2023 was a weird year for consumers

  • last year
Despite record inflation and high interest, consumers continued to spend in 2023. J.D. Durkin sat down with Dana Peterson, Chief Economist at The Conference Board, to discuss.
00:00 Dana, what are you expecting in the realm of consumer confidence for the new year?
00:04 Do you expect to see a more confident consumer?
00:09 Actually we don't and that's because we actually have a recession call for the first half.
00:14 A recession that will be short, it will be shallow, it won't be too painful, we won't
00:18 have that many job losses, the unemployment rate's not going to spike, maybe it rises
00:23 to around 4.3 percent.
00:25 But if you hear that your neighbor's been let go or that things are a little bit tough,
00:30 earnings are not so great, stock market's not doing so well, then you're probably not
00:36 going to have as good a confidence.
00:38 So we would expect that confidence would probably start taking back down again in the first
00:42 half of 2024.
00:43 Dana, what are the biggest headwinds you think facing the consumer once we turn the calendar
00:48 page to 2024?
00:51 Well I think one of the biggest headwinds will be again that recession we're calling
00:55 for.
00:56 But even if we don't have a big recession, we could still see a slowdown and that'll
01:00 feel like a recession.
01:02 And for many consumers, especially if you're in certain industries like technology or transportation
01:08 and warehousing or residential construction, we are seeing some layoffs and that may intensify.
01:13 So that's going to impact the consumer and certainly those folks who might have been
01:17 thinking about buying a big ticket item, now they won't because the interest rates are
01:21 high.
01:22 No one's really thinking about buying a home because mortgage rates are high and they're
01:25 probably not going to fall off very quickly, very rapidly.
01:29 So I think those are all going to be very much headwinds for the consumer ahead.
01:33 [End of Audio] Duration: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
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