Fremont (2023)

  • last year
Fremont is a 2023 American drama film directed by Babak Jalali and co-written by Carolina Cavalli. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in the NEXT section on January 20, 2023, and screened at the 2023 SXSW Film Festival
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00:02:30 [Scratching]
00:02:39 I was watching that TV show last night.
00:02:41 [Scratching]
00:02:42 That guy won a million dollars.
00:02:44 How?
00:02:45 Just general knowledge questions.
00:02:48 [Scratching]
00:02:49 Maybe you should try it.
00:02:50 You went to college and stuff.
00:02:52 [Scratching]
00:02:53 You're not going to need a million dollars when you're old.
00:02:56 [Scratching]
00:03:01 Hey, Fan.
00:03:03 What would you do with a million dollars?
00:03:06 I would build a community pool.
00:03:10 Oh.
00:03:11 [Scratching]
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00:04:09 Coffee?
00:04:10 Not right now.
00:04:13 [Speaking in foreign language]
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00:04:38 Let's see.
00:04:40 Don't you think the stars here are always changing?
00:04:57 They're not in their places?
00:05:00 They have to.
00:05:03 Isn't that right?
00:05:06 I don't know.
00:05:08 I don't know.
00:05:15 They weren't like this in Kabul.
00:05:18 They were always in their places.
00:05:21 I always saw them smoking in front of a cigarette.
00:05:25 They were always where they were last night.
00:05:29 We never saw a change.
00:05:35 I don't know.
00:05:37 How do people feel safe when the stars are not in their places?
00:05:42 [Crickets chirping]
00:05:45 [Birds chirping]
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00:06:38 [Footsteps]
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00:08:05 [Car horn]
00:08:07 Can I leave earlier tomorrow?
00:08:12 At what time?
00:08:14 1 Tuesday p.m.
00:08:16 Why?
00:08:18 I have a doctor's appointment.
00:08:20 Of course you can.
00:08:22 Thank you.
00:08:24 Want me to see if he has a friend he can bring?
00:08:31 We could go on a blind double date.
00:08:33 No.
00:08:34 You sure?
00:08:35 I think I will hear the blind date.
00:08:38 You don't know anything about him, right?
00:08:41 Nothing.
00:08:43 Where is he taking you?
00:08:47 It's a blind date, so we agreed upon a specific location.
00:08:51 We're going to a Mexican restaurant.
00:08:54 If it all goes well, eventually we'll even move in together.
00:08:58 Then we can share the rent.
00:09:03 Where will you put your mom?
00:09:05 I don't know. I'll just get her an extra bed and put it somewhere, I guess.
00:09:09 Do you have an extra bed?
00:09:13 No. I only have one single bed.
00:09:17 [Phone ringing]
00:09:32 Hello?
00:09:33 Having a single bed is very wrong, according to the laws of attraction,
00:09:38 because it doesn't invite the possibility of company.
00:09:42 You should be sleeping in a double bed, even if you're sleeping alone.
00:09:49 I can't fit a double bed in my bedroom.
00:09:52 Okay, well I'm going to finish the chapter and then go to sleep.
00:10:01 Good night, Tonya.
00:10:02 Good night, Jonna.
00:10:04 I have an appointment with Dr. Anthony.
00:10:21 Your name?
00:10:23 Well, the appointment is not in my name.
00:10:26 It's in the name of Salim Dabiri.
00:10:30 He made the appointment for you?
00:10:31 No.
00:10:33 Do you have an appointment card?
00:10:35 Mm-hmm.
00:10:37 But this is an appointment specifically for Mr. Dabiri.
00:10:44 I know, but he couldn't make it, so he gave it to me.
00:10:49 I don't think that's possible.
00:10:52 Why?
00:10:55 Well, if someone can't make their appointment slot, they need to call us and cancel.
00:10:59 Then we would allocate the appointment to another patient.
00:11:01 I have another patient.
00:11:03 Yes, I understand.
00:11:05 But there are other patients of Dr. Anthony's that would be given the appointment if there's been a cancellation.
00:11:10 Give me a moment.
00:11:20 Okay.
00:11:21 To be honest with you, this isn't really the way things work.
00:11:44 It's not like a movie ticket where if you can't get to the 3.15 showing, you give the ticket to your friend.
00:11:51 It's not like that with a doctor's appointment, and Salim knows that very well.
00:11:59 I'm here to ask for something to help me sleep.
00:12:09 I'm here to ask for something to help me sleep.
00:12:12 All right, well...
00:12:17 Do you live in Fremont?
00:12:27 Are you also from Afghanistan?
00:12:31 Yes, I am.
00:12:33 On the special immigration visa?
00:12:37 Yes, I was a translator in Afghanistan.
00:12:40 Well, the way it works, we have a certain number of appointments for self-payers or the insured, basically our paying customers.
00:12:53 And then I have a few slots that I do pro bono.
00:12:57 Those spots are at a premium, and so we have to follow the protocol to make sure that it's fair for everyone.
00:13:06 So the people who have been waiting or the people who are already in the system get to see...
00:13:10 I'm here now.
00:13:12 Well, I can see that. I understand you're here now, but there is a protocol that we need to follow to make the system work.
00:13:22 I'm not leaving.
00:13:34 Okay. Well...
00:13:37 Let me just get some general information from you then.
00:13:45 Name?
00:13:48 Date and place of birth?
00:13:56 13th June 1996, Kabul, Afghanistan.
00:14:01 And how long have you been here in the United States?
00:14:06 Eight months.
00:14:08 And did you work as a translator for the government or was that private sector?
00:14:14 For the United States Army.
00:14:17 How long did you do that for?
00:14:19 I just want sleeping pills.
00:14:24 How's your general health?
00:14:25 Good.
00:14:26 You have nightmares?
00:14:28 Not so much. I can't sleep well.
00:14:33 Do you have a lot of thoughts when you go to bed?
00:14:39 Hmm.
00:14:40 You should just go see my palm reader.
00:15:00 She never has a waiting list.
00:15:02 She reads and understands people better than any psychiatrist.
00:15:07 You know what she told me? She said that the reason I overeat is because I don't want to be like my mom.
00:15:13 Who's skinny.
00:15:15 That's not pure psychology.
00:15:18 I don't know what is.
00:15:20 She can also clean karmas.
00:15:24 I'm going to bed.
00:15:36 I'm going to go and get some coffee.
00:15:38 I think a fun working environment is essential.
00:15:47 I love coming into work.
00:15:49 You know, my father opened this factory many years ago.
00:15:59 And I used to come with him when I was a little kid.
00:16:04 But then he stopped bringing me.
00:16:05 Because I ate all the cookies.
00:16:07 All the time.
00:16:09 I love the cookies.
00:16:13 I ate so many.
00:16:16 It was so much fun.
00:16:19 Okay, I'll see you later.
00:16:22 See you later.
00:16:23 [Footsteps]
00:16:25 [Doorbell rings]
00:16:40 [Doorbell rings]
00:16:42 Thank you.
00:16:52 You're welcome.
00:16:53 I was always busy.
00:17:15 I was always busy.
00:17:20 I was always like this.
00:17:21 People came, burned my country, left and left.
00:17:29 This is the best way to get rid of it.
00:17:35 Watch out.
00:17:43 [Doorbell rings]
00:17:44 Go ahead, take a seat.
00:18:08 Okay, let's see what we have here.
00:18:10 Tell me a bit about the situation in Afghanistan before you left to come here.
00:18:19 Did you live with the Taliban?
00:18:31 No.
00:18:34 Did you live with your parents, for instance?
00:18:37 Mm-hmm.
00:18:39 Do you have pictures of your family you can show me?
00:18:44 Do you have any family members in America?
00:18:51 No.
00:18:53 They're all in Afghanistan?
00:18:55 Mm-hmm.
00:18:57 You must miss them very much, I'm sure.
00:19:03 Was your family ever threatened?
00:19:06 They told them they would come after my little brother if I don't come back.
00:19:12 Has any harm been done to your family?
00:19:16 By that I mean physical harm?
00:19:18 No.
00:19:20 When you were there, was your family unhappy about what you were doing?
00:19:30 I only did the work for the money and getting a visa to come here.
00:19:34 Nothing else.
00:19:36 Do you feel guilty?
00:19:42 How do you like it here?
00:19:50 Is America what you thought it was?
00:19:58 Is America what you thought it would be?
00:20:00 I didn't think how it would be.
00:20:05 I didn't even think about America.
00:20:09 I just wanted to get out of there.
00:20:12 I would have gone to Germany, France, England, El Salvador, or anywhere.
00:20:26 There weren't many women that were doing translation work like you were doing.
00:20:31 In that sense, you're sort of a pioneer.
00:20:34 So your family must be proud of that.
00:20:37 I left, but they are still there.
00:20:40 They have to hear people talk to them about raising a daughter who was a traitor.
00:20:45 Do you think you were a traitor?
00:20:49 I don't spend much time thinking.
00:20:53 Why?
00:20:55 Too busy with my social life.
00:20:58 Hello, Salman.
00:21:21 Salman.
00:21:23 Salman.
00:21:25 Salman.
00:21:27 [Footsteps]
00:21:29 [Knocking]
00:21:55 [Footsteps]
00:21:57 [Door closes]
00:22:05 [Speaking in foreign language]
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00:22:32 [Speaking in foreign language]
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00:22:42 [Music]
00:22:44 I think I'm going to stop with the blind dates.
00:23:08 Why?
00:23:11 It's not working out. I'm not meeting anybody.
00:23:14 You don't need anybody.
00:23:18 You need someone special.
00:23:21 Next time you answer like a fortune cookie, I'll eat you.
00:23:27 That's happened once.
00:23:29 No, it's happened a lot of times.
00:23:32 It hurts.
00:23:35 You'll have to keep meeting people.
00:23:39 There is this other guy, son of my mom's friend.
00:23:42 He's recently divorced and she wants to set me up with him.
00:23:45 Maybe I'll go.
00:23:48 Maybe I'll go.
00:23:50 [Crunching]
00:23:52 [Crunching]
00:23:54 [Crashing]
00:24:02 [Crashing]
00:24:04 [Crashing]
00:24:14 [Crashing]
00:24:19 [Crashing]
00:24:29 [Crashing]
00:24:31 [Crashing]
00:24:38 [Crashing]
00:24:42 [Crashing]
00:24:47 Did you accompany the army on missions?
00:24:50 No. I translated on U.S. Army bases.
00:24:56 Then instructions were being given to the Afghan soldiers
00:25:00 on how to use new equipment and arms.
00:25:04 Did you see much fighting down here?
00:25:13 Several bases I worked with were attacked in different times.
00:25:18 And that's fighting itself.
00:25:24 How did you leave Afghanistan?
00:25:26 On one of the evacuation flights.
00:25:30 After Taliban return.
00:25:34 But I know I'm very lucky.
00:25:39 How do you mean?
00:25:42 One translator I worked with was killed almost immediately after
00:25:47 he stopped working for the U.S. Army.
00:25:52 He was waiting for his paper to come over here.
00:25:56 One of my friends, Iyam, he was also a translator.
00:26:04 He couldn't make it to the evacuation flights.
00:26:10 I know I'm lucky, and I know they are unlucky.
00:26:21 I've met with many former translators,
00:26:25 and they have different reasons for doing what they did.
00:26:30 But in most cases,
00:26:36 they suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
00:26:41 They're left feeling like maybe in some way they're responsible.
00:26:50 So they're haunted
00:26:53 by bad thoughts, nightmares.
00:26:57 And they feel that they can't trust others, so they
00:27:02 isolate themselves.
00:27:05 Maybe it's just a sense of guilt
00:27:09 that prevents them from talking to others and getting the help that they really
00:27:14 desperately need.
00:27:18 Do you know what post-traumatic stress disorder is?
00:27:22 I don't suffer from it. I just have problems with sleep.
00:27:27 If I had some sleeping pills, my problems would go away.
00:27:33 I chose my specialization for a reason.
00:27:37 I admire people like you, who have stories to tell,
00:27:44 and I admire you.
00:27:47 I admire you for your ability to be a good person.
00:27:52 I admire you for your ability to be a good person.
00:27:58 I admire people like you, who have stories to tell of courage and displacement.
00:28:06 Guess which immigrant hero I love the most?
00:28:12 White Fang.
00:28:21 The dog.
00:28:24 He's a dog. He's one quarter dog. He's three quarters wolf.
00:28:29 I will give you a prescription for the sleeping pills, but I think it's important that we
00:28:37 use these sessions to talk about some of these issues.
00:28:49 Your genuine talent will find its way to success.
00:28:54 Your financial outlook is great at this time.
00:29:00 What's nonsense?
00:29:18 She's dead.
00:29:20 But she was also getting too old to write about the future.
00:29:27 We are looking for someone else to replace her.
00:29:33 Wouldn't you be interested?
00:29:38 [Sighs]
00:29:40 [Music]
00:30:01 [Music fades]
00:30:03 Fortune messages are a responsibility.
00:30:18 Consciously or unconsciously, they are going to act on the flux of things.
00:30:28 They shouldn't be too lucky. They shouldn't be too unlucky.
00:30:32 They shouldn't be too original. They shouldn't be too obvious.
00:30:38 They shouldn't be too short. They shouldn't be too long.
00:30:43 And so on. You get the point?
00:30:46 I think so.
00:30:48 The point is, my father and I built our factory according to a very ancient quote.
00:30:57 "Virtue stands in the middle."
00:31:00 You know? I love quotes very much.
00:31:04 This is a small gift that I personally prepared to welcome you to your new adventure.
00:31:17 Thank you.
00:31:19 Open it.
00:31:22 [Paper rustling]
00:31:50 It is a head massager.
00:31:52 I use it too. It helps me to gather creative ideas.
00:31:59 Try it.
00:32:01 You run it through your head, down to your scalp.
00:32:11 [Paper rustling]
00:32:20 It's a lot more fun if someone else does it for you.
00:32:25 I would offer to do it, but it is inappropriate.
00:32:29 Thank you.
00:32:31 I've been in this business for ages.
00:32:37 I've seen message writers come and go.
00:32:40 And I learned one thing.
00:32:42 The ones who stay are the ones who know how to talk about love.
00:32:49 And the ones who are best at talking about love are the ones who love themselves.
00:32:57 Do you love yourself?
00:33:00 Yes.
00:33:02 Then you should say it out loud.
00:33:04 Okay.
00:33:06 Now.
00:33:07 I love myself.
00:33:09 Good.
00:33:11 [Paper rustling]
00:33:38 [Paper rustling]
00:34:05 The fortune you seek is in another cookie.
00:34:08 Wise, right?
00:34:10 Yes, very.
00:34:12 Does somebody check what you write, or can you write whatever you want?
00:34:23 I can write what I want.
00:34:25 Then maybe you can use this opportunity as an exercise of sorts.
00:34:33 If there's something that's making you happy or sad, you can unburden yourself by jotting it down on paper.
00:34:43 Of course, obviously, there's the fact that you've got to make it fortune cookie friendly when you condense it down to one line, but that can certainly be done.
00:34:55 Perhaps it would make the whole thing more fulfilling for you.
00:35:01 [Crying]
00:35:28 [Speaking in foreign language]
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00:37:05 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:07 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:09 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:11 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:13 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:15 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:17 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:19 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:21 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:24 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:25 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:37:30 How's your literary production going?
00:37:49 Well.
00:37:52 Bad.
00:37:53 It's time to go anyway.
00:37:55 I'm coming.
00:37:59 Where's your mom?
00:38:16 She's off taking photographs in the wilderness somewhere.
00:38:20 She'll be back in a couple of days.
00:38:22 She'll be back in a couple of days.
00:38:49 [Singing]
00:38:51 [Singing]
00:38:53 [Singing]
00:38:54 [Singing]
00:38:55 [Singing]
00:38:56 [Singing]
00:38:58 [Singing]
00:39:00 [Singing]
00:39:02 [Singing]
00:39:04 [Singing]
00:39:06 [Singing]
00:39:08 [Singing]
00:39:10 [Singing]
00:39:12 [Singing]
00:39:14 [Singing]
00:39:16 [Singing]
00:39:18 [Singing]
00:39:21 Just a sack of seed to sow, and the children eat.
00:39:26 La la la la la, la la la la la.
00:39:33 La la la la la, la la la la la.
00:39:38 Just another life to live, just a word to say.
00:39:46 just another love to give and a diamond day.
00:39:53 La la la la la, la la la la la.
00:40:13 La la la la la, la la la la la.
00:40:35 I've been working on a little project.
00:40:53 I wrote some messages of the type that you might find in a cookie. Fortunes.
00:41:13 [sounds of paper being folded]
00:41:35 Of course I don't have the technology or the know-how to do this on a computer, so what I had to do is get a sheet of paper and a ruler and a pen and write these all by hand.
00:41:51 And then using a pair of scissors, cut them into strips.
00:42:01 It was a very satisfying arts and crafts project. Calming.
00:42:13 They're all original. Have a look.
00:42:35 A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.
00:42:55 A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.
00:43:15 You see what it means, right? Yes.
00:43:31 What a joy this exercise was.
00:43:57 What happened to the cereal? I don't want to talk about it.
00:44:19 [music]
00:44:29 [music]
00:44:39 [music]
00:44:59 [music]
00:45:19 Daddy, I'm done. Can I have the fortune cookies now? Hmm? I'm done. Can I have the fortune cookies? Alright.
00:45:41 You will travel to many exotic places in your lifetime. Cool. You better take me too. Okay. Let me see what mine says. I'm just a kid, so how could I not take you?
00:45:57 Well, it's been done. Some pursue happiness you created.
00:46:15 A beautiful letter or message is on its way to you.
00:46:31 No obstacles will stand in the way of your success this month. Perfect.
00:46:49 You deserve to have a good time after a hard day's work. Like this? Yeah, right. Yeah. Your friends will be truly helpful in your next month's endeavor.
00:47:11 Hey, you got the wrong box. There's an address I left for my grandson's birthday party. Okay, thanks.
00:47:33 [music]
00:47:58 I don't understand what this means. Is this number a Chinese omen or something?
00:48:18 [speaking in Chinese]
00:48:47 [speaking in Chinese]
00:48:57 [speaking in Chinese]
00:49:20 [speaking in Chinese]
00:49:30 [speaking in Chinese]
00:49:50 [speaking in Chinese]
00:50:10 [speaking in Chinese]
00:50:20 [speaking in Chinese]
00:50:40 [music]
00:50:55 In Afghanistan, you have many different people, right? Yes.
00:51:03 I think China too. Did you know China and Afghanistan share a border? Did you know? Yes, I did.
00:51:21 We share borders, share many similarities. Us, we share a border, so we have similarities.
00:51:39 It's okay to feel lonely sometimes. It would be very strange if people did not feel lonely.
00:51:51 If they did not think about other possibilities, about other people.
00:52:09 [music]
00:52:33 [sipping tea]
00:52:53 [tea pouring]
00:53:04 [speaking in Chinese]
00:53:12 [silence]
00:53:21 [speaking in Chinese]
00:53:32 [speaking in Chinese]
00:53:44 [speaking in Chinese]
00:53:57 [speaking in Chinese]
00:54:17 [silence]
00:54:27 [speaking in Chinese]
00:54:42 [speaking in Chinese]
00:54:55 Most Afghans I know who live in Fremont work in Fremont. Why do you have a job in San Francisco?
00:55:03 I thought it would be good to be out of Fremont half of the day. I wake up, I see Afghans.
00:55:10 I go to sleep, the last people I see, they're Afghans.
00:55:15 And I thought it would be lovely to see Chinese people sometimes.
00:55:22 You don't enjoy being with Afghans?
00:55:26 Some of them yes, some of them no.
00:55:33 Let me tell you a little of the story of White Fang.
00:55:39 White Fang is the sole survivor of his family who were decimated by famine.
00:55:48 And so he has to learn to navigate the harsh reality of the North, which is kill or be killed.
00:56:01 None of his experiences prepare him for his owner who turns him into a vicious killer.
00:56:14 This cruel man has him fighting other dogs to the death.
00:56:19 And it's during one of these fights that White Fang meets his match in a bulldog who nearly kills him.
00:56:28 Fortunately he's rescued by a man named Scott who takes White Fang in and tames him.
00:56:39 Brings him back to California where White Fang learns to love Scott and Scott's family.
00:56:46 Eventually White Fang has puppies with Collie, Scott's other dog.
00:56:57 And they live happily ever after.
00:57:06 He didn't think these things, Don. He merely did them.
00:57:11 He wasn't directed by abstract reasoning but by instinct, sensation and emotion.
00:57:26 What's the meaning of decimated?
00:57:29 Wiped out? Killed? Destroyed?
00:57:42 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:58:11 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:58:24 [Speaking in foreign language]
00:58:36 [Speaking in foreign language]
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01:00:06 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:00:16 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:00:26 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:00:36 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:00:46 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:00:56 [Speaking in foreign language]
01:01:16 [Phone ringing]
01:01:24 Hello?
01:01:26 I think I have a blind date.
01:01:29 I got a text message.
01:01:31 When did this come about?
01:01:33 It's a long story.
01:01:35 Well, this is very unexpected.
01:01:37 Wait, read me the message. I'll tell you if he's legit. It's a man, right?
01:01:42 Sounds like he is.
01:01:44 And you're intimate, right?
01:01:47 I think so. Yes.
01:01:50 Read me the message.
01:01:53 [Reading message]
01:02:02 Okay. He says, "I don't know if you are still available."
01:02:09 Good. He's polite.
01:02:12 "I would love to see you at the Asia Blue Pottery Shop, which is on 70th Avenue, Bakersfield, on Saturday afternoon."
01:02:20 Okay. This is getting better. If he wants to meet somewhere public, he's not a creep.
01:02:25 And it sounds like maybe he works at that pottery place, which is great too, because it means he has a job.
01:02:31 So, maybe he's a potter.
01:02:34 He says, "Ask for the deer."
01:02:39 What?
01:02:42 He says, "Ask for the deer."
01:02:47 Someone who has the nickname "deer" can either be very arrogant or very hot, or both of them.
01:02:55 Or none of them.
01:02:58 I'm going to lend you my mom's car to go to Bakersfield. It's a few hours away.
01:03:03 I don't know if I'm going to go.
01:03:06 Yes. Yes, you are definitely going to go.
01:03:11 White Fang. Uncompanionable, solitary, morose, scarcely looking to right or left, redoubtable, forbidding of aspect, remote, and alien.
01:03:23 Was accepted as an equal by his puzzled elders.
01:03:28 They quickly learned to leave him alone, neither venturing hostile acts nor making overtures of friendliness.
01:03:35 If they left him alone, he left them alone. A state of affairs that they found, after a few encounters, to be pre-eminently desirable.
01:03:49 In midsummer, White Fang had an experience.
01:03:53 Trotting along in his silent way to investigate a new teepee, which had been erected on the edge of the village while he was away with the hunters after moose,
01:04:02 he came full upon his mother.
01:04:07 He paused and looked at her.
01:04:12 He remembered her vaguely, but he remembered her, and that was more than could be said for her.
01:04:22 She lifted her lip at him in the old snarl of menace, and his memory became clear.
01:04:31 His forgotten cubhood, all that was associated with that familiar snarl, rushed back to him.
01:04:44 Before he had known the gods, she had been to him the center pin of the universe.
01:05:02 White Fang is a very brave dog. He's a wolf.
01:05:14 I relate to him just like he wasn't accepted by the other pups because he was a wolf. I was never accepted by the other translators because I'm a woman.
01:05:40 I was separated from my mother too when I was forced to come here.
01:05:56 It's a very touching story.
01:06:04 I'm glad you love the story as much as I do.
01:06:11 Hotel.
01:06:23 Telemote.
01:06:43 Hustle.
01:06:53 Hustle.
01:07:13 I'm Dunya.
01:07:35 You're so kind.
01:07:41 Thank you.
01:07:43 I'm happy to be here.
01:08:00 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:08:16 Vanity.
01:08:36 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:08:46 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:09:06 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:09:26 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:09:46 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:10:06 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:10:26 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:10:36 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:10:46 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:10:56 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:11:06 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:11:16 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:11:26 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:11:36 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:11:46 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:11:56 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:12:06 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:12:16 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:12:26 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:12:36 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:12:46 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:12:56 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:13:06 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:13:16 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:13:26 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:13:36 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:13:46 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:13:56 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:14:06 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:14:16 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:14:26 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:14:36 I'm good with anything you can order for the both of us.
01:14:46 I'm alone all day, so that's why I talk so much during my lunch break.
01:14:54 Actually thinking I should hire someone so I can have someone to talk to.
01:15:01 I am actually thinking I should hire someone.
01:15:05 Never understood how a single mechanic can bear the responsibility on his shoulders,
01:15:10 you know, deciding if a car is good to go.
01:15:14 All responsible jobs are performed in twos, right?
01:15:17 You think of airline pilots or surgeons.
01:15:23 Cars carry lives.
01:15:26 What if one day I'm a bit distracted or in a very bad mood?
01:15:33 True.
01:15:46 Sometimes you just want to be alone and eat your sandwich, right?
01:15:54 I have something I have to do anyway.
01:16:05 Can I offer you a cup of coffee?
01:16:09 I don't drink coffee.
01:16:12 Thank you.
01:16:41 [car door opens]
01:16:44 [car engine]
01:16:51 [car engine]
01:17:01 [car engine]
01:17:11 [car door closes]
01:17:31 [car engine]
01:17:51 [car engine]
01:18:20 I'm not really a writer.
01:18:26 I just write fortune cookie messages.
01:18:31 And usually for a Chinese restaurant.
01:18:38 I don't eat at Chinese restaurants very often.
01:18:43 I usually eat my lunch here and for dinner I'll eat here too.
01:19:05 How much do I owe you?
01:19:10 It's on the house.
01:19:16 If you ever come back it'll be on the house too.
01:19:23 Thank you.
01:19:29 It was nice to meet you.
01:19:33 Thank you.
01:19:48 [singing]
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