AI revolution is set to change how work gets done in 2024 — and who is doing it

  • last year


00:00 What AI will do in 2024 predicted from global tensions to a transformed workforce.
00:05 Artificial intelligence experts have weighed in on the progress they expect to see from AI in 2024 and the world could be rapidly shifting.
00:14 With AI rapidly transforming how companies operate, the priorities of world governments and also posing major questions around safety,
00:21 there has never been a more vital time to understand how our world is progressing.
00:25 Experts have now drawn together five key changes we can expect the world to see throughout next year due to AI and they could be major.
00:33 Geopolitical tension.
00:35 It is expected that regulation of AI will become a serious geopolitical issue,
00:39 with leaders such as President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak already posturing themselves to become world beaters in AI regulation.
00:48 In 2024, we will see AI regulation become a serious geopolitical issue as governments seek to protect their most successful AI companies,
00:56 which are now seen as strategic assets, explained James Clough, co-founder of Robin AI.
01:02 There will be major clashes between the AI safety lobby advocating for regulation or a pause in AI capabilities progress,
01:09 and from the AI accelerationist world advocating for open source AI models and pushing back against any attempts at regulation.
01:17 Clough added, "The debate between the two will break into the political mainstream following the Sam Altman and OpenAI drama."
01:25 Disconnected approaches.
01:27 The US, UK and EU are all beginning to employ different approaches towards AI and its regulation,
01:33 meaning we are going to end up with three incompatible AI rule books.
01:37 It comes after the UK's AI safety summit earlier this year suggested the UK's approach will be to "play, but play safely",
01:44 according to Dr. Richard Bones, principal of AI and ML at Kin + Carta.
01:49 This is notably different to the US approach, which seeks to target specific areas of risk,
01:54 such as misinformation generated by AI and AI-powered cyber attacks.
01:59 In turn, the EU is taking a "bureaucratic" approach by categorizing AI into supposedly future-proof definitions,
02:06 which then inform how much risk that AI poses and to regulate it.
02:11 "What this means is that we're going to see three distinct rule books develop across these three markets.
02:16 2024 will see these rule books get tighter, which is going to catch out those companies who didn't start building their data infrastructure that underpins AI use," Dr. Bones added.
02:26 Businesses will get stuck in.
02:28 More and more businesses will begin to integrate AI into their operation,
02:32 working out where artificial intelligence can "drive value" and taking on a more "practical" approach.
02:38 COO of Lenovo Solutions and Services Group, Linda Yao, believes that with organizations having a better grasp of their data,
02:45 they will be able to create a "hyper-personalized experience" for end-users or the workforce.
02:50 She added, "One use case arising out of this is being able to tailor our working or learning or living experiences to our own working patterns and historical data and preferences.
03:01 We could do this before, but now we can do so more precisely and efficiently.
03:05 Reskilling instead of replacing workers will be a priority."
03:09 One of the greatest fears for the layman surrounding AI is the concern about artificial intelligence replacing key aspects of our lives, in particular our jobs.
03:18 But according to Farley Thomas, CEO of Manageable, we will be talking about "reskilling and upskilling" because workers will "not necessarily be displaced by automation."
03:28 Thomas believes that AI mostly poses a risk to managerial-level roles.
03:33 "If all you're doing is supervising processes and production, this work is likely to be perfect for AI to do better and cheaper."
03:40 However, he added that the need for "high-value work is only going to increase" and that this human element will "coexist" with AI.
03:48 "I like the idea of seeing AI as a co-pilot for complex human work, such as leadership. Traditional software startups will integrate AI.
03:57 We can expect to see AI being integrated into more 'traditional' software startups."
04:02 "With a greater shift towards profitability, we will see more integration of AI into 'traditional' software startups to reduce operational costs and boost profitability," said John Frazelle, CTO of Shure Valley Ventures.
04:16 Whilst many will continue to prioritize customer-facing AI solutions over internal AI projects,
04:22 those that prioritize more complex integrations that will transform business processes will be the real winners.
04:28 "
