believe Isaiah's
33:05 bloodthirsty chauvinistic ravings, believe them literally, are in control of one of the
33:12 world's largest arsenals of chemical and biological weapons.
33:17 If there's any situation which calls for a massive, preemptive military strike to safeguard
33:24 the world from a madman using weapons of mass destruction, it's the situation in Israel
33:31 today.
33:32 So, when was the last time you heard Mr. Clinton insisting that Israel should permit a UN inspection
33:40 team to check for biological and chemical weapons in that country?
33:46 And certainly, one cannot fall back on the excuse that it's only little countries which
33:53 must not be permitted to have such weapons.
33:57 Iraq has four times the population of Israel.
34:03 Let's review this conflict with Iraq objectively for a moment.
34:08 America has no good reason to pick a fight with Iraq.
34:13 Iraq poses no threat to us.
34:17 Iraq wants nothing from us but to be left alone.
34:22 Unlike Israel, Iraq has never even asked for a handout.
34:28 In 1991, we bombed Baghdad and slaughtered more than 100,000 Iraqis because they had
34:36 invaded Kuwait, which in fact used to belong to them before it had been taken away during
34:42 the colonial period.
34:45 And then we imposed a crippling economic embargo on the defeated Iraqis, an embargo which has
34:52 caused the deaths of an estimated half million Iraqi infants and children during the past
34:59 six years, and which is maintained because of Israeli insistence.
35:05 So the Iraqis have plenty of reason to hate us now, but no reason to try to hurt us if
35:11 we would just leave them alone.
35:14 Iraqi interests lie in the Middle East, and only in the Middle East.
35:20 And the reason we are headed toward another war with Iraq now is solely because of the
35:26 influence of Jews on the government of the United States.
35:30 It certainly isn't because we are concerned about Iraq's development of weapons of mass
35:35 destruction.
35:37 If we were serious about that sort of thing, we would have stopped Israel from developing
35:42 its chemical, biological, and nuclear arsenal.
35:47 The reason it's all right with our government for the Jews to have weapons of mass destruction,
35:53 but not all right for the Iraqis to have them, is that the Jews control the news and entertainment
36:00 media in the United States, and thus wield effective control over the political process
36:06 here, and the Iraqis don't.
36:09 And that's the only reason.
36:11 So let's cut out the baloney about the rule of law in international affairs, or about
36:18 the need to keep weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of dangerous and unpredictable
36:24 people.
36:26 Weapons of mass destruction already are in the hands of dangerous and unpredictable people,
36:33 and a lot more dangerous and unpredictable people will have them in the future.
36:39 And why is that?
36:41 Why is the world faced with the very real threat that truly horrendous chemical or biological
36:48 weapons will be used in the future?
36:50 Well, in the case of the Middle East, the reason is the policy that the United States
36:56 government has had imposed on it by the Jewish minority here.
37:02 Israel is the continuing sore point in that part of the world.
37:06 It is Israel which first introduced weapons of mass destruction into the Middle East,
37:12 and it is Israel's aggression, supported by the United States, which has put pressure
37:17 on countries like Iraq to develop their own weapons of mass destruction.
37:24 Any country which can develop them, any country which has the ability to develop them, will
37:30 develop them if it feels threatened, because whether or not it's obvious to Americans,
37:37 it's obvious to the rest of the world that there is no such thing as justice or a rule
37:44 of law in international affairs.
37:47 They've seen the way things have worked in the Middle East for the past 50 years.
37:53 So let's not fool ourselves with the pretense that Saddam Hussein is some sort of crazy
38:01 power-mad gangster, and we're the good guys working to maintain international security
38:07 and prevent a catastrophe.
38:09 We are the ones who brought about the introduction of weapons of mass destruction into the Middle
38:15 East through our support of Israel.
38:18 And we are the ones who caused the present crisis in the Middle East again through our
38:24 support of Israel.
38:27 And the solution to the present crisis is not to bomb Baghdad again, or to try again
38:34 to assassinate Iraq's president, or to starve more Iraqi children by maintaining the embargo
38:41 against Iraq.
38:43 That's the policy that Mr. Clinton's Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, is trying to
38:49 persuade Iraq's neighbors to go along with.
38:53 But fortunately, they're not buying it.
38:56 They're saying, "Listen, we want peace and stability in this region.
39:02 We don't want weapons of mass destruction used here by anybody.
39:07 And we'll support an effort to police Iraq if the United Nations at the same time will
39:13 police Israel and force that country to surrender its weapons of mass destruction and to abide
39:21 by UN resolutions."
39:22 That, of course, is completely unacceptable to the Jews, to the "chosen people."
39:30 And so, Madeleine Albright has been waddling from one Middle Eastern meeting to another
39:35 during the past two weeks, twisting the arms of everyone she can get her hooks into.
39:41 She and her fellow Jews are determined to get rid of Saddam Hussein and cripple Iraq
39:48 by any means necessary.
39:51 As their hope of lining up the United Nations to do the job for them fades, they'll certainly
39:57 be developing a scheme to get the United States to do it alone.
40:03 So, we can expect some sort of manufactured excuse for a US assault on Iraq.
40:12 Don't be surprised to hear on the news any day now about some sort of provocation by
40:18 Iraq to justify the United States starting a new war.
40:23 Perhaps the CIA will stir up some sort of insurrection in a part of Iraq where the US
40:30 government has told Saddam Hussein he's not permitted to send his troops.
40:36 And when he moves to put down the insurrection, the Clinton government will use that as its
40:41 pretext for attacking.
40:44 As I mentioned, I predicted this eleven months ago.
40:49 Of course, I didn't know what the details would be, but it was clear that the Jewish
40:55 power structure was planning a new war.
40:59 And of course, I don't know just how the present situation will develop.
41:04 It's even possible that the lack of cooperation they're getting from other countries will
41:09 persuade the Jews to back off temporarily until they can apply more diplomatic and economic
41:16 pressure to other UN members.
41:18 But I doubt it.
41:20 I'm expecting the war sooner rather than later, despite Mr. Clinton's big pretense of reluctance,
41:28 his big pretense of wanting to bully Iraq into line by diplomacy rather than by military
41:35 force.
41:37 I don't know when it will come.
41:39 I don't know how it will come.
41:42 But I know that it's coming.
41:45 Now I'll make another prediction.
41:48 We'll see the use of weapons of mass destruction sooner than anyone would like.
41:55 All of the horror stories about the terrorist use of chemical and biological weapons the
42:00 Jews have been publishing in the controlled mass media recently in an effort to drum up
42:06 public support for a preemptive strike against Iraq will start coming true, especially if
42:14 the Clinton government does what the Jews are demanding and attacks Iraq.
42:21 Put yourself in the position of a patriotic Iraqi or a religious Muslim or any non-Jewish
42:30 patriot in the Middle East.
42:33 You hesitate to use chemical or biological weapons as long as there is any hope that
42:39 justice will prevail without their use.
42:42 But when you have given up all hope for justice, then you will do whatever you can.
42:49 The suicide bombers who have been blowing themselves up in Israel to protest the lack
42:55 of justice for Palestinians will be showing up in New York and Washington and Los Angeles
43:02 and Chicago, but they won't be using old-fashioned explosives.
43:08 And the Muslim suicide teams who have been shooting up buses of tourists in Egypt to
43:15 protest the Egyptian government's collaboration with the great Satan will move their operations
43:22 into the great Satan itself, and they'll be using more than rifles and submachine guns.
43:29 It is coming, and many, many innocent people will die.
43:35 It is coming because our government has let itself be controlled by Jews, because our
43:42 government's policies have been based on what's good for the Jews and what's good for Israel,
43:49 rather than on what's good for Americans.
43:52 And the Jews always, throughout history, have overreached themselves.
43:58 They have never been content to mind their own business and take their own share and
44:03 leave other people alone.
44:06 Too many Jews really believe the ravings of Isaiah.
44:11 They really believe that they can have it all, that they deserve it all, and that whatever
44:17 they do in their greed to get it all is justified.
44:22 That's why Mr. Clinton's horrid little Jewess, Madeline Albright, is continuing to try to
44:29 pressure Iraq's neighbors into acquiescing in another war against that country.
44:36 In a way, perhaps it's a good thing that all of this is coming to a head now, like a boil
44:43 that's been festering under the surface for decades.
44:47 We Americans have become far too complacent, far too comfortable, far too credulous, far
44:56 too tolerant of evil and injustice and of encroachments against us by everyone else.
45:04 And someone from the Middle East who has given up all hope of justice for his people pops
45:11 a biological grenade on a New York subway tunnel or on the grounds of the Washington
45:17 Monument or somewhere else in the United States, and thousands of our people start dying.
45:24 Some of those who have been too complacent and too tolerant will begin to change their
45:31 attitudes.
45:33 Our task, mine and yours, is to do everything we can to ensure that our people also become
45:42 less credulous, that they stop believing the lies of the mass media, that they begin understanding
45:50 who is responsible for the catastrophe which is looming before them.
45:56 Because certainly the Jews and their puppets in the Clinton government will try to place
46:02 the blame elsewhere, just as they blamed the Oklahoma City bombing on the militias and
46:09 on patriots generally, rather than on the government's atrocious behavior in the Waco
46:16 massacre two years earlier.
46:19 So they will blame the coming use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists on the enemies
46:25 of the Jews instead of on the Jews themselves whose policies caused the desperation which
46:33 led to the terrorism.
46:36 Thanks for being with me again today.
46:40 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1997 The Tragedy of Chautauqua County
46:55 Hello.
46:57 A couple of weeks ago we were treated to yet another case of a black sexual predator with
47:06 AIDS infecting as many white girls as possible with his lethal disease by having sex with
47:14 them.
47:15 New Sean Williams, a small-time drug dealer, car thief, armed robber, and would-be rap
47:25 artist, liked to take the bus from his Brooklyn, New York neighborhood to Chautauqua County
47:34 in the mostly white western part of New York State and find young white girls to seduce.
47:42 He had sex with dozens of white schoolgirls in the county, some as young as 13, and infected
47:51 many of them with the AIDS virus.
47:55 When AIDS cases began showing up among schoolgirls in the county, public health officials became
48:02 alarmed.
48:04 They didn't tell the police what they knew about the black AIDS carrier who had been
48:08 infecting the girls, however, because the homosexual lobby, which is politically very
48:15 powerful in New York, had persuaded the legislature to pass a law making it illegal to release
48:23 information about AIDS carriers even to the police.
48:27 Finally, as the number of young girls infected by New Sean Williams continued growing, health
48:36 officials went to a...