FTS 12:30 19-12: Venezuelan and Spanish Oil Companies, PDVSA and Repson sign commercial agreement

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*More than 30 civilians killed by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza
*6.2 magnitude quake leaves at least 127 dead and more than 700 injured in China


00:03 Among the Venezuelan state-owned oil company,
00:16 PDVSA, and the Spanish oil reps, all companies
00:18 signed a framework deal for administering a joint venture.
00:27 In Gaza, at least 30 Palestinians have been killed
00:30 as Israel's genocidal operation against Gaza
00:32 enters its 74th day.
00:33 In China, 6.2 magnitude earthquake
00:38 hit the Gansu-Qinghai border region,
00:41 leaving at least 127 people killed
00:43 and more than 700 injured.
00:45 Hello, welcome from the south.
00:52 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesos Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:56 We begin with the news.
00:57 On Monday, the Venezuelan state-owned oil company,
01:00 PDVSA, and the Spanish oil company, Repsol,
01:03 signed a framework deal for administering a joint venture.
01:06 The deal establishes the basis that
01:07 will allow improving activities of the Petro-Quericquire joint
01:11 venture.
01:12 This paramount breakthrough has an impact
01:14 on the Western Division, which is located
01:16 south of the Maracaibo Lake in the northwestern Venezuelan
01:19 territory, and Fugio Division in the eastern region.
01:22 Repsol has been operating for three years in Venezuela,
01:25 and this deal ratifies the binational cooperation,
01:28 the consolidation of the plan to strengthen the national oil
01:31 industry.
01:32 We have reached two extremely important agreements
01:41 for Spain, for Venezuela, for Repsol, and for PDVSA.
01:46 We are in the process of rebirth of the oil industry.
01:49 Francisco J. Pascual de Ricaldo, main general director
01:55 of Repsol, described this agreement
01:56 as the continuation of a good relationship based
01:58 on commitments in favor of the Venezuelan nation.
02:01 Today's agreement is a sign of continuity
02:06 in the relationship and commitment
02:08 that Repsol has maintained with the country,
02:10 not only with the industry, but also with the society.
02:14 It has welcomed us in order to continue
02:16 our activity for much longer.
02:19 On Monday, the first vaccine factory
02:21 in the South American nation was born in Colombia,
02:23 Bogotavio.
02:24 The mayor's office of Bogota, the capital of the country,
02:27 and the Chinese company Sinovac formalized
02:29 the productive association that would allow them to produce
02:32 the same quality of drugs, but at a lower cost, from 2027.
02:37 The foreign minister, Alvaro Leyva, the minister of health,
02:39 Alfonso Jaramillo, and the Chinese ambassador,
02:42 Xu Xinjiang, accompanied by Mayor Claudio López,
02:46 the president of Sinovac, Wei Dongyi, during the announcement.
02:49 The project has a duration of 10 years for the first phase
02:53 and will have millionaire investments that
02:54 guarantee, besides production, knowledge and technology
02:57 transfer.
02:58 The visit of President Gustavo Petro to China in October
03:01 opened the door to numerous binational projects.
03:03 In her debut as Argentina's minister of human capital,
03:11 Sandra Petrobello announced that those who demonstrate
03:14 will be left without social plans.
03:16 The message, which was recorded and broadcast on social media,
03:19 is a continuation of the warnings
03:21 made by different members of the libertarian executive
03:24 in view of the demonstration they
03:25 are preparing for December 20th.
03:28 Hours before, the minister of security,
03:30 Patricia Buchrich, who leads this campaign,
03:32 announced without giving details that this Wednesday,
03:34 the anti-protest protocol would be tested.
03:37 The head of the ministry of human capital
03:40 also warned that organizations that deliver social plans
03:44 will be audited.
03:55 - The situation in the new Argentina
03:57 has to end to be very clear.
03:59 The only ones who will not receive the plan
04:02 are those who go to the march and cut the street.
04:05 As the president said, those who cut the street
04:08 do not receive the plan.
04:11 - In the face of constant national and international
04:13 pressure, the government of Guatemala
04:15 released details of the agenda for a transfer of office
04:17 ceremony.
04:18 Spinoza Farfan, who served as the country's ambassador
04:21 to Cuba, has been appointed general coordinator
04:23 of the 2024 presidential transfer of office.
04:27 In a press conference held Monday
04:28 at the National Palace of Kosher,
04:30 he gave details of the protocol events
04:32 according to the law of diplomatic ceremony.
04:34 The actions of the public ministry, the parliament,
04:37 and the presidency against the electoral process
04:39 and the elected government have given way
04:41 to strong national and international protests
04:43 that they are trying to calm down
04:44 with the presentation of the agenda for transfer of power.
04:47 In Mexico, integral human rights in action
04:54 and other civil organizations demanded justice
04:56 and full reparation for the damage caused
04:58 by the fire at a migratory station in northern Mexico
05:01 in March.
05:02 266 days after the fire at the immigration station
05:05 in Juarez City, where 40 foreigners died,
05:08 a meeting was organized through video conferences
05:10 in the framework of the International Migrants Day,
05:13 where the victims and their families
05:14 demanded that the government honor its commitments
05:17 by exposing the serious consequences left
05:19 by the events, where they considered that they were
05:22 treated like animals.
05:23 They demand to know the truth about what happened,
05:25 who were the responsible, and that they
05:27 are brought to justice.
05:31 Let's take now a short break, but remember,
05:45 you can join us on TikTok at Telestudio English,
05:47 where you will find news in different formats, news
05:50 updates, and much more.
05:54 Other stories coming up.
05:56 Stay with us.
06:33 Welcome back from the south.
06:34 At least 30 Palestinians have been
06:35 killed as Israel's genocidal operation against Gaza
06:38 entered its 74th day.
06:40 The occupier carried out new massive airstrikes
06:42 against the cities of Rafah and Can Yunis,
06:44 where 25 fatalities were reported, most of them
06:48 women and children.
06:49 On the other hand, in the area of al-Hasinet,
06:52 in a refugee camp of Nusayrat, five children were killed.
06:55 The number will increase in the coming hours
06:57 when a report from al-Burey camp south of Gaza
07:00 comes in, where the Zionist troops attacked some residents.
07:03 The United Nations Children's Fund
07:09 denounced attacks perpetrated by the occupation forces
07:11 against the largest operating hospital in the Gaza Strip.
07:14 In declarations to the press, the spokesman
07:16 in Geneva of this organization, James Elder,
07:18 denounced that the Al-Nasr Hospital located
07:20 in the city of Can Yunis, south of Gaza,
07:23 was attacked twice in the last 48 hours.
07:26 The official stressed that this hospital treats
07:28 a large number of children injured in previous attacks
07:31 on their homes.
07:32 UNICEF spokesman lamented that Gazan children cannot find
07:35 peace, even in the so-called safe zones,
07:37 properly designated by Tel Aviv as such.
07:42 Elder pointed out that such attacks show, once again,
07:44 that Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place
07:46 in the world for children, a reality that
07:48 is reinforced every day.
07:50 On Tuesday, a story revealed that a large part of the Gaza
07:57 population suffers from severe levels of hunger
07:59 due to the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, which
08:02 includes a policy of total blockade.
08:04 According to the Euromaidan Iranian Human Rights Monitor,
08:07 survey, 98% of those interviewed stated
08:12 that they do not consume enough food.
08:14 According to the survey, 71% of the inhabitants of the area
08:18 suffer from severe levels of hunger and hydration
08:21 as they live on just 1.5 liters of water per day,
08:25 a tiny figure according to international standards,
08:28 while 64% reported that they eat food that
08:30 has expired to meet their needs.
08:31 In Palestine, floods caused by heavy rains
08:38 aggravated the complex humanitarian situation
08:40 in the Gaza Strip, in addition to constant bombardments
08:43 by Israel.
08:44 In turn, human rights organizations
08:46 highlight that tent camps are affected
08:47 by floods caused by heavy rains.
08:49 In this sense, locals exposed that
08:52 due to the climatic situation, several houses were destroyed,
08:56 since many of them were built with wood and plastic sheets
08:59 as improvised shelters in the face of the destruction caused
09:01 by the Israeli bombardments.
09:03 The complicated situation is compounded
09:05 by the increase in cases of infectious diseases
09:08 due to the accumulation of mud and sewage.
09:10 Meanwhile, makeshift centers for displaced persons
09:13 face climatic consequences coupled
09:14 with the scourge of the Tel Aviv regime's troops.
09:16 In Palestine, the Israeli occupation forces
09:23 are destroying Gaza's health system with impunity
09:26 on a daily basis.
09:27 Mohamed Zakud, emergency director
09:29 of Nasser Hospital in Qayounis, one of the areas most besieged
09:32 by the Zionist troops in recent weeks,
09:34 tells us about the daily routine faced by workers and patients.
09:42 As you can see, it is a horrible crime in every way.
09:45 The relative of Donia, a woman sent
09:47 when attacked when her house was destroyed.
09:50 More than 10 people of her family
09:51 were massacred.
09:52 Donia survived because she clung to life.
09:55 She didn't want to die.
09:57 Today, with a bomb thrown directly from a tank,
10:00 she was hit in the head, and her brain
10:02 was splattered on the wall in a horrible crime
10:05 and in front of other children and sick people.
10:08 Next to her were also wounded about five or six children
10:12 and women.
10:13 This bomb went through the wall and hit
10:15 Donia, a 13-year-old girl.
10:19 This morning, the hospital was bombed.
10:20 A sound bomb was also thrown at the tents
10:23 of several displaced people.
10:25 And this is part of the scenario of the occupation army, which
10:28 attacks and abandons houses and hospitals.
10:32 They send people from the north to the south.
10:34 Now the south is also being attacked.
10:37 Even the only hospitals that are left
10:39 are being bombed, like the Nasser Hospital
10:41 and the European Hospital.
10:43 The enemy wants to destroy them.
10:45 And here, we see the killing children
10:47 that are inside this hospital without prior warning
10:50 or the minimum communication.
10:52 That warns that there is danger.
10:54 The attacks started two weeks ago in the north of Can Yunis
10:58 without any warning to the population
11:00 or to the same hospital, to a big--
11:03 the only explanation for these direct attacks
11:05 is that the occupation wants to exterminate all signs of life
11:09 in the Gaza Strip and attack the safe and unsafe hospital,
11:12 although there is nothing safe left in the Gaza Strip.
11:16 It attacks everyone, including children and the elderly,
11:19 in a continuous war crime in the Gaza Strip
11:21 without anyone lifting a finger to stop them.
11:27 President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
11:29 described the Israeli operation in Gaza
11:31 as a fascist massacre and ratifies the Israeli's
11:34 commitment with the US complicity.
11:36 On his speech at the session of the Central Committee
11:39 of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party,
11:40 which is preparing a proposal to hold elections,
11:43 al-Assad made a detailed analysis
11:44 of the situation in Palestine.
11:46 The president referred that, as has happened with Syria,
11:49 Venezuela, or the South China Sea,
11:51 the United States is willing to impose its truth, which
11:54 is always false.
11:55 And he noted that Gaza has shown that technology
11:57 is more pivotal than weapons, and ideology
12:00 is stronger than the cruelty of terrorism,
12:03 pointing out as a crucial triumph the defeat
12:05 that Palestine has given to the Zionist narrative in the world.
12:08 A crucial point in this war is that the international Zionism,
12:16 which has managed to bend the truth of what happened
12:19 in Palestine for seven decades, for the first time,
12:22 it has lost its grip on its foremost stronghold,
12:25 the United States.
12:26 There, US citizens now rise, many doubts
12:29 about the Zionist narratives.
12:32 On Tuesday, the British Royal Navy
12:34 communicated a new incident with one
12:35 of its ships in the Red Sea.
12:37 The fact is confirmed a few hours after the United States
12:39 announced the creation of a task force
12:41 to ensure safe passage in the area.
12:43 The United Kingdom's Maritime Trade and Cooperation Agency
12:45 confirmed the incident 80 nautical miles northeast
12:48 of Djibouti.
12:49 Without providing further details,
12:50 the bureau confirms that it has no further information
12:53 following the event.
12:54 The United Kingdom and other countries
12:56 led by the United States would join the task force.
12:58 The initiative has already been met
13:00 with a response from the government of National
13:02 Salvation in Yemen.
13:02 We have a second short break coming up,
13:09 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:12 for our English-speaking audience,
13:13 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
13:16 and share the link to reach more people.
13:18 For constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
13:21 as well as the rest of the world,
13:22 stay connected and informed with Telesur.
13:25 Final short break.
13:26 Don't go away.
14:00 Welcome back from the south.
14:02 On Tuesday, Argentina's Metrological Service
14:04 issued an alert for extreme heat and a yellow alert for storms
14:07 in some localities of the country.
14:09 The authorities informed that a heat wave of up to 32 degrees
14:12 is expected in the localities of Ujuy and Misiones,
14:15 while the localities of Corrientes, Formosa, Chaco,
14:18 and Neuquén will be affected by rains, electrical activities,
14:21 and possible hail.
14:23 On the other hand, the Metrological Service
14:25 of the country recommended the civil population
14:27 to stay hydrated, avoid physical activities,
14:29 and not to expose themselves to sunlight.
14:31 Severe flooding has hit northwestern Australia
14:38 as a result of the passage of Cyclone Jasper.
14:41 Australian Emergency Management Minister, Moonray Watt,
14:43 reported that at least 150 people were deployed on Monday
14:47 to assist with emergency relief and evacuations
14:49 in several towns that were cut off
14:51 in the far northeast of the country.
14:53 The government sent emergency helicopters
14:55 to evacuate residents of the towns
14:57 between the indigenous community of Ujal, Ujal,
15:00 and the town port of Douglas, north of the city of Cairns,
15:03 which are the areas most affected by the flooding.
15:05 In Iceland, a volcanic eruption began on Monday night
15:14 in the south of the capital of Reykjavik
15:16 following an earthquake storm, Iceland's Meteorological Office
15:19 said.
15:20 The eruption, only three kilometers
15:21 from the evacuated fishing port of Reykjavik
15:24 and the Reykjanes Peninsula, began Monday
15:27 at around 10.17 PM local time after an earthquake
15:30 storm of small tremors, the Icelandic Meteorological Office
15:33 said.
15:34 For weeks, the Nordic country has
15:36 been on high alert for a potential eruption
15:38 at any moment after a period of intense seismic activity
15:42 in the southwest peninsula, which last month prompted
15:45 evacuation orders.
15:46 After weeks of warnings from scientists,
15:48 the authorities built reinforcements
15:49 around the Svartzengi geothermal plant,
15:52 which is just two kilometers from the eruption.
15:55 It supplies electricity and water to 30,000 people
15:57 on the peninsula.
15:58 A powerful earthquake struck a mountainous region
16:05 in northwest China on Tuesday, killing
16:07 127 people in the country's deadliest quake in nine years.
16:11 The 6.2 magnitude quake, which had its epicenter
16:14 about 1,300 kilometers southwest of Beijing,
16:17 also injured more than 700 people,
16:20 damaged roads, and disrupted power and communications
16:22 in the provinces of Gansu and Qinghai, officials said.
16:27 In turn, the Chinese government sent 4,000 firefighters,
16:30 soldiers, and police, went along with emergency teams
16:33 to search for missing people in collapsed buildings
16:35 and at least one landslide in the affected area.
16:38 On Tuesday, prosecutors searched the offices
16:44 of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party
16:47 amid a funding scandal that has prompted
16:49 numerous resignations of ministers and party members.
16:52 After their raid on official buildings,
16:53 the prosecutor's office announced the opening
16:55 of a formal investigation.
16:57 The scandal that has weakened the government
16:59 of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida triggered a crisis
17:01 that forced a government reshuffle.
17:03 The proceedings began shortly after 10 AM local time
17:06 this Tuesday.
17:07 The office of the well-known Sei Waken faction,
17:09 which was led by the late Minister Shinzo Abe,
17:12 was one of the areas inspected.
17:14 This is the first time in 19 years
17:16 that the prosecutor's office has opened such an investigation.
17:19 Images released by the official Korean Central News Agency
17:27 on December 19, 2023, showed the launch of the country's
17:30 most powerful solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic
17:33 missile.
17:34 North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has
17:35 vowed to accelerate his country's nuclear buildup
17:38 and warned Washington against making a wrong decision
17:41 after overseeing the launch of the country's most powerful
17:43 ballistic missile.
17:45 One day's test launch of the solid fuel was on 18,
17:49 came a day after the nuclear-powered submarine
17:50 USS Missouri made port in Busan and followed a US-South Korea
17:55 warning that a nuclear attack by Pyongyang
17:57 would mean the end of the Kim regime.
17:59 Kim said the launch of the missile, capable of reaching
18:02 US shores, was a clear signal to hostile forces
18:05 and showed the country's options should Washington make
18:08 a wrong decision against it.
18:11 Violent fighting in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan,
18:13 over the past 72 hours has caused more than 300,000 people
18:17 to flee the country.
18:18 According to the United Nations Office
18:20 for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
18:21 almost all the refugees in the Wat Madanish camp south
18:25 of the capital have left the area.
18:26 Violent clashes between the Sudanese army
18:28 and parliamentary forces and rapid support forces
18:32 have unleashed terror, according to the International
18:34 Organization for the Protection of Humanity.
18:37 The Sudanese government has also unleashed terror,
18:40 according to the International Organization for Migration.
18:42 These people have set out on foot
18:44 as there is no fuel for any means of transport.
18:47 They are trying to reach Senar State.
18:50 The Sudan director of the Norwegian Refugee Council,
18:52 William Carter, warns that they have very little to survive on.
18:55 German manufacturer BioNTech completed a key step
19:02 in establishing its first vaccine production
19:04 in Africa.
19:06 Rwanda's Kigali has been the producing venue
19:10 of the pharmaceutical company, which makes vaccines
19:12 to immunize people against various diseases in Africa.
19:15 The facility is being built from recycled shipping containers
19:17 and it will be completed by 2024 on 35,000 square meters of land.
19:22 BioNTech is set to start operations by 2025.
19:25 The $150 million project aims at preventing Africa's dependence
19:29 on imported vaccines.
19:31 BioNTech announced to hire about 100 local workers
19:33 by the time the facility be up and running
19:36 and train them in making a host of new vaccines
19:39 using the latest mRNA technology,
19:41 which will be distributed to the 55 members of the African Union.
19:44 We want to contribute to build a sustainable,
19:52 resilient vaccine ecosystem.
19:55 The essence of our contribution here in Africa is clear.
19:59 Potential future vaccines need to be
20:03 produced in Africa for Africa addressing regional needs
20:09 and global standards.
20:12 We have come to the end of this news brief,
20:14 but before saying goodbye, we want
20:15 to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience
20:17 of Trinidad and Tobago.
20:18 We are pleased to share our newscast
20:20 and contribute to provide an alternative news source
20:22 of the latest world events.
20:24 You can find these and many other stories on our website
20:26 at telesolienglish.net.
20:27 You can also join us on our social media
20:29 on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
20:32 For Telesoli English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
20:35 Thank you for watching.
20:43 (upbeat music)
