مصر الصمود | Egypt steadfastness

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مصر الصمود | Egypt steadfastness

استكشف معنا تاريخًا مليئًا بالتحديات والبطولات في فيديو يسلط الضوء على مصر والغزوات التي عاشتها منذ نشأتها القديمة. نأخذك في رحلة زمنية تستعرض المحن والانتصارات التي شكلت حضارة هذا الوطن العظيم. اكتشف تأثير الأحداث التاريخية على تطور مصر وكيف تجاوزت التحديات بفخر وإصرار. انضم إلينا في هذه الرحلة الممتعة لفهم أعماق تاريخ مصر وتأثير الغزوات على تشكيل ملامحها الثقافية والاجتماعية.

Explore with us a history full of challenges and heroism in a video that highlights Egypt and the invasions it has experienced since its ancient origins. We take you on a chronological journey that reviews the trials and victories that shaped the civilization of this great nation. Discover the impact of historical events on Egypt's development and how it overcame challenges with pride and determination. Join us on this enjoyable journey to understand the depths of Egypt’s history and the impact of invasions on shaping its cultural and social features.
00:51history, Egypt has witnessed many invasions and occupations throughout the ages due to its
00:59strategic location and its cultural and economic richness. Here are some of the
01:06main invasions and occupations that Egypt underwent. One was the Hellenistic Greek invasion in
01:14the fourth century BC. Alexander the Great invaded Egypt and founded
01:21Alexandria. The Greeks took over Egypt and their civilization influenced...
01:28The Egyptians Two: The Roman conquest in the first century BC The Romans conquered Egypt and it became
01:36part of the Roman Empire The Roman rule in Egypt continued
01:43until the fifth century AD Three The Islamic conquest in the
01:50seventh century AD The Islamic Arabs invaded Egypt and transferred Islam and Arabic to
01:58the region Egypt was influenced by Islamic culture and religion Four Colonialism The French
02:07and the British in the 19th century. France and Britain occupied Egypt because of its strategic location
02:15and the Suez Canal. British colonialism continued until
02:241952, followed by the French invasion of Cairo in the year 798. Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt in an attempt
02:36to control Egypt and cut off the path of British equals to
02:41India. The Ottoman invasion was defeated by the Ottoman invasion. In the 16th century AD, it remained under the rule
02:51of the Ottoman Empire for a period of time. Seventh Crusade. Egypt witnessed
02:59several Crusades during the Middle Ages, as the Crusaders invaded the region in an attempt
03:07to regain Jerusalem from the hands of the Muslims. Eighth occupation of
03:14the Suez Canal by England and France in 1956. Hussein in the year
03:21[music] 1956 occupied England and France The
03:26Suez Canal After the decision of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser to stop the flow of waves, after the
03:34British, American and Dutch operations overland, Egypt was able to regain control of
03:41the canal after a short period. These are some of the prominent invasions and occupations
03:48that Egypt has experienced throughout the ages. Egypt was greatly affected by these events
03:56and developed as a result. The different influences throughout the ages. Thank you for following this journey with us in
04:05exploring the history of Egypt with the invasions. If you enjoyed the video and would like more
04:10wonderful content about wonderful destinations around the world, do not forget to subscribe to our channel and press
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