What’s your New Year’s resolution?

  • last year
They may start falling by the wayside pretty soon into January as busy schedules get in the way of self care, but it's tradition. Whether you want to get fitter, faster, stronger or perhaps take up a new hobby, we've been on the streets of Liverpool to find out your New Year's resolutions.


00:00 more exercise, eating healthier or even learning a new skill. Making a New Year's resolution is a tradition which is believed to take back thousands of years.
00:14 With all the best intentions in the world though, we are only human.
00:19 And now research suggests people typically give up pursuing their resolutions within the first month.
00:26 Whether you want to give up something for the good of your health or take up a new hobby to enrich your mind, we have been on the streets of Liverpool to find out your plans.
00:37 New Year's resolutions, do you have any and what are they?
00:42 I have none. But TikTok said that by New Year I'll find £100 on the floor.
00:51 Good health, look after your family and look after your grandchildren. Be sociable and walk around with a big smile on your face.
01:09 I've saved 20p pieces and in about the last 10 years I have never spent a 20p piece.
01:22 You're going to succeed if you're going to take something up rather than give it up. You tend to lax back into it, you know. If you take it up it's an interest and that's the game.
01:33 I made one a couple of years ago, I broke it. Then I tend not to make one now because I know I'm going to break it. I don't see the point of making one when you know you're going to break it.
01:47 I used to make them but like everybody it's a five minute thing. You broke it by midday haven't you?
01:56 It's mostly like I'm going to go on a diet obviously. That's the main one isn't it?
02:01 I just know that I'm on my 3,986,000 diet I think. Obviously not working.
02:09 No I don't really make resolutions. If I want to do something I'll just do it there and then. I wanted to start hiking and stuff, I just started doing it in October. I don't really wait for New Year's, just do it when you want.
02:23 My New Year's resolution is to think about it on Christmas Day and forget it on Boxing Day. Is that alright?
02:33 Do you make them when you're sort of breaking it?
02:35 Yeah, it's usually not smoking so I stopped smoking years ago so that was one of them I've done that successfully. The rest of it?
02:43 I don't think many people make them now do they?
02:46 I think it's what's happening in your life at the time and you think I'm not going to do that no more and I'm not going to drink any more but you do the next day.
02:56 Work less, enjoy life more and start beekeeping.
