حضارة الإنكا | Inca civilization

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حضارة الإنكا | Inca civilization

في هذا الفيديو الشيق، سنتعمق في عالم حضارة الإنكا الرائعة. ستشهد رحلة استكشافية إلى قلب جبال الأنديز والمملكة الإنكا الذهبية. ستتعرف على قصة هذه الحضارة القديمة وكيف تمكنت من بناء إمبراطورية ضخمة تشمل أراضي تمتد عبر أمريكا الجنوبية. سنتناول أيضًا أسرار البنية التحتية الرائعة للإنكا ومعقوليتها المذهلة. يمكنك استكشاف الثقافة والفن والتكنولوجيا والتقاليد التي جعلت حضارة الإنكا واحدة من أكبر الحضارات في تاريخ العالم. ستنتهي رحلتنا بفهم أعمق لإرث الإنكا وتأثيرها على العالم اليوم. انضم إلينا في هذه الرحلة الساحرة إلى عالم حضارة الإنكا!

In this exciting video, we will delve into the wonderful world of the Inca civilization. You will witness an expedition into the heart of the Andes and the Inca Golden Kingdom. You will learn the story of this ancient civilization and how it was able to build a huge empire that includes lands extending across South America. We'll also delve into the secrets of the Inca's remarkable infrastructure and its astonishing plausibility. You can explore the culture, art, technology and traditions that made the Inca civilization one of the largest civilizations in world history. Our journey will end with a deeper understanding of the Inca legacy and its impact on the world today. Join us on this magical journey into the world of the Inca civilization!
00:00The Inca civilization is one of the ancient
00:10and humiliated civilizations that arose in South America, specifically in areas that today include Peru,
00:17Ecuador, part of Colombia, and northern Chile. The Inca civilization flourished in the period between the
00:2615th and 16th centuries AD and continued until the arrival of the Spaniards in
00:34the 16th century. The Incas were an ancient empire built by peoples. Of
00:41the Native Americans in the South American region, it was the largest empire in
00:48South America in the pre-Columbian era, and it had an ancient civilization.
00:55They built their capital, Cusco, which is an exquisite city full of temples and palaces located at an
01:04altitude of 11 thousand feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains. It was called The Holy City of
01:12the Sun has an area of ​​990,000 square metres.
01:20Here is a comprehensive detail about the Inca civilization. Place
01:28and geography. The Incas originated in the Andes Mountains region in
01:35South America. The Inca lands included the Andes Mountains and neighboring regions such as the
01:43Pacific Coast region and the Amazon. Government
01:48and Society. The Inca Empire was a central empire under the leadership of an emperor.
01:56One, which is the Incas
02:00. The empire was divided into two main regions, the Incas and the Suet, and each region had a
02:10governor. The empire was a hierarchical society with the emperor at the top and the political class, the
02:18priesthood, the army, and the people at the bottom.
02:24The economy The Inca economy depended mainly on farmers, and to achieve
02:32agricultural surpluses, they grew crops such as corn, potatoes, wheat,
02:39and cotton. They had A complex system for distributing resources known
02:46as its name, Worship and Culture. The Incas were a polytheistic religious system
02:53and considered the sun the supreme god. They built their famous temples, such as the Temple of
03:02the Sun in Cusco and the Qori Ksha Temple. They had a writing system written in platy,
03:11and their library depended on writing with geometric symbols and architecture. They built
03:20amazing cities, temples, and buildings using... Stones, bricks
03:27and wood created a complex system for the construction of roads, bridges
03:34and tunnels. They built a complex system of torrents and
03:40agricultural facilities. The Collapse. The Inca civilization ended after the arrival of
03:47the Spanish forces led by Francisco Pizarro to the Inca lands in the
03:54sixth century. The Inca Emperor Ate Walpa was captured in
04:021532, and this contributed to the collapse of the Inca Empire. The Inca civilization is considered one of the greatest
04:12civilizations in the world, thanks to its achievements in architecture, engineering, agriculture, and
04:19religion. It was distinguished by an elaborate social organization, an amazing cultural structure, and an
04:28effective agricultural system. Despite the collapse of the Inca Empire after the Spanish occupation,
04:36traces of this civilization still appear strongly in the areas that were part of it. of
04:44their empire and is an inspiration for archaeological and cultural studies to this
