Alamin: Ano nga ba ang neurobehavior alteration from noise exposure in animals?

  • last year
Alamin: Ano nga ba ang neurobehavior alteration from noise exposure in animals?
00:00 [Filipino Newsreel Narration]
00:14 [Filipino Newsreel Narration]
00:29 Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines
00:32 Hello, yes, good morning, this is Doc Arwin
00:36 Hi Doc, this is Prof. Fie together with Chi
00:40 We want to know what is your opinion about the effect of noise
00:43 from the sound of our pets' heartbeat
00:47 especially in their new behavioral alterations
00:52 Yes, this is a big effect
00:55 That's why it's good that you asked me
00:59 because we are getting closer to the strong heartbeat
01:05 that we can hear
01:07 and our viewers and listeners are curious
01:14 that the sound of our pets is stronger
01:21 compared to our humans
01:23 at least 4 times to 7 times more
01:28 That's why the effect is stronger
01:32 compared to us
01:35 If we can hear it
01:39 and we can't feel it
01:42 from the strong heartbeat that is now spreading
01:47 and what we are doing now
01:49 especially to our pets
01:51 we can talk about it in the next part of your program
01:58 What are the signs or symptoms that our pets can show
02:03 that they are affected by the sound of their heartbeat
02:06 because they are not talking anymore
02:08 How can we know?
02:10 The evidence that we can see
02:16 that our pets are moving
02:19 they are not moving
02:22 they are moving
02:24 Later on, their neighbors
02:28 they are quiet
02:30 because they are not being noticed
02:34 they are making noise
02:38 and if they are in a hurry
02:42 they will go inside the house
02:45 even if you let them go inside the house
02:50 they will be forced to go inside
02:52 if they are in a cage
02:54 they will go around
02:56 if they are tied
02:59 they will attempt to escape
03:03 from their tie
03:05 then they will get angry
03:08 at the owner or the people in the house
03:12 and later on, they will not eat
03:17 they will drink and later on, they will not drink
03:22 so those are the signs that we can see
03:27 in our pets
03:30 Doc, what are the potential effects of the loud noise
03:34 in the heartbeat of our pets
03:37 especially in their thoughts and feelings
03:41 First of all, they can have a shock
03:48 they can have a shock after a New Year's fireworks
03:58 they are always quiet
04:01 and their hearing can be affected
04:06 it can affect their brain
04:11 it can also be a sign of illness
04:16 they may have a cough
04:18 they may have a cold
04:20 or a fever
04:22 or maybe they have a fever
04:27 they may go to their place
04:31 where they are tied or in a cage
04:35 so they can get sick
04:42 they can start with not eating properly
04:50 and later on, they will get sick
04:52 they will have complications
04:54 that can lead to other diseases
04:58 and kill our pets
05:02 Doc, what are the preventive measures or safety tips
05:06 that you can share with our viewers
05:08 to protect our pets
05:10 from the loud noise of fireworks
05:12 on New Year's Eve
05:14 Yes, I am aware that our pets
05:22 may not be able to do it
05:26 but if you have a spare room inside
05:30 you should put it there
05:32 if not, and they are in a cage
05:36 you can cover their cage
05:41 if they are tied, you can tie them
05:45 to a place where there is less noise
05:50 some people put blankets or covers
06:00 on their pets
06:02 or maybe if it is small, you can just cut it
06:08 or you can tie it inside the house
06:13 so there is less noise
06:16 although they may still hear it
06:20 because their hearing is very sensitive
06:24 and their hearing is very strong
06:27 and if every now and then
06:34 you will wipe your pets
06:39 and if you can play music inside the house
06:45 to prevent the loud music
06:50 outside your house
06:53 and if there is a problem
07:00 it is better to contact their veterinarian
07:09 to make sure that even if you are not open
07:17 this December 31 or tomorrow January 1
07:22 you can still message or text or call
07:27 just in case something happens
07:31 and I can ask for help
07:36 via online or via phone
07:40 so that you can ask questions
07:46 I will not flag my landline
07:52 because you know, when December 31 and January 1
07:57 I am being contacted by Facebook messages
08:03 and many are asking questions
08:07 even if it is December 30, 31
08:11 many are asking questions
08:13 because they want to get tips
08:17 they want to know what they can do
08:21 so it would be better if
08:24 aside from this live interview
08:27 this can be replayed
08:29 so that it can help the pet owners
08:36 and if you have a Facebook page
08:39 you can upload this phone patch interview
08:44 this is a big thing
08:46 because we cannot forgive
08:49 the bad influence
08:52 and the severe effect on pets
08:58 I am also on the government's plan
09:01 that if possible,
09:04 there should be a place for fireworks display
09:09 and this should be used by the businessmen
09:13 or by our officials in the barangay
09:17 or in our LGUs
09:20 and I hope that these people
09:25 who are spreading rumors
09:28 this will not only affect people
09:31 but it will affect pets
09:36 or even animals
09:37 by the way, I forgot
09:39 when I say pets
09:41 it is not just cats and dogs
09:43 it is also birds
09:45 I have heard many rumors about birds
09:51 when December 31 or January 1
09:54 their birds will be dead
09:57 Thank you for sharing your tips
10:00 on how to keep our pets safe
10:04 from the fireworks
10:06 Thank you again
10:08 Merry Christmas
10:11 Don't leave yet
10:13 because we have news
10:15 on the rising morning show of the country
10:17 This is Rise and Shine Philippines
