Martin Sharp’s Wellbeing Journey: How to have a healthy New Year and beyond

  • 8 months ago
Leeds-born Health Coach Martin Sharp shares how he turned his life around and how we can stay healthy both mentally and physically this year and beyond.


00:00 "You cannot go on this ride, you're too big to fit on the seat."
00:04 "I was thinking, hang on, this is the land of the big people, and you're telling me I'm
00:12 too big to fit on the seat?"
00:13 A family holiday to Florida in 2014 was the catalyst for business consultant and lifestyle
00:19 coach Martin Sharp to change his life for the better.
00:22 Being refused to ride the Hulk at Universal Studios and reflecting on this photo taken
00:27 by his mum, Martin returned to Yorkshire to sign up to a gym, get a personal trainer and
00:32 start new hobbies.
00:34 With an extremely busy job and schedule though, he didn't make much progress in the years
00:38 that followed.
00:39 That was until he met an online health coach at a business event.
00:43 "He had the body of a Greek god, like an Adonis or something, and the mind of a Greek philosopher,
00:50 because he turned around and just asked me this one killer question.
00:53 'For you to make your transformation work, you've got to pin it to your highest values,
00:59 because it's only then will you truly, truly put the effort in.'
01:05 And it took me a while to absorb that, because it's quite theoretical, isn't it?
01:11 But by sitting down and really thinking, actually, what are my highest values?
01:14 What are the things that I truly care about?"
01:17 Identifying his family, friends and clients as top priorities and wanting to keep long-term
01:22 health conditions that his family had suffered at bay, Martin proceeded with a virtual health
01:27 coach to guide his transformation.
01:29 "You don't have to kill yourself with exercise to actually get some great benefits.
01:34 It doesn't take a lot to make a difference.
01:38 Then I started to work a lot more on nutrition, learning about nutrition, etc.
01:41 Learning about things like moderation and rest and how important that is, and how things
01:46 like stress and cortisol actually has this massive impact in your life.
01:49 If you don't sort these out, it makes no difference whatsoever.
01:54 Then started to wrap it in a lot of the subjects that I'd been doing for years, a lot of these
01:57 major transformations.
01:58 So thinking about how do you schedule things, how do you prepare for things, how do you
02:02 treat things like you would do with a business?
02:05 And little by little, things started to change.
02:08 So within the space of three months, I dropped 10 kilos.
02:10 And 10 kilos was the amount I dropped over five years.
02:13 The following three months, I dropped another seven kilos, and my clothes no longer fit.
02:17 I had to get a new wardrobe, which is a great problem to have, right?
02:21 Within the space of a year, Martin went from weighing 24 and a quarter stone to 14 and
02:25 a quarter stone.
02:26 And one of his passions is to help people find their passion for getting healthier.
02:32 It's got to be something you enjoy.
02:33 It's got to be something that's not too hard for you to be able to benefit from and to
02:38 be able to continue to do.
02:39 It's got to fit in with the way that you want to work.
02:41 And if you can find that magic combination, and it is different for every single person,
02:46 then straight away you'll find ways that actually then work for you.
02:49 I just get so much joy when I see other busy business owners, entrepreneurs, consultants,
02:56 hardworking people being able to just benefit from a better, healthier lifestyle that actually
03:02 makes them happier and more higher achieving.
