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Join AFAR in a discussion about why we love travel, new episodes of the show, and traveling for food with Phil Rosenthal of Netflix’s Somebody Feed Phil and creator of Everybody Loves Raymond.
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00:00 I didn't, I had coffee, that's it. Coffee? Okay. Feeling good? I think I'm okay.
00:07 I had oatmeal. Love the oatmeal. Yeah. What are you putting in it? Oh, this is actually really
00:15 kind of sick and gross, but I'm having a baby boy in March, so I can use that as an excuse.
00:21 But I put Trader Joe's cookie butter on top of the oatmeal. That's not gross, that sounds awesome,
00:27 and I know exactly what that is. My daughter is a huge fan of that. She's a good woman.
00:32 That's really good. Yeah. Cookie butter goes on everything. Yes, it does, Gwen. Apples,
00:41 good idea. Oh, somebody's on already. Yeah. Oh, hi. I thought we were alone.
00:46 I will do your introduction in a minute, the official, but we'll just chit chat for a minute
00:51 here. Yeah, sure. Hi, everybody. Hi, Chris. Come into the chat room. Phil, do you have a Peloton?
01:01 No, but I have an Airdyne standing bike with the arms. There's no tougher workout than that.
01:09 I do like a four-minute Tabata thing a couple times a week. You know what that is, right? Yes,
01:17 that's really fun. Three seconds as hard as you can, 10 seconds rest, eight times. By the second
01:24 time, I want to die. I'm going to have six more times I still have to do it. It is the longest
01:30 four minutes of your life. Wow. Yeah. Okay, well- Do you have a Peloton? I do. I was going to ask
01:39 you your username, but I don't have one, so I can't find you. I'm sorry, I don't. But you can
01:45 always find me here. Yeah. Okay, I'll let people keep joining, but we're over 100 now, so we're
01:53 going to go start. Hi, everyone. Lots of chatting. So welcome to A FAR Live. I'm so thrilled to be
02:01 here today with two incredible people. We wanted to do something more fun and inspirational this
02:06 week, a week away from the election, less now. The second person will be an amazing executive
02:12 coach and former Google exec named Amy Jin. But the first person we have right now is Phil
02:18 Rosenthal, star of Netflix's Somebody Feed Phil, where you travel around the world and eat food
02:23 and meet people. That's the gist, right? I'm not quite as amazing as the Google person.
02:31 I disagree. I think you're kind of on equal ground, but it's the content we need right now.
02:36 Did you ever think that you would play this bigger role in people's mental health
02:40 during the lockdown for the show? My goodness, no, no. I've told this story many times,
02:46 stop me if you've heard it. By the way, my wife, I got this from a friend of mine.
02:51 He said his wife has a signal for when he's told the story before, when they have people over,
02:58 she'll go like this. That means he's already told it one time before. Not very subtle.
03:06 Like this. We've heard this now two times. Yeah. Right. It's like baseball signals.
03:12 So stop me if you've heard this people. But when I was making Everybody Loves Raymond,
03:17 I asked Ray Romano where he was going on his vacation. And he said he was going to the Jersey
03:23 Shore. And I said, that's nice, New Jersey. But have you ever been in Europe? And he goes, no,
03:28 I'm not really interested in other cultures. Wow. And so the light bulb went off. I said,
03:34 we got to do that episode where we send you there with that attitude. And we send you back with my
03:40 attitude after you've been transformed. And sure enough, we did that episode. I wrote that
03:47 very storyline. But he, the actor, my friend, Ray, got woke. He got there. Yes, he got the magic of
03:59 travel. He understood how it changes your life, how it changes your perspective, how glorious
04:05 somewhere else can be. Yeah. Right. So even if it literally opens your mind, and then I thought,
04:12 this is awesome. I'd love to do this for other people. So this is beyond my wildest dreams
04:18 that anyone first of all watches. But the best compliment that I could get is people telling me
04:25 that they've been to the places from the show, that they've actually traveled because of the
04:30 show. I couldn't love that more. Well, I love that. I actually went to Fortnum and Mason and
04:35 got the cookies you love from the show. Oh! Eat one right now. Show the people. I know.
04:41 To get very prepared. Eat one right now. Do it. Okay, I'll take a bite. But while I take a bite,
04:46 can you tell me, I mean, you did. Have you had one yet? I did. I mean, they're amazing. They're
04:51 amazing. And you can order them. Everyone who's listening, you can order them. It's the dark
04:54 chocolate coated chocolate pearl biscuits. The word pearl makes it, doesn't it? It does.
04:59 I mean, you did found Everybody Loves Raymond. And so that gave you an amazing life. And you
05:05 could have just sat around and done nothing. Right? So I mean, all of us who make these big
05:09 and small changes throughout our careers, even if we love our jobs, were you scared to do another
05:14 thing? Or did you know you could do it? Well, first of all, how's that cookie?
05:21 Show them the inside. It's fun. I love the British because they say chocolate pearl
05:27 biscuit. But here in America, it's just chocolate chips. Exactly. It's the best one you'll ever have.
05:34 It's really good. But chocolate. And then the quality of the chocolate. Yeah. Around it. I mean,
05:40 you would just eat a bar of that chocolate, right? They don't skimp on the chocolate here. No, they
05:44 don't skimp on the chocolate. That's why it's worth it's a little pricey. Right? That box.
05:51 995 pounds. But the US. Yeah, that I don't know. I'm lucky to be here.
05:58 Where were you from originally? I was from New York. Originally.
06:03 You lucked out. You're living the dream too. That's what I think I was living the dream
06:11 getting to do this show. So after Raymond was over, it's not that I wanted to sit around and
06:16 do nothing. Just because you can. What do you do? Right? You got to get up in the morning.
06:21 So I kept trying to do sitcoms. I thought that's what I was going to do. Why wouldn't I think that
06:26 that's what everybody else wanted me to do. That's what the agents want you to do that in the studios
06:31 because that's that's the money. Yeah. But guess what? I couldn't sell anything. Like the business
06:40 had changed so drastically from in the nine years that we were doing Raymond that I could everything
06:47 was different. They didn't value that type of show anymore. That's true. And the things they
06:54 were offering me I didn't want to do to be fair. Yeah. And so I thought if I'm banging my head
07:00 against this wall of show business, why not pick this spot in the wall that I would really, really,
07:06 really love. So I've now combined everything I know about how to tell a story, how to make a show.
07:13 And it's in the service of everything else I love in life. Family, food, friends, travel,
07:21 laughs. Yeah. That's the show. Yeah. It just makes people feel good. It makes me feel good.
07:28 It makes me feel good to make you guys feel good. It's everything I could possibly want in the world.
07:35 Yeah. And so I want to keep doing it. I want to and I could even do it during COVID. I could find
07:40 a way we could do somebody feed Phil al fresco. Yes, exactly. And be safe. You can still explore
07:48 other cultures and other cuisines and restaurants and people in your own town. Yeah. Right. Because
07:57 there's diversity everywhere. And that's to be celebrated. And that's all the show is.
08:03 So, I mean, are you really that, like, would your wife and kids say you are that positive
08:08 as well? Like who you come across as on the show? Yes. They would say I'm annoyingly so.
08:13 Yeah. Because imagine this in the house with you all day. Yeah. That's not, people don't like that.
08:20 Yeah. That's a lot. I know. Listen, I'm a person. I get annoyed. We get angry. We fight. Why did
08:28 you put this in the coffee maker? You broke it down. That's daily life. Yes. Daily life. Yeah.
08:35 And so we're just regular people. What you're seeing on the show is actually me, though. But
08:43 I have to admit, you're seeing me very happy. Yeah. Because I'm doing what I love. Right. You're not
08:50 seeing me talk to an accountant about my taxes. Right. I'm sure you would love. You're trying to
08:55 be like this. Yeah. That's what I avoid all year long. So you're seeing me getting to what? Travel,
09:03 meet beautiful people, eat beautiful food, see beautiful things. That's like. That's the dream.
09:09 That's the dream. So, I mean, and in a far too. I mean, we've always believed in travel as a force
09:13 for good to make the world a better place. And you feature a diverse range of people. You're
09:17 a big investor in restaurants. Like I've heard you compare it to the importance of the arts.
09:22 And you and your wife are big philanthropists. Like did traveling
09:25 change the focus of your philanthropy or are you wanting to do good?
09:29 Yes. I try to help. I haven't admitted this before, but I try to help every place I go.
09:37 I leave a little something for some organization that I found because I feel like, first of all,
09:43 I'm very, very lucky. And it's, I think, good karma. Yeah. That right. At the very least.
09:52 And second, I love being in the position that I can help a little. And so it's only good if
09:59 you can share it. That's my whole attitude. Right. And it comes from the micro to the macro.
10:05 If you see the show, you see me take a couple of bites and then I want to share it with the crew.
10:09 Yeah. Right. It also saves me from eating too much, but that's selfish. The real joy is in
10:17 seeing a camera guy's face light up when he gets to, because I see him looking like this.
10:22 And we have a lot of people there and I'm the only one eating. That's not fun. Yeah. It's fun. Yes.
10:31 It's delicious. Great. But it's only fun if you can share it. Yeah. So we do that on every level.
10:39 We do that, especially locally where we live here in Los Angeles. We, there's a famous saying,
10:45 think globally, act locally, because that's how you affect change around the world. And if
10:50 everybody acted locally, then globally things would change. Right. Yeah. So that's the,
10:56 that's the idea. And I invest in restaurants because I'm not very bright.
11:02 It's a stupid investment for money, but it's a great investment for your heart, your soul,
11:13 your belly, your community. Right. I mean, you're doing that. They're in danger of closing,
11:20 right. For good. Many, many independent restaurants, meaning all the restaurants we
11:26 love that are not chain restaurants like McDonald's and Burger King. And if we're
11:30 not careful, everybody, that's all that's going to be left. Yeah. It's scary right now. Very. Yeah.
11:36 So we support, I do take out every day, literally every day, either lunch or dinner or both,
11:44 because I don't want to live in a world without restaurants. Oh, me neither. Yeah. And I want to
11:49 get back to that restaurant feeling when you walk in and it's just, it's, it's, it is like its own
11:53 little show. Right. I mean, you feel like it's theater. It's your entertainment. It's your social
11:58 life. It's your sustenance. Yeah. It's my joy. Yeah. When I go out, I'm transported. I mean,
12:07 well, so, and I love, I mean, you, you've talked about a lot before the best advice you've ever
12:12 been given. Can, can you tell the people here what that was or what that is? When I was writing
12:17 the pilot for Everybody Loves Rain, I asked an old showrunner creator of famous sitcoms
12:25 for some advice. And he said this, do the show you want to do, because in the end,
12:31 they're going to cancel you anyway. I love that. This, this, not only is great advice,
12:38 if you're writing something that's yours, but it's a philosophy of life. Right. Do the show
12:46 you want to do, because we're all going to get canceled one day. Right. Yeah. So live your life
12:53 the way you want to live it. That's very important and make the most of it. You might get canceled
12:59 a few times, I guess. I'm sure you've been canceled. Oh my God. I was listening to an old
13:03 interview with you and you said you'd been a security guard at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
13:06 and you got fired. And then you used that story later to put it in something that you wrote.
13:13 Right. I wasn't just fired for, uh, you know, normal reason. Yeah. I was fired because
13:22 I was a guard at one point, uh, from midnight to eight in the morning, what they call the graveyard
13:27 shift. And I thought I could handle it. I was 21. I thought I could stay up midnight to eight in the
13:34 morning. It turned out I couldn't. And they found me asleep on a 300 year old bed. Comfy. A period
13:43 room, you know, from the American old West. Amazing. It's an amazing story, but you were
13:49 canceled from the museum and you moved on. That story in my first script sample to send around
14:01 Hollywood. I wrote a Roseanne episode with a friend of mine and we didn't know what to write
14:06 about. And this was, you know, I'm talking about eight years later. Yeah. I said, what if the John
14:12 Goodman character got a second job at the local museum and he falls asleep on a 300 year old bed
14:20 and people read this script and said, what an imagination. And we got hired. Who would ever
14:25 do that? You never know where your break is coming from. You never know what life experience
14:31 as horrible as it is at the time may serve you later. Yeah. And I tell all the young writers out
14:38 there to write stuff down, keep a journal every day because you never know when that might come
14:45 in handy. You don't have to show it to anybody. Just for you. And excuse me. And, and, uh,
14:52 you know, the, the stuff you think is nothing today, two months from now, you may look back
14:57 and go, that's funny. Or that's interesting and may become something. And it's easier to
15:03 write things down than to write. Yes. To have to think of crap to, to put down. Right. So just
15:11 write down what happens in your thoughts. All we are, all that separates, you know, you from me,
15:17 what differentiates us is your life experience that's filtered through the way you think.
15:23 Yeah. Which makes everybody's point of view valid. That's what I say to, to travel writers
15:30 too. And, and, and travel agents and people, you know, everyone's like, well, everyone's been to
15:33 Paris. I'm like, yeah, but you haven't written your story about Paris. Right. Because it's how
15:37 you look at it. Yeah. Yeah. Like we did a New York episode and it was so intimidating. I didn't know
15:44 I wanted to make the definitive episode. That's a lot of pressure for New York. Right. And I
15:51 realized right away, I can't do the definitive episode, but I can do mine. Bill episode.
15:59 Yeah. Well, so in tomorrow, I mean the new, I wanted to talk about what's coming out tomorrow
16:04 because I'm very excited. It's Rio de Janeiro, Hawaii. You've been there? I've been to Rio.
16:11 Yep. I'm obsessed. What's more spectacular? We took up my seven month old daughter at the time.
16:17 Hawaii, San Francisco and the Mississippi Delta and Singapore was the one I wanted to ask you
16:23 about because that's where I really want to go. I've never been. And I feel like you can get
16:27 culture and nature and I want to stay at the raffles and I want to see the airport. And so I
16:32 was going to ask you, it's, I mean, it's called the city of the future. Did you, did you see that?
16:36 Cause I think we all need some future thinking right now. Yes. Great. And what did you love
16:43 eating there too? Of course. It's set in the jungle, a tropical jungle and the most modern
16:49 city on earth has erupted from the jungle. So right away, it's super cool. And I mean the values
16:58 of the most cutting edge, gorgeous architecture. Like you can't believe it. You, there are
17:04 buildings, skyscrapers where nature is incorporated, trees and things are growing all up and down the
17:11 building or that airport with the world's largest indoor waterfall running right through the center
17:17 of it. It's spectacular. You think you're in like, Disney's got nothing on this place, right? I mean,
17:23 it is world of tomorrow. You're seeing, I mean, it's genius. It's a tropical climate and they've
17:30 built underground, like amazing cities where it's temperature controlled and gorgeous and great.
17:38 And you don't feel like you're underground. You feel like you're in the most fabulous kind of
17:43 environment. It is an amazing, amazing place. And the food culture there is the culture.
17:51 You rarely seen a place that's so food centric and it incorporates all the like greatest hits
18:00 of Asia and Malaysia all together. Right? I love it. It's a mishmash of everything good.
18:07 Did you watch Crazy Rich Asians before you went or?
18:10 I have seen it. Yes. And one of the stars of the movie is in the show with me.
18:15 Oh, cool.
18:15 Yes. She plays one of the moms. Yeah. She's fantastic.
18:19 I can't wait to watch that. And did you stay at the raffles? Because we have a lot of hotel
18:23 lovers on this call. So. Hotel lovers. We're talking about one of the best hotels in the
18:28 world and I got to stay there. That's one of the great perks, you know, of the thing is I get to
18:36 try a hotel that I've always wanted to stay at. How do you not stay there? Oh, we have a big scene
18:41 there because at the raffles bar is, you know what they invented? Singapore Sling.
18:49 There you go. And I got to make one. Yeah. They have the coolest cocktail shaker in the world.
18:56 I won't say what it is, but you'll see it. It's worth seeing the whole show just to see their
19:01 cocktail shaker. There's the teaser for the show. That's, that's good. Well, and I was going to ask
19:07 you too. I mean, everyone asks you about food, but I mean, I want to know about hotels because,
19:10 I mean, what are some other hotels? I love talking hotels. Nobody ever asked me about the hotels.
19:14 Yay. Okay. Where do you love? What are some of your favorite hotels?
19:18 That's one of them. When we did the
19:25 Bangkok episode in Thailand, there's a hotel in Chiang Mai. Cause we went to Chiang Mai as well
19:34 in that episode called the Dara Devi. Oh yeah. I've stayed there. You did? Yeah.
19:40 It's like you're in the King and I, and did you have your own house? Yes. They gave us a house.
19:49 Each person got a house. Why not? A house with two stories, kitchen, full kitchen, a piano,
19:57 like I need a piano, uh, and upstairs, a balcony with a hot tub out the back, your own private
20:04 swimming pool for yourself. Like it's your house. And then the rice patties with the water buffalo.
20:09 I mean, crazy. It's crazy. Gorgeous. That place. The great breakfast buffet. I don't know if they'll
20:15 still have it. Yes. And then you ride your bike around and the front of the hotel, the, you know,
20:20 the public spaces, they look like the King and I palace. Yeah. Yeah. Spectacular. So that's one
20:26 of the great ones. Uh, what about Italy? I know you love Italy. Oh, hotels in Italy.
20:33 Well, I love the Syranoos on the Amalfi coast. I've stayed at the, uh, what's the,
20:40 the other famous one down the road a bit, uh, uh, Ravello.
20:44 Ravello is gorgeous. I've never stayed there, but the village in Brony is like a,
20:50 a wishlist place that I want to go. Oh, I stayed at the
20:53 Villa Cattraeville. I think it's called the Villa of Three Villas that was owned by
20:59 Zeffirelli. And it was turned into a spectacular hotel. Have you been there? I haven't been there.
21:07 No, that's worth going in Venice, the Gritti Palace spectacular, right before seasons in Florence.
21:15 Spectacular. That's amazing. I love how it's just set off enough that you can
21:19 get away from it. The crazy. Yup. But an easy walk into town, right? Uh,
21:25 so many, there's so many, but I've loved, I've loved bed and breakfast too.
21:30 When I had no money on my first trip to Florence, I was 23 years old. I stayed at the Pensione
21:36 Annalena on the old Toronto, the other side of the, you know, the, the less touristy side of,
21:44 you know, near the Pitti Palace. It was down a side street and it was just this,
21:51 you know, you walk, a walk up, but this quaint little room with a little garden.
21:56 You're in Italy. It doesn't matter. You don't have to spend a lot of money. I agree. Literally
22:02 go anywhere and be so happy. Yeah, I agree. I think at a great hotel, obviously costs more
22:09 money. It's, it's, it's its own, you know, experience. Right. And I think nothing bad
22:14 happens at a great hotel and, but you can definitely, I mean, in family run B&Bs too,
22:18 are really, really amazing too. Yeah. And same in Paris. I've stayed at little bed and breakfast,
22:23 little, uh, little places like that where the bathroom is down the hall. When you're a kid,
22:29 you know, when you're in your twenties, you could do anything. It doesn't matter. And then when you
22:32 get to be old man, you want to stay at the George Center or the Plaza Atene. A little pickier,
22:37 you've earned it though. Um, well, I like, uh, you know, you've seen the show. I'm only picking
22:44 places as I start. We've only done like 22 of these. Right. So if my motivation is to get you
22:51 to travel and you're hesitant to travel, two thirds of Americans don't even have a passport,
22:56 which could be why we're in the shape we're in. Because I think the world would be better if we
23:00 all could experience a little bit of other people's experiences and be a little more open minded.
23:05 Right. That's what travel does for you. So if I'm trying to get you to travel and get your passport,
23:10 I'm starting with what I think are earth's greatest hits for you. Meaning most people
23:17 will speak English. There will be food that you recognize if you've ever been to a restaurant.
23:22 Uh, there will, you won't have to sleep in a tree. There's going to be a hotel with a bed,
23:28 with a pillow, you know, because that's the kind of, you know, not Bourdain. Yeah. I'm, I'm old
23:35 Jewish man. So that's what, that's what I like. Well, and I think, I mean, even on your London
23:40 episode, London is such a great introduction to Europe, right? It's Europe light. I think it's
23:44 like if you, if your first trip to Europe, I think London is a great place to come. I think, uh,
23:49 London, I call it the gateway drug to Europe. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Well, so, and I
23:55 mean, you grew up not really traveling and you've said, you know, not really eating well or
23:59 adventurously, you know, was that a thing for you? Like I'm going to take my kids to places and
24:03 instill in them a sense of curiosity. Yeah. That's right. That was very important. And I recommend
24:10 to people that said, where should I take my kid first? London is a very good place to take
24:13 children, I think, but Venice, because the whole thing is the, it's a small world ride.
24:21 Yeah. Boats. So we took our kids, they weren't even three and six years old and they loved every
24:28 second of it. And I found that your kids will walk anywhere as long as it ends with pizza or gelato.
24:34 And in Italy, it does. That works for me too, actually. So. Right. Me too. Me too. And Ray
24:41 Romano too. Really? He became crazy. Phil, did you try this gelato? Oh my God, we got to try this
24:48 one. Yeah. I found it. Yeah. And there's one across the street. Shouldn't we compare? Yes,
24:52 we should, Ray. Let's go. I love this. Someone just said, I'm getting emotional by seeing Phil's
24:58 reaction. I miss passionate people. I mean, there has been kind of a dulling, hasn't there? A little
25:03 bit, especially in travel. Cause we've been so devastated. Oh my God. Can I tell you something
25:07 though, here in America? I long for dull. Let's get back to dull, please. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And
25:16 then we will travel again. Right. I mean, I'm going to ask you, you know, you know, everything.
25:20 I know what you mean. Passion in a good way. Not the, I'm getting punched in the face way.
25:26 Yeah. Yeah. Right. Love, love, love and peace and, and, and, uh, food and, and hugs. We need to get
25:34 back to these things. Yeah. Well, and of course, I mean, the, the media perception is always so
25:38 different than what you see on the ground. Right. I mean, it's worlds apart. Um, and so that's why
25:43 I worry about closed borders. Right. Cause I think it can become so nationalistic, right. That you're,
25:47 um, you know, I mean, the borders have been closed for seven months or whatever it is,
25:52 a very long time. Um, but I mean, you've, you've of course seen that, right. Have you seen,
25:57 I mean, with your kids or have you seen how it just opens people up traveling?
26:03 Uh, here's what I think, uh, this may be politically, uh, incorrect to say,
26:09 but everywhere I go, most people around the world are so much better than their governments.
26:16 Yeah. That's so true. We're all, we're all people. We all love to eat. We all want our
26:24 children to grow up happy and healthy. We all love music. We all love laughs. Right. Yeah.
26:32 We love to be welcoming and to be welcomed. This is life and why have it any other way?
26:42 Yeah. And that's why it's so important to take that trip.
26:46 And so many people are so good hearted. You're going to see the Mississippi Delta show.
26:52 Yeah. Okay. I thought I was going into deliverance. I didn't know what I was going
26:58 into. I thought I was going to land of rednecks. That's the stereotype. Yeah. It was the opposite.
27:04 It was, it was so eyeopening and so beautiful the way everyone gets along, but they don't talk about
27:10 that in the news. They don't say, Oh, the black people and the white people, they got together
27:14 in the Mississippi Delta today. And you know what happened? They sat and had lunch like they do
27:18 every day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm just conflict. So that's what they show you. So that's all you
27:26 think because that's all you've seen. So I'm here people to show you the other side.
27:32 I love that. And I've seen that too in places like Egypt or Turkey, or, you know, all you see
27:37 is the terrorist attack or whatever it is. And you go and you're like, these are the most amazing
27:41 people. So. In Israel, I showed, it was very easy to find. I mean, I wanted to find this,
27:48 but it wasn't hard. It was, it was everywhere. Jews and Arabs getting along and interacting,
27:53 celebrating each other's holidays. And here's a temple next to a mosque. That's the reality.
28:01 People want to get along. They don't like fighting and dying. Who does?
28:05 Yeah, no, that's so true. No one, no one wants that. Well, and we only have a few minutes,
28:13 so I'm going to do a lightning round for you. What are the terrible things about
28:19 filming a travel and food show? One time I got food poisoning.
28:23 Oh, that's awful. Yeah. And it was in an American city and you're going to see it tomorrow.
28:27 Okay. San Francisco?
28:30 Everywhere I've been. What a shock. Yeah. I don't know what place gave it to me. I went to, you know,
28:38 go to three or four places a day. Right. So I don't know what happened, but that's the first
28:43 time that's in the show. That's horrible. You actually feel like you're dying. That happened
28:46 to me in Cambodia. Yeah. What shows have you watched while being home so much?
28:51 Well, everything on Netflix. Like everybody else. You know, there's a rumor that Netflix started
28:59 COVID. Oh yeah. I've heard that too.
29:02 Because business is great for Netflix. Very well. Yeah.
29:05 I love so many shows. I really do. You have to name something. I'll tell you if I've seen.
29:14 Oh, the crown. Well, yeah. Gorgeous. Yeah.
29:17 I watched like Hallmark Christmas movies, so I'm not the best person.
29:22 What is the scariest food you've ever eaten? Was it the pig's head that came in through an
29:28 Instagram question? Yeah. That's not unscary, but I don't go for the part. Like once you're a foodie,
29:37 you start to learn that the cheek is always like great. So you go for that. I'm not going for the
29:45 eye. I'm not even munching on the ear. I'm not, you know, I'm a little, I'm adventurous to a point.
29:51 And I have to say, I do get a little more adventurous the more shows we do. You can't help
29:57 it. Yeah. How's your dad doing? He's great. He's 94. He's in every episode and he tells an amazing
30:07 joke in every episode. He's hysterical. He's the star of the show. Yeah. And your mom passed away,
30:14 unfortunately. She did. A year ago tomorrow. Oh, wow. Yes. But they've had a long love story
30:21 and fighting, I guess. Does your dog- Laughing. A lot of laughing. Our house was either yelling
30:28 or laughing. Yeah. Passion. That's good. Does Murray, your dog, you do a daily Murray photo,
30:35 does he eat your takeout? We keep him away from people food. You're supposed to keep him away from
30:40 people food or they'll never leave you alone. He already is like, "Hey, what do you got there? Hey,
30:46 what?" But, "Oh, I learned this great thing from a trainer." Dog people, when you get your food
30:55 for dinner, when you're about to sit down for dinner, you have a kong. You know what a kong is?
31:01 It's that little spherical thing, rubber, hard rubber. You keep them in the freezer with some
31:07 dog food in it. Okay? So it's frozen like a dog sickle. You give that to the dog when you eat your
31:14 dinner. The dog starts to know, "I'm getting my treat. They're doing their thing. I'm getting my
31:20 treat. It can't wait." And he doesn't bother you while you're eating. And it's dog food. That's
31:25 actually a really good tip. Good tip. You're also a dog trainer. Who knew? We had a lot of time
31:31 during COVID. We got Murray the first day of the lockdown, right? I got Murray March 15th. And
31:39 that was, he saved us. He was a rescue pup and he saved us because he's a source of constant love
31:48 and joy. And we have all this time to train and bond with and love this dog. Amazing. He's getting
31:56 big. He's huge. 55 pounds. Of all the show cities, I'll ask you a couple more. Of all the show cities,
32:03 which is the one you would love to relocate to, if only temporarily? There's a lot. I got to tell
32:08 you, there's anywhere in Italy would be fine with me. Copenhagen, I found, was an amazing
32:15 kind of utopian society. Lisbon may be the world's most underrated place. You know it? I love it.
32:23 Yeah. Spectacular, right? Yeah. I love Lisbon. I miss Lisbon. I love Madeira too. I went there
32:28 in March, early March. You probably know the place better than me. Where are you going first
32:34 that isn't California? I guess New York. New York. I haven't been there. And I have family there. And
32:42 my dad is, you know, in Jersey now. But he came to visit us last week. Oh, he did? Yeah. We made
32:50 him all COVID safe and everything. Got him here, you know, gently. He stayed with us a week. That
32:55 kind of a test to see if maybe he'd want to come. Ah. Maybe he'll come back when it gets colder in
33:01 New York. And it looks like it's starting. Getting colder. Does anyone know how we can contact Phil?
33:08 You have your website, right? It's philrosenthalworld or what is it? You can always DM me
33:12 at phil.rosenthal on the Instagram. The Instagram. So we're just waiting for the
33:18 panelists to join. Do you mind staying on two more minutes until she shows up?
33:23 I'll stay as long as you, you know, what's my next thing? Let me look at my thing.
33:27 You know, the show starts tomorrow. So I'm on kind of the publicity tour. Exactly. No, I'm good.
33:34 I'm good. I love talking to you. You're great. You're great. So, okay, where is,
33:43 where is she? Well, what are you ordering tonight? Very good question.
33:50 What do I feel like tonight? Maybe Italian, since we mentioned it. Or fish and chips.
34:00 Love that too. I love everything. You know, I've gained a lot of weight since COVID. More weight
34:09 than on the show. Because on the show, I'm running around. And I'm not eating unless it's in a scene.
34:17 And I don't finish anything in a scene. And here, I'm not running around. I'm sitting in front of
34:24 the television. And I can devour a bag of potato chips. Yeah, I do that. And that turns out,
34:33 this is a health tip. Not so good. You just feel gross, don't you?
34:38 I feel great while I'm doing it. Yeah, it's almost like an OCD. TV's on. Am I alone in this?
34:49 Just, there's a have to. It's almost like an unstoppable force is driving my hand to the
34:55 chips or the cookies or the nuts or the thing. And then I weigh myself in the morning. What did
34:59 you do, you moron? Yes. Kettle chips are the best. I hate Pringles. I feel really gross with Pringles.
35:06 But there was a question, is there a destination that is still on his list that is not an episode
35:10 yet? Well, we were just talking about Switzerland. Absolutely. I can't wait to go there.
35:14 I was in Zurich once. I thought that was gorgeous. And of course, you know, there's so many Alps
35:21 are there people. Did you know that? And where would I go? India. I haven't been to India yet.
35:29 In my life, I haven't been. I've been to Australia once, only Sydney for a film festival. So we got
35:35 to do Australia on the show. We got to do New Zealand on the show. That's one of the world's
35:39 most beautiful places, right? I hear. Absolutely. Right. So I want to go. Shanghai. I haven't been
35:46 yet. There's so many things. There she is. Oh, hi. Her background. Wow. Your background, Amy,
35:57 is so much better than mine.
