Darrell Jackson Discusses Preparation For His First Game Action At Florida State

  • last year
00:04 >> Question for Darryl.
00:05 >> Darryl, it's been a long time coming.
00:07 You're gonna finally get to play against Georgia.
00:09 How excited are you to get on the field?
00:11 >> I'm excited, man, I'm excited.
00:13 I mean, it's been a long time, but I'm ready.
00:16 >> What's it been like going through this year,
00:18 knowing that you might have a chance to play towards the end of the year?
00:21 But you've got no goals, what happened?
00:23 >> I mean, at the beginning it was kind of hard, but I just kept waking up again
00:27 and getting through it, my team had motivated me and my coach, so I've been good.
00:32 >> Does practice feel any different knowing the end goal,
00:36 like the result that's about to get to playing a game coming up?
00:38 >> Yeah, it do.
00:39 >> How so?
00:40 >> My energy, like going, you feel my adrenaline, so I'm just happy,
00:45 I run around.
00:46 >> Coach Fuller said a couple weeks ago that you were inspiring to him,
00:52 just how your attitude has been so good.
00:54 How did you get to that point?
00:56 Have a good attitude going through, what you went through?
00:58 >> I mean, I was talking to my family and they just said,
01:00 I'm gonna play football again, you know what I mean?
01:03 So I just like, wake up, come here, put a smile on my face, that's their life.
01:07 >> The fact that you guys had such a good season, did you feel like during games,
01:14 did you feel like you helped prepare the team to play the way they wanted to?
01:17 >> Right, I just kept getting motivated, telling them good things,
01:19 what offense I was doing, yeah.
01:22 >> Obviously, you've had a lot of fouls,
01:26 where do you think you've gotten other initiatives you've had to do?
01:31 >> Technique, my technique got way better.
01:32 I just learned faster.
01:34 >> How did it play out?
01:36 >> I mean, I'm nervous, I mean, I might have a chill, but
01:41 I play football, I ain't gonna be nervous.
01:45 >> George is obviously a team that's known for having big lines of scrimmage,
01:49 how excited are you to go up against that line?
01:51 >> Excited, very excited.
01:53 >> [INAUDIBLE]
02:03 >> How have you guys been able to just
02:08 regroup from the disappointment and not get the playoff and
02:11 then start focusing on the game again?
02:14 >> We just have to come together, we can't control that,
02:16 just have to put our foot forward, like I say, we gotta focus on Georgia.
