Candidates Rally Their Base as Time To Build Support Runs Out

  • last year
With election day nearing, Taiwan's presidential hopefuls appeal to their respective bases to make sure they turn out.
00:00 "Thank you for your hard work."
00:02 Supporters bundled up against the cold
00:04 come out to hear presidential candidate Lai Ching-de speak.
00:07 Though much of Taiwan's been shivering,
00:09 the country's election campaign is hotter than ever.
00:12 The atmosphere here in the southern city of Tainan is warm too.
00:16 Lai used to be Tainan's mayor,
00:18 and the city's been a reliable base for his Democratic Progressive Party.
00:22 But all this only matters if people go to the polls.
00:26 That's why Lai's here on this chilly day,
00:28 to rally the base, this time with a promise on education.
00:32 He wants to make high school and vocational school free starting next year.
00:36 And there's more.
00:38 With just 26 days until the election, no one can afford to waste time.
00:54 And Lai's not the only one trying to whip up the base.
00:57 At this event in Taichung,
00:59 Kuomintang candidate Ho You-wee is focused on the most divisive issue
01:02 in Taiwanese politics, China.
01:05 China claims Taiwan and continues to threaten an invasion.
01:09 Ho's Kuomintang wants friendlier ties and greater exchanges,
01:12 including in trade.
01:14 But that's not something everyone can get behind.
01:17 In 2014, students worried about Taiwan's sovereignty
01:20 occupied the legislature to block one pact the party wanted to push through.
01:24 The pact was put on ice.
01:26 But Ho says nearly a decade on, it's time to bring it back.
01:30 And the Taiwan People's Party's Ko Wenjie
01:51 has repeated the mantra that's driven his campaign,
01:54 the most significant third-party challenge in decades.
01:57 He sees Taiwan's highly polarized bipartisan system
02:00 as a problem that only he can do away with.
02:03 It's a message that's won him his own base among the politically disillusioned.
02:07 Taiwan must have a government that cares for the people and the country.
02:14 Not a government that creates divisions and hatred.
02:19 And then shouts slogans and shouts slogans.
02:22 But it doesn't have a government that actually solves Taiwan's problems.
02:26 Two ways or three, though, Taiwan's electoral landscape is deeply split.
02:30 The lines are drawn.
02:32 And now, with just weeks left,
02:34 candidates' focus is on building enough momentum in the base
02:37 to push them across the finish line.
02:39 Ryan Wu and John Ventreest for Taiwan Plus.
